The Terror

what did I think of the first two episodes? but unironically

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Only seen the first one and it was too slow. Season 1 was slow as fuck, too, but the interesting setting made up for that. Maybe it takes up once they're actually in the camp.

Haven't watched episode 2 yet, I'm rewatching Lost first.

Stop talking about some shitty Roger Corman movie that literally no one gives two shits about. Why are there always threads talking about this fucking shit movie?

by the end of ep 2 they only arrive at the camp

Meh. Is it still so damn boring? I really had high hopes, season 1 was cool.

They should have taken some other setting, something colonial, maybe the vanished settlers of Roanoke or something.

Men I have so much fun watching Lost

Reminder that Japanese internment was completely justified because those slant-eyed traitors were literally all just looking for a reason to start an insurgency in the US

I think OP might be a bakemono. We should take him out on the ice and leave him there.

>Author uses controversial setting so no-one notices they ripped off Ghost Story

>literally all
[citation needed]
Yes. A handful of sympathizers in Hawaii was a good reason to lock up every single Japanese US citizen on the mainland.

Funny. We didn't lock up all the Germans and Italians.

>he doesn't know about freedom fries
you did worse

I'm afraid this is the last chance I will give this trash boring series. It's not even worth shitposting

This would be a good meme

very shallow and very boring. liked the premise though.

>no royal navy uniforms

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Why did they do this shit instead of adapting another kino sffantasy novel. It's not fair

Unironically really bad.

They fumbled this so badly it's almost comical. There are SO many better settings they could have used. if they wanted to use an Asian/WW2 aesthetic they could have at least done the human experimentation labs in Japan during WW2, that would have been scarier/more kino because you know... they actually killed/raped/maimed people instead of putting them in a camp. They could have used a lot of historical unexplained events, comfy settings. Instead they opted for a setting quite literally nobody cares about. WW2 American Interment camps. Honestly nobody except seething politic obsessed people care about these sorts of things and instead of detracting from the insane amount of politics in current media, they opted to add even more POLITICAL DISCUSSION TRUMP MEXICAN KIDS IN CAGES shit at you. I don't even care about politics that much and I'm not American, so I literally don't care about Dem/GOP shit, but it's so exhausting watching all of this just seep into modern media.

I think they lost the whole point of what made season 1 good. The setting, the characters, the brotherhood/muh honor stuff. Now it's just kind of shit

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The most important part is
>no fashion as fuck coats with stylish collars

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Even AFTER those sneaky nips killed thousands of US soldiers and caused millions in damages in a stealth attack those worthless Japs took the pilot's side and aided his nation by destroying his documents and the plane. If the US had more of the plane intact we could've developed strategies against the zero and saved thousands more lives as the war dragged on.
And they did all this after only knowing the guy for a few hours!
>Durr I just choose not to believe it happened at all
Let's just ignore the mountain of evidence that it did happen then. If we're going to do that I will ignore all the evidence that those stinking Japs hated being sent to camps. They actually loved it and want to go back.

Attached: terror.jpg (935x658, 202K)

Remember kids, never shoot a Hawaiian 3 times. You'll make him angry.

I though it was really wierd that they decided to add 10 minutes of critiquing Trump for no reason

I watched it until I saw that gigantic faggot george takei and then I turned it off.

This so much
Unit 731 Japanese Human Experimentation

what about the tens of thousands of us-japanese that joined the military

was he abusing lil twinks ?

Of course it's justified, you have to be a complete liberal retard to not want to lock up the people which you're at war with...

Oh god, the memories. That 4 hour doc on yt was early 2010s kino

T.would of been more scary Horror

>Honestly nobody except seething politic obsessed people care about these sorts of things and instead of detracting from the insane amount of politics in current media, they opted to add even more POLITICAL DISCUSSION TRUMP MEXICAN KIDS IN CAGES shit at you. I don't even care about politics that much and I'm not American, so I literally don't care about Dem/GOP shit, but it's so exhausting watching all of this just seep into modern media.
I think it's a good setting, but I am rather disturbed that they are trying to compare this to the modern border issue.

These were American citizens, not illegal aliens battering down the southern border.

Why doesn't anyone look into how putting refugees into camps is a step up from the forced migration they were in up to the border? These people are being forced into a modern day Trail of Tears and somehow that is Trump's fault? Our border simply cannot handle such a large influx of people. There are legal immigrants waiting to get in and turned to citizens, yet somehow we're supposed to let this flood of people in before them? How is that fair to those immigrants?

The most of the Japanese immigrants who were put in those camps were citizens first. They worked hard to earn citizen ship. It wasn't just handed to them just so a political party can flood the electoral collage and get larger voting districts.

The Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for using illegal immigrants like this. They've gerrymandered their districts by using population numbers from illegal aliens. All while those immigrants are being abused by employers who keep them off the books and milked of cheap labor. It's not progressive. It's almost modern day slavery. Democrats should be ashamed of supporting it.

If they really wanted to show horror, make some show about how illegal immigrants are abused by the system, both by Democrats and Republicans. Have some old Mexican folklore monster haunting them or something.

you are lost here preaching too zoomer capeshit anti fa fags