90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days official watch thread

90 Day Fiance: Before The 90 Days official watch thread

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TLC 8pm est/7pm cst
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>already a giga-slut
>decides she's past it
>converts to islam for Mahmen Thunderdong

""white """women"""""

I think it was her plan all along to be a DP gang bang slave for isis




We are live

I pay 7 euro a month for all the sports/us/canada channels

Better value than netflix

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Does anyone else think Rebecca is pretty hot/MILFy? I'd definitely hit it and I think she'd do well in amateur porn.

>tfw your friends don't applaud when you show up

Shes a bit chubby but would bang

How come these foreign people don't understand the cost of living? They think every American is loaded.

>have hot columbian girl wanting a green card
>be cucked by ex girlfriend and daughter that isnt yours

>darcy is back
oh god no
she's fucking crazy

wtf that Paola girl from the other 90 day show is from the same city, is Bucaramunga hot Colombian pussy central?

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>The big reveal is that Tim is a MtF tranny

Colombian women are the hottest Latinas. Ariella Ferrera for example.


>hot latina
>fat girl with tunisian guy
>white guy that (probably) can't afford the bride price
i've seen this before

I wounder how the African-American community watching at home feels about watching this white dude about to buy an African bride for cows and shit

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>I slay tons of women and I own a 60 foot yacht but look how awkward and goofy I look

When I was a kid I did, every sitcom and drama house was huge, even some fat ups driver had a nice house and hot wife. Then it dawns on you that ain't the fucking case

Damn that autistic Dutch chad completely destroyed Darcy, she's damaged goods that will never recover.

>met on a muslim dating app
>it was Yubo aka Tinder for kids

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Avery is a boy's name...

>puts ramen in before the water boils

are they gonna film a live suicide this season?

They use really old photos of that Ukrainian girl.

This pic is from 4 years ago

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She was already broken

>western woman flips about being asked to dress more conservatively in a more conservative country
jesus christ, it's not about how you want to look and your personal style
in that country you look like a whore

He was based. Darcey couldn't handle that he called her on her shit personality

That dude has severe jungle fever

has anyone else seen the channel 4 series The undateables? it's where they get literal retards and autists dates and it's absolutely what you think it would be like

>first date
>calling the guy baby already
>oh i'm just wearing his white shirt
>the conversation was so great
when in reality
>got too drunk
>had to get put to bed
>gave the guy a bloody nose
Darcey is a piece of work. I like how TLC made the last guy seem so unreasonable for wanting her to stop drinking.

>The wine and the conversation kept flowing

Honestly does she think anyone buys that? this is like a guy calling women "dames" you can't say these phrases without meaning them it's immediately apparent you are full of bull shit

It just made me feel sad.

You can find any of the russian/ukrainians on this show pretty easily

Im surprised people havent shared more of her pictures

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Too close to home? why can't you have a go when there are dating agencies but you aren't disabled enough to qualify?

No, it left a bad taste in my mouth. The face deformity chick was where I stopped watching.

this black chick is a qt

It's kinda interesting how much more sympathy normies will feel for incels if you just use a different term for them. If you show them a bunch of "undateables", as the show does, then they'll feel sympathetic but if you show them the exact same group but call them "incels" then they'll be hated and mocked.

A lot of them were downs or severely autistic

Can't wait til he meets her dad

>The face deformity chick

Tammy? didn't she end up rejecting that one guy anyway? man women are choosy

You guys should check out comicon speed dating

>if only she had slapped that dumb cunt daughter

It's been a long time, I cant remember what she does.

I like how the muslim convert can't even explain her own religion to her mother. I took a one semester class on muslims and I know more about the religion and history than she does. Not that the mom isn't an idiot, talking about how you just have to search the internet to find muslim rule books. Lady doesn't know how to vet a source and thinks all muslims are exactly the same. Nobody tell her some jews eat pork and that some US christians do that speaking in tongues shit.

She was also a "vegan" who would sneak meat at night. She just does these things for attention. Now she is on tv and got exactly what she wanted

the mom seems like one of those people that never matured past high school and raised their kid like a 17 year old would
daughter needed attention growing up and had to work for it

I think you're dead nuts on about the mom

>why does this muslim man want me to cover up in a country where woman usually cover up

What a stupid bitch. Do you really not understand where you are?

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>literally provoked other men to give her attention and started the whole thing
>"Stop! You're being crazy why is this happening!?"
Dear Allah please jihad this retard.


>dressed like that people will say she's not a good woman
it's ridiculous how purposefully argumentative the couples on this show can be

>unexpected baby show
>dad starts talking about how he doesn't understand kids texting instead of calling

She needs a good beating

Based boomer

>columbus ohio
basically mogadishu now
it’s unreal how many somailans oboma imported into this country