Just saw this for the first time

Wtf, Tarantino actually used to be a good director?

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It's unironically his best movie

He always was a good director.

Attached: 1528792749929.jpg (1995x5184, 3.4M)

weird that he never worked with any of these actors again except for jackson.

Jackie Brown was probably the most Tarantino-esque movie he made.

This looks like the list of a 16 year old goth girl. Pathetic. Tarantino is also trash.

Definitely the best one out of the movies by him I've seen.

I thought that OUATIH was also good but everything between Jackie Brown and OUATIH was trash.
I agree.

Michael Keatons character Ray has a cameo in the movie Out of Sight


probably the best tarantino film and one of best movies of the 90's , and there are many reasons for that that no everyone will understand

Bridget Fonda in this movie is everything.

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that scene when deniro shoots her is so great

tried watching it, got like a third of the way though then turned it off cos it was boring

She was great in this.

nice tumblr speak

Its a shit film, only liked by contrarians



I understand that you dislike him in that period of time,but if you can't understand that Inglorious Bastards is great, even if you didn't like it, you are the worst kind of a pleb.

The Dirty Dozen did it before and better. Inglorious Basterds has great scenes but as a whole it isn't good.

Shit opinion

Ok. I give you that. Dirty Dozen is an untouchable masterwork. I'm not saying that Inglorious Bastards is a masterwork, but Tarantula always makes his own spin on previous material. His discourse about ultraviolence and audiences in Inglorious Bastards is more nuanced than you think.

So what are some nuances in Inglorious Basterds?

when the audience of the propaganda movie is locked in and burns to death, that's the movie's audience


It's a long analysis, but it enhances the experience of watching Inglorious enormously. I give you the link for the cinema scenes.

Why would it be the movie's audience?

Alright, thanks. I will look into it.

Tarentinos smaller scale movies are his best imo

This, resovoir dogs, hateful 8 and kill bill are better than the rest of his meme shit movies

Is that jobs movie actually any good?

You are welcome user

No but check out that one with Fassbender if you haven't seen it.