Admit it. It’s going to be kino

Admit it. It’s going to be kino

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I keep seeing matt smith's eyes in that pic.

>actual Photoshop of a Sheev figurine from last is shamelessly used as background image
Star Wars is fucking dead, and nu-Lucasfilm killed it. They are creatively bankrupt + fucked beyond belief. I give it 10 more years on life support.

There's no way that background image is the real thing, is it? That looks horrible.

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you're a faceblind retard retard

>There's no way that background image is the real thing
It is. It's literally a Sheev toy from last year. They really don't care.

SEETHING mousecuck.

>still being this BTFO'd
You incel MAGAtards will bitch about fucking anything

Maybe it will. I don't care since I won't be watching it.

JJ literally hasn't made a movie that can be considered kino

He's one of the million dumb Hollywood Jews that can only copy shit, but do it worst than the original

its a funny meme. relax

it literally is a toy sheev. pathetic.


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they're 0/5 so far but sure, this certainly will be kino

dilate transphobe

We only got burned what, 4 times so far? Surely this one will be the best. The final one in the trilogy always is!

Star Wars fans have one of the worst cases of Stockholm Syndrome that I've ever seen. Almost as bad as Activision/Blizzard fans.

There is no build up or tension within the Rey and Kylo fight, and the fact that its displayed as the climax of the trilogy is laughable at this point. Rey has already defeated Kylo and teamed up with him during the last movie. There is no internal conflict that has to be resolved; they're just fighting because nothing else has been setup in this trash trilogy.

Compare this to Luke confronting his father after his initial defeat and Obi-wan having to fight his former padawon and friend. These battles actually had purpose and buildup and ended with character arcs coming to a close.

>A guy who's made hundreds of episodes about nitpicking the president for the dumbest things BTFO'D him
Take your meds

You first, penis.

>Rising to power in the Galactic Senate as Senator Sheev Palpatine, he was elected to the office of Supreme Chancellor and, during the Clone Wars, accumulated wartime powers in the name of security.

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literally what are their motivations. why are they even fighting? Rey is not a Jedi and Kylo is not a Sith. They have no history together. wtf is even happening.

I like how Rey, Finn, and Po all got overshadowed and fame-cucked by the OT stars.

Somebody make a fanfiction about Sheev raping Rey with the force, pls.

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They still have to resolve their sexual tension. The lightsaber fight is fake news to avoid spoilers. What actually happens is they have sex on top of Sheev's corpse.



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His show went to shit after 2016. Imagine being this much obsessed about every little shit the president do. If Trump scratches his butt in the middle of the night while asleep and Colbert hears about it, he will make a full segment in his show. The guy must have nightmares with Trump every night.

If you hate someone so much, why not just ignore his existence? Talking about something you dislike every day to the point people start associating you with it as a mockery, seems like a sure way to shorten your life due to stress. Let it go, Colbert.

It's gonna be a trainwreck but it will absolutely make banks
Because people will want to see how the trilogy close, and trainwrecks are pretty fun to watch


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Kylo is a tyrant, he must be deposed and "totally not the empire" be taken down, so a new republic may be born.

This new republic will be run by stupid people, and they will never make meaningful efforst to build a military force, and that will eventually lead to their demise. When that happens a new "totally totally not the empire" will rise, being led by a shady guy in a robe, and his helmeted henchman who dresses in all black and uses a red lightsaber.

You know where I'm going with this.

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Sheev is my nigger, I can call him by his first name if I want to.

Gonna get stupid drunk during this movie, probably going to get start a fight and shit

didn't he smash the helmet in the last one though?

yeah and didn't Rey break the blue lightsaber?

Admit it. It’s going to have time travel.

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I so hope they go to the OT, and then Disney releases the entire OT to include CGI inserts of the sequel characters throughout while halting the release of unedited verisons so that these are the only ones left, thus finally ending stars wars once and for all

Why would a transphobe dilate? That doesn't even make sense

There's no tension in the Kylo vs Rey fight considering Rey's stronger than him in every single way, she's liked by everyone she meets, she's immune to the Dark Side, etc. There's no bond between Rey, Poe, and Finn so we won't even see a roadtrip-like vibe. Why the fuck is Sidious back and why the fuck wouldn't RJ or Abrams foreshadow him?

>jew jew abrams
>thinking ahead

Umm Kylo and Rey are in love so yes there is plenty of tension in them fighting. The main tension and conflict in the next movie is between them and their relationship and where it goes.

Did you not watch the last two movies? Kylo is fighting for Galactic domination and Rey is fighting for the good guys for some reason. They are in love with each other and built an on-screen relationship together, so that's why there is a lot of tension in their battling. They are complicated enemies.

Yes, JJ is a hack for bringing it back.

>muh /pol/


There is tension because of their feelings for one another and their relationship. It's very dramatic and operatic. SW is a space opera.

And she's not immune to the Dark Side anymore seeing as they has and battle inside her with it and we see her as a DarkSider with a red lightsaber. I think it's too little too late to try and push her Dark Side, but it is a thing now apparently.

Poe and Finn are irrelevant, the trio stuff is the dumbest shit ever.

I do think them bringing OT stuff is dumb and an asspull. I can't tell if they are desperate or they just didn't think ahead. It's so weird.

It's faggot shit

>dilate transphobe

It's true, all of it

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He's a hack who just makes up shit as he goes.

It's gonna suck, and no amount of memes can make it better.

>/pol/ meme

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oh no no no no

he padalost

Only if fags like you pay for it.

Just let it be Endgame. Go back in time to where Snoke is still alive and attacks them, and then teams up with Sidious just for fun.

The leaks already exposed that.

except they added shrek looking eyes to make him easier to see or something lol

I don't think they are in love. JJ is probably throwing all the misguided character development from TLJ into trash and Rey is back to hating Kylo and calling him an absolute irredeemable monster for killing Han.

>whos fucking who lmao

>star wars

Attached: oh... so you actually like this sh. movie....jpg (900x1333, 153K)

Look, faggot.

we should thank Rian for making Finn and Rose a thing. You know Jew Jew was laying the groundwork for Rey and Finn.

he sidelined rose the minute he came back

If somebody could travel trough time, why wouldn't they just kill Sheev while he was still just a senator, and them just to be safe picked kid Anakin and trow him into a Pod Race lane? And to be even safer, finding Mads Mikkelsen while he was still young and beheading him with a lightsaber?

The person who did that would be saving hundreds of billions lives, literally halting the destruction of six whole planets.

