What's the scientific explanation for this?
What's the scientific explanation for this?
Sometimes critics and audiences have different opinions on things
Audiences are fucking idiots. They're the last people you should trust.
A lot of RT critics are just complete faggots with shitty blogs like Movie Bob. If you look at the top critics (Which is all you should ever look at if you're using RT) Then Captain Marvel is at 61%
Don't look at Alita
What's the scientific explanation for this?
mouse paid the critics to shill for it's soulless product
>I let people with college degrees tell me what to like
There were threads to review bomb Alita score to "show em sjws". In the end, both were shit.
Who should we trust then?
But they let Dumbo, Aladdin and Lion King burn?
Yourself, stupid spineless faggot.
Trust yourself. If something looks interesting just watch it. They're only movies man
Why are you being an ass?
they don't have to anything for that
the entire world is familiar with those three stories and would see it regardless of what some soibois online say
nobody gives a fuck about captain marvel and they have to do anything they can to get people in the theaters
top - critics are insincere
bottom - users are insincere
they were both mediocre movies that brought nothing interesting or memorable
angry incels
Mouse also put 5 times more asses on the seats and 3 times the money in the box office wrecking alita and it's sequels forever.
How does he keep getting away with it?
Critics base their scores on actual knowledge of the film, the work that went into it, and a general idea how hw much enjoyment one can get from it. The general audience are sheep who follow what everybody else says and can't think for themselves.
The star wars movies are a good example of this with the original trilogies having higher audience scores(because the fans are nostalgia drones), with the prequels and sequels having higher critic scores because they're generally better movies.
Trust Brie Larson and shut your brain off, you can't be trusted to think on your own
I dislike niggers.....monkey bo-ho......
They nigger......smelly.....
Steal, crime no work....
if you start thinking for yourself you might get homophobic, misogynistic and racist thoughts
Trust yourself to watch both movies and realize they’re both shit.
>What's the scientific explanation for this?
>Yourself, stupid spineless faggot.
Sure about that?
>the prequels and sequels having higher critic scores because they're generally better movies.
>My movie wrangled more dumb goys than your movie
>ain't no wall gonna keep me down
>has already hit the wall at mach 10
What's the scientific explanation for this?
Alita was legit bad
Captain Marvel > Alita
>the prequels and sequels having higher critic scores because they're generally better movies.
That's correct, thanks for repeating
go back
>Critics don't count; they're all paid
>Audience don't count; they're all shills/goy/fanboys
>Box office doesn't count; they just got more dumb goys
So, what you're saying is, that the way of determining whether a film is good or not is if you personally think* it is?
*it is a billion dollar company you think is better than other billion dollar company
alita was entertaining
>cape shit
into the trash
Meaningless buzzword. Note, I was told this when I said Captain Marvel was entertaining (in my own personal opinion)
Alita is good capeshit tho.
At least rarson didn't delete her social media like a fucking pussy. Rosa's nowhere to be seen.
You mean most of the times. This is also true for vidya. The whole GG and stuff that even made m00t so mad
But Captain Marvel wasn’t entertaining. You’ve got to be a level 10 soiboi buttplug wearing faggot to think that movie was good.
>they were both mediocre movies that brought nothing interesting or memorable
Yep. Both films were average to below average pictures. Captain Marvel just had more media shills willing to suck it up for female empowerment, etc.
Just saw Alita for the first time last week. It just comes across as an unfinished movie with no actual ending. (I later read the manga and found the source to be pretty boring too)
>caring about rotten tomatoes
critics just wanted browny points from the mouse.
PhD in memeology here.
You can distill the answer down to one word: autism. Literal incels were so asshurt about the opening of captain marvel that they promoted the anime waifu bait movie, which happened to release near the same time, threefold more than it ever would have had captain marvel never been released. You can go back into the Yea Forums archive and observe the fervor that the alita threads directed towards captain marvel. Eventually, the deluded alitafags minds became so warped they actually started believing ABA was a decent movie. Despite over 500+ generals, almost no actual discussion of the film and or its lore took place. Instead the generals were used to shitpost, form meetups IRL, spawned tripfags (cancer), and almost completely revolves around shouting down people who bad mouthed the film.
disney buy RT critics
based and preasu pilled
Studios are trying to tell you "You don't like what you like."
Yeah critics get more Disney Dollars
Thinking is what the nazis did.
Alitatards getting shrapnel BASEDBOI points from hating on captain marvel due to fake outrage marketing campaign from marvel itself. All those people shitting on CM influenced by Youtubers latching on to a shred of relevance? All part of the plan to promote the movie, any kind of publicity is good these days because people don't own a shred of moral fiber.
TL;DR: Thank marvel for making your shitty movie somewhat relevant by virtue of releasing at the same time as Brie kino. Be humble and light a candle to your goddess.
If she were a fine cheese she'd be sour cream
Christian gang always wins nigga
Makes sense because Captain Marvel is the first episode of the new phase of a multi-billion dollar franchise, unlike Dumbo or Aladdin.
How do Americans say Latinx? Lathinks or Latinshe?
Alita was supposed to do the same, but even poor Jim couldn't salvage it.
The man hasn't spoken of Alita since it flopped. Probably wants to distance himself from the project.
The real answer is, does anybody care?
i used to see alita threads asking people to bomb their movie with good reviews
I'm curious. Here you say latino(s) in general or latina(s) if your talking about just females.
>if you're talking about just females.
