Are the Dirty Harry movies really fascist propaganda?

Are the Dirty Harry movies really fascist propaganda?

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is everything that triggers you fascist?

No, but a work that glorifies the police shooting first and asking questions later, not caring about potential crossfire, not caring about due process, portraying "rights" and the "law" as obstacles to the police doing their job and true justice, and states that one strongman can fix all of society's problems with violence seems pretty fascist to me.

fucking cuck, enjoy your leftist society collapse and die with AIDS

I heard expers say the future will be like Judge Dredd simply because the amount of crime will be too time consuming to deal with the ordinary way. So there will be street Judge that are Judge jury and executioner.
In some countrues this already happens. Like in Brazil they just round up niggers line them on the ground and shoot them.

Actually this movie is ahead of it's time. Clint Eastwood portrays a character considered old fashioned and because of that he struggles with many interactions he has with more 'progressive' characters.

He is basically the average Yea Forums user fighting against a progressive SJW world, or at least how the average user likes to think they are comparitavly to modern society. Either way a pretty enjoyable collection of movies.

>the amount of crime will be too time consuming to deal with the ordinary way
Crime rates have been going way down in most first world countries though.

Only in the predominantly white areas.

imagine writing this

Im extremely doubtful of your bullshit claim.


>the average Yea Forums user fighting against a progressive SJW world

if Yea Forums proves anything it's that the "average Yea Forums user" has a notion of "fighting" limited to posting the same autistically repetitive crap every day in perpetuity

not going to read its propaganda

>american liberal shithead tries to claim crime is going down in america

And you gotta ask yourself, do you feel lucky, punk?

OK about Donald Trump himself bragging about how crime rates have gone down? Do you trust him?

im not american fuck off with your politics.

No. Pauline Kael a shit.

It is. Just because the media (both right and left) highlight crime and violence doesn't mean that it is more common than it used to be. It just means that crime and violence equals ratings, and saying "Americans are now safer than ever" doesn't get as many ratings as "TRUMP IS EMBOLDENING RACIST ATTACKS" or "IMMIGRANTS ARE VIOLENT".

I live in a better country than the US and crime is increasing mostly due to immigrants and the courts having a revolving door attitude to criminals.
You know the peole ive heard speak like you here are commies that try to gaslight people about rising crime due to immigration.
You arent fooling anyone you communist cuckold.

>wow Clint Eastwood is just like me!

it was a different time

-typical antifa

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I don't know about your country, I just know that in America crime rates are going down. My guess is that here American-born citizens are committing far less crime, so even if there is an increase in crime from some immigrants, it barely makes a dent. Probably helps that we don't get as many muslim immigrants like you Europeans do.

did anybody here actually watch the movies?
he's just a tough guy in an era where crime was rampant and the few not corrupt cops could do little, he isn't racist or based and redpilled

most of immigrants in europe actually came here during the 90s-00s not during the refugee crisis

>“If anybody is writing a book about the rise of fascism in America, they ought to have a look at Dirty Harry”.
> Roger Ebert

Eastern-Europeans I take it? There aren't that many Eastern-European immigrants in America compared to other ethnic groups.

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sounds like something you'd see in a commie shithole too, something papa Stalin would do
why not mention em while you're riling against fascism?

eastern europeans are a lot more than you'd think but a lot of northern africans and africans too, chinese and asians too
autists here call everyone a refugee but anybody who isn't a shut in can tell who's a refugee and who's been here for a long time just by looking at them

The type of "tough on crime" philosophy that Dirty Harry espoused ended up doing more harm than good in the end.

OK, sure, communist countries are complete shitholes and in practice aren't that different from fascism in the way they oppress their citizens. Modern China for instance is also pretty damn facist in its policing, the police gets an even higher budget than the military. Just look at Hong Kong.
America is objectively superior to them in every way. Especially because it has been improving a lot over the decades.

nothing you said is false lol

He literally refuses to join /pol/ cops in the second one.

Of course nothing I said is false, because I meant every word I said. Why would you assume I'm a communist? I hate communism, I'm not sure why you thought that because I thought that the worldview promoted by Dirty Harry is pretty similar to a facsist worldview means that I had to be communist or that I hate America.

>watching the sequels

That was most likely an attempt at addressing criticism aimed at the first movie. They don't really explain how or why the /pol/ cops were any different to Harry, other than because Harry says so.

Magnum Force is the best one.

Or maybe he only shoots criminals and not "degenerates" because he isn't a fascist moron.

No lol. Pauline Kael said that. She said the Clockwork Orange was fascist. Complete hack who had no idea what she was on about

but they weren't /pol/cops, they didn't run around gassing ethnics, they just worked beyond the law.

Cringe opinion. Magnum Force has a much better plot with actual tension

So you're implying him killing ARMED robbers or shooting a murderer was wrong?

the second one was funny
>these cops are commiting extrajudicial killings, better kill them all
I just assumed it was self-parody

>storming a blacked set

they were /pol/ as fuck

>First movie criticizes big government inefficiency and bureaucracy
>Second movie criticizes police officers and how corrupt they are
>Cooperates and fights alongside a black militia group in the third
I don't know how braindead you'd have to be to think that they are facist. It's a typical nietzschean ubermensch hero fantasy. A strong independent man with a rock hard moral compass that judges the right from wrong without letting the outside world influence his choices. His will is all that's important to him and he refuses to compromise it.

