What are some good Indian movies?
What are some good Indian movies?
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kek'd, also there are no good indian movie
>doesnt block him
This. She also responds to him a few times. She likes the attention.
0:34 in the webm is a picture of Kassie
Kassie in a car with her dog. I wonder who is the driver is ...
Indian subhumans acting this fucking stupid and pathetic are only good to point, laugh, and gawk at. Evolutionary deadends like 99% of poos have no value other than a chuckle.
Her Asian (Chinese) boyfriend
that girl is actually fucking based
she used to shit on eurasian tiger constantly
unfortunately the videos are all down now. just another amwf white girl that's smart.
>good Indian movies?
no such thing exists. indians are enemies of cinema. the artform would unironically benefit from their extermination
Pather Panchali
Watch as there will be a ton of Pajeet hate threads to divert attention away from chink niggers. It always happens when the chinks are getting btfo. Bet there's a thread about Pajeet movies in the catalog right now
Considering how retarded pajeets are, how easy is it as a whitoid to get pajeet girls? I bet they'd be easily impressed by an incel like me and I could snif their braps
indian go legit crazy over white skin
it doesnt matter to them how ugly the girl is as long as shes white
she loves the attention
this is how someone gets killed
the beta wont do shit
Indian/Middle eastern women generally love white guys. Their families may or may not approve but as long as you've got enough money to shut them up you could be rolling in it. My understanding of the Caste system is that lighter skin= higher class and a lot of that is ingrained in their culture even once they get to America and assimilate.
Be warned though, their version of 10/10s are very high maintenance, almost as bad as a white woman
Approach life with the same confidence Indian men approach random women on the internet.
Fake as fuck.
people fake this? for what reason
Ironically I even see more smalled dicked Pajeets with asian women than I do see asian men with asian women now.
Chinks can't even compete with street shitters.
would someone really do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?
sad desu
>She likes the attention.
>she loves the attention
No ranjeesh your attention means nothing to anyone let alone a girl. She's just doing it for laughs.
do you mean brown Indonesians and Malays that look like this?
>why do people fake greentext stories on Yea Forums? Wtf
Or Filipinos that look like this on the right?
nah, the light skinned ones.
It actually made me reconsider ever dating an asian honestly, it's just way too easy.
Is there more of this? This is pretty hot lol
As bad I felt for the poo that shouldnt exist in the first place Ive done my share of gross fucked up shit like this
what does the title even mean? bunch of buzzwords stuck together
you keep saying 'Asians' when I just showed you multiple asian ethnicities with varying skin colors, facial features, phenotypes, etc.
So where exactly are these Indian men getting these 'light-skinned' ones considering all the light-skinned ones (which I assume you mean wealthy East Asian countries like Japan, Korea, and to some extent China) are extreme ETHNO-STATES where 98%+ of the population are native East Asians.
When you LARP a make-believe story, try to make it somewhat believable ... okay?
Of course, and why not? Who wouldnt allow a little goblin to grovel before them, just for the satisfaction?
the only time i ever thought about murder is when i caught my wife cheating. i understand crimes of passion now.
Tell me more
>not ex wife
You sure you didnt fancy jamal being there?
you think he's obsessed with her, but the pajeet does this to a hundred other women too
White wonen cant resist paneer
streetshitter 2: designated shitting streets
That one where they keep breaking into song and dance in a funny way.
Incels today. Superpower tomorrow.
lmao we got bruce lee here
>my wife
your first problem was thinking she was your property
Asia is a continent
>even hypothetically considering getting intimate with a poo
Potential honour killing, but a guaranteed loyal wife just avoid the overly made-up snobbish ones unless you want a materialistic airhead with higher standards than literal royalty.
t. Seething polcel
Common sense nigga
My boy has good taste.
People write captions on webms just to make them cuck/ incest shit
It's pathetic but it's a thing
jesus christ imagine being this triggered over Indians stealing your women
Me on the left.
Avengers: Poogame
Gone with the Poo
The Wizard of Poo
Poo it like Beckham
Imagine being this autistic
Is that girl bouncing on the floor? What the hell is happening in this webm?
I legit couldn't understand what were they trying to say
Based Indians always win. Superpower by 2030
You've never had an ugly girl hit on you consantly and kept throwing breadcrumps at her for fun?
same here
before my ex cheated I always thought affairs were a childish thing that people in their 20's did when they were dating, I also was the kind of guy who said things like "I would never hit a woman"
now I understand
Romance is basically a western import to Indians, that's why the men have such a fantastical view of it. It's difficult to have a concept that exists as a result of western "game" in a society that practices arranged marriage so commonly, leading to delusions like this. For some reason Indians really fall victim to delusions of grandeur, like they do with their propaganda vehicle military. It's big and has a lot of money wasted on it, so it must be one of the best!
what happened to 2020?
This shit is hilarious. More?
Also the Apu Trilogy, specifically Pather Panchali
There has been a slight delay but we're getting therr
My sweet innocent user...
user, you divorced her right?