Thank you.
>it kept my kid quiet for 2 hrs
is there anything she can't do?
I actually did get paid to write a positive Marvel review. Didn't even see it, ran it by the contractor, they okay'd it and sent me the cash through PayPal.
$80 for what was basically a telemarketing script to be posted online. Alita didn't play that ball so I didn't write anything, but I saw it recently and it's not bad.
Ratings are bullshit. Trust no one: Not even yourself.
>movie critics
how can i become a shill?
Yes, act.
>Mouse also put 5 times more asses on the seats
You mean it bought its own tickets? because the theater rooms where empty.
needs to be the other way around, damn i miss making alita oc
How is the audience score rotten? I thought they did the verified watcher thing
Audience scores are ridiculous
I finally watched Alita and wow... I hated it. Like maybe I wasn't in the mood for this type of movie, but it was dire. Rosa Salazar is a horrible actress, the dialogue was terrible and cringeworthy, that fucking Twilight tier romance was the worst thing I've seen in a movie this year. The action scenes lacked oomph and the plot and pacing seemed all over the place. Maybe pick a better movie to shill next time. I'm so fucking glad it flopped. Captain Marvel was 10x better.
>no fanbase
>autistic fanbase
Alita sucked but it's 10 times better than any non iron man MCU joint
critics wont ever be fair and judge mcu for its worth. they gave Black Panther a 90%, despite that horrible cgi fight towards the end. if dc had did that it would have been rated a 30%. audience are the new critics
Disney doesn't need to buy critics. They'll have no jobs if they don'ts suck the mouse cock.
Why do retards on this site still not know how the RT score works
No, we say it like that too, "latinx" is part of the written-only language of retarded college girls on Twitter.
Anyone else fantasize about mating pressing Larson into loving conservative dick while she curses at you?
trust no one, especially not yourself, or me
You know, my dear old dad suggested we see Alita and he could not care one whit about any of this autism, and while it left something to be desired it did at least follow through with some of the imaginative visuals of the manga and we enjoyed it.
Yet somehow, Marvel's newest polished turds never seem to capture his interest even though he used to read a lot of the comics.
Maybe there actually is something to this and you're just being a contrarian?
No, I really just don't want to be near her.
Brie Larson cuckboys still seething over this, and Alita Battle Angel living rent-free in their minds. lol
Rent fucking free.
>Fix her toenails
> implying you wouldn't lick them all over if she tells you to
How could anyone like Alita? The movie was trash.
Yea Forums, of course
Perhaps critics don't share the same preferences as the audience.
No one like Brie Larsen, she have zero fanbase. Everyone just like to laugh at alitafags.
I'm sorry, but your dad is probably as retarded as you are.
Actually... She already did which is almost impossible to do for most people lmao
Seriously is there anything she can't do?
Have an actual ass.
review bombing.
Blanket positive reviews for Marvel create far more revenue than honest reviews.
Stay mad faggot and go back to /trash/
alita is waifu cartoon garbage
RT changed their scoring system after Captain Marvel so now every mediocre movie has good audience scores
If you put the mouse fucking brie in all holes then everything in the pic would be accurate.
I always thought it was latin ex
>trusting an overpaid Smarmy fucklehead shill with a title instead of aggregate data of real movie going ppl like you and I
Yea no thanks asshole.
>Captain Marvel is losing to this box office bomb in DVD/Blu ray sales by 3/1
Did they really?
Yep, RT is owned by Fandango and its president is a lifelong mousecuck suits. It's a shill platform at this point
radical centrist truth
>Captain Marvel is losing to this box office bomb in DVD/Blu ray sales by 3/1
Alita DVD/Blu Ray $8,525,516
Captain Marvel DVD/Blu Ray $54,501,671
Good news is, I might be able to pick up Alita in the $5 bin by Christmas.
>down 74%
>Down 54%
>new reboot canceled after three issues
>getting caught cooking the books on their cinema "success"
Wow Captain Marvel sure is a hit...
Yea Forums's private autist army flooded RT with 1 star reviews by the thousands before the film was even out, now you have to be a confirmed viewer to leave a review. Some of the most inept trolling I've ever seen, not even poo-tier.
It's ok user. You can always safely hate Captain Marvel in this wretched little corner of the internet.
At least til Ted Cruz and Zuckerberg fix section 230.
Then I don't know what you'll do. Probably hang yourself.
Yes user, those are very amazing numbers, very...
>i let retarded plebs tell me what to like
At this point you just have to feel sorry for poltards. They desperately cling to every tweet promising them they'd finally get a break, but then inevitably all their hopes are crushed by cold facts. I'm sure they realized CM is going to outsell Shitlita, but 6 to 1, damn...
Alita felt like it contributed something to cinema. Captain Marvel just seemed like a mediocre capeshit movie that added nothing to anything.
Even losing to PM, a movie a year ago, my god what a success...
>Alita felt like it contributed something to cinema
Yes, it converted a violent, somber, cyberpunk western into harmless YA adventure schlock.
It's like taking Yojimbo and turning it into Hunger Games.
Why not just say ”Latini”? Don’t know if it’s different in spanish, but in italian, an ”i” suffix is both gender neutral and plural.
The truth is that they both mediocre capeshit movies.
as opposed to retarded Yea Forums NEETs
>1st episode of a new phase
>captain marvel
user, I...
Yes, I expect you to form your own opinion and argue for it.
>The Force Awakens 93%
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