Any actually good and informative kinos about life during a recession? I'd like to know what's awaiting us.
Economic meltdown movies
Other urls found in this thread:
The Big Short
Recession is 2 consecutive quarters with negative growth. So your life isn't likely to change a whole lot :-) It sure is bad optics for an incumbent president ahead of an election campaign, and that's why it receives a lot of coverage.
I don't wanna talk politics with you, I actually want movie recommendations.
isn't that meme tier though? also it's from the perspective of the people on top right? I want to see the hardships that regular people need to deal with during a recession.
Storage Wars.
Unironically. Basically it's about selling off the assets of people who got burned in the Great Recession.
yeah but nothing about the recession is experienced. it's a fun show seeing people fuck with each other to bet on junk, but not something that'll show me how people have to live through a recession.
Nothing will happen. Bounce back by weeks end. You'll see.
odds of a recession happening in the near future? i live a boring life so seeing society slowly collapse is my only form of entertainment
>i live a boring life so seeing society slowly collapse is my only form of entertainment
kys incel
I guess you haven't been watching the yield curve, long and slow recession is coming.
The 10-2 yield curve hasn't inverted yet. It's at 0.01
Also why are pulling this "long and slow" shit out of your ass
It's a good movie. It's from the investor perspective, but show some notable events like Lehman Brothers mass demissions
thanks, download this one atm.
So wait. When did the narrative switch from trump being a Russian agent to him crashing the economy?
europe and china are already in a recession, well be in one by next year at the latest
Maybe check out Margin Call man. Might not be exactly what you are looking for but its still pretty good.
Great one.
What time frame is that lol.
You are confusing shit.
Trump doesn't want to crash the economy. But Democrats and the lunatic left DO want to crash the economy with no fucking survivors as retribution/retaliation against the masses for voting for Trump and basically hold any hope of a recovery over the masses heads to force them to vote Trump out of office, in a "we'll cause a life ruining economic apocalypse that will harm EVERYONE and not unfuck shit up until you flyover state faggots do what the coastal elites order you to do and elect our preferred President in 2020 to get Trump out of office".
The DNC and their ilk have been been testing it out, via Bill Maher and other celebrities, the "rape the economy to force everyone to vote Democrat" line for about two years. It was denounced by everyone so fucking hard and called out for being the height of 1% arrogance that Bill Maher had to briefly back off on spewing it until recently, when he started shilling it again on his show.
The lunatic left have also started, via their media cronies, wholesale trying to meme the idea of Trump's economic policies causing a recession/depression after the media had to break the fuck down and admit that Trump's fixed the economy Bush and Obama broke AND admit, that so long as the economy does well, that Trump's a shoe-in for re-election.
Hence the change in tone, because the later of the two things made liberals and the DNC shit their pants, hence marching orders to try and meme a recession into happening, because they know they are fucked in 2020
Grapes of Wrath is the ultimate depression era film about life during an economic collapse but it's about the Great Depression, not the most recent recession.
Girl Gone uses the Great Recession as a major plot device and plays a role, along with her husband's adultery, as the reason behind her motive for faking her death to punish her husband.
Wall Street II Money Never Sleeps takes place during/after the economic crash of 2008 and has Gordon Gecko navigating the aftermath of the crash as it affects his daughter and his son-in-law, who's firm was gutted by a rival Wall Street big shot who was a rival of Gordon's.
The Company Men deals with men who lost their companies and white collar jobs dealing with unemployment and not being able to find similar jobs of the same prestige.
Veronica Mars (the movie) deals with the main character returning to her hometown of Neptune (already a hotbed of corruption, elites exploiting the poor, class warfare uber alles) and finding that the elites used the crash of 2008 to fuck with the poor people in town, even more so than it did in the TV show.
>Girl Gone uses the Great Recession as a major plot device and plays a role, along with her husband's adultery, as the reason behind her motive for faking her death to punish her husband.
What what what?
Nothing interesting ever happens.
The Great Recession kicks off the plot for Girl Gone. Nick and Amy were upper middle class city yuppies until the Recession happens. Nick and Amy get fired from their cushy magazine writer gigs and Amy is told by her idiot boomer parents, that she has to use all of her trust fund (from the books about her that her parents wrote/set aside for her) to pay off her parent's mortgage and debts or else they would be homeless and in so much much debt, they'd be irrevocably ruined.
And with her trust fund wiped out, Nick comes up with the idea of leaving the city for a rural one horse town so they can use their remaining savings to buy a dive bar and live the "sweet life" in red state America, where you can live comfortably on a modest salary. And the combination of Amy being forced to live among rednecks and Nick meeting the girl he would cheat on her with in his old home town, caused Amy to snap and concoct her horrific revenge scheme to destroy her husband and make her parents suffer thinking their daughter was dead.
