>Mexico is culturally irrelevant again
Mexico is culturally irrelevant again
what do you mean again? last they were relevant was when dey was mayans n shit sacrificing people in the 10's of thousands just because.
does mexico produce any intellectuals? or just futbol, boxers, cartels, and ass shaking dancers and weather ladies? spanish countries in general seem devoid of any real thinkers
>canelo is mexican when he performs badly
>canelo is irish when he gives a good performance
Do you expect these retards to know the difference between a nation and a racial group?
I can't name a single thing Sweden does other than make shitty chink furniture with Ikea. Fuck outta here Sven
any wheel,tire in anything all over the world works on swedish tech. nice try amerifat. world literally rolls on because of swedish tech. look it up fat boi
You have to go back
>sacs 10k virgins for good luck
Immigrant problems, same thing happens to african/arab footballers
>it's yet another mexico hate thread
>any wheel,tire in anything all over the world works on swedish tech
Tires were invented by a Scot
At least you can see the true enemies by looking at the flags.
just become a real nation and stop being a narco state and these threads will not happen. easy, just become civilized
ball bearing tech is entirely swedish invented and all. so if you have any wheel in your house, might be in your dishwasher, washing machine and so on you are working on swedish tech. so seethe on fat man
But there simply cannot be enough
Jealousy, just be happy mexibro
>so if you have any wheel in your house
The wheel was invented by Mesopotamians
Anyway, shall we talk about Sweden's problems? Isn't it the rape capital of the world? Aren't muslim/black immigrants taking all your women as you stand by idly drinking your onions? Mexicans might be retarded, and even come from a third world country. But at least they aren't eternally cucked by Tyrone. You should take norway's advice, bro!
ball bearings you fat tard. any monkey can invent the wheel, takes the sharp mind of a real swede to invent the ball bearing.
Mexico is a plastic masonic country that chokes and fails just like plastic oil clubs fail and choke
sweden is a protectorate state in the american empire. so any fugee problem we have is thanks to you.
>blames it one someone else
This is why you're never gonna make it in life, Sven. Take responsibility, take control of your women, remove the black penis from your ass, and maybe there's hope for you.
sweden is 10 mil, america is 350.
>blame someone else brah
yeah you are the empire of today and hopefully pax americana will end soon
This. Also Pewdiepie and Minecraft
>ball bearings
Invented by a Welsh man. Just stop you’re an embarrassment
zipper is a swedish invention. can't live without zipper can you?
look up the ball bearing tech you are using right now, it's not welsh. most likely its skf made
egyptbro is based
I love Minecraft. Why does Sweden hates me? Fuck you, man.
We made earthquake-resistant buildings, we invented the pill, I think color TV and some other crap, not to mention we have one of the most iconic cultures out there, don't know any swedish food other than swedish meatballs from fucking Ikea, literally irrelevant country mogged by many other european countries
it's the same one autistic swede that shits up the board, he's also a cuck
a swede unironically invented color tv. fucking kek mexicant
color tv is swedish.
Don't be mean to forsen, he streams 6 hours a day
>we invented the pill
*shoots you*
how's the inflation going there? that started 30 years ago. argentina is a 3rd world nation
>we invented the pill
Eh, still something. We are doing pretty alright anyway, don't fall for the media fearmongering and stop watching so many narco movies
>everything is fine here boss
>dies in massacre
The colored tv was invented by a Scot
nope it was not, rgb was invented by a swede.
Mexico realmente tiene un problema con los narcos though
Necesitáis un caudillo de descendencia española que extermine a los cárteles incurriendo en violaciones de derechos humanos.
>A demonstration of mechanically scanned color television was given by John Logie Baird in 1928
>In August 1944, Baird gave the world's first demonstration of a practical fully electronic color television display.
You’re an idiot. en.wikipedia.org
>Es muy simple maten a los carteles y ya
Manolo ... necesitas matar a la misma CIA
you are wrong. look at the patent you dumb shit swede owns it. scots are stupid and dumb and only invented haggis because they were starving.
Mata a la CIA
You need to go back
Descuartiza y arrancale los corazones a los glowniggers
Manda mas mexicanos a los Estados Podridos
I wish
He’s not wrong
Nigga there is a shit load of Spaniards moving to Mexico.
Suck my dick faggot
damn I wonder who caused mexico to become so shit
>average height mexican males 172
a fucking 120 million manlets. AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Tetrapack my guy
Unironically anglos, brits first in 19th century and then you in 20th century
Glowing in the dark CIA niggers
>Doesn't rate Chespirito