Ah Bendigo. Beautiful Bendigo
Ah Bendigo. Beautiful Bendigo
Ah Reddit. Beautiful Reddit.
have been to Bendigo ama
i love rick and morty, seen each season multiple times, but i cannot finish bushworld adventures. it's so stupid.
all you do is WHINGE AND COMPLAIN.
What do you see around you, user?
dude australians lmao cunt xD VB! this is so epic, australians love to swear all the time. this is based, this is deep...
it's literally the only good thing rick and morty related
because no one involved with rick and morty made bushworld so why would you like it?
People shit on R&M but Dan Harmon despite being an alcoholic cuck at least keeps some semblance of quality on shows he's in control of.
>not liking Aussies
Bushworld is all the good elements distilled and amplified, I like most of Rick and morty too and bushworld is 5x better.
you can get a bottle of water, 50 cents sir
do you have a rewards card sir
Lots of meth and not much else, also a university full of innocent small-town freshman girls to defile
alice springs is not northern australia
>mansalughter is legal on Abo's
Murder is legal on abos, most truck drivers unironically speed up when they see some on the road
American larper detected. fuck off.
dumb greentext poster
The fuck are you talking about? We call them freshman or 'freshers' in Australia too. Have you never actually been to uni or something?
Australians like Bushland Adventures, Australian hipsters and Melbournites hate Bushland Adventures, it's a very accurate litmus test to tell which one you're talking to
bullshit. I've been to uni in Queensland and Canberra and no one calls them freshman. they're called first years, you americanised dumbfuck.
You've clearly never been to the Northern Territory
wrong, especially given that it isn't even called "Bushland Adventures" (it's Bushworld Adventures), so you've exposed yourself as an idiot who shouldn't be believed.
freshers =/= freshman
You're talking shit although I'm sure the Americans you hope to impress will be moved to reward you with a patronising pat on the head.
>You've clearly never been to the Northern Territory
Idk what gook infested Canberra university you went to but most Aussie school are Americanised as fuck, hence the term freshman being used, thankfully sophomore, junior and senior hasn't caught on yet tho
It's in the northern territory and is also north relative to the vast majority of australia's population
I fucking hate gays so much.
lol all of these boys went to a private school on the sunny coast. thank you for proving my point.
Hipsters all over the world love aping working class culture. it;s the entire point of the subculture.
i'm australian dipshit
This but the opposite
Bushland adventures is just crude and annoying, like ytp.
Actual Australians like the big Lez show
Queenslanders love Bushworld Adventures, it tends to make the hipster pooftas in other states butthurt as fuck tho
>Melbourne is Australia
All cities are the same globally, it's like confusing a Missasotan with a New Yorker/Californian.
Nobody says freshman you poof
Why are you posting a selfie of yourself on Yea Forums?
t. victorian faggot
Melbourne needs to secede from the rest of Australia, it'd make everyone far happier
t. Some kid going to qut on his parents dime
>tfw going to qut on my own dime
why did i have to be born poor
>muh melbourne
Don't kid yourself, every major city is the same and that's where 80% of the population lives. and there's no such thing as a "Missasotan ", whatever that is.
just skip from when morty gets bitten to when they arrive at uncle barry's.
i didn't. that's a picture representing you and other australian faggots who like to perpetuate the meme that australia is some sort of wild west full of hard men instead of the canada without snow it really is
t. Churchie boy from Paddington
>t. has never actually lived outside of Melbourne
they went to fucking st. theresas
st. theresas is as bad as most of the public schools, and worse then sunshine high
No. Nuke Melbourne.
I live in the NT. The abos are a waste of space. Wish they'd ALL go to sleep on the road.
i'm from brisbane lmao
>t. has never actually been to rural Australia
Admittedly it's a wild-west where most of the hard men also smoke meth but the stereotype is otherwise pretty accurate
Same, take me to Maccas.
neither have you
>t. has never actually been to rural Australia
I was born in the NT and grew up in rural QLD
Misspelling of Minnassotan or whatever, but thats my point, in any city its the same worldwide, but the country is where actual national character exists. Thus saying all Ausfag are as the picture is like taking a pic of a californian and uironically thinking all 'Mericans are like that. It's a simply point tbqh
woah you must be REALLY tough! not like those wussy yanks eh mate
i don't get it. what's your issue user
australia hasnt had a national character since the 70s (at best). we're an american state with a slightly different accent.