>I'd like to know what's awaiting us
mate we have already lived through one
it was inverted for like an hour
Interest rates just recently inverted (I think this past month?), and a recession ALWAYS follows suit. And given we never really recovered from the last recession...or the one before it...and the one before that...and so on, and we used up our "get out of recession free" bailout card the last one, this next one is going to be a big OOF to everyone. Unemployment is already at 56% or so, you can probably expect that to shoot up to 70 - 75% based off what happened to unemployment during the last recession. If it gets bad enough, you could even see large scale riots break out - there's already a LOT of people pissed off right now either at society or the current state of politics; a mega-recession that causes the majority of the population to lose their jobs, lose their homes, and even lose their sustenance, would just be adding fire to the gunpowder keg.
uh huhh
It has inverted.
>Interest rates just recently inverted
Where? Not in the U.S.
>recession ALWAYS follows suit
It doesn't.
>Unemployment is already at 56%
No it isn't.
it inverted for a short period
based retard
>adding another layer to an existing wall is building an entire new wall.
>>Unemployment is already at 56%
>No it isn't.
How does it feel to be retarded and believe everything politicians tell you?
That's the participation rate, moron.
QE rendered some of the fixed income index less reliable than before
you should be looking at leverage over s&p 500 (overall) and buybacks with said debt. having said that corporate debt should be utter shit if this is the case
If people aren't participating in the labor force they're not employed you literal fucking retard.
>trump fixed the economy
>the democrats are going to ruin the economy despite not being in a position to pass any legislation
jesus christ man look at yourself, swallowing billionaire propaganda.
Democrats know that an economic crash doesn't help anyone but the billionaires, because they have enough cash to just HODL and buy up stocks and repossessed houses. Everyone else gets rekt.
Unemployment and participation rate are two different things, moron.
Not rocket science.
Margin call, the big short, spider web (not about 2008 but still good about finance etc)
so you think part of this recession flash has to do with QE and might not indicate a recession? this means index funds are strong but corporate debt is not? help a brother out.
Holy fuck how retarded are you?
Jesus fuck boomers have room temp IQ levels.
Yea Forums is genuinely retarded about anything to do with economics. most posters are kids or neets or otherwise brainlets. just look at /biz/.
Labor participation is the whole workforce, the percentage of the population that works, which means no retired, medicall unfit, or neets.
Uemployment is the percentage of the population counted as workers who aren't currently working.
unemployment is measured on the labor force (ppl with jobs vs ones that are looking for one)
>bro if you like only look at a subset of data like it's totally different then if you look at the whole picture bro
So this is what they mean by chickens coming home.
Bye bye, murr'ca
Interest rates did not invert. The The 2yr/10yr Treasury yield curve dipped under 0. I don't think it even technically counts as an inversion.
You are the one who used the wrong term, and you are calling me the moron?
He is trolling you. He knows what you are talking about. I suggest you ignore him.
it's still really troubling to see them at that spread
we're at a point now where the economy cant sustain with actual interest rates, and the only places rates can go is negative
>Bye bye, murr'ca
American is the only country doing really well economically well. Europe, Canada, Japan and China are all entering a recession or a slow down.
>you can't like, know or predict or guess things man
>it's just gonna happen why even bother 420 we're all gonna die someday fuck knowing
The interest rates have been going up under Trump. Obama had near zero interest rate for 8 fucking years.
>I don't think it even technically counts as an inversion.
oh ok. that's just what i read i know fuck all about finance.
no, if companys buyback stocks with cheap debt they overvalue themselves inflating index funds that are based on said companies. still some argue that buybacks make for 1% of all traded equities so there really shouldnt be a problem. ill link you some articles
and here is a counter argument
overall you have to take into account most traders are re assembling their playbooks for the trade war and a possible currency stand off thats why theres unceirtanty overall on the curve
what does the fed fund rates have to do with bond rates?
Imagine believing this...
its a benchmark rate for the market.
bonds re price themselves to stay competitive upon the swings of the rate
They are interrelated Basically opposite twins.
>Bonds and interest rates have an inverse relationship: As interest rates increase, bond prices generally fall; as interest rates fall, bond prices go up. By bond prices, we're referring to previously issued bonds already trading on the secondary market. New bonds are issued with coupon rates coupon rates (the stated, fixed amount of interest they pay) in keeping with the current prevailing interest rates.
Anyone who thinks we're headed for a recession is an actual fullblooded retard.
Homeless problem is because of Democrats not Trump.
>oh ok. that's just what i read i know fuck all about finance.
Neither, really. Most people don't. If you asked 10 different experts you would get 10 different opinions.
We might be.
just scrolling through this thread to see everyone’s hot takes on how markets and the global & domestic economy operates. Most everyone here excluding a handful of posters are invertebrates. Fucking Hell.
He's a brain dead boomer. You can tell by the way he types.
>if companys buyback stocks with cheap debt
ok thanks. i think i misunderstood the subject the first time around.
there's nothing wrong with a recession. its a natural cycle retard
fun with dick and jane
I think he wants about people dealing with the crisis, not about the making of the crisis. Or I would suggest Margin Call.
