Sleeve Palpatine

Sleeve Palpatine

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t. uboat

what was his tax policy?

Impressive sleeves.

why he look so old in II but not III

here you go

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Do Sheev do anything wrong?

Will I ever find a gf?

>Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Frugal?
>I thought not. It's not a story the IRS would tell you. It's a CPA legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Fed so powerful and so Jewish that he could use the Debt to influence the Keyenesians to create...GDP. He had such a knowledge of the Debt Side that he could even keep the economy he cared about from crashing.
>He could countries from depressions?
>The Dark Side of the Debt is a pathway to many tax breaks some consider to be unnatural.
>What happened to him?
>He became so wealthy the only thing he was afraid of was losing his wealth, which eventually of course he did. Unfortunately, he taught his auditor everything he knew, then his auditor bankrupted him in his sleep. It's ironic...he could save others from taxes, but not himself.
>Is it possible to learn this power?
>Not from the IRS.

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>tfw the jedi were just as evil as the sith all along and were righteously destroyed

Thank you, Sheev

>his name is actually Sheev
Lmao I’d become a Sith too if my parents gave me a shitty name like that.

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Should I kill my mother and eat her face?

Can I be the Senate?

Thank you, Sheev

Will I win the lottery?

Will I get to fuck Darth Rey?

sneed palpatine

will i ever get my shit together and get buff


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Friendly reminder that Star Wars prequel memes are literally R*ddit. Anyone who partakes in this shitty shitposting are newfags Berniefags from 2016 and should stay the hell away from my serious television and film discussion board. Go back to pl*bshit dot com and stay the fuck there you pieces of shit

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Formerly darth sidious

Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?

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Will I ever stop drinking?

Thank you, Sheev.

Will I get a gf this year?

Will Disney ever wise up and start a Palpatino’s Pizzeria chain?

Will I get to fuck Rey?

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Will gamers finally rise up?


Was Thanos a virgin?

>I will make it legal

Based Sheev knows what's up.

Imagine being this reddit, fuck off back to /pol/ election migrant

Will I get some pussy before the end of the year? This dry spell is killing me, Sheev.

Will I have a job by the end of my film and photography course?


You're giving some pretty positive answers ITT, Sheev. You're lying to us, aren't you?

A new hero appears!


Will I get laid tomorrow?

Holy basado thank you supreme chancellor sheev!

Will Trump win in 2020?

Will Star Wars ever be good again?

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Sheev confirms trannies will seethe when Trump wins again

Will I acquire le GF?

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Will I get a qt imperial gf?

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Will I ever have sex?

Sheev, will I ever get a gf?

66 for Sheev

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Are you gay?


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Is there a possibility we will ever get a good version of the prequels?

Perhaps he's wondering why someone would electrocute a man, before throwing him out of a window

Sheev, will I ever marry and proceed to keep fucking 24/7 Darth Talon?

Peace is a lie. There is only passion.

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I mean...thank you my Emperor.

>Order 66 dubs

can I get some sweet cunny?


Will my first novel become a success?

Will I win the lottery?

Okay, what about the lottery after that?

Will I finally have sex?

What about the lottery after the first two lotteries?


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Sorry loser, I already won it’s my destiny.

Will I ever make it?


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will I ever have sex?


It’s simple, we bill The Batman

What about after I die?

Shit AIDS Will kill me

Fucking based.

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Muslim confirmed.
Consider changing your religion.


Will my game come out?

Well I succeed?

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will my twink ex ever speak to me again?

>both dubs were 66
A truly blessed thread.

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Yes, master. I will succeed.

Jesus user leave some for the rest of us

Ay Tone, if the Holocaust actually happened then why does the thumbnail make it look like I'm in the Geonosis Arena from Attack of the Clones?

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he's 22 so he's only got 3 more years tops of being a twink, got to get as much out of him as possible

In the name of Emperor Palpatine:
What the fuck is going on here? This is concerning.

I though we were over this.

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i think he was talking about the get you fucking faggot

ok sorry nigger

The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be based and redpilled

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Will I ever actually be happy?

Will I use my meiki aika tonight?


your digits betray you

Unironically one of the greatest movie villains ever

the spread of taxposting continues.

Any tips on where my career is headed after uni?

If I offer her the D will she accept it?

I understand.

Should I become gay?

how do i fix the worlđ

I'm going to kill everyone in this thread.

only redeeming star wars story this decade

I-I take it back. I don't actually want to go through with it.

You know what to do user

It's alright, it will be legal

Execute it

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sneed palpatine

sheevs sleeve and feed, formerly Sneeds

Someone linked this thread in your discord I see

are you sure about it?

No im not zach, i don't use spicscord

Should i kill myself

fuck, then I'll give it a go, you better not be fucking with me


the fuck is that supposed to mean? should I go for it?

Will she take the D?

You have a problem with spics pendejo? I cut your throat cabron!

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would I have sex this year?

reroll mother fucker

Will I ever marry her?

Will i ever go back with my ex?

I am happy with this answer

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should i quit my job?


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Will Star Wars finally end?

will i die someday?


Is it worth it

Am I the true Apprentice, my Master?

sneed or not
i mean sleep

Sheev will i get a qt gf

Tell me about Bane. Why does he wear the mask?

Gym before the tournament?

how does Sheev feel about spice and other drugs?

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was the holocaust real?

the Armenian holocaust, of course

will i finish college

is it worth it

Thank you, Sheev

Im disappointed my Darth Plagueis taxpost didn't induce any other people to make other star wars taxposts

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Will I ever have sex?

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They literally started here and evolved from Sheevposting.