ITT: kino threads
How could the Sneedfag ever recover?
ITT: sneedo threads
Sneed is literally the worst thing Yea Forums has ever done and I hope all sneedposters die
yeah what a surprise
Remember when you were caught samefagging in that Mask thread?
I remember this. The jannie really is a sicko.
You faggots resort to this every fucking time for anything you don't like. So did Alita faggots, so do anime niggers and so do you dickless bitch.
seething bitch
Sneedposting literally made me like jannies.
Except this time there’s actually proof it’s one guy
>IP count hasn't gone up after post
>Trying to act like you're a new poster
Shut the fuck up. Imagine sucking some 300 IB neet's cock because he takes down everything not on-topic or too "political" for you
Sneedposting also made me like jannies
Sneeding bitch
Literally every single imaginable post is better than sneed. Cunny, bane, that banana, desu all of it is funnier and has more substance to it that sn**d. Worst meme in years. Worst spam in years.
Hmm. I wonder how in simpsons or sneed threads with more than 1 or 2 IP'S and multiple sneedposts, I wonder how it's just one guy?? What a fascinating mind you have. If I post sneed right now, will that make me that one guy??
Basado, I was in that thread
So you admit you are mentally ill troll?
Why are janitors such complete and utter faggots?
I'm asking this seriously, every single one of them are powertripping no-fun assholes. How do you get to the point in your life where you're such a fucking loser that moderating for free is the only tiny speck of power and control left in your pathetic life?
I think you’re already showing us you’re that one guy
>maskfag jannie
have sneed incel
its based when this happens desu like when the BLACKED poster gets his posts deleted and you see that he was massively samefagging himself
Pretty rad...
The EXACT same situation happened on Yea Forums with myheroacademia threads.
This one retard kept shilling for his favourite charater using the methods in OP's pic and he was exposed exactly the same way, ban that deleted all his posts revealing his embarassing shallowness.
Sneed is literally the worst thing Yea Forums has ever done and I hope all sneedposters die
Sneedposting literally made me like jannies.
Literally every single imaginable post is better than sneed. Cunny, bane, that banana, desu all of it is funnier and has more substance to it that sn**d. Worst meme in years. Worst spam in years.
Based. What kind of faggot enjoys spamming blacked and sneed?
Is this the answer behind all forced memes that are incredibly bad but still seem to have "fans"?
I'll admit it, I'm the one Sneed poster.
I'm on here 24/7 and just love to Sneedpost!
Seems like a pretty based guy tbqhfam
Mostly just sneed and blacked spam, but yes.
>reddit spacing
No you're not
Sneed is shit and so are you. Take your shitty forced meme back to R-eddit where it belongs.
>Worst spam in years
Well there's a certain pasta...
I am Sneedicus
The masklet's only defense is to accuse others of samefagging
They do this because, as discord natives coming to Yea Forums, samefagging and raiding are their primary methods of pushing their shitty forced meme
Imagine being here often enough to recognize any sort of trends in posters or posting. I come here a few hours a day to shitpost and relax and that’s it. If you’re here 6 or more hours a day you need to kill yourself.
Yeah I'm thinking this is based
Sneed's feed and seed. Formerly Chucks.
>frequenting the bokunocuck subreddit
You're not much better.
Can anyone tell me why they (he?) spam sn**d all the time?
Did it start as a way to get back at jannies?
>implying I didn't just post walls of text describing what I would do to nana shimura if she were real and alive
For me, it's anal
I actually started the meme. Some of my OC from years ago still gets posted by other anons. It became cringe after a month or so once bandwagon election tourists latched on.
There is no consequence to spamming and annoying people, so people with sad and empty lives will spam and annoy people.
Sneedposting is dead, bury it
To derail the gayest, lefty, (((comfy simpsons))), reddit, zoomer threads. Because it makes you seethe morr than those /pol/ people that are your boogeyman seethe at blacked bait threads. And you'll keep feeding it attention forever. Because you can't control it. Sneed brings forth the weaks thoughts. It's like magic or a ritual. It's beuatiful. So effortless. So simple.
Sneed lmao
r/aznidentity, is that you? Are people who hate sneed and love that alita mutant chink mix also bugpeople?
You can use your mobile to get a different ip. I have 4 phones so I samefag all the time.
At least accept you are spammers and doing it for the lulz instead of pretending you are doing this board any favours by posting the same joke every day for two years.
based, fuck Yea Forums. Only pedophiles watch anime. Now if only they deleted that shitty board
They are necessary to prevent this place from becoming Yea Forums but with more sneed threads you nigger
Am I late to the Sneed thread?
ID's when?
Hmmm. So why couldn't alita threads and anime threads and posters be the same? Why couldn't people who are making these very threads and posts the same???
"""""my bad"""""
>muh "certain themes"
>muh totally not pedoshot because it's an actual manga
Of all the examples of jannies being faggots you chose the one time they were not.
what pasta
They could. You and I are samefagging right now.
>I have 4 phones so I samefag all the time.
Dude...for what purpose? What is the point of Yea Forums if you're just talking to yourself?
Forcing memes, manipulating opinions, etc
Not him but sometimes a post is so good that I can't give it just one (You).
ahhh, so you're a jew
I just don't understand
This but fuck Sneed too.