>Thus saying all Ausfag are as the picture
It describes city people who make up 80% of the population. it also describes 100% of the australians on Yea Forums.
I'm convinced none of it matters.
damn you're a real man no city boy will ever compare to.
why are you even on the internet? you're making the rest of us look bad. don't you have some beers to chug and sheilas to fuck.
Y u mad tho?
I guess you're right, didn't know it was 80% God damn
your point is horseshit because it implies that australia's regional differences are as profound as america's. which is laughable. you are kidding yourself if you seriously believe there's any serious difference between an australian from melbourne and another from brisbane, or whatever combination you want
that's a nice american meme. did you read that on twitter or facebook?
please never compare queenslanders to v*ctorians ever again
victorians are massive poofs and i want nothing to do with them
his point is i think that you're self aggrandising based on some accident of where you were born like it makes you better than other people when you're just another pussy fag soi boy posting on Yea Forums like the rest of us.
Lmao you're absolutely SEETHING. Some Aussie shitposter really rustled your jimmies didn't they?
The abo sleep on the road because the big burny god in da sky (sun) make it warm for dreamtime
>pussy fag soi boy posting on Yea Forums like the rest of us
speak for yourself cunt
That's like saying all Queenslanders are mouth-breathing inbreds when it's just most of them.
>all this projection
>t. v*ctorian
I see you're still butthurt about how Queenslanders dabbed on Labor in the election
And you go back to 2015
he's mad
Queensland and Victoria are starkly different despite both having references to the monarchy in the name.
>tfw Tumblr has gone from being worth a over a billion dollars to only being worth 3 million
>tfw Tumblr is a ghost-town now
Is it wrong that me and 3 other mates are going to drive 8 hours to bendigo with a green milk crate cube in the upcoming long weekend to have a couple of tinnys in the park
>haha australia doesn't have regional character
They can't pick one
>green milk crate cube
The green cube was clearly a slab of VB tho
>remove porn to appease monetary masters
>become worth nothing
Unfortunately now the diaspora is spreading far across the web.
Almost as far as Bendigo.
Le funny feminist le triggered isn't cool anymore, Holocaust denying is hip last time I heard.
politics aren't regional character.
although I guess these days it's all we have.
>skippin jus' one lil' suck
bushland adventures is one whole
can you list some of these "stark differences"? keep in mind that they must meet a standard comparable to, say, the difference between texas and florida
They've mostly immigrated to Yea Forums since the mod is a tumblrite, they get too triggered by most other boards
Queensland= similar to Florida, tropical and by far the most conservative state in Australia in terms of how they vote
Victoria=Oregon, with Melbourne in particular being very similar to Portland
The difference in culture and politics between the two is actually bigger than the difference between Florida and Texas
does anyone even think this lmao
Imagine actually getting this butthurt about Aussie stereotypes, taking yourself this seriously is positively un-Australian
dilate comedy-hipster tranny
>The difference in culture and politics between the two is actually bigger than the difference between Florida and Texas
then surely you can give some examples? btw, differences in climate don't count
just read this thread.
>th-the weather is different
Wow, i'm convinced
I just did, Queenslanders are culturally and politically ultra-conservative and Victoria (specifically Melbourne) is ultra-liberal, both culturally and politically. What exactly would you say are the major cultural differences between Texas and Florida? Other than the fact one is infested with Mexicans and the other is infested with Cubans
Lmao who made this, they don't even sell onions in Australia
Good to see you appreciate the importance of making comparisons with American states, user.
You're a fucking idiot.
>s o y l e n t autocorrects to onions
I thought it was just the word s o y that autocorrected
Imma upgrade that from butthurt about the election to SEETHING about the election
ITT: Aussies pointlessly arguing about who’s more australian when no one in the world gives a fuck
cosmic psycho tribute band
texas and florida have:
different dialects and accents
different racial demographics
different religious demographics
different histories in relation to their foundings and their joining the union
different laws
different cultures, e.g. cuisine and music
>Queenslanders are culturally and politically ultra-conservative and Victoria (specifically Melbourne) is ultra-liberal, both culturally and politically
what makes queensland more "conservative" than victoria? are their laws different?
its full of bogans (rednecks)
quality thread. based aussies
>implying it's optional for you
They tend to be more conservative
not that user but queenslanders and victorians have different accents
or at the very least queenslanders and melbournians have different accents
i've never personally talked to a rural victorian so i can't say
>Queenslanders are culturally and politically ultra-conservative
lol fuck off with "ultra conservative". I'm from QLD and it's no different to anywhere else; the rural population is right wing while urban people are left wing. By the way, Pauline Hanson and Fraser Anning got BTFO so, you can take that "ultra-conservative" melodrama back to aus/pol/.
