So JJ is ripping off the prequels now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

if it were Lucas doing this it'd be labelled "muh epic pottery"

Dilate seething Disney tranny

Show me one scene in the PT that ripped off the OT as shamelessly and obviously as the entire NuWars basedlogy.
>It's salt! It's a salt planet!

No, the Mustafar duel actually helps sells toys.

i'm a straight white male. cope.

Sure thing tranny

wanna see my fat cock?

no, you see, the lava is water now

That's a really bad shoop. Like, really. Did you actually have to copy/paste the platform from the right screenshot onto a screenshot of Mustafar? You could've at least tried to disguise the details.

As much as Disney are creatively bankrupt, this is true.

Please. Here is mine

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Trips confirm

does anyone actually think the ssequels are any good? theyre embarrassing and bad, soulless one might say


>teaser has unfinished parts that will be completely different in the final product


one side dark, the other light


OP is faggot

does anyone actually think the prequels are any good? theyre embarrassing and bad

One day you'll see, my young Padawan.

The ripoffs in the PT are constant and insufferable and you are full of shit. There's a scene in Attack Of The Clones where C-3PO is dismantled and has to be carried around by R2D2 and it's IDENTICAL to Empire. It concludes with a shot of a robot hand just like Empire, it even has Padme dressed like Leia was at the end.

This. It's just like that ring theory bullshit. Now the same people that justified Lucas' creative bankruptcy are shitting on Disney for the same reason while not having any grasp of the irony at all.

>one day you'll suffer a traumatic brain injury and then you'll think the prequels are good
Fingers crossed

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none of the star wars films are good, they're all toy commercials. You just need to grow up.

What's wrong with that?

Um are you fucking retarded? R2 never carried 3PO in Empire, that was Chewie you fucking moron, and a few visual references that are actually integral to the plot are a lot different than THE ENTIRE FUCKING PLOT or pulling a death star out of your ass.

You need a Please Be Patient, I Have Autismshirt that you are required to wear at all times.

What's funny is that they've pandered all they can to the OT fags, and now they want the PT fag money, hence the Darth Maul saber.

>it'd be labeled epic pottery
what the fuck are you talking about? The entire existence of that meme is making fun of his defense of it. The only person unironically saying "poetry" was Lucas.

Ah, so because a different character was carrying him around, that means it's okay to carbon copy the exact same beat from a previous movie? You are so disingenuous in your defense of the prequels.

It was all stolen from the old serials and samurai movies George Lucas watched as a kid anyway.

I’m sorry that’s too complex for our viewers. Can you have an extra taste it and declare “It’s water” on screen?

stairs clipping into place is the 2nd most obvious after the entire fucking thing looking fake

>what the fuck are you talking about?
user, how new are you to the Star Wars discussion? while the last portion of your post may have been true for internet culture at first, the "poetry" argument is now being used in a very unironic manner by those who seek to defend the creative bankruptcy on display in the prequels. i'd recommend not taking on a condescending tone when you clearly have no idea what you're talking about.

You're fucking right they do.

>Ah, so because it was different, that means it's okay to say it's different?! AHA!
Flaming dipshit. "Carbon copy exact same beat" is not what happened. Shut the fuck up calling me disingenuous when you flat out fucking lie for the entire thread to see.
Choke on my cock more please, thank you.

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Isn't this an actual set though? I remember seeing a video of them filming scenes in the PT and was blown away that it was 100% CGI sets. I dunno how they took real sets and made them look like awful CGI. It's talented in the entirely the wrong kind of way.

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>Brainlets still think it's "stolen"

I havent watched star wars movies since 5 years ago, take your own advice

>What's wrong with that?
The MS Paint background clipping into place for a start

>hurr durr if you don't hate the prequels uyou have autism
Fuck off.

It's a metaphor.

not that user but it's about as far removed from the OT scene in question as the Kylo vs. Rey scene is from Anakin vs. Obi-wan battle. shame your anti-nuwars bias has blinded you to that. an even bigger shame that you've let a company you hate get such a foothold in your life that you'll so clearly rage in an online discussion about them, even when you're wrong. take a step back and worry about the things in your life that should be of importance instead my dude lol

It is an actual set.


Where the fuck are they getting the resources for all this military equipment? This shit pisses me off so fucking much. It doesn't make any sense and you already know that 80% of this fleet is going to be destroyed by one bomb or something.

