>Go-fast boats
Go-fast boats
Cool name, right
Too-ra loo-ra looRAAAAA
Too-ra loo-ra LIEEE
Yea Forums likes Mann, but is this one any good?
It's kind of funny that Jamie Foxx was fucking Tom Cruise's sloppy seconds
His best by far, but only if you're into kino.
It's a different kinda action film but it's good
>His best by far
But Thief is his best.
this movie started my mohito fiend
ehhhh it was OK
The true redpill is only Blackhat is pretty shit
Foxx was fucking her before, during, and after her marriage to Cruise (they've been "friends" for a long time). And still is.
I'm not even going to argue because all of his movies except The Keep are masterpieces or near-masterpieces.
You misspelled Manhunter friend
I like Blackhat. It has problems but it's good.
That's why I said pretty shit. The rocket launcher scene I didn't see coming
The director's cut of it is spectacular.
yeah..... i'm thinking he's based
user that's his second best. It's just you and me now, sport.
It's not good. It looks cool, but it's 2.5 hours of Nothing interspersed with boat rides and shootouts.
Taking a speed boat from Miami to Cuba for drinks and sex is still on my bucket list. Fuck you Mann.
This is a dumb take, but at least you admit it looks cool.
Hmm, I was gonna wrap up my Sunday night by watching it. If it's a waste of time, then what should I watch instead?
I don't give a fuck if it's the most popular, Heat is a legit GOAT contender. De Niro is unreal in it.
You're gonna watch it in 5 years and find out the user that turned you off it was just a pleb
Fucking yourself
Watch Miami Vice. It is Mann at his most insane, it is one of the most expensive and high profile pure art films ever made. Just be sure to watch the theatrical cut.
Yeah, moving the nuclear plant bit to the start of the film was a disastrous move.
Art film?
She was Cruise's beard. She might be Fox's.
Alright alright, I'm gonna watch it.
That was such a good scene. The slow build up and him snapping and yelling at Farina was outstanding.
Jamie Foxx is incredibly gay.
Just don't go making a thread in 2 and a half hours about how Yea Forums memed you into watching a shit movie.
How's this movie an art film?
Pure fucking kino
>boat race intro
>the aesthetics
>that shootout
>ending credits song
My brother and his gf watched it the other day and were completley trashing it. According to them it had too many sex scenes. Plebs.
I liked balaclava scene when the throw grenades in the boat
>it had too many sex scenes
Wasn't there just the one in Havana and in the back of the SUV? are they Mormons or something?
Yeah i rewatched the directors cut the other day and they are like 4 sex scenes. Like I said they are plebs.
Not that user, but it's an extremely expressionistic film with more attention paid to the physicality of its performers than its labyrinth plotting. It has way more in common with a Wong Kar-Wai film than any of its Hollywood crime thriller contemporaries. I wouldn't go so far as to outright call it an art film, but I understand the comparison.
Is this the only movie where you should avoid the director's cut like the plague?
Donnie Darko and Apocalypse Now (Redux anyway, haven't seen The Final Cut) come to mind.
I always wondered if Mogwai were actually on Mann's radar or if it was someone else in production.
What's wrong with the directors cut?
It changes the opening, which was already flawless, and adds a shitty, out of place buttrock cover of In The Air Tonight before the final shootout.
One of the best scenes in the film, the absolutely phenomenal opening that sets the tone for the entire film is ruined. An awful cover of In The Air Tonight is added to the end just because it's an homage to the original show and it doesn't work at all. Other than that nothing substantial is changed, a few scenes are longer.
About to watch the original series. What am I in for?
Kino not quite on par with the film, but kino nonetheless.
mann is the ultimate pleb director
Take it back nigger
Excellent first 3 seasons, but it goes down hill pretty bad
Unironic kino. Crockett and Tubbs have great chemistry and the cinematagraphy and sound design are movie-tier. Though it gets wierd in the last two seasons its worth watching all the way through.
*pleb detector
and it's working
Manhunter and Miami Vice make a great double feature. Both so obsessed with the details of the moments and style that they become these surreal impressionist visual feasts
what's the deal with Van Zant's TV though
>The Insider
>Miami Vice
>The Last of the Mohicans
>Public Enemies
>The Keep
Its vastly superior to the film the aesthetic style of 1980s Miami is great, when you watch it you'll wish you could go back.
The first two seasons are incredible but the quality declines in the third season and further declines in season 4 and 5. There are still great episodes all the way up through the 5th season but there are also mediocre and even comically bad episodes as well.
Why is this so forgotten? Was it just shit or was it forgettable?