Lost under hundreds of tons of metal in a malevolent maze of caverns littered with corpses long since decayed, the only sound was a distant echo of waves crashing against the hull of this failed instrument of destruction. A final resting place for all who once bowed to the Emperor.

All of this, Rey had only heard legends of. Checking her map it appeared she was now entering the throne room, as soon as the doors opened she felt an incredibly dark force overwhelm her.

She tried to grab Luke's lightsaber off her belt but her arms and legs went limp at her sides as a pressure grew ever stronger on the back of her neck, Rey's eyes grew wide and her mouth clamped shut against her will. Her whole body flew across the dilapidated throne room and she was firmly planted in a prone position across the throne.

Rey's belt unbuckled itself as she desperately tried to buck at her invisible restraints. Her robes tore and long-dead lights flickered to life to shine brightly on her quickly disrobing form.

She felt the familiar click of Luke's lightsaber being removed from her belt. Her legs were being spread. The silver hilt hovered in the air. A ghostly cackle echoed in the room. Rey felt the full power of the dark side.

Keep going

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no its going to be garbage. You ran out of characters to ruin from the OT so now you rip off ones from the prequels.

no they didnt fag fuck RLM

>I don't think they are in love


Rey falling in love with Kylo Ren was the best thing Rian could have done with her boring ass character and it is one of the only good things to come out of this entire trilogy.

>Rey is back to hating Kylo and calling him an absolute irredeemable monster for killing Han.

I think she starts out the movie trying to sell this to herself, but she clearly gets over it (again) by the end of the movie. He is going to be redeemed and Rey will be his biggest support after she tastes more of the Dark Side herself. Wouldn't be surprised if Kylo is the one who ends up saving Rey from her Darkness in the end.

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I'm so excited to find out if Rey can beat Kylo Ren a third time in a row

kill yourself youtube cuck.


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Fuck off, Ani.

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Sheev looks like he's taking a huge *SNIFF* in that poster.

>Rey falling in love with Kylo Ren was the best thing Rian could have done with her boring ass character and it is one of the only good things to come out of this entire trilogy.
You are gay

>anti-Reylos desperately trying to ship Rey with irrelevant manlets like Finn or Poe, anything to keep her away from bad boy Kylo Ben
>TLJ: better pair Finn with Rose
>TROS: better pair Poe with Zori

AHHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH It's like they've never seen a SW movie before in their life. The troubled bad boy always gets the girl! ALWAYS

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fake as fuck


Rey mewed desperately into her self-imposed gag. Her teeth clenched together as though they were welded plastisteel. The cold exterior of the throne contrasted with the warmth of her body and the rags which once covered her pale lithe form could no longer absorb the sweat off Rey's lacking posterior. She felt it, once a Jedi weapon that had been considered an instrument of justice now had been reduced to a degrading tool.

Despite Rey's panicked jerking attempts to break free of her impending humiliation, nothing would set her free. Her arms felt as if she were trying to lift a Star Destroyer out of the deserts of Jakku, and her legs may as well have been bolted to the ground.

A single tear rolled down Rey's eye as she accepted what was happening. At least no one would see her demise.

"Rey?" a confused voice called to her. Her head whipped towards the entrance of the throne room.

There, a very confused Kylo Ren stood in the doorway, how long he had been watching Rey did not know.

Kylo stood there, awkwardly. Unsure whether he was welcomed here or not.

For one moment, Rey felt whatever dark force that had her loosen as if it were taken aback by the appearance of another. The moment was short lived as Rey's head was immediately twisted back to facing forward as darkness returned its iron grip over her.

From all around, the voice of the Emperor rang "Leave us immediately."

Angered flared up in Kylo Ren, but it was nothing more than a spark compared to the Emperor's roaring fire. Try as he might, Kylo's misguided attempts to save Rey left him in the same prone position as her. One more victim of the Emperor. Somehow his ensuing grunts were more feminine than Rey's.

The First Order would go on to establish a democratic government which finally brought order to the outer rim, and the twenty four resistance fighters left were quickly captured and rehabilitated.

But the main characters of both prior trilogies don't get on-screen romance.

cope more

One of the most important parts of the ST is their love story. Pretending it doesn't exist doesn't just show you have autism but no comprehension either.

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It will be shit but praised by Normies and critics (especially Red Letter Media) and make money by Disney hyping it up.

Zorii's design is probably the worst thing I've ever seen and encompasses everything I hate about NuWars

based sheev

>all nice girls with a troubled bad boy
>Skywalkers in every romance

Go home, cuck. It's over.

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cry moar shill nigger. its confirmed.

According to JJ from an old interview about the ST, he said the lovestory was THE most important part to him.

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>And she's not immune to the Dark Side anymore seeing as they has and battle inside her with it and we see her as a DarkSider with a red lightsaber. I think it's too little too late to try and push her Dark Side, but it is a thing now apparently.

Oh please, we all know that is a pointless dream sequence that won’t impact Rey and Rey will just be the same self.

Luke and Obi Wan had romances? You know, the actual main character of each trilogy?

nothing is relevant or important in nu wars

Daisy said that everyone has a Dark Side and that "there's this battle inside this character and it will be fun to see" or something. I don't think she will actually go Dark, just have some momentary inner-struggle where we see what Dark Rey could look like, but she gets over it in the end anyways. Probably with Kylo's help or maybe Palpatine is goading her with some information about her parents and Kylo's not having it.

>magical happy ending where Rey changes the timeline with the force

never ever

except we've seen no evidence that she has a "battle inside her"

ummm sweatyy

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I'm not defending it. I think it hasn't been built up at all for her properly, I'm just relaying what they seem to be doing.

It's probably to help support the "redemption" story for Kylo Ren anyway.

>expecting anything good from nu wars

I doubt this will actually happens. The bad boy getting the girl is something that wouldn't just please older fans, but actually produce positive results into their until now task of bringing girls to the salsage party that is Star Wars fandom, because women unironically like this.


What women want, and what they want women to want are very different things. If somebody asked me what they should do to increase girl viewership in an IP, I would tell them to fill it with asian fuckbois from k-pop bands, because I have contact with little girls, and that gay shit is what gets then going.

The people who made Rey, who pushed for Rey to exist, wanted girls to have as an ideal a character with bravado who is know for fighting shit, basically genderbendering a product boys would like. To give people what they want, to finish the series with ReyLo pairing, would be the same as to give up on everything they stand for and bending over to the fandom, and you know this people would never do that. Add to the fact that americans have this stupid shit of needing characters who did bad things to die because of stupid karma, look at people who seethed at Vergil being forgiven, only americans seethed at that, something the fans wanted and you can be almost sure Kylo will die.

