*kills netflix*

>one tier
>6.99 /mo
>year 1
>7,500 episodes, on air and off
>25+ brand new original series
>10+ brand new original movies and specials
>100+ recent titles like End Game
>400+ of old catalogue

Attached: disney-plus-launch-price.jpg (1640x624, 301K)

my guess is that it will kill netflix, but also streaming as a whole (inclunding itself) in less than an year, americans are probably gonna get slammed with another antipiracy law

>0.01 mousebucks have been deposited in your account

meant paid streaming services, with probably the exception of sports events*

>tfw dont have any subscription fees
silly land lubbers

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>kino weekly releases instead of binge
>great catalogue out of the gate
>shows for literally the biggest franchise on the planet
Yeah, Netflix is done.
still priating it lmao

netflix will just become a gay life style channel

I was wondering whether it was weekly or binge

All my friends are all so happy with their netflix, but whenever we want to watch a movie, there really isn't anything fun on netflix. You've either already seen the movie or its some sort of ''netflix original SJW'' garbage

Maybe for zoomers. What does Disney+ offer for actual adults besides National Geographic?

they'll probably going to create a trend similar to "netflix and chill" to give people the idea that consuming the product will help them get laid.
i only hope it's something hilariously bad like the whole "bing it" thing

I get Netflix for free and I have told the person who pays for it they should cancel. There is nothing on there and the watchable stuff can easily be downloaded.

Bing is better than google

pretty much everything is, I personally use duckduckgo and yandex as an alternative
also, for some reason I've never said google it, always use the autistic "search for it"

>Star Wars
Shouldn't that be Lucasfilm? Didn't they buy the whole catalog including Indiana Jones?

suck my penis

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>amazon prime


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wtf i love disney now


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This. Fuck Disney, fuck Netcucks, fuck hulu.

>25+ brand new original series
>10+ brand new original movies and specials
They're all going to be fucking Marvel and Star Wars.

or live action remakes

>I get Netflix for free and I have told the person who pays for it they should cancel

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Will it have fox stuff?

Isnt shilling a bannable office?

*Kills Netflix and jacks up the prices to $13.99 because muh monopoly*

Disney's library of content is like opening a closet to look for something to wear and it's all the same clown suit. Hm what should I watch today, this American family friendly movie or this American family friendly cartoon?

what a deal!

you forgot how much they pay you

>all Disney shit in one containment service to get away from
I couldn't be happier

Will they do stuff like Netflix? They won't. They'll always make childish nostalgia shit for all ages.

Give me suicide and boobs.

Netflix, for all its flaws, has a vastly more varied catalogue. You can watch dumb shit, Sitcoms, Tarantino flicks, documentaries, action movies, R-rated shit, arthouse, gay anime, blue is the warmest color, etc.

Disney+ only lets u see Capeshit, family shit and animated classics. People will grow tired once they've streamed Frozen and Ratatouille for the fifth time.

I just use some Russian site. It has everything.

Hopefully it kills Netflix

>They'll always make childish nostalgia shit for all ages.
Yup, Netflix has more to fear from Amazon probably. Disney+ is just aimed at children and neckbeards.

Shit you're right. I didn't think of how much of a cunt Disney is. It wouldn't surprise me if they made stronger laws targeting downloaders.

There are people who think they are gonna put old Fox stuff there instead of remaking the movies to be PG

It's going to be done exactly like cable packages one day. The only thing that changes is how the content gets on your TV. The internet is the new cable/dish.

Fuck streaming, boomers are right, physical media or pirate.

boomers? i thought it was common sense

Imagine hollyjew a cent, fuck paying for streaming services.

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And yet amazon is still making money off both netflix and disney for infrastructure. Bezos has won the monopoly game. DICK SWINGIN' BEZOS.

Weekly releases unironically makes me want to get it. Binge watching is the most fucking retarded thing ever and I hate Netflix for popularising it.

I’m in the opposite camp to the point I wait for most shows to have the entire season available before I watch it.

but won’t disney have their entire catalog on there??

I don't get why people NOW suddenly think piracy is worthwhile. Netflix didn't have an exhaustive catalog of everything worth watching over the last decade. So why now?

Damn I love living in 3rd world country

Weekly releases = DOA

Fuck off intern.

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How do I get paid to shill

No streaming service does real 4K just half assed 1080p upscale with a shitty bitrate

Watch any 4K movie on Netflix’s and then watch it a 4K Blu-ray the difference is night and day

Why are you such a faggot, OP?


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>resolution vs bitrate

are you dense?

Both are shit the bitrate on Netflix are equal to a normal 1080p movie and the resolution is 1080p upscale Zoomers don’t know the difference