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>my dude hurr I'm so cool not that user but check it my dude like you care too much my dude and bias my dude hurr
>anti-nuwars bias
Jesus Christ faggot stop, my dick can only choke you so much.

A song of Ice and Fire. BRAVO

It's apparently some hidden fleet that the Empire had for some reason. The First Order or whatever the fuck got hold it

Uh yeah that ROTS shot is shopped.

Sounds like they're taking the concept of the Katana fleet from Dark Force Rising. Only that wasn't just a random fleet of Star Destroyers hidden away by the Empire for some reason. They were a much older fleet from before the Clone Wars there were fitted with some new hyperdrive tech which malfunctioned and sent the entire fleet off to some unknown part of the galaxy, never to be seen again.

Wasn't that a plot point in the Thrawn trilogy?Like there was this fleet of Olds republic ships lost in space or something like that. that the bad guys wanted to get their hands on?

>Two characters fighting on a cliff was invented by ROTS

>that the bad guys wanted to get their hands on?

>bad guys

The Empire did nothing wrong.

>Kylo vs. Rey image is literally sitting right there, right beside Anakin vs. Obi-wan, and it looks identical except for the characters and water. IDENTICAL.
The ENTIRE NU WARS TRILOGY so far has been a COMPLETE rehash of the OT, including:
>a death star for no reason
>a trench run
>a desert planet with a prodigious force-sensitive orphan who wears the exact same outfit and has the same speeder (only turned on its side!)
>a runaway droid with stolen information being pursued by the Emp- uh First Order
>the Millennium Falcon narrowly evading TIE fighters
>a wise little goofy alien that reveals secrets of the MC's past
>a forest planet
>an ice- er, salt planet
>a masked Sith apprentice connected to the Skywalker family, led by a mysterious Emperor-figure
>AT-AT-er, AT-M6 walkers, and the list goes on and on and on.

Literally the only original things were the casino planet and blue titty milk. The entire series is a complete blatant rip off, and you're actually trying to claim with a straight face that the prequels were just as much of a rip off of the OT?

Please claim that again and tell me how wrong I am because Padme wears a white outfit and 3PO gets taken apart, I want to laugh harder.

The Casino planet was as close as they could get to Cloud City without being obvious.

imagine being this mad. truth hurts, eh? either way we both know there's nothing to choke on, so simmer down already.
muh pottery

Notice how he no longer replies because he knows he's been fuckin' schooled

Samefag, you don't lose an argument that badly and then go "look he didn't reply!" I blew you the fuck out so exhaustively, YOU are the one that needs to respond, and you don't. You didn't say shit other than to piss yourself like the dickless fucking queer you are.

1/10 bait.

based schizo poster. nothing you've posted warrants a reply. both PT and ST alike "borrow" from the OT extensively. anyone who has no care or concern for Disney and/or Lucas will tell you that. you're just being selective in what you see because tearing apart the PT has fallen to the wayside in favor of doing so for the ST. keep thinking you've "blown me the fuck out", which sounds rather gay if you ask me, while myself and everyone else reading your cherrypicking nonsense laughs at it for the nonsense it is.

>Cursing like a petulant child in lieu of making any actual point

user I think even you know that you're embarrassing yourself. If you had any conviction in what you're saying you'd do it without the fluff.

no no, its "paying homage"
totally different, goy

It was an actual set for III, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was all CG/miniature in II. Attack of the Clones seems to be the one with the most CGI, maybe they learned their lesson a little bit and realised you need to build some actual sets.

>epic pottery
it was's actually the exact same platform

Kill yourself fag

>It's poetry
>not rehashing the same ideas over and over
k e k

It's literally from the time travel back to the battle of Jakku.

but user, the micrococked poster who keeps telling everyone to choke on his junk said R2 didn't drag 3-P0's parts around in ESB!

That's because George is actually a good director while JJ is some cuck who loves leftist faggotry

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I do

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>"muh epic pottery"
but it would be his

are you a qt like your pic or are you another of the many faggots ITT

oh how the times have changed

Are you seriously arguing that fighting on a water planet is too similar to fighting on a lava planet, but it's completely different when R2 carries around a dismantled 3po than when chewie does it?

It's going to be such a glorious, unmitigated disaster. I honestly can't wait.

you realize George Lucas is one of the most left leaning directors out there, right? you flyover retard?