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kylo blew up how many planets? he should be brutally tortured and then killed.

it's amazing how the sequels are so bad they make the prequels look good.

Lucas never should've sold SW.

There is literally not a thing in the new films as memorable as anything in the classic ones. Even the prequels added a lot to pop culture. Who the fuck is Rey, Finn and Poe though? Do kids even like them?


I won’t even be watching this turd. I made the mistake of going to theaters to watch TFA, and of pirating TLJ. I’m gonna be skipping out on ROS entirely, and instead watching the reviews shitting on it, as they’re infinitely more entertaining. I can’t wait for E;R’s especially.

Admit it. There's no way Disney can do it justice.

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Five. His murder count is most likely in the 30 to 60 BILLION range. That without counting all the living non sentient creatures on those planets. And on an unrelated note, he killed his own father and heavily considered killing his own mother.

There's absolutely no way they will let him leave this alive.

Except for all their "stronk woman Rey" bullshit, they have delivered on it very little in the actual movies. TLJ happened, Reylo was planned from the beginning and that hasn't changed judging from the romantic marketing for IX.

If they had a problem with Reylo, they would never have let it get this far. KK is the one going "ohhh their relationship is very, very complicated"

Reylo/Kylo is popular with women and it's the one thing the movies don't seem keen about taking away from them.

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I'm going to see it in theaters just to watch it with friends but it will be the last Star Wars film I'll pay to see

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>Steve Palpatinos

It could very well be “so bad it’s good”.

We've already seen this before.

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KK is a Kylofag through and through, Reylos won before it even began.

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I honestly do hope they ship them, just to see the fandom implode even more. I mean, at this point, the whole trilogy is sunk, so I’d attempt to make the worst high budget movie ever.

he's also a weak cuck and an ugly faggot


Palpatine is going to try and corrupt Rey and Kylo will have to pull a Revan and confess his undying love for her to bring her back.

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I hope you die before it comes out

>Reylo/Kylo is popular with women and it's the one thing the movies don't seem keen about taking away from them.
But why is it/he so popular with them?

Kylo and Reylo are the one things the fandom likes, though. Everyone reacted positively to their teaming up in TLJ and thought Kylo had turned. GA isn't going to be upset about it, no one cares about irrelevant incels or SJW on twitter.

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i would so watch this

>the fandom

American women are fucked in the head. Jesus.

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When Kylo dies in IX, will you kill yourself as well, or just move on to another retarded shipping?

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but now he wears little glasses like his buttbuddy spielberg! so he has to be good!

Because Kylo is hot as fuck and they want a powerful Dark Darth Daddy from an elite bloodline to dominate them in bed and also worship the ground they walk on simultaneously even though they are nobodies. Rey is the perfect self-insert for this female power fantasy.

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But Kylo is a whiny emo twink. He’s not powerful.

>Mindy Kaling's NEXT Frontier!
>shitting in an actual toilet!



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they'll go back to shipping harry potter


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he looks like a cross between a drowned rat and kike.

Only incel fanboys say that and that's not what his fangirls think. They also like his vulnerability because they want to fix him.

>powerful Dark Darth Daddy


The only incel here is you, you dumb bitch.

he's not powerful though, he lost to a girl half his size with no training.

I hope they make out in the rain!

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Except we saw the entire thing completely vaporized in ROTJ

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>reintroduce sheev
>in the final movie of the trilogy
What the fuck were they thinking.

Am girl, can confirm that pretty fuckbois get me going. Have never been into any guys that look remotely masculine

Haven't leaks basically said they are going to the Death Star ruins and that was the thing in the trailer they were looking at off the coast when Luke says no one is ever really gone?


I do not care.

Fucking nice!

sheev started right here on Yea Forums newfag

No No No No

I want everyone that is a Reylofag to tell me they are right now. I want you to tell me than I want you to line up single file so I can have an effortless time blowing everyone of your fucking skulls out with a fucking 12 gauge. Fuck every single one of you Tumblr niggers that take this forced fucking cumbrain “romance” seriously. The fact that I share a fucking board with you fucking disgusting, putrid fucking niggers is enough to make me want to doxx all you fucking faggots, find your home and strangle you in your sleep.

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Well ryan johnson the genius shat all over jj mystery box.and now they dont have luke,han or leia for nostolgia.

I wish they’d get Kylo and Hux together, even though they won’t. The Kylux fandom is quite...productive in their output. Not that I would know or anything

>instead of this we get the resistance

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Kylux is garbage, it's the actual "tumblr" pairing that has zero evidence in canon.

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Yeah, what fucking ruins? WE SAW THE FUCKING ENTIRE THING EXPLODE. Do they honestly expect people to forget what they saw with their own fuckin eyes?

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There's been some good OC this weekend.
Well done, Yea Forums.

i mean, *of course* it’s garbage, but it’s fun since everyone knows there is no chance of it happening. There is waaaaayyy too much drama in the Reylo camp

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fr what is this from faggot

It's been written into a corner.
I'm sure it'll be nice to look at though.

Kino or not, Yea Forums will be FLOODED with Disney related kino for the immediate future.

He didn't do it, though. Hux was the one that pushed for it, and Snoke approved.

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>Lucas never should've sold SW.

By my research, he didn't want to. Mark said he was all in on the new trilogy and was shocked when he sold it.

Disney most likely got dirt on Lucas and forced him to do it. This is how they purchase shit someone doesn't want to sell.

How is it not better than Reylo? Give an actual reason outside of the gay thing. Like Kylo and Hux at least share some common interest in trying to take over the galaxy and in murdering people. Reylo basically comes down the main girl has to get with the main guy just because.

Can i save this picture, user? I really like it.

I"m talking about the pairing, not the fandom. Both fandoms, Reylo and Kylux, are dogshit. Kylux are just such pathetic cucks they try to hide behind the idea that "it's never going to happen so we are somehow better than Reylos!"

Kylux is a shit pairing either way. Kylo would never go near Hux with a 10 foot pole if he could help it and Hux is a one note joke who only cares about himself.

Yes and Kylo really really really tried to stop it was and super opposed to it, right?

I doubt he could stop them even if he wanted.

Kylo was just another cog, albeit a powerful one. Hence, it wouldn't have mattered if he protested, as they'd still go ahead.

GW’s name is on the Epstein list, calling it now

They actually hate each other and Hux is an irrelevant non-character. I don't even think Kylo knows he exists half the time. Why would you ever pair such a rich and interesting character like Kylo Ren with an ugly fuckup like Hux? Fuck off, tumblr. Reylo is more popular than your dogshit gay fave pairing now anyway. Cope more.