Thank you for legitimising The Chats and I hope you're serious, love these guys
>Imma upgrade
whoa you eyeballin ma piece there fiddy?
is this reflected in any meaningful way, such as their laws?
yeah i live on the sunshine coast and i've seen the guys around a parties and gigs and such
the school they went to is fucking garbage, honestly a poor excuse for a catholic school.
it had more eshays and drug related expulsions than a good amount of the public schools.
Absolutely SEETHING
trying too hard there bruh
around at*
>please ignore the fact that even the urban parts of Queensland didn't vote for Labor
While our states do have a lot of autonomy you don't tend to get massive differences in law state to state as you do in the US.
It was reflected in the last election where the regional areas voted largely in favour of conservative parties causing the return of a conservative government at the federal level.
I listen to ABC radio everyday, they are absolutely seething at the fact that labor can't flood the country with refugees.
>a few inner-city hipsters are left-wing so therefore Queensland isn't a conservative state
Which "Ultra-conservative" Party did they vote for? The one who legalised gay marriage and enacted gun control?
Are they still butthurt about the shitskins? I've been noticing they seem to be shifting their focus to "muh environment" and climate change lately.
so Queensland only turned "ultra-conservative" in the last 4 years? That's only a recent change?
>you do
i'm not american
>you don't tend to get massive differences in law state to state as you do in the US
so you acknowledge that there's very little difference between australia's states, especially in regards to the cities and suburbs where 90% of the country's population lives
>It was reflected in the last election where the regional areas voted largely in favour of conservative parties causing the return of a conservative government at the federal level.
unless that actually affects the way people live their lives, it's not significant. a person moving from melbourne to brisbane would not experience any sort of 'culture shock,' nor any major period of adjustment to their new environment
>tend to be more conservative
is no the same as
There is more than one person in this thread
We voted in a Labor government at the last state election, so it's more than a few inner-city hipsters
Both of those issues had bipartisan support, thus making it pretty hard for people to avoid them regardless of which party they voted for
What kind of answer are you looking for user?
In order to classify a state as "more conservative" as another what are your requirements?
They are just so blatant, they are pretending like they won't just evacuate every person with a cold onshore. If they cared about the environment they'd put a nuclear power station in woop woop
>a person moving from melbourne to brisbane would not experience any sort of 'culture shock'
A lot of the Melbournites get culture shock when they move up to QLD for uni, they get triggered like crazy when Queenslanders openly use words like faggot and nigger
stories like these are the reason I religiously go to /pol/
a major difference in legislation, such as one state having gun rights and another having not, or one state having no income tax vs the other having high tax rates, or one banning abortion while the other runs abortion mills. you know, substantial things
Doesn't sound like the behaviour of an "ultra conservative" political party then. Also, The Greens got 4 times the votes that Katter got and 8 times the votes that Pauline Hanson got at the last state election.
>t. seppo
Voting Labor has always been a protest-vote for a lot of people tho, you can't deny a big part of the reason they got voted in was because Campbell Newman pissed off a lot of people
post yfw you filled with diesel
abortion is state based an pretty much the same across all aussie states (with some slight differences) rest of the stuff is controlled federally off the top of my head
>when Queenslanders openly use words like faggot and nigger
Literally never happens, especially not at uni. This just sounds like a /pol/nigger's fantasy.
How "ultra-conservative" could they be if it was so easy for them to vote for a left-wing party?
am from Australia, Northern Territory is my favourite state/territory, can confirm this
so no real difference then
Go look at the last three decades of the QLD government and who held power you fucking retard
One Nation got a lot more votes before they started having constant scandals.
Well how can there be if most things are done federally
>have one chance at life in Australia
>born in Melbourne
>university students
>openly using faggot and nigger
the absolute state of Australian education
>Queenslander uni students don't say nigger or faggot
Lmao where do you go to uni? The only one I can think of that's that SJW is (((University of Queensland)))
don't know. wasn't what i asked
Me too. So many facets of cultures you could never learn without some red pilled friend with life experience.
>please ignore the fact that Labor has repeatedly gone over a decade without winning a Federal election
I thought we were talking about state politics you goal post moving cunt?