>if it were Lucas doing this
>The ripoffs in the PT

You can't rip off yourself, dummy.

have sex

And you still say nothing, fucking pussy.
BTFO again lol.

>sounds rather gay
reddit fucking leave and don't come back

>most left leaning directors out there

Not anymore. At least Lucas never called his audience "literally Hitler" for not liking the prequels. Today's SJW Disney does it every day.

Yeah, it's a real set. Lucas transcended to a level that I don't think has been seen since. He was so bad that he managed to make real sets looked like shitty cgi. Truly, he is one of a kind.

>Disney acknowledges that Last Jedi is a massive failure
>second trailer is all about OT and PT, with just a few seconds for the last sequel movie
>everything is ripping off shit from the OT and PT
>its just bait to lure all the disenfranchised OT and PT fans back in

way to reveal you know nothing about the man, you'd be seeing just as much from him if he was still making things in the current age

i'm loving the inability to make actual arguments you anons seem to be struggling with. seems infantile insults, strawmen, and the reddit bogeyman are all easier than actually proving someone wrong. shame.

>You can't rip off yourself, dummy.
you can if you're creatively bankrupt.
make an argument.
ah yes, keep tapping into that wellspring of anger and hatred user. proving my point for me, no effort required on my part. while you're at it, check for some examples of pottery that you claim weren't in the PT. R2 dragging C3-PO around, namely. so long as you're in denial about the nature of the PT i have nothing else to say, so here's where you come in and curse me out or claim you've BTFO'd me again while failing to acknowledge the fact that you're in denial.
you seem to be a lot more concerned with reddit than i, maybe that's where you belong.

>Floor popping into place.
>Doorway painted on.
Ohhh nooo.

>We could have had this

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JJ's entire career is ripped off. It's essentially:

>Hey, what if I just pretended to be Spielberg, but with zero the creativity, passion, or vision?

He's a corporate hack, a fucking choke artist who's never successfully brought an audience to climax in the entirety of his vastly overrated career.

Half these scenes are fucking retarded and reaching. Keep lying all you want, it just makes you look even more fucking retarded.
>An escape pod!
Woah maybe because its the same universe, context and everything else, even the shot, were completely different. If that were in NuWars, it would've been the exact same shot of the pod separating from the ship.
>Leia walking with stormtroopers
>Padme walking with stupid aliens and a whole group of others behind her?
Are you fucking stupid? This shit does not look anything alike other than two groups of people walking. Fucking fake garbage.
>Anakin standing before Jedi council, Vader standing by Tarkin in Death Star war room.
Again, fucking stupid as fuck, FAKE AS FUCK. Entirely different with the only similarity being a fucking round room. Pathetic as fuck.
>Luke's landspeeder, Anakin on speeder bike
Even the shots look TOTALLY FUCKING DIFFERENT. Luke's shit is during the bright ass day and a straight plain panning side shot while Anakin is during some emo sunset with a revolving shot meant to be dramatic as fuck. You are seriously a fucking retard if you think this makes it a direct rip-off, ESPECIALLY with Rey's fucking speeder in TFA looking almost exactly like Luke's but turned on its side. HAHAHAHA FUCKING MORONS!
>Obi-wan scene in bar
Obvious reference is meant to be a reference, fucking braindead idiots.
>R2-D2 puts thing into plug
Woah man, certainly he wouldn't use that tool more than once! Must be ripping off the OT and pandering to nostalgia!! Do you see how fucking stupid you look now, fucking morons?


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It's bothering me no end, what is this referencing? I'm sure I recognise the rows of parallel vehicles spreading away from the vanishing point, but I'm buggered if I can remember what.

>Anakin and Luke both use a grappling hook
Wow it's almost like they wanted to reference that LUKE IS HIS FUCKING SON RETARDS
>Maul stabbing Qui-Gon is the same as Vader cutting through old Obi-wan's cloak
Fucking idiotic, not the same at any level, at all, narratively or cinematically. Stupid. As. FUCK.
>Padme talking to young Anakin = Leia comforting Luke at the holotable
Two characters talking, must be a complete copy!
>R2 using fire extinguisher
Again, he only gets to use that very useful tool once! It's not like repairing shit is his entire fucking FUNCTION IN THE FILMS
>Trade Federation ship exploding = Death Star exploding
I guess when any big ship explodes in Star Wars, it will be compared forever to the Death Star. Must be a complete rip-off because they both exploded in space!
>Award ceremony
Hey they had one of those in A New Hope! It's unrealistic they would have another one after a major, heroic battle where good people died! What a rip off!!!
>Similar camera shots
Wow it's almost like the same director made these films!
>More R2 tool use

I could go on and on but I'm honestly tired of BTFO'ing you so damned hard that you have to post this fucking LAUGHABLE JOKE of a video because you can't make an actual argument. But I'll do it one last time, for old time's sake!

