

Attached: 1622604909486.png (710x177, 76.53K)

why did gary erase a midgame blowout only for the game to end in a blowout anyway?



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early as fuck

Hey guys remember when everyone said the Panthers were contenders




>best rags team since 1994
>can't beat the pens running their third string goalie
lmfaooo. so much for bragging all season long.

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yeah, contenders for the presidents trophy

not according to the very visible timestamps you dumb bitch

Not enough former oilers on this squad. They are not ready.



fuck this gay earth

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Plausible deniability

based stephen from the top rope

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can someone explain rags?

>its another blowout featuring ahl goalers episode
getting tired of it gary

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SHIT team
SHIT fans
SHIT franchise

try it yourself, you'll see


how the fuck

otter knew exactly where that puck was

Attached: rags.webm (980x600, 1.46M)


he can thank his lucky stars


Opinion time:
Are referees an active part of the game, or are they supposed to just be as close to AI-automated whistles as possible?

flame's bros....


the stars!?

This will be a high scoring affair.

how do the flames manage to be this bad EVERY fucking playoffs

>whats the matter calgary? cant handle the stars?

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>Calgary really thought they were going to win a playoff round with Markstrom
lmao get fucked you fucking retards.

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1 goal has been made. We can go home now.

okay Stars

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>you now remember matthew "ghost man" tkachuk

You have been visited by Chilly Philly.

For good luck for your hockey team and the imminent >rags choke reply to this post with "Stay Chilly Philly"

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Are they called the Flames because of the thriving homosexual community in Calgary?




>panturds getting btfo
>flemmes getting btfo
>canes getting btfo
why are the Avs the only top seed handling their business?

fuck flameniggers

It's honestly unbelievable

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Hey guys, Igor is the greatest goalie of all time, I guess he got a shutout tonight, right?

Ugh, gross. Not the start we needed. Dallas is just gonna clog things up and play the trap the rest of the game now. Flames need to tie this up quick, or that might be the game with the way things have gone with our offence.

game thread

no it's because the whole city burned down when someone tried to light their own fart on fire


no it really is the game thread


>that will be 10*8 for the tkachuks™

Attached: matthew-tkachuk-2019-43.jpg (434x600, 38.1K)

>markström letting in easy goals again
>johnny hockey choking again
>tkachuk behaving like a teenage girl again
>monahan nowhere to be find again
>''''''''''elite'''''''''' two-way center lindholm not so elite again

Attached: johnny hockey denied.webm (576x1024, 2.67M)

do those things even work i guess it'd be no different than an ice bath

there is only 1 game on you faggot. THIS is the game thread

it is a Calgary tradition lol

avs are unstoppable in round 1 nowadays
Also they're facing the preds. A team that blew a 4-0 lead and lost to the yotes in a game that actually mattered.

brady's better snes bros stay winning

Even he knows the yotes are shit

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Did they have this built because stinky Phil was too stinky to enter the showers?

nba ploffs have a game thread
nhl ploffs get a game thread

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So, uh, have we figured out what race Jason "2nd Place in the 2021 Calder voting to the future GOAT" Robertson is yet?

Stay Chilly Philly

Thats not true phil is musky not stinky

This is such a shit game. I think I pull my goalie and see if it has become any better afterwards

>flims unironically had their best season in a decade with geriatric nuckie farmers and still couldnt make it past the first round

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shit playoffs, this cup already has an asterisk

dallas is a dirty dirty unsportsmanlike team

what the fuck is a ploff

>"tkachuk isn't afraid to drop the gloves"
>fights a offensive-defensemen who has the agressiveness of modern day switzerland

well pongs, thanks for letting us make it a tight game at least. I don't miss these liver damaging games bros it really hurts.

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>leaf mad

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nah, he looks more chines- i mean canadian.

Something that makes Johnny Hockey into Casper Hockey


flames are cooked. Hope my boys do better, desu

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Supreme gentleman

t. soft pussy

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Markstrom looking a little lost out there.

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this is literally going to be 1-0 stars
holy fucking boring

compared to calgary they are clean

Yeah, that's goalie interference..

britfag slang for person, like bloke

>try to dive
>dont get a call

yeah eat shit stars


lol no way

lol yeah so that one's coming off the board

loooooooch bros...

Kek, I wonder why-oh-why that 40-year old blonde chick has that fat asian sitting next to her.

Just caveman things

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god dammit, I JUST fapped

we arent fags like /nba/ tho

sex with that turbo bimbo milf

dude that blowup doll behind the coach...



Stephane Auger sounds like a Hanna Barbara cartoon character


>those lips

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was wonder when someone was gonna post it

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good call

>every time they show the dallas bench

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it's been posted since last thread


Is she a porn star? Looks familiar, coomerbros.

my flames :-)


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hill billy retard


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>there is no goal
>*crowd starts cheering*
>tender interference

Do americans really cheer when their team fails a GI challenge?

there was a similar one with Zuccarelo from the last playoffs

nba niggers need not apply


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Looks like Nicole Aniston, but she has smaller titties now.

dae get irrationally angry whenever you see a woman go out like this in public? like something primal wakens in me when i see a woman that hot dressed that skimpily.

those are mild compared to 99% of instathots today

Why do the thots spend the cashish to get the primo seats?

Tkachuk subsequently Tkasneed lol

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Still fake and gay

I think whenever some faggot goalie leaves his crease, he should be fair game

how does gary control the referees when some of them are complete frogs the barely speak english?

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>call it

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99% chance her boyfriend bought the tickets. 1% chance she bought them for attention.

no it doesn't you faceblind retard

Mangiapane with the manlet rage

By their paycheques

Why this series already/always has a million penalties called?

Attached: Fight the Dumbasses.png (1080x1121, 943.26K)

since they are protected by the crest rule, if they choose to leave they are on their own

hope they lose fr

they dont pay, their paypig simps pay

electric shocks

eat shit spic

me in the back

i'm watching the pongs rags game rn, and wtf why is the Sportsnet whore of indeterminable race on TNT

>pepperoni inside of stuffed crust
Yes, because pizza needs MORE grease on it.

Probably used the same surgeon

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>Why do the thots spend the cash
Oh user. I wish I was this naive

They have the biggest fucking pads too

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absolute bullshit penal

no one nose

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Yes it does, faggot. Go watched some more blackedraw videos.

This fake blonde bimbo probably lays their like a dead fish while her small dick millionaire husband slams her pussy for 43 seconds

I think the latter statistic is too high

hello, spain
that post could earn you 10 years in jail in your pretend country

more like their pimps, like the world cup thots


women have no fucking concept of what looks good and what makes them look like a plastic alien

balls, even

>average calgary fan

based and economics pilled

Attached: breastfeeding.gif (512x640, 3.66M)

based predos fan

call the cops pussy

What if cheese was put into it?

Sucking on fake tits is fucking gross

>Go watched
based retard


A near close look at Gary's script for tonight. Wish I could read it.

Attached: Gary's Script.jpg (1920x1080, 203.62K)

What do you think stuffed crust is, retard?