What's your favorite Rocky movie? Also how do you feel about the Creed movies?

What's your favorite Rocky movie? Also how do you feel about the Creed movies?

Attached: rocky-3-560-3.jpg (560x330, 40K)

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1 is the correct answer, obviously

Rocky 1 is the best.

Creed is great, Creed 2 is okay.

Creed was okay-ish, carried by Stallone
Didn't see 2 yet

Rocky vs Predator

Rocky 1 is far and away the best Rocky movie. Never saw Balboa or the Creed movies.

3. It's the most fun and has some of the best moments. I love the Clubber Lang stuff throughout. 1's the most quality movie in the series, but 3 is still my favorite.

Rocky IV, and Creed 2 was okay, but Viktor should've won.

Never watched the Creeds

first one is best one, fourth one is most entertaining and the last one as far as i'm considered