Hux is irrelevant and dog shit and he will never be Kylo, cope more tumblrwhale.

You're arguing with a deranged Hux fan, just so you know.

I think GL is in on the Spielberg list, which is its own thing.


>Lucas you fucking hack sell the franchise to literally anyone
>Lucas you fucking bastard why did you sell the franchise to literally anyone like the “fans” demanded you do for more than a decade?

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I'm not even a Hux fan. This is the 1st I've actually heard such a thing existed, though not shocked. Just think it actually makes more sense than Reylo because that's a retarded pairing

I enjoyed super 8

And then he stayed with the First Order and still carried out their business like a good little dog and still had aspirations for galaxy conquest. But he a good little boy actually, sure.

Reylo is popular and canon, Kylux never will be get over it nerd.

did I ever say anything like that you gay fucking bastard?

He's going to fuck Rey and live happily ever after, stay mad.

Stay triggered.
YOU killed star wars.

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>JJ literally hasn't made a movie that can be considered kino

literally not even the same image
of course when you overlay it for the middle pic it will highlight the similarities because ITS THE SAME CHARACTER YOU RETARD

Much improved

>Eyes mouth and nose all different

You have to genuinely have facial autism to believe this


Get that special edition shit out of hear.

Keep trying, disney mom.

>Dude it would be bad, that means it's definitely going to happen!

I bet you were one of those people posting the sloth Anakin leaks too

Why the fuck does that poster look so bad?
Palps looks like he's from one of those shitty animate shows

and it's another reason the new trilogy is absolute garbage.

Of course it will never happen, no one actually thinks that. Fandom is all fantasy.

I don’t think Reylo will happen though simply because it would forfeit the integrity of her character. They’re going to push the strong-independent-superhero-woman storyline for marketing reasons

>They’re going to push the strong-independent-superhero-woman storyline for marketing reasons

They never have and never will, they are pushing and marketing Reylo everywhere for IX. Keep coping over your cucked "fantasy" gay fave pairing. Reylos will stay happy and enjoying reality where our pairing actually exists and becomes canon.

shouldn't you kids be in bed for school tomorrow?

>implying she has integrity
>implying she has character

>I wanna have sex
>We have sex at home
What is sex at home like?

From how passionately and seriously you take this, I highly doubt your reality consists of much outside your computer screen and microwave meals for one

>insert meme lel owned

I'll add take your meds on top of my prior statement.

Is that Hayden? I thought he was married and had a kid?

i have the high ground...


Its a fucking joke, calm your tits

>Disney related
This is your new Sith Master and Apprentice.

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I am not looking forward to the movie at all. Every rumor true or not just leans more into the thought no effort was placed into the writing beyond trying to turn star wars into the next transformers

at this point i probably would be more happy if bay had directed this one

>trying to turn star wars into the next transformers
what do you mean by that?

It feels like a joke at this point. Nothing in Disney Star Wars is canon so I really don't give a fuck anymore.

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I dont remember this ps2 game

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If that were true, wouldn't it be strange to give him a major share of stock in the company though?

>stronk wymym

Are you serious? Kylux is just your typical fujoshi pairing consisting of faux depth that the fans made up to feel better about their fetish. I’m not a huge reylofag but at least there is some actual canonical evidence to support the duo and content that gives their relationship some meaning and adds to the general plot.

yeah yeah go back to tumblr and cope in your delusional "fantasy" world cuck

Making it flash over substance is my guess.
>that gives their relationship some meaning and adds to the general plot.
Like? What is there driving this outside of they are the 2 biggest stars of the movie and that people find Ren attractive?

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)


I miss them.

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>the webm that triggers disneycucks
you're doing god's work, user

I still find it funny how ToR's current placement means Legends is still alive, in one shape or form. I also find it a mixture of funny, sad and awe that Blur manages to make stuff like that which exceeds many movies in animation quality.

all these disney threads are pushed by literal paid shills

I'd need some basic evidence of that first.

First two scoops meme I've laughed at in a long time.

Some of you fags are just looking for things to be mad about. At least it's ending.

I'm sad Luke is gone.

Carrie Fischer too.

I think would trigger them worse, being a fan animation of a fight from Dark Empire.



>One of the most important parts of the ST is their love story
>their love story
This entire concept is so baffling to me. Kylo murdered Rey's new daddy figure right in front of her something like two days ago and she fucking hates him for it because of her family hangup. Then off comes his shirt, out comes that weird bread loaf of a body and then suddenly everything's "Oh no, we gotta redeem this guy, Jake. It's super important to me now for some reason." Luke's 180 turn on killing Vader and trying to redeem him was already jarring, but at least Vader was family and Luke was pretty big on that idea. You know, kind of like Rey. So Rey x Kylo demands a complete reversal of Rey's singular defining character trait. She's no longer a true character, just a plot device.

It won't be kino, and I won't bump Star W*rs threads

Disneyshill threads are part of board culture at this point, they make for great antagonists. Making fun of the Mouse with our Yea Forumsbros is peak Yea Forums

More like Rey will go before the rest of the Resistance, give some impassioned speech about forgiving Ben because he threw Palpatine's down a (very different and original) hole (that is certainly not a reactor shaft), and everyone will clap because Rey is the most specialist and wonderfullest girl in the universe. So much so that Leia ignored Chewbacca to hug this random stranger she just met. Speaking of Leia, timely reminder that she got kicked out of the New Republic Senate when everyone found out she was Darth Vader's daughter.

Shit, I know this is from Dark Empire but I'd watch the fuck out of this over the three-part abomination Disney's been shitting out.

Rey knew Han for like 1 day. She also started feeling sorry for him when she saw that Luke had tried to kill him. She probably has no concept of being close to someone so finger touching along with the vision was a big deal.
The perfect male form doesn't hurt of course.

Attached: Kylo-Ren-Pants.jpg (1200x679, 206K)

I don't usually listen to RLM's opinions on modern Star Wars, but they're right in calling Kylo Ren a dipshit who can't be taken seriously anymore. He's beaten by Rey repeatedly and got trolled to hell and back by Luke.

>but they're right in calling Kylo Ren a dipshit who can't be taken seriously anymore
I had that opinion even in TFA. His tantrums alone made me think he makes Anakin look emotionally mature.

Pieces of the Death Star 2 surviving the explosion and raining down on one planet or another has been a plot point in the EU for a long time now.

Rey doesn't give a fuck anymore that Kylo killed Han. She's mad because he chose power over her and she got dumped.