Ok, so what? One Nation is still a joke party supported by an irrelevant number of people.
Every one in Brisbane, plus USC. Where did you go to Uni that saying nigger and faggot is acceptable?
lmao, yes freshers but never freshmen
Labor has pretty consistently got in on a state level when Liberals were in at the federal level and vice-versa, a similar thing happens in America with the house and senate, it's an attempt to limit the power of the ruling party
haha yea m8 we're all right wing rebels up here in qld. nigger! haha hope they didn't hear me...
I did my undergrad at JCU and my graduate studies at Bond, nigger and faggot were acceptable at both
>n-no the school you paid private fees to was almost as bad as public school! A-ALMOST!!
>WA Labor imploding
fuck I hope those lib cunts don't get back in at the next state election
That guy looks like every Vulture Street hipster in Brisbane
>actually studying at USC
Jesus fucking Christ, I thought that place was just for people studying through OpenUniversities because they didn't finish high school
bullshit. /pol/fags like you are living in a fantasy land of wishful thinking.
>all different filenames
Unironically even the girls say nigger casually at JCU
nah mate that's the local alt right leader. seriously it's so different here from those commies in melbourne. faggot!! ... ah fuck she was filming me... fuck hope she doesn't put me on youtube...
2019! Chill with the r-word!
Yeah nah this guy served 12 months in jail for this. Still ridiculous but don’t fall for the race baiting
Funny, I hate Rick and Morty but love bushland adventures.
Is Bond the one on the Gold Coast or Melbourne?
Imagine actually thinking that anyone cares if you say faggot in Queensland
I hate you too cunt
Gold Coast, arguably the most bogan city in Australia, which probably explains why nobody cares if you say naughty words
Yes we do because we’re normal humans beans and have morals/ manners
That just means the cancer is dorment user, not defeated
Yes I’m Aussie you don’t need to explain it to me
If they were using words like nigger and faggot unironically it’s because they’re all absolute tryhards, and a lot of rich kids because it’s a private uni and you need to pay inflated fees up front
Are you a faggot?
Yes I’m gay. Got a problem?
You need to be fucking shot
I remember going to Sovereign Hill for a school camp once, it was very nice. Would go again but I don't want to drive to the shit hole that is Bendigo
So you do have a problem
>poofta from inner city Brisbane thinks all of Queensland is just like his little bubble-world
You do realise fags still get bashed in other parts of Queensland like Townsville and nobody cares right? They sure as fuck aren't going to care if someone says the word faggot
>sovereign hill
imagine thinking you're any different from any other faggot aussie
So you think that just because all of your faggot-loving friends are tolerant of you that this represents the feelings of all of Queensland?
I’m not really gay haha
They will care if somebody says faggot as that person will immediately identify themselves as an American blow in or some annoying aggro cunt
FUCK I just got it confused with Ballarat. They're both fucking shithouse anyway
Working au/tv/ into a finna shoot
Dance for me puppets
sovereign hill was fun m8
found out my school got banned from the gift shop for some reason though :^)
There's literally millions of aggro cunts in both Queensland and the rest of Australia tho, it's not as if they're some tiny minority
Getting Aussies to bicker and shitpost is like shooting fish in a barrel tho, it'd be more impressive if you could get us to have a serious, respectful discussion
I couldn't get any bits of gold big enough in the pan from the river so the teachers wouldn't give me one of the water vials to put the gold in it, so I stole some of the vials with shredded gold from the gift shop.
Yeah and those people are drop cunts, they’re not to be admired or treated as the majority
Why do all these teenage suburban runts on Yea Forums pretend that these guys represent Australia to all the big strong Americans on here? It’s seriously poothetic
are you the reason I couldn't get into the gift shop huh
I wish but it seems all the Aussie Yea Forums guys outside of Yea Forums are total dickheads who want to meme about how tough, racist and bogan they are to the BSAs because they’ve got something to prove
Not much point in anything but pissing off the cunts in these stupid threads, maybe when the younger ones grow up they’ll gain perspective, while I hope the boomers among them die soon
Depending on how old you are, probably
Is it seriously that difficult for you to believe that at least some of the Australians on Yea Forums actually are aggro racist bogans?