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are you really all that surprised? user has had specific examples outlined for him, even a video that shows examples of this poetry in action (though i will admit that some things in that user's vid are a stretch), and he still denies its presence. if he's not in denial, and just genuinely believes it isn't there, he's even more vacuous than i originally thought, and that says a lot. even funnier that he claims everyone else is assblasted, while we've been replying to him in a calm collected manner, and he's been raving like an infuriated mongoloid. user clearly has some problems.

these are no closer than the ones you tried to refute in the other user's video, you silly shitposter.

>Rip off RotJ in plot
>Rip off the best SW movie, RotS in cinematography
>Retarded fans goble it up
+1 Billion Dollars

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Man, the level of denial on display here is truly sad. Stop embarrassing yourself user, I'm tired of cringing for you.

As a HUGE starwars fan. The orignal movies have not aged well. Almost all of the acting is stale or just plain bad. But since there old the effects edits etc etc are also bad. The prequels have that same stale acting but some are slightly better like obi-wan and palps. But that is all thanks to georges directing.

The new movies have FANTASTIC acting, the best special effects, and continues the SAME story line its been telling. This is a 9 movie saga. It ends here.

Using old clips is the same they did with endgame. Its a way of story telling showing us this is THE end.

I actually laughed out loud when the trailer got to this sequence.

Disney is a multi billion dollar machine and this is the very best they can do. Just fucking copy pasting shit from a very poorly received film made 15 years ago.

It's shopped you faggot

>the best SW movie, RotS

I'm a qt boi actually

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Now we just need a green one for the full mass effect experience.

its a completely original design

Cringe, Reddit spacing, etc

Thank you all for witnessing my epic victory over the fucking moronic shills in this thread. OP is right, and now Disney and JJ want to pander to your prequel trilogy nostalgia because it's cool to like the prequels again now that their new movies are so, so fucking embarrassing that Lucas's worst seem like masterpieces.

Enjoy witnessing the final, greatest nostalgia-pandering rip-off of this flaming, disease-ridden corpse of a once-great series. This is truly a landmark moment in the history of cinema.

Attached: quigonBUFF.jpg (715x538, 46K)

I'm objectively right, and there's a difference between referencing your own movies while telling a prequel and blatantly re-telling the movies in almost their shot-for-shot entirety. I'm right, you're fucking wrong, and I proved it over and over while you did nothing but post one faggoty, fake, and forced youtube video that was also BTFO.

>Oh no imagine if disney pull a Kylo i am you cousin/sister shit and them he turns good exactly like the OP trilogy but this time with a good ending, this will be the good reboot LMAO.

>>Rip off the best SW movie, RotS

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I love the fact that on Yea Forums someone can post an image of a sketchy looking guy filling up his car in the middle of the night at some gas station and someone can reply with a paragraph of racial internal monologue followed by a non-sequitur that is a bland truism and as a result it spawns a whole bunch of hilarious literary analysis of the guy, his life and the story........................

But Disney has billions of dollars, access to whatever resources it needs and control over the biggest Hollywood IP of all time, something actually dramatically shaped the way cinema functions globally and was once close to universally adored and the best they can do is fucking copy paste scenes and snippets from the very poorly reviewed prequel trilogy.

They even have to pack their trailer with scenes from the original trilogy just to convince people not to hate it right off the bat.

Stop telling them what you want

>Thank you all for witnessing my epic victory
sure, if by epic (why is this word still in your vocab you child) victory you mean monumental displays of denial, over-exaggerated and childlike displays of aggression when being proven wrong, and schizo-esque delusions. then sure, absolutely. everyone has been against your nonsensical tirade, there's no saving face. step away from the computer before you have an aneurysm lol

Just imagine being this deluded. Take your meds user, you're clearly in need.

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Wouldn't the onions guy be praising ROTS because he's a retarded faggot who worships Star Wars, no matter how shitty it is?