All I know is that SWTOR clip generating enormous butthurt from the shills whenever someone posts it. Recently one of those reylo bitches started sperging out because
It was glorious.

Same but then I came around in TLJ. Maybe because the rest of the movie was complete and utter shit and Driver's acting was the only bright spot. The point of his chatacter is to be unstable at this point.

Rey latches onto people pretty hard. Besides, why should she care he got triggered by Luke's little "misunderstanding" since he went right on to go school shooter on the academy, followed the Republic, who knows who many other people, and full attempted mind rapist on her?

>The perfect male form doesn't hurt of course.
is this ironic

Do you have a link to that thread? I gotta see it.
For me, I got no problems with an unstable villain. A ticking bomb that might blow up at any second can be very tense and intimidating. My problem is that those tantrums removed whatever threat he is in my eyes. For me, a villain is a key part of the conflict. They're the dragon guarding the treasure, they're the villain guarding the princess, etc. So when I can't take the villain seriously, unless it's a comedy, I can't take the central conflict seriously because the opposition is a joke. I guess it also undermines the heroes for having such a bad threat yet they haven't succeeded yet. I think if they made Kylo unstable, yet constantly a large presence and threat like Vader had, then I'd be cool.

Not one bit.

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Truly he is Anakin's descendant.

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Yeah and she latched onto the tortured sadboi she had a comfy future vision of pretty hard. One of her most prominent character traits is that she's hopelessly naive and extremely hopeful so it's not that big of a stretch I guess. Not trying to defend shit writing but SW has never been that deep.

You are just a tasteless fag.

Attached: WIDE.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

No. Keep seething roided manlet.

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Kylo's temper tantrums would have been more effective had he been cutting down people instead of property. Kind of like how Vader choked out whoever failed him, but with way more collateral damage. Issue is the films wanted to portray Kylo as both a threat and a pathetic Vader fanboy, so gotta have him be a dumbass now and again.

So is whiney emo Luke. He was pathetic too.

I know Rey's naive compassion is what they were going for, but all this really made her out to be is a flip flopping puppet for the story with too much plot armor to ever truly fail. Aka a plot device.

Also be because Rey is a plot device for Kylo's redemption. The only character LFL cares about. They threw everyone under the bus for him.

That wasn't kino at all

I agree. If there's much greater consequences, maybe we are shown him doing enormous damage one time and then it leaves us wondering when he'll explode again, that can be really threatening. It just goes to show that even the characters don't care. I remember two stormtroopers going
>Oh wait, he's having another moment.
>Nope, not getting paid enough for this.
And leaving him. He's got no dignity.

literally this

>Rey on the outside
>fuck you evil monster i hate you again so irredeemable ugh how could i have ever believed in you!?

>Rey on the inside
>waaah why didn't you choose me? no one ever chooses me waah Ben please dick me down

Attached: tfwgothbf.webm (1024x576, 909K)

Not even mad about it. Only compelling character in this shitshow and Driver is doing his damned best. I wonder if he'll show up to any promotional events kek.

Attached: Rey vs TIE.webm (640x334, 760K)

I feel like Driver is just the only one even trying, out of the new cast at least.

shippers are even worse than people who actually like these awful movies.


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If he was actually dangerous they couldn't market him and the connection to Rey to women the way they are. And his redemption would be cancelled. So they said fuck it to plot and went with shippable content lol. Fucking mouse

>criticisms with nothing but buzzwords I bet they can't support

Attached: laughing_luke.jpg (843x612, 120K)

he looks like a can of soup with arms

>If he was actually dangerous they couldn't market him and the connection to Rey to women the way they are
I dunno about that. There's villains like Sephiroth who get lots of fangirls in spite of massive, competent harm they inflict on everything.

Attached: sheev.jpg (675x1000, 656K)

Pretty much. Isaac has the chops but his character is a joke and he's phoning it in big time.

Go to bed, Finn.

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Is that Snape?

UUUU manlet scum.

Attached: DBFB4B4A-4542-4283-B2B7-B07BC31EDE32.jpg (800x451, 220K)

Kylo is the redeemable antag, not the villain. Not really anyway. Snoke was the villain and Kylo was the Prince(ss) that Rey had to save, but he saved himself and her instead and slew his own dragon. Now Palpatine is the villain and Kylo is again the redeemable antag as he has been this entire time.

You have autism btw if you thought him getting mad was "tantrums". I feel bad for the writers when I see stupid shit like this. You sound like an immature retard who can't take anything seriously unless it's devoid of any depth Saturday Morning cartoons.

>he not scary unless he kill the other guys durrr

dumbfuck retard

i'm the same height as adam deivee though? and not shaped like a box of wheaties?

I feel like moralfags are a lot more vocal these days. People are complaining about Kylo being a Nazi even now.

>I get it, I just don't like it


Good, he's the only new character worth anything anyway.

Attached: EBqNve2XsAA98WI.jpg (1047x735, 106K)

Stop being so jelly m8.

>Kylo is the redeemable antag
>redeemable antag
>most iconic star wars character
>competent adversary in every film

Attached: darth-vader-810x473.jpg (810x473, 37K)

You are so fucking dumb. He can't do anything really bad because they are redeeming him and building a romance with the heroine. That's why they credited Hosnian destruction to Snoke and Hux and made it a point in the script that he didn't want it to happen.

He thinks he's the good guy. I think that's what naysayers forget and it's crucial to understanding his character. He's not going to be just randomly killing people and blowing up planets for the sake of being "so evil".

Is there any hope the upcoming trilogy could be an adaptation of the Thrawn trilogy? You would have to change some story things around, and maybe give the writers some flexibility, but for the most you could fit it in.

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i'm not jelly, i'm baffled. gays have such awful taste

Snape is ugly, so no.

Attached: tumblr_pva8r5Qc3A1qzhf3uo2_400.gif (268x268, 2.94M)

It's not the gays. Go look around places where fangirls gather and see how fucking thirsty they are for Driver. Face it, the non-roided muscular look is what gets everyone wet.


>Kylo is the redeemable antag, not the villain. Not really anyway. Snoke was the villain and Kylo was the Prince(ss) that Rey had to save, but he saved himself and her instead and slew his own dragon. Now Palpatine is the villain and Kylo is again the redeemable antag as he has been this entire time.
So was Darth Vader yet he was never a joke. Snoke was barely present for TFA so he was just a background figure while Kylo was the main enforcer, just like Vader.
>You have autism btw if you thought him getting mad was "tantrums".
It diminished the threat the bad guy's enforcer had and implicitly made the bigger bad guy seem stupid for choosing him. Kylo isn't deep. He's just a laughing stock who can't carry a movie.

