Was the dad just a closet homo?

was the dad just a closet homo?

Attached: MV5BZjdmZGM5ZDYtNGZmYS00NmYxLWJjZjYtZTE5YmY0NmVjNTc2XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDM3MTM2NzA@._V1_UX182_CR0,0,182 (182x268, 13K)

No, he was """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""talked into it""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".


Really makes you think.

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It’s not gay if you’re helping a bro out. His wife was holding out on him remember.

Imagine being so much of a closet-case you think there's anything gay about giving your bro some relief lmao

Attached: pf01.jpg (240x260, 14K)

dude was such a chad that even straight dudes wanted him, no homo though

why put the black bar on the cover? that same picture is shown in the doc as well as several other pictures as a child and an adult

best part of the documentary is the pedo's brother's complete nonchalance

>Kidnap and rape a families daughter for months
>Your own family covers for you
>Still start an affair with the mother of said daughter
>With that daughter ready for you later
It really does not make you think highly of people when this is possible

>ywn abducted
was i ugly or something bros?

Attached: 1429225075252.jpg (630x611, 73K)

This can only happen in the US

it wasn't rape

Are you some kinda all-hating commie? It’s totally okay to rub out your bro if he’s in need.

Both parents are directly responsible for their daughter being abducted and raped during her formative years. They should've taken away the children and sent those two retards to prison

No he just got talked into it. Some sociopathic people are very persuasive and some can be very susceptible. Obviously this guy could these people into anything

>he can't into a cheeky brojob
what, worried you'd like it too much?

If I took 8 year old you to Mexico unconscious, tell you your family will die along with the rest of the world if you don't suck my cock, and do not give you a chance to leave, would you call what you did consent

I'm not a fag so no. nice homo fantasy you got though

People don't stay unconscious via drugs for more than a few hours without serious health complications. So that part of the story is bullshit. She willingly went with him then was helped to make up stories to explain why.

>banged the daughter
>banged the mom
>probably could have banged the dad
How do I achieve this mode?

the dad was just a person who previously used anime girl reaction images on Yea Forums and as avatars on other websites, so obviously he was into a high-concept NTR scenario like this
it's the fate of anyone who uses anime girl avatars

Na, it's completely normal for a man to jerk off another man because he asked you to

he was dead, so he probably did bang the dad. the dad just had the sense to downplay his homosexual relationship.

This was all just a front for a swingers group that they used their daughter for

I have 100% confirmation that my sense of humor is fucked after being here for so long.
>Hanging with the boys
>Talking about mockumentaries like Spinal Tap
>I mention OPs pic and how it made me HOWL
>"Let's check it out!"
>It's actually serious shit for 20 minutes
>Room is dead quiet.
>The "relief" scene is soon
>Can't hold it in
>"So I just reached over and gave him some relief"
>Start cry laughing
>"Damn user. What's so funny about that?"
I think I need new friends.

Attached: relief.jpg (786x413, 36K)

it took you 20 minutes to start laughing?

Took all his heart medicine and drank Kahlua and milk, and so he drank that and died.

People have an aching need for affection. This can be misused.

how old were they when they met?