>Reddit poster pleads with his conqueror to stop the anal destruction
All you have to do is stop lying. It's very clear that I won the argument. Just watch our two videos side-by-side and try and reach that long neglected part of your brain that controls honesty. You will see that I am clearly right, and the Nu-trilogy is a complete rip-off of the OT with a few new characters, while the prequels were an entirely new story that had some references and throwbacks, many of which were directly related to the story and not forced shit like desert orphans, stolen data in a robot, and impossible giant death stars out of nowhere. These are very important differences, and the facts agree with me so I'm sorry about that.
I've actually never seen it as clearly as I do now, despite knowing it to be true since NuWars was released. Thank you for showing me just how original the PT managed to be, and just how fucking pathetic of a sad SJW-fied rehash basedwars actually is.

One motherfucker did this in a franchise over at Universal. He lift too much and rippen out that set around him. I guess it fling him about a block away before he landed in somebody's soundstage.

They still use the same set, but there's a huge duct tapped patch over one of those triangles in the ceiling.

you're mentally ill user, seek help.

Thank you for finally conceding defeat like a man. Good day to you, sir.

If you truly thought that you were right you wouldn't keep typing long-winded, nonsensical posts convincing yourself of that. Just give up dude, you're a joke LMFAO

whatever helps you sleep at night, deluded schizo poster.

finna explode cuz he BOILING lmao

its an actual set, people are having a psychosis, alternatively jpeg artifacts are spooking you

Totally got me, wow. How will I possibly win against such intellect?

he's come so close to stroking out that he's making up "conceding defeat" so he can bow out with what little dignity he has left.
you've already proven that you can't, time and time again. you're merely the court jester at this point lol

I hope yoos put a tent up boy cuz u FUMING outta here lmao

Because he created it?

did he also create creative bankruptcy?

post it nigger

Creative bankruptcy is lifting shit and using it in scenes with no thematic resonance. That's what JJ's doing. The fight between Kenobi and Anakin had been building for an entire trilogy. We watch these two friends, student and teacher, face off against one another as the culmination of a story that's a tragedy in three parts.

JJ had Rey beat Kylo in the first fucking movie. After two movies, you can still count on one hand the times they've shared scenes. Where's the dramatic tension to make his garbage resonate with that?

he had darth vader quoting george w. bush for god's sake

>you can still count on one hand the times they've shared scenes
More than Luke and Vader did in the OT. What a stupid metric.

Calling it now. They are gonna play this during this scene:

Yeah, except they're not lifting from their fight, are they, dipshit. Hence why I pointed out the braindead, creatively bankrupt reasoning behind calling back to something that doesn't apply on any thematic level. If anything, referencing the Luke/Vader fight would have made more sense.

this guy has no artistic ability. everything he does is kitsch.

>poetry used unironically

They have so little to contribute that the latest teaser trailer was 80% OT content with swelling music to get the nostalgia flowing before they showed a few seconds of uninspired drivel focused around characters nobody gives a single shit about.

>blue titty milk

All milk is titty milk

I just checked my BD rips and it looks just as bad.

How much you wanna bet JJ makes the FO completely and jarringly inept the last third of the film?

He's ripping off Dark Empire and the Thrawn trilogy from the old EU.

>Where the fuck are they getting the resources for all this military equipment?
the Empire was NOT DEFEATED in VI they are still a very powerful force.

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the younglings doing Obi-Wans laser shield drone training exercise

Not that guy but what's wrong with that? Seems like a basic training exercise any Jedi can do.

not him but if so you need to post fat cock
and boipucci

Katana Fleet.


The difference is that art doesn't sell. It's similar as with food, you dont make the big money with an haute cuisine luxury restaurant you make it with McDonald's. If the management board of McDonald's would like to build up luxury restaurants they could, but they don't because it doesn't appeal to the masses. Common denominator plus avoiding any risk leads to these soulless rehashes. Wont change until people stop consuming it.

based /x/ rippen poster

the heroes will set off some kinda chain reaction completely wiping out teh bad guys

It was a real set for phantom menace. They didn't have the budget to keep them and rather than having them rebuilt, they just took pictures of them to use with greenscreening later.

>They didn't have the budget to keep them and rather than having them rebuilt,
That fails to explain some screenshots of RotS production.

Stop talking out of your ass. This was a set throughout the entire trilogy. However, THAT one scene was a reshoot after the set was dismantled. Literally watch the entire scene and not just one edited down webm and you would know the difference.