Vader is a pretty cut and dry villain until the last act and the point of Kylo is that you are supposed to be able to relate to him similar to how you would relate to a protagonist.

Kylo is a protag in his own right in a way Vader never was. His character is almost an anti-Vader which is the point so many naysayers miss and it's hilarious.

Kylo's character is pretty revolutionary, so it's no surprise brainlets can't understand him when it's never been done before and their "critiques" mainly consist of trying to compare him to every other villain that he's not even supposed to be like in the first place.

Attached: tumblr_poy3n8qNev1rug49vo1_r1_1280.jpg (707x1000, 161K)

Its going to be onik.

>He can't do anything really bad because they are redeeming him
If he can't do anything really bad, where's the baddie to redeem?

Am I right?

Kylo is the protag/antag/villain all in one. He isn't suppoed to be like Vader, you are supposed to see his vulnerabilities and be able to sympathize and relate to his journey. He's not static, he's the most dynamic character in the trilogy.

Attached: 1555263869473.jpg (1200x544, 106K)

>long gigantic nose
>flabby arms
>nouble chin somehow
>neck thicker than arms
i'm gonna assume this is ironic for the sake of my sanity

Attached: 1566412874317.png (914x898, 592K)

Wait why is he practicing with the facial scar?

>using a christmas release to boost ticket sales
About as dishonest as the upcoming click-bait tier trailer.
Based foreigners will have a cam copy up ASAP, as they did with Endgame.

He killed his own dad and is on the "bad guys side". It's more of a personal offense, not a Galaxy-wide offense so it's easier for brainlets like you to swallow when he doesn't die and lives happily ever after with Rey instead of dying like Vader.

>there has never been a relatable villain before emofagboy
disney shills getting desperate

>Vader is a pretty cut and dry villain until the last act
>who refused to kill Luke in ESB and was revealed to be a former good guy
>and the point of Kylo is that you are supposed to be able to relate to him similar to how you would relate to a protagonist.
>relate to angry manchild
>this isn't an implicit insult to the audience
>Kylo is a protag in his own right in a way Vader never was.
>being a shit character only marginally better than Rey and the rest
>Kylo's character is pretty revolutionary,
>literally an inferior Jacen

Attached: Bait.png (625x626, 66K)

>He's just a laughing stock who can't carry a movie.
He's the one carrying this whole thing kek. Everyone people cared about is dead and he's the only new character who people actually like.

I don't think it's training, looks like they were warming up during filming.

Attached: tumblr_pva8r5Qc3A1qzhf3uo6_400.gif (268x268, 1.96M)

he comes the closest to carrying. that doesn't say much

You /fit/ faggots are the worst. Only other nentally ill /fit/izens, manlets and gays like bulging roided muscles.

>t. ugly manlet

Attached: 1565076550974.jpg (1080x715, 194K)

Read it all, nothing works. He's neither relateable nor deep. His vulnerabilities don't endear him, they just make him look bad with little else. I've seen other guys who say he's just a fuckup.

>flabby arms
What are you smoking kek?

Attached: chloe.jpg (474x671, 130K)

>He killed his own dad and is on the "bad guys side".
Draco Malfoy had things worse and he got away live and people accepted it. Draco was rolling with wizard hitler and his actions lead to the death of Dumbledore and more.

i want tros kylo to rape me. no homo.

i don't care what kinda body anyone has. i'm trying to undertsand the appeal of cereal box-man. Calling him muscular is also patently untrue.
quality bait

Kylo is popular and well-received though. Cope more.

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I assume you're describing pic related.

Attached: Caedus_EA.jpg (567x874, 259K)

wait, kylo was a lefty?

i mean there's muscle ther ebut it ain't well defined at all. he's got a layer of soft om top of it.

Kylo is popular and gets praised for being sympathetic and compelling all the time. Get an actual argument.

>ugly roided manlet can't even spell


Attached: Deaf2JkW4AAvxUV.jpg (456x457, 44K)

>gets praised for being sympathetic and compelling all the time

Attached: Laughing Noctis.jpg (1280x720, 329K)

How the fuck is adam driver not muscular? He has literally trained as a marine. Excuse the homosexual image.

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>well recieved
relatively? he's the most popular of the new characters nobody likes because he looks cool. i'm sure he's sold the most toys. mentally ill trannies and yaoigirls want to fuck him, and everyone else thinks he's either a whiny bitch edgelord or a nazi

>white snowflake manbaby schoolshooter incel bitch is sympathetic and compelling all the time
fuck off, /pol/tard

JK Rowling didn't like Draco and said he wasn't a good guy so horrible example.

And Draco wasn't getting into a romance with the main heroine and living happily ever after, was he?

>has no argument so calls out a typo

don't worry, they'll just remaster ROTJ and you see some giant metal thing fly out of the explosion

Ottermode is for fags, literally. Put down your gay mags and come back to earth.

>and living happily ever after,
not that but he survived, had a kid, etc.

>no argument

You sure are mad girls want to fuck Kylo Ren and he and Reylo are popular and the entire point of the trilogy is his redemption and the audience will clap and adore it just like they did when he teamed up with Rey in TLJ.

I've talked to plenty of straight males who like him as a character. He even has guys on his side.

that's actually a better pic of him. still, he lacks definition. i'm sure he's fairly strong though.

Did he have romance with the heroine? And you ignored the rest of my post. JK didn't like Draco and didn't think he was a good guy.

Draco was a conflicted guy who was rolling with the wrong crowd, partially due to his parents actions before he was born. He got out alive, even made-up with Harry offscreen, and eventually got married and had his own happy ending.

he's the key to all of this

Attached: Valkorion.png (593x781, 713K)

I'm talking about relevant and canon characters here, not your donut steel non-canon OCs kek

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I couldn't care less if they want to fuck him, I'm just fascinated that the guy who had a million articles written because he was an incel school shooter is a sex symbol now despite being average at best and boxier than hell just because he's in a famous movie.
>calp and adore it
>just like TLJ

Kylo is a protag that is going to get a happy ending and live with the heroine of the story. They are not going to have him beating the shit out of her and committing Galaxy-wide atrocities. Get over it.

Attached: mNYSvkie_400x400.jpg (400x400, 57K)

>Did he have romance with the heroine?
no need. he was sympathetic to some and has lots of fangirls.
>And you ignored the rest of my post
didn't. Draco got his redemption moments and happy end. Rowling said he was a dick and realized it, joking book 7 from his pov is
>Draco Malfoy and the Year He Realized He Had Been a Douchebag
so he realizes he's been a dick and changes.

one of the only smart things disney did was tapping into the very exploitable, stupid shipping community, because nobody else wants to watch this shit lol

>I'm an ugly bitter jealous manlet

Last (You), fat embarrassing cuck.

