Kinos for this feel?

Kinos for this feel?

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You're life

what happens if you don't have sex with women for more than 7 months?

>It's another Yea Forums pretends to be friendless virgins episode

You're dick asplodes

You penis atrophies and you become permanently unable to prevent your spaghetti from dropping out.

>tfw going on 2 years in november
>tfw my record is 4

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>Ross tells Joey and Chandler he had sex for the first time in college with Carol
>they call him a freak behind his back
OH NO, if you don’t lose your virginity before 19, you are weird

At year two just having a conversation with a clothed female can be difficult. God forbid they wear tight clothing in a cold office building.

When did you lose your virginity? Because your record was how long it took for you to lose it -- which is likely more than 4.

Clarity as to how women brandish their vagina, and the accessory to it, their beauty, as an instrument to bend men to their will.

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Just 1 more year bros, i can make it!

I literally am
I'm 25 and never had sex, kissed or even seen a naked woman irl
I haven't talk to a female in 3 weeks since I went to the pharmacy and I haven't had a hug since my grandma died 2 years ago

>even seen a naked woman irl
dude pls just go to a strip club. there's no reason to be like this in the modern era. unless you live in saudi arabia.

pay the cover, get a beer, sit at a stage and stare at one girl as another and they step up and take their clothes off. this is the beginning of your journey. you should get a lap-dance too. you'll spaghetti but you need to have a hot woman shoving her vagina into your face.

I'm 21. I did get a kiss though from a chick that confessed she had a crush on me just before she moved out right after HS ended.
I could have been normieing it up with my v card lost at 16 or 17 but I was too spaghettio to talk to her and she didn't really make it clear or made a first move either.

That episode of iCarly where middle-schoolers make fun of Freddy, another middle-schooler for never having kissed someone

you become a gamer

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All these, 29 yo.

Not him but fuck no, don't even care about women anymore desu.

>Not him but fuck no, don't even care about women anymore desu.
You would care if you knew what you were missing.

Not really, the whole "better to have loved and lost, blah blah" never worked for me. And even if that was true, why would i knowingly subject myself to that if i know i won't be able to keep it? Paying for a female is a lose-lose desune.

I cant talk with a girl about movies, chinese cartoons, technology, mythology or gaymz and for access to her pussy I would have to put up with her boring vapid bullshit. the way I see it, for 5 minutes of heaven I have to endure a month of hell and it's not worth it in the end

just act based and redpilled. Just say what you really mean only pretend you're talking to a 12 year old child


Why didn’t ross just have sex, bros?

I always figured chandler was secretly /ourguy/. He is probably a secret Drumphf supporter and believes in all kinds of internet conspiracies.

Bad eye sight and itchy trigger finger

What's bizarre is that the contemporary standard for Joey's consternation would be weeks not months. Modern (((dating))) is fucking pozzed

>unironically like movies, chinese cartoons, technology, mythology and gaymz
no wonder why you're a virgin lol

you become a cumbrain if you need to jack off everyday
if you disregard pussy and the pornos you will reach enlightenment

show me the science behind these claims of yours

Last time I had sex was with a shemale prostitute 4 years ago. Nothing happened so far.


Joey is an a career where everyone is a whore though. Ross has the most normal sex life of everyone on that show.

>When Dior is selling you a perfume, or Calvin Klein an aftershave, they are saying "If you buy this product, you'll be sexually attractive." Now, pimping is illegal and societally unacceptable (rightfully so), so capitalists can't sell *sex itself*. BUT, they can say "our product will aid you in getting it, and look at the models in our ads - you want to be like these models. They have status." Capitalism has essentially commodified sex in this way. They can't directly sell sexual intercourse... .but they can try to act as the middle man between you and getting laid. They've taken this model of creating a relationship between a product and status, and they've made sex the product.