Lord of the Shits trilogy. Extended versions.
Those eyes
that sounds utterly degenerate and subhuman. do you understand the notion of behaving with dignity? ie. unlike the vacuous roastie in op?
He's pretty hot desu.
Not sure what the problem his.
Attractive girl dates attractive guy.
You aren't some kind of racist that thinks white girls should only date white guys right?
t. Incel
Bet you're fun at parties
You should have sex, you'd lighten that attitude a bit
have sex
She's pretending to have sex while the guy is pretending to catch her being unfaithful. It's pretty gay.
>white girls should only date white guys right?
there is nothing wrong with this
dhoom series
wow that webm made me really sad.
but also really glad that I’m not a virgin because lord knows it’s possible that I could’ve ended up that way
Fake and gay
Yes there is as it is inherently misogynistic, sexist, and racist.
If you can't see that, you're beyond helping.
I have several orbiters and it's just plain fun to read the messages
ching chong bing bong
rude! that’s just how he was born
The Bahubaali duology is poo kino
Imagine having some dumb blue haired bitch hitting on you.
You wouldn't try to make her think she has chances to mock her?
It's hilarious. Girls specially get really confident when you lead them on, so shutting them down afterwards is fun as hell.
for likes and retweets and upvotes
do you really not know how this works?
I don’t ever go on social media, but at least I get it
absolutely MAD as fuck
God forbid people have character in the current year.
Go back
2020 is just around the corner, they better get cracking if they wanna make the deadline
That's disgusting. I would never do that to anyone. If you're not interested just tell them outright.
I legit believe the majority of incelposts here are made by indians. Think about it
>hate daughters
>hate white girls because they don't want to fuck them
>dick envy
>cuckporn spam
Thats probably his 10th account
Almost, but not exactly, they are made by asians.
Notice how cuckshit has increased it's spam since the Bruce Lee meme.
Shes telling him to fuck off.
I really hope this was an attempt at irony and/ or you’re like 13 years old.
if this was actually intended to be a joke then please stop, this might be the least funny post I’ve ever seen.
and before you bother, no I’m not a poo, I just really needed to let you know how painfully unfunny you are.
Fuck off, Pajeet. I know its you ugly unfuckable shitskins.
haha totally doesn’t this happen to everyone haha?
It's fun because of how mad they get.
>Notice how cuckshit has increased it's spam since the Bruce Lee meme.
nope not really this isn't even close to peak spamming sounds like you are false flagging for some reason
ugh this is not a good look...
let that sink in
It literally is
They finally got decent internet over there (thanks Bill "the cuckold" Gates) which is why the internet has gone to such shit
Nice, good on him. I would encourage this union were I her father.
That one 300 clone where they use a palm tree to catapult the good guys over to the enemy city
OP literally told him to fuck off but he continued to harass her.
How's that for character
Next time you are in a BLACKED thread, try spamming Bruce Lee memes and see everyone drop the cuckshit and start attacking you.
Hell, they even reply to Bruce Lee threads with cuckshit.
Pic related, if you need more proof.
It's funny because this guy thinks he's actually super clever for making that reddit post.
post feet, you fat cunt
autists cannot compute emotions
>Not asking for tits
>Settling for feet
You're never gonna make it
>thanks Bill "the cuckold" Gates
hahaha holy shit ROASTED
how do you come up with this shit bro??
that would just validate their beliefs, retard
>Implying I'm a woman
Oh sewaty...
Singapore is full of Indian men and light skinned Chinese women fucking, sorry
That's the thing, making them feel confident, and then telling them to fuck off.
It's more crushing than if you told them to fuck off from the start.
Is this from twitter or some shit?
t. chink
Imagine actually defending Bill Gates
Oh wait, probably because his daughter is getting fucked by a poo and you admire him for letting that happen
user i figured the only way I could get back my manlyness if I ever got cucked was to either kill the dude or literally tie him down and rape him. No lube, i would force myself to get hard and be gay. Would take one of those gas station sex pills too. If you fucked my girl, I am fucking you
Non meme answer: I saw a couple of months ago "Dangal" and found it neat. Family bonds, indian wrestling and GRRL power.
That other movie of an old guy falling in love with the female cook of a food delivery service looked promising too.
>only women have feet, can be fat, or be cunts
trannies are THIS stupid.
Nope. Try again.
Is ghost a derogatory term for white people?
Haha false flagging pajeet
>I'm going to factory now, bye.
duh chink CRINGE pajeet duhhh superpower uhhhh BASED am/wf duh
Mujudanesh: The Road Pooper
She's pretty hot, I'd prob harass her too
Not really. We insult, and I use the term ''insult'' very loosely here, eachother based on ethnicity like polack, kraut, spaghetti, etc.
There is no insult against whites as a whole, because we have nothing to feel insulted other than the amount of non-whites in our countries.
based domination rapist
i would do the same
>damn she lookin' for that GENGHIS dick
chinkcels are on whole new level lmao