>I think he wants about normal* people dealing with the crisis
>wanted to discuss films
>thread is about economy
Well, then I'll post this pic and go to sleep. Goodbye.
I have 100k in cash.
What am I supposed to do with it right now so I don't lose it all?
Guns, ammo, gold, silver, tools and land.
pray orange man doesn't inflate your wealth away and wait until the bottom to buy cheap real estate
t. /biz/
Inflation has been low as hell under Trump. Why do you tards constantly ass pull bullshit?
With that little cash you're fucked either way. Sorry user.
america doesn't have recessions only dumbass yuropoor socialists with bad teeth do
>For the second quarter, production was down 1.2% after a 1.9% decline in the first three months of the year. Manufacturing fell at a 2.2% rate in the second quarter after a 1.9% drop in the first three months of the year.
manufacturing is in recession right now, and according to signs such as the yield curve the rest of the economy will follow shortly
We still have far more manufacturing than we had under Obama. Seems like FUD.
Stock Market last year around this time plunged like 20% and eventually even went up in 2019 erasing all losses, it could happen again.
Top 10 Great Depression Movies
Of Mice and Men
Cinderella Man
O' Brother, Where Art Thou?
Paper Moon
The Purple Rose of Cairo
The Sting
Modern Times
The Grapes of Wrath
To Kill A Mockingbird
Bonnie and Clyde
i mean in the recession, pray your gov does not use qe money printing. that would be bad if your plan is to hold usd.
How much do you need?
The Grapes of Wrath
>Unemployment is already at 56%
>futures only .58% down
majority of adults between 18 and 65 don't have formal employment
some get student loans and 'study' full time
some get gibs
some have rich spouse/family and don't work
some are actually retired
some work under the table but claim they earn $0 a year
I thought Trump was going to save the economy?
There is nothing to save.
Trump says a lot of things
Does anybody legitimately think there's a solution or politician who can prevent the inpending bubble burst?
Foreign countries have more people willing to work for an absolute tiny fraction of what Americans work for and their populations are growing. Globalisation means western companies can oursource more efficienctly.
Western countried have significant welfare systems and take an altruistic approach to unproductive members of society (e.g. blacks) and this is only increasing with time.
On top of this there's no shared, absolute value system that is overwhelmingly predominant and government enforcement of social norms is all in the wrong areas so it won't even cling on like a North Korea.
USA is fucked.
>e.g. blacks
fake news
>life during a recession? I'd like to know what's awaiting us.
nigga there was one just 11 years ago
Look up statistics on groups that are net profits vs net losses to the US.
Literally only white and asian men are profotable. ALL other groups consume more than they put in.
This is statistical reality and a major issue that nobody will ever address. When half the US budget goes to welfare and is stesdily increasing, this issue far outweights probably anything you consider a danger.
Why group on racial lines based on averages when you can just classify by their net contributions?
I'd rather keep the blacks and women who contribute than white men who take more welfare.
B-b-but Jazzhands McFeels told me Democrats didn't want that if they want to win in 2020
For a moment I thought I was on /biz/ why is it that I always go to Yea Forums for threads about anything but television & film?
I agree. I'd rather decent blacks than bad whites.
I mention blacks specifically because mainstream political decision is all about how things are terrible for blacks and how more resources must be dedicated to them, and not just financial but in changing how entire systems work in the attempt to fix issues I don't believe exist or are significant enough relative to other inequalities/issues. These are nuanced issues treated as matter of fact and it results in blacks being generalized as a group to be deserving of more when evidence I consume and my own deductions lead me to believe this is completely the opposite of what is beneficial.
Do you mean Gone Girl?
>you used tegh wrong termz!!!1!
I didn't use anything wrong. Labor participation rates are a far more accurate figure for unemployment, as the flat unemployment rate paraded around by politicians and media is cooked and stats skewed to fit an agenda.
Anyone trying to use them to talk about unemployment rates is a bona fide brainlet.
It's more like 40% but whatever.
It affects mostly blue collar workers. White collar workers have more financially secure jobs, so they don't affected as much by an economy that is unstable as a drunkard at a bar.
If you count babies and stay-at-home moms as "unemployed"
LBR only counts people 16 and over i.e. anyone legally allowed to work.
It's got it from both sides. The scenes where Carrell's guys are going out interviewing the "owners"/renters of the McMansions in 7nfinished housing divisions and talking to loan officers at local banks is eye-opening as fuck.
Great fucking movie.
>Grapes of Wrath is the ultimate depression era film about life during an economic collapse but it's about the Great Depression, not the most recent recession.
also pic related. I don't think it's ever been done as a movie, but it's a very easy read and it's the absolute zenith of "things are rough" kino. it's also literal propoganda, the author lived in the neighborhoods it describes and recoreded the worst things he saw into a single storyline about a single family. So it all essentially happened those people but it was maybe not so bad
you guys are idiots. the fed funds rate is the y intercept of the curve, not the slope.
>the sky is falling!
>the sky is falling!
Getting real sick of your shit, libbys.