Did we ever find out who this guy was? Did the books do anything with him?
Did we ever find out who this guy was? Did the books do anything with him?
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He was just an emperor copy with no thought put into it. I'm glad Rian killed him off like the joke he was
Not yet. All the books explain is that he's from the unknown regions and was a huge part of the first orders formation. I'm sure we will get more info in the books after episode 9
Some fag, idk lol
It's Jar Jar
It's Darth Plagueis' dick that somehow became sentient.
>Did the books do anything with him?
why would anyone subject themselves to star wars books
Because they have been better than the films since ESB
What do you think?
>star wars 'books'
there's trashy literature, and then there's disney branded fanfiction of a trashy pop franchise
Plagueis' dick would be a better villain than this clown
>I'm sure we will get more info in the books after episode...
t. Increasingly nervous Disney fan for the tenth time.
He will be revealed as some Sheev drone engineered/manipulated to setup his resurrection.
I have always said it would be after 9
It would be stupid to spoil movie details in a novel or comic
If you really want to know, Episode 9 reveals that he's just one of numerous "Dark Side acolytes" that Palpatine uses as vessels or pawns to facilitate his return.
Why does he wear a porn star robe?
he's this guy as an old man
They originally planned for him to be the first Jedi.
he was a cis white male who wanted to rebuild a crumbling society and knew that only by continuing the remnants of the empire could he prevent a genocide. and for that he deserved to die
That's Applejack, come on, Kumar!
>implying sheev would hire this doofus
This will not ever not make me rage.
There's a reason why we bombed the shit out of german and japanese factories in WW2, its to halt production and stop the train lines. Stopping an enemy from resupplying is Tactics 101. Fuck if you are able to starve out an enemy army before even firing a single shot you destroyed them utterly
Define 'after 9'
Like, how many YEARS will you let snoke go unexplained before you admit that he was filler trash?
You can't tell me you'll keep up your trust for literal decades waiting for a backstory.
I never said he wasnt filler. I just said that they probably would wait until the trilogy was finished before explaining major details of it.
thanks again rian
Completely unprofessional logic right there. Practically anti-military. Who the fuck thought this mindset was acceptable?
Why did they even start the new trilogy of movies without having finalized plans yet?
no and you are a racist, sexist homophobic troll for even asking those questions scum
Because they're arrogant, smug, and cocky. Disney felt by acquiring Star Wars that they'd be "untouchable" and turn it into the next MCU. The result?
>TLJ destroyed the lore, story, and characters
>Solo bombed
>Rebels introduced time travel
>merchandise sales plummeted
>Resistance got cancelled
>the new games suck
>the new EU books suck
>comic sales dropped hard from 1M to 40k
>Galaxy's Edge flopped
>Lucasfilm/Disney refuses to pay residuals to George himself
>clear woke agenda bias being shoved in everywhere
>little to no hype for TRoS
Disney successfully managed to kill off a once beloved franchise in just 2 years.
>we will never get the aliens covenant of star wars
They'd just fuck it up anyway.
isn't the point to show how unsuitable leia is as a general? since she's just some aristocrat and their whole thing is muh merit can pop up anywhere let it rise?
like, they lost badly under her leadership. this stuff just makes it explicit that it is because of her leadership
>he thinks that nu-Wars is clever enough to insinuate a "point"
>"As military experts, how shall we acquire the necessary information to know how to defeat them?"
>".......lol, who cares bro?"
What story are they even trying to tell in this fucking trilogy anyways?
Is he Snoke?
there is some good info on the slippers he wore at least
>A pair of slippers were a comforting item that belonged to Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Two-tone in color, the embroidered exterior was gold in color, with its interior a red. In 34 ABY, the disfigured dark side wielder wore his slippers as he sat on his throne, located within his personal flagship. During this time, he was often visited by First Order General Armitage Hux, his apprentice Kylo Ren, and, before his death, the Jedi trainee Rey. It was Ren who was responsible for Snoke's death, slicing him in half from afar, using the Force to manipulate Rey's lightsaber, which sat beside Snoke's person. With Snoke's body split in two, his slippers remained on his feet.
>isn't the point to show how unsuitable leia is as a general?
No. The new Disney continuity is about proposing up and sucking up Leia because Kathleen Kennedy and Lawrence Kasdan. She is suppose to be a smart badass General. They failed, but it was their intention. They also wanted her to help Rey lift the boulders at the end.
you all shit on the writing because you have no idea what it's even alluding to. the shoe thing makes it explicit that snoke=pope
and the implication of snoke having no actual power or authority and simply sitting on a worldly throne as a mortal man is quite clear
rian is an irish name no?
anyone been to belfast?
fuckin dummies
>Did the books do anything with him?
No. And the sequel trilogy characters are typically off limits until a few months before the next movie comes out, when they release a handful of books containing the "The Road to [title of the upcoming movie]" prefix. These books so far have served to retcon everything they need retconned for the movie to work in advance.
>having no actual power or authority
He is a force master and the leader of the First Order?
>They originally planned for him to be the first Jedi.
Not really. That mosaic didn't show up until TLJ and the artbook reveals several concepts going in an entirely different direction until they settled on this image. Like, a simple Yin Yang, slightly more fancy. Snoke was never the prime Jedi.
Though it would've been interesting if he had been.
He's wearing a gold robe because he's supposed to be Trump.
yes until he got slitted to death by a dropped glowstick
>not snoke = smoke
Fucking Irish can’t do anything right
>isn't the point to show how unsuitable leia is as a general? since she's just some aristocrat and their whole thing is muh merit can pop up anywhere let it rise?
>like, they lost badly under her leadership. this stuff just makes it explicit that it is because of her leadership
Leia wasn't a loser in the OT, she always participated and contributed to military meetings, instructed troops, coordinated attacks and the like. Until the ST, there was no indication she was unsuitable as a leader. I cannot imagine it was their intention to portray her that way, even though they admittedly did.
trivial fool
Serious question, aren't the Empire supposed to be human supremacists or something? How did they end up with an ayy lmao as their Emperor?
Apparently Snoke is a disfigured human.
According to canon, he's some guy with super secret force knowledge from the outer rim and after the collapse of the empire used it to regather and rebuild the remnants into the First Order.
The fact that aliens have become the most minor they've been in Star Wars, in the name of more human diversity, Disney is ironically making the Star Wars universe more anti-minority/alien than before. Especially because humans created the very pro-human empire.
I guess they've steered it toward being about Rey and Kylo's connection. But the hero of the trilogy is clearly Kylo. He's the only one with a story, or connected to anything Star Wars. Rey is just some prophecy destiny contrived bullshit.
That fucking strategic insight lmao
>A hyperspace crash!? How come nobody has ever done that before?
>Does it matter, Captain In'Celle?
>Not one bit