Just another pleb filter
it just looked ugly desu
Mann's obsession with shitty, outdated digital cameras worked well in Collateral and Miami Vice because it added to that 2000s aesthetics but it single handedly ruined Public Enemies and made Blackhat look like dogshit.
You couldn't understand what anybody was saying.
>Jamie Foxx is incredibly gay.
THIS. She was a "beard" and playacting as his girlfriend.
Kino, but by all means don't you go as far as the Chris Rock/James Brown episode.
why the theatrical?
Watch it, honestly everything people have said to you is pretty much right. It's really cool and arty in the good sense. I don't think it's his best movie, that would be The Insider, but damm this is pretty damm close
Mann is GOAT
blackhat was pure kino.
i remember how blown away i was after watching it in the cinema for the first time.
they also did make the hacking stuff kinda believable.
Miami Vice and Blackhat have shit scripts but are still kino because they're so sensual and vulnerable and and everything great about Mann, this one just feels soulless, the cast is wrong, the visual style and digital photography doesn't suit the historical context and it's just dull and awkward, Marion is shit compared to the Asian waifus and Bale and Depp are just here for the paycheck, there's a really obvious and ugly CGI Johnny Depp shot because he couldn't be bothered sliding over a table, this shot is everything wrong with the movie, it's just ugly and lazy and stupid
I want one.
Are we gonna talk about the CGI trailer explosion or what?
It's good. If you like colin ferrell in true detective 2, you'll like this film
>can fully see the contorts and details of her tits including fully detailed nipple and areola
Wew. Sometimes these kinds of pictures are just way hotter than like upclose spread bald eagle pussy.
I love it but we can't pretend parts of it aren't a complete mess. The leads have absolutely no chemistry and major plot points like the FBI leak and the drug lord just disappear. Usually the hero's gf getting captured is used to escalate the plot, you don't just rescue her and roll credits.
>Miami Vice and Blackhat have shit scripts
Mann pretty much shot Miami Vice on the fly, it barely had a script
Still kino.
Same... I drank mojitos exclusively for 7 years because of this movie
It's just a movie, user.
do Mann auteurists like pic related?
I remember seeing this as a kid and laughing at the silliness of that name. Everything else in the movie is serious as fuck and then you hear that all the sudden
It's pretty good. it was a crazy labor of love from Mann and Will Smith which is bizarre because the tone is so out of place. Muhammad Ali really doens't lend himself well to Mann's dour melancholy sepia tone.
I would like an answer to this also. I haven't watched this (or Last of the Mohicans).
For both, I had no interest in them before I found out Mann directed them. Now, I'm on the fence for both.
Anyone know if either
Didn't see your post before I posted -- does that mean 'Ali' has the typical aspects of a Mann movie? Part of the reason I didn't have interest in it is that I assumed it was a typical Oscar bait period piece/biopic and filmed like one..
Last of the Mohicans is fantastic and I'm not just saying that because it was filmed in my hometown.
ali is an important film in mann's filmography because this is when he comitted to digital film making
>The leads have absolutely no chemistry
What the fuck?
Last of the Mohicans kinda sucks imo. It has a stellar final sequence and that song you'll remember forever but on the whole it's way too much 90's period piece romance mom core. DDL's over acting is shit too.
Visually it's definitely recognizable as a digital era Mann movie but it's pretty Oscar biopic-ish. Some scenes just go on for fucking ever in that hagiographic biopic way that you'd never see in another Mann film. you get the impression that Will Smith had too much creative power.
It's great kino.
Great film.
They don't. Farrell and Foxx seem like they hate each other because Foxx was a pain and they did.
Oh, I thought you meant Farrell and Gong Li for some reason. I barely consider Foxx a lead.
I agree, but I think it's largely by design, their relationship and history is implied and assumed, there's zero character development between them, but that doesn't really ruin anything for me, personally. The audience is just not let in on their relationship, which is fine by me
I remember seeing Blackhat and coming on Yea Forums to talk about it and the only threads were HUR DUR SUPER MODEL HACKER
Make no mistake, Yea Forums was always trash.
He worked with Miami PD for a while as prep work for Miami Vice, they decided to bring him to a fake drug bust that goes bad as a joke. He completely flips out and tells the "drug dealers" to go fuck them selves when they call him out as a snitch. Later on the cops realize they forgot to tell him it was a joke and call him up at 2 in the morning. Turns out he was still awake, having a breakdown since he thought he was going to shot in the face by the "drug dealers".
He was also dressed up as Crockett during the entire fake bust.
I'd rank Ali third after Miami Vice and Heat desu
one of my favorite movies
Based Sonny