Not even the TDKR plane scene created this: level of autism
tbqh I always found the s meme legitimately funny
Tremendously based post user.
Sneed is a meme where being shitty on purpose is part of the meme. So lazy edits and samefagging is just part of the package.
Mods were confirmed to be working with JIDF.
fuck off phoneposter
*tips fedora*
And fuck you too
What's wrong with Sneed? Why does it cause so many people to get upset? It's such an easily filterable meme since every post always uses some variation of 10 or so words.
>My school gave everyone laptops starting in 4th grade. By the time I was in 6th grade I was shitposting on Yea Forums with my friends.
>Yea Forums is literally grade schoolers
explains a lot desu
kek this nigger actually thinks he's actually influencing opinions
Join Sneedcord, boys :)
These posts are all mine.
>invite invalid
don't click it's a virus
this whole post is pretty cringe
I already clicked why could you have posted this shit sooner
This one's mine too
>falling for the discord tranny meme
What happened to you, Sneedposters?
Well pardon us
I'm gonna be completely honest here. I have never seen a full simpson episode to completion in my entire life, and I like posting sneed
Watch the first 8 seasons someday, along with season 11 episode 5. You can skip the rest (9 and 10 are still decent).
Actually I lied. I've seen all of golden era Simpsons multiple times and even a lot of zombie era Simpsons
Never forget the night of fuck you
I gave up around season 13 so I never watched much zombie Simpsons. Something I've always wondered though is if there are enough solid episodes over the last 20 years to make one good season out of all of zombie Simpsons. Every episode I've seen by chance has been awful, but there must be some good, or at least decent, ones mixed in.
>this many replies
>didn't even get dubs
That is the true measure of skill.
Now that you mention the banana, I haven't seen it in so long
How is the mod wrong in that? “Board culture” is just what cancer started calling itself when there was more of it than anything else.
When is bananaposting coming back?
Internet moderation naturally attracts powertripping assholes.
I honest to god don't understand people who will samefag and reply to themselves. It's such a massively autistic and dirty thing to do. Like, publicly pretending to be several people to make it seem like your argument and memes are generating movement, it's so sad and diagusting.
I'd rather be ignored and receive no (You)s than to be a samefag.
remember that time when your meme died in less than a month?
Well pardon us
You guys aren't even posting the fucking best one
the 'tism of some people here knows no bounds
This. When there's a discord dedicated to faggots trying to coordinate the spam of their shitty Yea Forums meme there is no doubt that tism can take you far into retardation.
>the banana
this is borderline ABATAP autism
Janitors are obviously power-seeking twats, but I'd still take them a million times over you faggots who post the latest soijak variation. It's ironic shitposting to the extent that it's just now anti-intellectualism, literally nothing can be discussed properly and all it does is serve to energize other shitposters.
Sneedfagging? I'd never.
>Sneed posting has been going for 2 years
>literally by one guy
>b-but we uncovered a discord server filled with dozens of trannies!!
>wait sorry it's one guy still!1
Make up your fucking mind maskjanny
>sneedzoomers can't into good OC
Who would've thought?
you're gay; opinion disregarded
maskposter here, if i was a janny sneeders would be gone within minutes, but hey guess you could keep coping
>le thing I do is based, le thing you do is cringe
You're still posting here and keep coming back, if anything I'd say it's more pathetic if you find such shallow entertainment in shitposting on a board where people are traditionally meant to discussion Television & Film, particularly if what you post is on Sneed. What time is it where you are, homo? I would imagine it's quite late.
Keep up the le detached irony shit though, your convenient shield *definitley* means you're not a faggot like all those other Yea Forums posters.
seethe and feed
I don't doubt the Discord plays a part, but it's basically undeniable that there's at least one dude with absolutely nothing resembling a sane mind that shitposts this stuff relentlessly. A useful idiot, in other words.
holy shit cringe
Yet it was Sneed who outlived the mask...
>people are finally standing getting tired of Sneed and are vocalizing it
What was that shit about you guys being the next Baneposting? If you need a discord or genuinely insane people to keep your meme going, I'd say you're not very popular.
>Janitors are obviously power-seeking twats, but I'd still take them a million times over you faggots who post the latest soijak variation. It's ironic shitposting to the extent that it's just now anti-intellectualism, literally nothing can be discussed properly and all it does is serve to energize other shitposters.
the one where we made this
Maskposting still exists, it was never as high as sneed. some maskposters also post sneed, it's just a bunch of retardation and all memes here are really bad.
Let's just say that unlike Jannies, I don't do it for free.
Shouldn't you be on Yea Forums right now, shill?
This. I hope joker posting takes over.
Why yes, I actually should be posting on V. How did you know?
The reason people like it is because they can get such a reaction from just posting it.
It will. Sneedposters are already scared, I said Joker will become the next big meme and outdo Sneed and one was like N-NO, JOKER IS AN ALLY OF SNEED! and posted some image of one of the farmers poorly photoshopped to new jokers body.
Sneed lmao
B-based jannie?!?!
Years ago, a Yea Forums mod was kind enough to reveal which posters were all just Manly Tears shilling his own shit, and it was immediately screencapped because it was an example of the mods truly doing something to crack down on a shitposter that was obviously not going to stay away through conventional banning means.
If mods did something like that with sneedposting, they'd kill it. But Redwood is usually too busy letting blacked threads slide.