because australians can't admit to themselves that their masculine image is a manufactured farce and their country is run by women and soft men
It is yeah because the real ones are dropkicks out in the boonies getting pissed every night or smoking meth all the time, they aren’t posting on Yea Forums
Most people on here are teenage outcasts that identify themselves through that stuff, maybe that’s changed recently tbf
>tough bogans make me feel insecure about my own masculinity so I'm going to pretend that they don't exist
"racist bogans" don't spend their time shitposting on anime websites with their iphones. all the australians on this site are university student faggots or unemployed social outcasts
So do you go to Yea Forums at all? Don’t pretend to be Le Aussie hardarse if you don’t follow sports
so true
>tough bogans make me feel insecure about my own masculinity so I'm going to pretend that they don't exist
Fucking kek
Some of the Aussies on Yea Forums started out as teenage outcasts but then grew up to be racist bogans, there's certainly no shortage of tradies, methheads and roidrats on aus/pol/, so it's certainly not as if everyone here is a skinny teenager
/pol/ has absolutely exploded in popularity in recent years and has brought in a lot of normies and bogans, the stereotype of everyone on Yea Forums being a teenage outcast is very outdated, Yea Forums memes and screencaps get reposted on Facebook and Instagram constantly so all the normies are at the very least aware of our existence now
>racist bogans
>uni students
>unemployed outcasts
There's a very big overlap between those three groups user
Is it true the R&M creators hated it?
Isn't the fact that these stories are pretty much /pol/ exclusive indicative that they could just be LARPs?
who cares
almost as banal and insufferable as the source material. It's only improvement is it's lowbrow and not middlebrow
Ask literally anyone who's ever lived in the NT about abos and they'll confirm that it's 100% true
Fair enough man, not australian, just curious cause these stories sound horrible
yeah nah yeah
Nah. The fact that these stories will get you banned pretty much anywhere else explains why that's the case.
Plus, it's pretty easy to differentiate a fake green text story from a real one.
I doubt it, it's pretty similar to the other stuff that Michael Cusack has made and they'd presumably have seen that before they ordered Bushworld Adventures
idk the idea of a police officer digging out the visceral remains of a human from the bottom of a truck sounds pretty hard for me to understand
Abos literally sleep on the roads so it's not exactly uncommon for them to get hit by trucks. Plus the police absolutely hate them since they have to put up with them getting drunk, sniffing petrol and raping kids every day.
This was made by a law student from Vaucluse.
Damn, the amount of edge is veering dangerously close to Canada-tier levels in the one
That's the exact detail that sells the story as being true. Anyone who made up a story would think "nah, this part's too crazy." Only someone who's actually had to live and work with a blight on humanity for most of their career would understand this apathy.
because it's bullshit. aboriginals do not stand on the side of highways with spears like something out of a postcard. a trucker hitting a human being would badly damage his truck, requiring insurance claims, and any cop who knew about it would be in deep shit if he ever overlooked something that major and people found out about it. if cops even look at abos the wrong way there's an outcry of "racism" and coronial inquests
Hey, I watch Oneyplays too
>a trucker hitting a human being would badly damage his truck
Lmao, no, trucks hit 90kg kangaroos here all the time, the truck are designed to withstand it
>aboriginals do not stand on the side of highways with spears like something out of a postcard
One of my friends from Cairns played a game of Rugby in a remote aboriginal town and the abo team literally threw spears at the bus when they lost, he had a video proving it really happened too
Brenton Tarrant was a tough racist bogan and he shitposted on Yea Forums and 00chan all the time tho
>aboriginals do not stand on the side of highways
Yeah they usually sleep on them
Hope your friend went to jail
For winning a game of footy against some abos?
Filming that is a racist hate crime
damn you really are australian lmao
driving behind a truck late at night.... just meat, guts and whole roos flying out the back
had to back right off then the fucking thing started jumping out in front of the car, had to wait until morning to keep going
no the drive from Sydney to gove, fuck that drive
M8 I dont know shit about St. but if it was catholic or all boys then it can be nearly/as dero but with generally less consensual sex. Iv been to both and they were both shit.
I once did way to much night driving on a motorcycle in the Aus savanna so I just kissed road train arse and drove around the burger paddies they left. The trucks go so fast your only option is to speed like fuck to keep up or drive alone in the dark and wait to be taken out by a Ivan or a roo.
kill yourself, reddit
>driving a bike at night in the Savannah
Did you literally have a death-wish?
Every Abo i'v interacted with has been drunk/fucked and asking for money. Are they actually all totally and irredeemably fucked? I tend not to buy into the stereotypes too much but if I was a sentient Abo i'd off myself or assume a new identity to avoid being associated with those 'people'. I can't find a unbiased source on actual Abo IQ but the lack of Gov stats makes me think its too low for them to want to measure.