It wasn't intended as such, but lots of people sadly thought that Dirty Harry was awesome and that everything would be better if more cops were like him.

It was definitely anti-rights propaganda, since the "powerless incompetent government" let Scorpio walk solely because Harry tortured them, even though in the real world, there was already plenty of evidence to convict Scorpio and any evidence Harry might have coerced wouldn't be needed in the first place.

Dirty Harry - 8/10
Magnum Force - 7.5/10
Enforcer - 6/10
Sudden Impact - 8.5/10
Dead Pool - 7/10

you got anything to back that claim up? Genuinly interested i thought being though on crime basically cleaned New York up in the early 2000s

Just look at the effects of the War on Drugs.

Lots of movies and TV shows back then had the bad guy get off on some weird technicality that wouldn't work in the real world unless you're rich or connected enough to just bribe/threaten your way out. Like, if you don't read a guy his Miranda Rights when you arrest him, you have to let him go.

Look kid, when they reclassify crime to hide the bad ones it does not make the actual number of crimes go down...

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Violent crimes are down, how are they "reclassifying" those exactly?

it glorifies a character we like killing psychopaths we previously saw indiscriminately hurting others?

The ‘fascist propaganda’ meme for Dirty Harry started with (((Pauline Kael’s))) negative review. It’s not an ideologically driven movie.


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> but a work that glorifies the police shooting first and asking questions later
But this doesn't fucking happen.
At the bank he is fired upon first.
At the finale the fucker has kidnapped kids and is shooting through the roof at them.

Liberals love to disregard the full story in order to start calling the usual names.

> Great
Magnum Force
> Very Good
The Enforcer
> Decent
Sudden Impact
> Good
The Dead Pool
> Very Good

>He is basically the average Yea Forums user fighting against a progressive SJW world
Is this bait?

That fatbfaggot was paid for his reviews. And that you'd cite a mental midget like home to prove some sort of point proves that you'll listen to any old cretin as long as they support your bullshit viewpoint.

He didn't kill them until they tried to kill him. Do you understand self defense fucktard?

>It's another "I don't know any other form of authoritarianism besides fascism, so I'll just refer to all forms of authoritarianism as fascism thread.

The effect is tons of criminals are in jail where they fucking belong.

>It was the wet one, Odo!
>Innocent until proven guilty. I have my rights. I have my rights!

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>Odo! If I even think you're being followed, Nog dies. If you talk to anyone, I don't care if it's a tribble pissing against a ventpost, Nog dies...No shuttle.

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Magnum Force is the best.

What exactly is "fascist" about it? I never got that. Or is just the american understanding of "fascist" completely different from normal people?

but fascism is a society oriented around law and order? do you not know what fascism is?

well too bad the government doesnt use a sight based test to separate the two groups retard. Also new immigrant does not equal refugee. refugee is a very specific classification

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Magnum Force is unironically the best one you nonce.

>tfw Clint will probably die in the next 10 years or so

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Fascism in the American context has been purely a pejorative since 1945. It is completely detached from the actual ideology. Do you really believe that millions of people supported a political project that had denial of political rights as it's only ideology?

No. The first movie is about him hunting down what was basically the Zodiac killer. There's I think one scene where he straight up murders someone for reaching for their gun that would probably trigger lefties.

>portraying "rights" and the "law" as obstacles to the police doing their job and true justice
That's not fascism. That's the opposite of fascism. In a fascist regime, Dirty Harry would have been put up against a wall and shot because he shows nothing but contempt for the state and its rules.

If anything it's Libertarian propaganda.

>he shows nothing but contempt for the state and its rules.

Basically he's the one with an authority problem because the structure of the police force itself is an obstacle that prevents him from following his own code/set of morals. The whole reason he's called "Dirty" has nothing to do with him being a dirty/corrupt cop but that he's doesn't play the political game and so they just give him the worst jobs that nobody else wants to do.

Also I don't remember if it's in the first one or one of the sequels but he fucks a black chick and you see her titties.

imagine being such an incel that crime going down triggers you

In an actual fascist regime, his superiors would be perfectly fine with him as long as he only kills "undersirables" and "low-lifes". He'd only get in trouble if he shot at "respectable" people.

The sequels with the exception of Enforcer are better than the original

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>t. never watched the films

At the very end of the first film, he throws his police badge into the pond to demonstrate his disdain for the system and to indicate his resignation from the police.

John Milius also wrote Conan the Barbarian, which also has such themes.

John is also a Jew, which is pretty funny.

wtf i hate gulags now

>If anything it's Libertarian propaganda.

In reality, the libertarian in Dirty Harry would be the weaselly judge or politician.

>At the very end of the first film, he throws his police badge into the pond to demonstrate his disdain for the system and to indicate his resignation from the police.
And yet he's back on the force by the next one.

Formerly lucky


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Hollywood always needs a sequel to make more money.

I know exactly why you posted this today, it's because of that one Youtube video that showed up on my recommended feed about how all cops in media are bad.

Yes and that's why they are so good

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