
How exactly does King Kong have any hope of defeating this?

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Nuclear powered Kong

*throws house sized poo down your lizard throat*
*beats chest triumphantly*

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Some idiot told me to watch the latest Godzilla movie on here and I tried but it's just too fucking stupid. Why does the guy have to blow himself up to wake up Godzilla? Oh because of "scene" yeah so fucking powerful. Then they have some Negress barking orders to everyone as if she could even tie her own shoes in real life. The Asian characters lecture the white piggu about how they didn't slay dragons they loved them. Every scene is interrupted by a loud sound and a bunch of bass as some other monster is doing something. I fucking hated it and I was bored out of my fucking mind watching it.

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Why was this stop motion sequence cut from Godzilla vs Biollante?

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In the event this isn’t a troll post, in the original Godzilla, the doctor sacrifices himself to detonate the oxygen destroyer, killing Godzilla.

This is the inverse of that scene.

Imagine being this insecure about "your race" lmao

My guess is they felt the jerky motion of the stop motion didn't blend well with the relatively smooth motion of the suits and puppetry, still pretty cool to see though.

Honestly, it's some of the smoothest stop motion I've ever seen. It's almost Harryhausen levels of good.

>not posting burning Godzilla

Electricity like ghidorah in that scene


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It's not real life, user.

I love Yea Forums(nel)

Kong is a cuckold, a nigger and a reverse-zoophile. Chadzilla is gonna BTFO him hard

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the writers will type "then Kong beats Godzilla"

hmm this is becoming a big maymay

the writers will type "then Godzilla beats Kong"

these "vs" movies never end with a clear winner. it will end with them both teaming up to fight some other dumbass shit

kong is gonna bradu pittu godzilla

the biggest since big guy4u

i'm still trying to figure out who won in batman versus superman

>*blocks your path in Juche*

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not the audience
