White women have melanin receptors all over the surface of their pussy walls. They have concluded from this that White Women sub consciously seek out darker men and cum more intensely when having intercourse with brown and black cocks. Even Bill Nye has gone on record supporting this fact.

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I call bullshit by every metric. Normal white girls dont fuck nogs unless they are super white washed or the girl is a hog. Same with black chicks and white men. Majority of girls on the low hate black dudes but play off the whole anti racism thing. It’s weird.

Yes, but it because they're all racist

How is this related to television and film?

Oh I am sure a serious article and study was done using 3 for an e

Who cares?

Attached: 1566790159570.gif (288x136, 669K)

>posted by Admin
>"S3xual Sociological Endowment" (doesn't exist)
>"Cultural Histology" department (made up department)

>american white
Pick one

Attached: White Cucks2.png (493x348, 26K)


Attached: gooksoy.png (785x1000, 175K)

>believing this
>believing porn is anything to do with reality
>not having sex
>being a self hating white man
>associating your shortcomings with racial identity.

Stop doing or believing the above.

Do you think that the mods ever have to take a break and consult a guidebook to determine what is it what isn't on-topic?
Man, it must be so hard.

>a whopping 87%
What no way!?

>ask 5 wh*tes from a c*ck site
>dont ask anyone else

>cuckold fantasy survey
So you're starting from a selection of people who already admit to having cuckold fetishes, then try to expand that to the general pop?

Attached: 1542600042778.png (439x290, 141K)

And I'm white but only want to fuck exotic women. I couldn't care less to be honest family

Bettendorf is going all out.

Attached: 1561836090384.png (963x908, 981K)

>online """study""" of less than 500 people on cuck websites
Kill yourself

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Attached: wg10.jpg (500x300, 23K)

>cultural histology
My sides

Hold still gook boy and take your beating

Attached: Once-Upon-A-Time-In-Hollywood-Cliff-Booth-Denim-Jacket-510x600.jpg (510x600, 63K)


Reminder that this study has less than 700 participants and was conducted on fucking surveymonkey of all places.

Why do you censor yourself?
Are you fucking autistic or are you just a stupid american?
Or maybe it's just a symptom of the fact that millennials are cucks?

Attached: wg1553884519914.webm (404x718, 1.06M)

How disrespectful.

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at least i'll never be THAT miserable and cynical, what a life he must have.

...Rabbi Hershel Shekels, impartial conductor of the study, says "but we can still get that number higher..."

>to be honest family
You are American, which means you are not white.

Attached: 1562571728104.jpg (883x904, 91K)

I am white and my girlfriend is Chinese. How does that make you feel OP?

>meanwhile, in dating sites

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Until they do... then they never see black men again and post "no black guys" on their online dating profiles.

There is a very select few who prefer black men.

Those who have actually experienced it usually don't want anything to do with them afterward.

How can anyone look at this faggot and want to start a family with a slope female?

Attached: 1545995068980.gif (200x200, 3.32M)

To avoid my country's int*lligence ag*ncy J*wish overl0rds' database trackers. I love how you immediately revert to 'le hur dur american burger!'
r e n t f r e e bud
also, post yfw I started the * thing and now people use it all the time.

this is someone's daughter


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I work for the Cultural Histology Department of my university and we too have come to the same conclusion. Curiously we also found that a whopping 87% of all user of the Television & Film subsection of the 4channel image board have had relations with children under the age of 12 and the remaining 13% belonged to a new sexism-based, radicalized movement of men who refer to themselves as "Incels" which was sparked by the film Blade Runner 2049.

>someone gave birth to these people

damn she lookin' for that GENGHIS dick

proof that people will say anything to not sound racist

their actions prove otherwise

So yes, you are American, that explains everything, you like censoring yourselves and misspelling words on purpose for no reason, along with speaking like niggers.

Did you know Rutgers University is full of sexual deviants? Did you know that Rutgers doesn't investigate its sexual violent crimes? Did you know they made a new std from this?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-25_22-28-18.png (782x220, 61K)

Another great, on-topic post brought to you by the hard-working mods of Yea Forums.

>don't make me turn yiu back into an INDOeuropean
What is this supposed to mean?

d0 y0u think ab0ut am3ricans everyday? i'm fl@tt3r3d


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Go away Tenda

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>melanin receptors
Okay that’s actually pretty funny

holy fuckin based

>Miami girl
checks out

Attached: miami fan.gif (250x318, 1.45M)

I wonder what our friend Bettendorf thinks of this.

Attached: 1536409359210.png (1290x886, 923K)

>be asian
>be 5’5”
>be unemployed
>have 3 inch dick
>parents constantly shout and threaten to disown me because I’m failing college
>praise sister who has just married a white lawyer
>come on Yea Forums because Yea Forums is the only thing that brings me pleasure anymore
>see constant Asian bashing threads, feel bad

Shall I just end it now lads?

These posts always get replies. This board is pathetic.


honestly, yes

It's just banter

people like to claim its a forever p0l raid but the reality is that its a social and cultural war and we're all players in it. look to TV and movies and see how it mirrors the same little conflicts and agendas. honestly could be a good thing at the end of everything, maybe people will get a clue and segregate. maybe then people will be happy having their own culture instead of exploiting or destroying (mixing) others.

Oh God the jealousy. Shit like this just makes me feel sorry for non-whites

I can BTFO all of /pol/ when I larp as an Asian, that user is a pussy

You're actually just mentally ill and need to go outside.

but who would do that? just go on the internet and tell lies?

>3 inch dick
How did you not end it years ago

Hey mate, I'm what would be called a wite notsee around here. I don't hate you at all and have never had any bad feelings towards asians. People have noticed that wh*tes and asians will 'stick together' in racial situations and have decided to capitalize on destroying any alliance. it's all part of a distraction from the 'real' enemy.
>inb4 b@n also

>(((according to study)))


Attached: merchant.jpg (220x220, 19K)

you only reinforce what i said
didnt know we had so many shrinks on Yea Forums
(have dilate)

White women statistically race mix the least, but nice try jew

based pajeet

it's even dumber than that. to anyone who bothers looking up her "study" (she literally just surveys people on social media) the numbers for that particular graph are taken from an american cuckold hookup website. the statistic is essentially saying that americans use american websites.

This is literal pol white boy cope

>girls hate black guys! They're just pretending to have sex with them!!


Genuine question, have you visited america before? I always wonder if people who claim that there are zero whites in america are serious or not. I'm Finnish, but i've travelled all across the world, including the US and I don't honestly understand why they get so much hate. Is it blind contrarianism? There are many beautiful places in america and many nice people as well. Maybe i'm biased since i've been to shitholes in south america, asia, and germany. At the end of the day I would rather live in Finland than anywhere else, but I just don't get the hate.

incels don't understand statistics lmao

Is this mixed results for both men and women?