>Here's where the tragic Incel comes in. The Incel, fundamentally, is self-hating. They have grown up in a capitalist environment where they have spent their adolescent years being *blasted* with the messaging that sex, and having it, is equivalent to status. Now, what happens when these lads can't, for whatever reason, have sex? Maybe they're socially awkward or don't know how to talk to people they want to make a move on. They begin to think, as a result of capitalism, that they are low status.

>Capitalism has screamed at them that having sex (especially as a man) is directly linked with high status - it makes you a "player", a "shagger". So these boys start to despise themselves for not having had sex. So they start to beg the question "WHY?!". Desperately, they turn to phrenology - the study of skulls - and conclude that it must be the fact they might not have a prominent chin that they can't get it in. OR (and this is where it becomes dangerous to others) they turn to women. And they say "women are the problem." They say that is the fault of feminism for "instilling" women with the ideas of bodily autonomy that they can't get laid, and that women as de facto 'providers' of sex are the reason they haven't had sex.

>Capitalism has screamed at them that having sex (especially as a man) is directly linked with high status - it makes you a "player", a "shagger". So these boys start to despise themselves for not having had sex. So they start to beg the question "WHY?!". Desperately, they turn to phrenology - the study of skulls - and conclude that it must be the fact they might not have a prominent chin that they can't get it in. OR (and this is where it becomes dangerous to others) they turn to women. And they say "women are the problem." They say that is the fault of feminism for "instilling" women with the ideas of bodily autonomy that they can't get laid, and that women as de facto 'providers' of sex are the reason they haven't had sex.

>Now this tends to go one of two ways at this point: Either it degrades into further self-hating and depression, at which point many incels become suicidal because they have such low self-worth...or it descends into violence, as it did with Elliot Roger. If you want to see further manifestations of how this relationship between sex and status has been created, I remember people using the word 'virgin' as an insult in my school. Probably many of you heard similar things.

>On the other hand, "player" was a compliment. THIS RELATIONSHIP IS NOT APPLIED EQUALLY. Women are impacted inversely. Women are constantly bombarded with highly contradictory messaging by a capitalist patriarchal society - that they should go to great lengths to be sexually attractive...but have as little sex as possible. Or more specifically, have as few partners as possible. Men, on the other hand, are encouraged to have as many sexual partners as they can. Multiple sexual partners makes men a "player" - it makes women a "slut".

>The problem with incels is not that they haven't had sex; it's that they're being told that it's a *problem* that they haven't had sex. Incels, and the suffering they *do* go through, is therefore inflicted on them by a capitalist culture. I would go as far as to say that incels, and the hatred they direct towards themselves, are actually a cause feminists like myself should take up. NOW, that does *not* excuse the mysoginistic opinions these boys hold. Not at all. However, they *are* suffering mentally and they're hurting and they're directing the anger at themselves outwards, and they're right to - they're directing it at the wrong targets.

> If you're an incel and you're reading this - it's OK that you haven't had sex, but let me get one thing clear; you're not owed sex. Everyone has bodily autonomy and the right to do with their bodies what they want. If a woman doesn't want to have sex with you, that's the end of the matter. Full stop. And women are not "providers" of sex. Consensual sex is not a provider-provided relationship. But you need to know that you're not worth any less because you haven't had sex. For some people it just happens later in life, for whatever reason.

>You've been told your entire life that it's the case that you're worth more if you have lots of sex (especially as a man)... and worth less if you don't...but it's not true. It's just companies trying to sell you shit.

>These lads feel lonely, they feel rejected and they feel like they're worthless because of it. They've conceptualised the intimacy and acceptance they crave into sexual intercourse... ..but even if these lads all lost their virginities tomorrow, the problem wouldn't go away because they're still being told day-in-day-out that if they're not having as much sex as is humanly possible then they're worth less.

>It's not sex incels need. They need to see both that women don't owe them sex, and that it's capitalism that is making them fucking hate themselves for being virginal. Much love to anyone who is a virgin and feels like they're worth less because of what capitalism has screamed at them day-in-day-out. You're valid. It's OK. You're not worth less.

tldr have sex incel. lmao


Shut the fuck up