This is how I have felt with every ethnicity from gypsies to slavs
After a while you just come to realize racial stereotypes exist for a reason
I don't know how you would define "unbiased", but from what I've seen there are several breeds of dogs with higher estimated IQs than abos.
Kek, more so at the time. Doing that just made me feel shit, frays the nerves to nothing. Now all I want is a big fucking 4x4 with a huge roo bar so I can drive like the locals doing 200km/h at night, see why they die like flies tho.
Even the government admits that they basically didn't even know how to make fire, they just harvested it from bushfires
I just wanted to add I have never seen a dog cut out the shaft of his penis just so another dog can fuck him there
Which is a real thing abos do, don't look it up I almost threw up
To be fair that not much more gross than what white trannies do
Don't forget the churches.
Look I know its tempting to jump on Abos are dumber than monkeys shit if you already believe in that but a more nuanced view would seek to eliminate the variables of shitty fucking families, drugs, education and nutrition that you get from most Abo communities. Some of this comes across in the 1970s stuff where they have a pool of ('good') stolen generation IQs to draw from and the results are not apparently significantly different. I'm more concerned with knowing the absolute truth and helping people even if they are fucked because I don't think moving into a future of genetic engineering that this racial shit is a huge deal. I just don't think the gov is interested in acquiring good data because it would put them in a position of having to actually do something unsavory other than just giving out a pittance of gibz.
Look m8 thats just not true they have the normal array of fire sticks/bows/saws and sheit despite being a widely semi-paleo sort of culture.
So much so that you talk about gays when replying to completely unrelated posts just so that you can get a good conversation going about gays when no one is really bothering to talk about gays which is unacceptable considering you really hate gays and often talk about gays and how much you hate them at random (hate gays). When you see sweat gleaming on some buff gay's chest or the tight hairless pucker of some twink trap (god she looks so much like a girl I fucking hate gays) you just literally seeeethe and think about those fucking gays who you hate so much. Fucking gays even intrude in your thoughts when you try to watch porn, eyes keep sliding to the left to check out that huge veiny looking custard chucker when you should be checking out the pussy (don't stare at the balls).
Go suck a cock already user.
Like our fuckwit pentacostal pm. Thanks for that cunts. 3 more years of useless tards and total void of policy until Albo the destroyer comes.
Fucking Quexit can't come soon enough.
>Rural toothless crackhead boganon who's never been to Melbourne or Syd and couldn't even afford a holiday there detected.
And yet you wonder why the rest of Australia hates you
Never heard that the rest of Australia hates Syd.
Never heard anyone except fuckwits on /pol/ pushing the hurr fuc Melbourne meme either.
Why not visit Sydney so I can kick 7 patriot blue shades of shit out of you?
Yeh I bet you hated fackin Big Lez too didn't ya cunt?
How fucking deluded are you if you think the rest of Australia doesn't hate that gook infested shithole
Another patrician in the thread
I unironically wish Season 4 was just 10 episodes of Bushworld Adventures,
>Never heard that the rest of Australia hates Syd.
>Never heard anyone except fuckwits on /pol/ pushing the hurr fuc Melbourne meme either.
The only way you could actually have never heard either of those things IRL is if you are literally deaf, maybe you should get a hearing aid user
Sounds like confirmation bias user
>so what if we got fucked in the arse in the last three elections, this time will totally be different guys
Literally as deluded as Bernie supporters in America
Queensland would happily leave the Commonwealth but we're going to stay just to fuck with you and keep preventing Labor from ever getting elected
Bushworld is easily the best Rick and Morty episode of all time
The Aussie dude's other stuff is kino too
Couldn't possibly be any worse than season 3, holy shit that was a clusterfuck
Why? Everything good that ever happened here was created by Labor. Even Gillard with a hung parliament managed to pass a shitload of legislation while dealing with a cunt like Abbott.
Nbn is latest example of something good Labor did that Liberals fucked up. Even bogan scum like you lot would have had fibre to the building. Now you can enjoy copper.
>Everything good that ever happened here was created by Labor
Imagine actually being this brainwashed
>wanting even more legislation
As if we don't already have enough of a nanny-state
Imagine you burned your medicare card, gave away all your super and put your money where your mouth is. No welfare either, not even a pension.
Ok thjs is Freaking epic
Bushworld Adventures was the best episode desu