Attached: 17157.jpg (702x702, 73K)

I can't fucking believe I'm searching for these images. People's perceptions of bodies are completely off these days if someone like him isn't musculst enough.

Attached: adam-e1493059959928-228x300.jpg (228x300, 8K)

the columbine shooters have lots of fangirls. that doesn't make them redeemable

Kylo Ren's the OC based on a character predating him by decades. Jacen far predates him and is much better written.

Attached: Darth-Caedus.jpg (709x799, 541K)


That's what I thought.

Attached: 1513467386649.jpg (500x355, 24K)

>repeatedly call him muscular
>he's not that muscular
>wtf how is this not enough

>a 4 minute trailer is better than all of Mouse Wars
How does Blur do it?

Attached: Arcann_and_Thexan_-_Conquest.jpg (1354x716, 138K)


non-canon literal who, stay mad

Attached: bestboy.png (615x577, 228K)

You are delusional. Stop roiding, please.

Are we posting pictures now?

Attached: EB-dCF-XUAIP5HQ.jpg (828x828, 58K)

>non-canon literal who
He's one of the better known ones there.

Attached: Jacen_Solo.jpg (414x600, 51K)

>wanting to suck a nazi cock
kys, /pol/tard

I don't roid or need to. It's also incredibly easy to find people in movies who are muscular without roids, and Kylo has muscle, but he isn't muscular.

I wish I were this dreamy

Attached: 1515011404103.jpg (540x492, 132K)

>most well written & dynamic character

Attached: Kreiadarknessatcore.jpg (377x553, 37K)

>bring peter cushing back to life
>make carrie fisher young again
>make a ceral box into a living being
is there anything disney can't do besides making a competent film?

Kylo has a lot of PoC, LGBTQ+, and female fans, you are just beyond pathetic at this point.

Attached: ECFoiNDXkAAI2F0.jpg (1241x1068, 90K)

As you said yourself, he is shaped like a fridge, from having lots of mass. I don't know what your definition of muscular even is. The only thing we can agree on is that his fat percentage isn't low.

Even TOR did Arcann better than Disney did Kylo Ren. And Arcann ain't exactly Shakespearean quality.

Attached: Arcann.jpg (1200x675, 78K)

>PoC, LGBTQ+, and female fans want to suck nazi cock

so those minorities are submitting to a superior, white man? isn't that a little racist...?
I suppose non-muscular wasn't the right way to put it. He's badly toned like someone who does crossfit. He seems fairly strong.

>still responding to it

Attached: D5StGwXUEAARIlp.jpg (1078x1062, 92K)

sorry your ugly rat faced jew fridgeboy is indefinisble faggot

They don't see him as a nazi because they can actually read and separate fiction from reality. You know the "nazi" arguments actually come from SJW not from "poltards"

He has millions of women and men lusting after him, he doesn't need a defense lol

It's just funny to remind your fat insecure ass of how fat and insecure you are. Coping this fucking hard over a guy who will never know you exist because he's busy being a better and more successful man than you will ever

>figurehead of wwii spacenazi stormtroopers
>shoots up a school
>terminates 5 planets
>mindrapes a girl
uhhh he's clearly a nazi. stop submitting to ingrained racism you nazi-sympathizer

No one cares, Finnwhale.

Attached: tumblr_p1zc5r80TF1rml6f7o2_1280.jpg (1200x1200, 205K)

damn i guess having someone desperate enough to suck your cock instantly makes you attractive
pic related, columbine fangirl

Attached: 4hnj7xzk5g0z.jpg (456x810, 123K)

finn is even worse than kylo. same boxy shape.

>i guess having millions desperate to suck your cock instantly makes you attractive

Now you get it.

Is this what redditors actually believe?

I think it's good for you to broaden your view of the world. Most people disagree with you. And if they don't find him attractive they can at least appreciate his talent. Watch some of his films. Pretty kino.
On another note, can't believe he isn't a jew actually. Like Anna Kendrick.

Attached: 1F722D17-0174-47DF-BA6E-FBE5E7BF81F2.jpg (1920x1080, 175K)

Finn has birthing hips and no girl wants to fuck him ever. They are too busy lusting after Kylo.

there are million of people jacking off to cartoon ponies. the average person will believe anything they are told, and seeing someone on a screen is enough for zombies to be convinced someone is attractive. you can be attracted to adam driver, but don't kid yourself. he's a fairly average fridge. the fact you get so asshurt that anyone points out flaws shows you're delusional though so

What does Driver have to do with school shootings?

Insanely good hair.

Attached: D-MdOxmXoAEFP0R.jpg (350x450, 34K)

he's a pretty alright actor. noth8ng great but he's trying and that's a hell of a lot moee than anyone else currently in star wars is doing

Come on now.

Attached: Birthing hips.jpg (493x863, 15K)

mentally ill yaoifangirls will find anything attractive if it's edgy

He's actually a well respected actor you know.

he's a fucking nazi and all nazis deserve death. cope more, /pol/tard

I just think you're pathetic and so obviously insecure and jealous.

They have to delude themselves to cope. He's successful and well-loved and attractive to a lot of people in the public and the business. They are just mad he's bringing a female audience of fangirls into their SW movies for manchildren.

>all nazis deserve rape

Attached: soviet_soldiers_berlin_rape.jpg (1212x1600, 227K)

now this is a fucking power stance
>well respected
not sure about that chief. i doubt the average person can name one thing he's in besides star wars.
>he says as he gets offended by someone making fun of his husbando

Most of the women I see lusting after him are normies with husbands and families. But I guess I figured out when some insecure men are jealous of him kek

Attached: lmao.png (600x275, 23K)

Okay, well respected among his peers and people who are interested in film.

Keep pretending you're not the pathetic one here. Crying about a guy because he's attractive and successful. I can appreciate and respect his peak male form and career, but you are just an actual coping cuck.

damn some literally who on twitter joked that he's jealous that proves a lot

He needs it.

Attached: tenor.gif (220x211, 144K)

kek looks like Brandon found the thread

>peak male form
>above average bodyfat on a slightly muscular bear build

>t. Brandon


WTF is that real??

