Now that the radiation has settled can we agree this was the best show of the year?

Now that the radiation has settled can we agree this was the best show of the year?

Attached: cxoo9shx6np7nxge4iuv.jpg (750x445, 35K)

Yes, there isn't even a competition

>Now that the radiation has settled
It won't settle for 10 000 years

maybe if you're an easily impressed redditor

Yes, absolutely.

Name a better show, then.

Sure, I really hope we'll see more cold war kinos in the future

flavor of the month propaganda shit, already forgotten

This is a joke, right?

It’s the Bloodborne of Yea Forums in every sense of the comparison. The truth to this is as deep as you want it to be.

1)We already have a thread for this.
2)Stop namefagging.

>propaganda shit

>Now that the radiation has settled
Wasn't there another radiation-related incident in Russia like a week ago

No it was a hugely inaccurate ham fisted fraudulent production.

Don't compare Bloodborne to this piece of shit. Episode 1 was decent, after that it was garbage

Hmm now what does that say about Bloodborne I wonder?

slavaboos are here


too old to die young is

Strange things, s3.

big bang theory

Objectively yes, disney+ shills can fuck off

No, the ending was shit.

>supposed to be based on reality
>the female character was completely made up and is the one who pushed for diversity and "being the good guys" against the goverment

The propaganda being that nuclear reactors are actually fucking based unless the guys operating them are at risk of getting sent to the gulag?

Fleabag season 2 was fantastic, i'd put them on the same level. Completely different shows though


Why are you feeding (you)s to disneyshills triggered because nothing disney+ will ever make will be half as good as Chernobyl? They get paid by the (you)s they get you know?

Do you not remember at the end how they said they made up the character to represent the heart/conscience of all the scientists that were consulted?
She is the worst part of the show, but she’s not horribly distracting. The other scenes and her getting what’s coming to her for opening her mouth make up for her bullshit, especially in the first episode.

Because they made up bullshit for the show. The real accident was bad enough, making shit up was retarded.

Only Legion and “The Boys” are even worth mentioning in the same sentence.

They’re paid by the (you), I thought it was per post. Oh shit, that’s a good strategy on their part.

Big yikes from me dawg

Doesn't say anything because it isn't even comparable to Chernobyl in any way

Besides the stonk female character who don’t need no man what did they make up?

The helicopter and the death ray, the KGB bullshit, the teleports to Moscow, the megagigaton explosion thet will destroy Europe. And this just in the first 2 episodes

You can see the helicopter hit cables, people just assume it was destroyed by the radiation. The megaton blast was just a theory they had, wasn’t it? That was all made up?

The flashlight scene, the water was pumped out.

The helicopter crashed late in the drops, not the first helicopter.

Au contraire, mon frere. It's very very comparable. And not just about the product itself, but also the fanbase surrounding it.

You seem to have the autism, son. Take care and have sex

Why are people confusing this with a documentary

this man fucks
check em

Attached: checkem.jpg (960x703, 61K)

>the megagigaton explosion thet will destroy Europe
They never said it was some sort of super nuke retard they said it would’ve resulted in another steam explosion had the lava like melted core made contact with the ground water destroying the other reactors and rendering Europe uninhabitable due to the released radiation. That was completely true

*snap* this one's going to my incel compilation

Ah, ok. Well I assumed things would be dramatized, not an exact re-enactment. It was a drama, not a documentary. I do understand why it would put you off though.

Yeah but don't visit the generals, they have been ruined by discord gays.

>imagine being so buttblasted ruski propagandist that you post on Yea Forums
vatnik go to yandex and stay there

Perpetual Grace Ltd.

incredibly based

They tweaked many of the details to emphasize
>gommunism bad
>russians bad

Blocks your path

Attached: 645x344-1561139075259.jpg (645x344, 97K)

The old man giving the silly speech.
The old women with muh hoaxodomor.
aying they knew about the AZ-5 button triggering a spike in output for ten years when it was only two or three.
Saying they had kept the above a secret when it was actually reported to all plant operators.
Pretending they only evacuated after the word had gotten out, when in fact the evacuation happened before the Swedes detected the spike.
Pretending like people did not know about iodine supplements.

And so on.

this 100%, chernobyl is a close second

>gommunism good
Wanna hear how I know you're not from the iron curtain countries?

They made it out to be the soviet unions fault. In reality the western scientists were just as confused as why it happened because no one knew enough about nuclear energy at the time. The accident could just as well had happened in america.

Absolutely but too much of a pleb filter

Came here to post this.
Dark is fantastic.