Wageslavery in tv and films


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I'd rather slave away to two other things

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Propaganda to make wageniggers content with their lives

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Why don't wagies just kill themselves?

her tits?

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>inb4 someone posts angela white

then who would make my mc chiken?


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>premise is they have to get a job lol
>literally neither of them would ever need a job
not sure i get american "humor" if im honest.

Too big, too pale.

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Man there has been some serious pushing of this show and Kat Dennings particularly lately. What gives? It’s more than the usual amount of breast worship.

>white slut servants with a big black spade on the wall.
These interracial breeding grounds look great!

It's never really left but I think part of it has to do with her being back into marvel, Ain't complaining as long as namefags dont ruin the thread

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shills, but i don't mind because i love pale big breasted jewesses

Something for er'body

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Easy mode and Hardcore mode

why didn't they just go to college and get a good degree?

with those mouths they could have made a decent living giving head

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The one on the left has massive tits.


>2 girls working in a shitty cafe can afford a luxury apartment in New York

ok but what about lovely lilith

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Lol even my ass is bigger.

I want a 30+ overweight woman with udders RIGHT FUCKING NOW!

never got this comparison, Beth's ass is nice but I think Kat has a better one too

Just downloaded this, what am I in for?

What's there to discuss? We only watch it for the tits.

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she cute

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>those huge tit stretch marks

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Honestly, I thought the show had potential. Being a wageslave is theoretically kinda funny, and I wouldn't mind watching two girls make a go at it.

Like if someone made a show about 3 guys working at a gass station, or some other dead-beat job it could potentially be hilarious but the comedy needs to arise from the how poor they are and nothing else. Which could be incredibly difficult if they want more than 1-3 seasons.

>Two watches
Why? Did she stole one?

Heh, I read the title as two blacked girls first. I already knew about the show as well. Wish they would get blacked tho senpai.

How does the porn actress have smaller boobs than the original!?

I was so fucking happy when I finally saw her nudes. I can die happy and they are just as good as I thought.

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>too pale.
No such thing. Love pale.

nigger detected

her nudes came out at like the beginning of her career, what were you waiting for?



This is where I found it

Nothing lovely about that cow

kat dennings alone will ensure the survival of the jewish race, i cannot kill the genes that produces her

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What are you talking about? It was just this year? Are there more?

talking about kat or beth? Kats are like 10 years old

>tfw no hermit fat cake gf that likes to do mommy roleplay

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