>literally seething at the implication that your chubby rat faced boyfriend isn't perfect because you're a tranny who self inserts as a mary sue

Attached: 1526499905784.jpg (800x450, 54K)

It really is pathetic and hilarious to see how insecure Driver makes some men. What a fucking Chad. Someone should tell them that just makes him even more attractive to women.

Attached: D7QvhDNXoAA-XBU.jpg (853x1140, 198K)

>above average bodyfat
Which planet are you living on?

Attached: bait.gif (500x207, 3.06M)

sure, I don't mind if incel nazi kylo would get fucked in the ass by a wookie before he dies like a piece of trash he is.

>t. Brandon's wife


>ratface makes you insecure


Attached: 1555031424378.jpg (1269x850, 186K)

I'll give you rat faced but kek. Please get help.

rey already fucked him in the ass twice tbqh

>being so insecure about some guy you never met that you need to spam 4channel in his defense

this is why reylocancer had to be purged with sneed gigachad

he should tape those ears down, he'll go faster without the wind resistence

based sneed

He's so handsome wtf

You sound very mad.

>he says as he jumps to the defense of a mouse for the 500th post in a row

He's a manlet, they're always mad.

It's just endlessly funny how manlets and other insecure fags get so agitated over him.

You just don't get how funny your pathetic bitch tears are. Also not that guy

>400+ replies

Attached: 1549886123058.jpg (341x339, 25K)

notice how you call eveeyone who thinks he's ugly a manlet. you realize he's ugly and that make him attainable fot you. your only defense is height because you know you can't make a reasonable argument for his facial features so try to deflect it into ad hominen. very interesting to look into the mind of a delusional gay.

So you're pissy about Adam Driver because of SW? This is even more pathetic than just being jealous your wife wants to fuck him.

>hating on Adam Driver for any reason

He's probably the most down to earth, unproblematic person in Hollywood, I truly don't understand. If it really is just because of SW, that's just sad.

Attached: 1565075887387.jpg (716x769, 71K)

How did you reach that conclusion from any one of those posts?

I said manlets AND others. I've seen it many times and they usually admit it themselves. Manlets just don't get how anyone can be attracted to him and get pissed at how far someone like him has gotten on talent.
I don't have to defend anything. He doesn't have a conventional look but despite that he's a movie star with tons of fans. You'd think that would be inspiring to uggos everywhere but no.

>wtf i have no arguments for him being attractive
>you just hate him for being in star wars
a cornered rat defending the man-rat lol

Because this is a SW thread and mentally ill spammers are mad that girls want to fuck him and are going to see the next SW movie just for him.

Why does him being attractive bother you so much? Genuinely curious. If it's not because of SW, then what could make you so upset that you are going to sit in this thread post after post getting pissy about another man's body and face?

I'm not a manlet. I'm the same height as Driver. While he is talented he's only popular due to being in a big movie. Disney could push ron jeremy in an edgy costume and women would swoon over it because they're sheep. That sounds mean, because I think he is a good actor, but it's hard to pretend it's his looks or acting getting him there and mot just his position


Adam is cute! CUTE!

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>seeing star wars
i'm fascinated by how defensive you get. you can find him attractive if you want. he's not traditionally attractive by a long shot.

>cute ratface incel nazi

Seriously pull your head out of your fucking ass. There is no reason for you to be such a pathetic bitch over the guy just because girls want to fuck him. Get over it, already. Take a fucking midol or have a sandwich. Jesus Christ.

You don't think there's a very obvious reason they not only didn't have him personally pull that trigger, but made him against it at that? This triology isn't that hard to predict yet you tie yourself in knots denying the obvious.

I'm fascinated how you can call yourself a man at all when you spend post after post shitting on another guys literally just because girls want to fuck him. Do you have any self-awareness at all?

why do you seeth so much over him being called ugly? sad your obtainable husbando is only perfect to you?

I want to give him a hug and hold his hand.

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He had a career before SW and he will have one after. In fact, he isn't cut out to be a movie star seeing how uncomfortable and awkward he is during press events.

i'm shitting on him because he's ugly. i couldn't care less who wants to fuck him.

Are you the SW mentally ill spammer or the pathetic insecure manlet? I keep getting you mixed up because the same pussy shit is coming out of both your mouths.

I hope he does. I've liked him in everything I've seen. He's a nice guy and he is a decent actor, and I feel bad that Star Wars kills the careers of almost everyone who's in it. Doesn't make him not ugly.

Both TFA and TLJ hammer home how much Kylo is invested in Rey. TLJ just made it more reciprocal. I honestly don't see how anybody missed this. It was clearly built up form the start.

seeth more tranny

You clearly do since you have spent the entire thread crying about him.

They're just fighting because they're still trying to deny their connection. I guarantee they'll be on the same side before the third act of the movie. The fact that it's laughable they're still fighting like this is probably the point. The enemies ship has long sailed even if they're too stubborn to admit it at the start.

You are really pathetic and not fooling anyone.

>If i compliment him, it makes my opinion more valid.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but it doesn't. You clearly have some deep-seated insecurities about your own looks if you are going to spend so much time trying to tear down another man's looks because you are jealous girls drool over him.

>he's not traditionally attractive by a long shot.
No one said he is though. He shouldn't be that attractive to anyone but he's charismatic and he is. Inspirational 2bh. He could have been a total loser but he made the best of everything and here he is. Probably was bullied at school a lot. He looked crazy goofy as a kid.

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Rey doesn't have one beyond being a hero but Kylo's is the typical tortured villain motivation of just wanting to burn it all to the ground and start over his way. It's not supposed to be rational because the character himself is irrational and broken.

>seeths that some literally who doesn't like his ugly husbando
>wahh stop inciring me wahh
was it autism?

What is going on here lel. He's like an awkward 45-year-old aunt at times. Charming af.

Kylo has been in love with Rey since TFA. Rian was just going based on what was clearly already there. It's the one facet of TLJ that made any sense and the rest was just half-assed. Then again, everything about the trilogy other than Kylo being half-assed is the theme of the entire ST.

I like him as an actor though. Just like I like Buscemi. I think he's ugly and it's cool that you don't, but I can say anything and you seeth, and that's funny.
fair enough.

Why don't you have respect for him as a man then? Against all odds he's this successful.

I think it was some art-related thing. Someone complimented him at one point and he cringed, it was adorable.

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Rey isn't going dark, it's just a vision of what Kylo wants to see or what she was meant to become. We already know the basics of the plot. Rey and Kylo fight Palpatine, Palpatine takes over Kylo's body, Kylo begs Rey to kill him and end this and she does and Kylo may or may not get resurrected. Darth Rey is a clear red herring, they don't have time for a serious dark Rey arc.