Everywhere else we've seen is mostly undeveloped desert, tundra, jungle, ocean or forest. The only exception was maybe Naboo and even that only seemed to have one real city (two if you count the Gungans).
Kamino and Bespin are pretty developed if you ask me.
Isaac White
Damn, all these years I thought the speeder chase in Episode II was Nar Shaddaa.
Adam Gutierrez
Because no two planets can wear the same hat
Austin Young
Mar Shadaa is another planetary city Alderaan had big cities too
Gabriel Bennett
>What is Tatooine and Jakku?
Matthew Long
[laughs in JJ]
Bentley Jones
Because every organization with any power spends all their resources on planet sized WMDs and blows them up.
Benjamin Lee
Lucas wanted the series to have a kind of Western feel so he went with locations that were frontieresque
Jackson Bennett
>It's salt.
Kevin James
Corellia, Kuat, Caamas, Chandrila, Corulag, and Alderaan (RIP) are also city planets.
Jackson Taylor
Cato Nemoida, Mygeeto, Corellia, and Hosnian Prime all show in the live action movies and there are countless more in the EU (Legends and Canon). Geonosis also has billions of inhabitants and is covered in structures, they just look like termite hives because, well, they are.
Adrian Hill
>You know realise that 80% of the original saga is set in planets within the Outer Rim
Nicholas Lewis
>planets are basically the equivalent of individual cities in terms of culture, climate, architecture etc
Is there a more hack fantasy/sci-fi trope?
Carter Hughes
>4 rafts >a space needle
Michael Long
>same architecture The only two planets that we have seen enough to make that assumption are Naboo and Tatooine, and even then Tatooine had a "diverse" architecture as Mos Espa and Mos Eisley look a bit different, the former being more like a sand slum and the latter looking more like a city or town, not to mention Jabba's palace
Carter Wilson
Because fascism doest work, shitlord
Lincoln Sullivan
>Each the size of a medium/large city or even bigger
Kayden Kelly
And Disney hasn't a fucking clue what they're doing and can't design a new city
Landon Parker
>Canon and unimaginative hack rewriting. JJ has had one original idea in his inbred mind (Lost). All he does now is take existing franchisees and make them worse
Justin James
Because they realized city planets were a mistake.
>cost to maintain >cost to defend >pollution >zero room to move around
There are plenty of planets with huge urban environments just none like Coruscant.
Nar Shardaa is a moon so it doesn't really count.
Logan Ward
They are irrelevant to the plots of the movies. Coruscant is the center of commerce and government, so it gets all the attention.
Tyler Johnson
This. Nar Shaddaa is also a city planet
Lincoln Rodriguez
All of Coruscant has that futuristic Art Deco look.
>Cato Nemoida, Mygeeto >show in the live action movies
Luis Evans
Nar shaddaa felt more like a planet out of the 40K universe, with its post war atmosphere and criminal presence. I disliked questing there but it added alot of depth to the story and made it more immersive.
Lucas Price
Because of lazy shitty ass writing
Jose Miller
Probably this is the reason why that fucking galaxy is always on war.
Brody Diaz
Here's the population of various Canon planets (because I'm bored):
>Coruscant - 1 Trillion >Geonosis - 100 Billion >Nar Shaddaa - 85 Billion >Christophis - 35 Billion >Mon Cala - 27 Billion >Sullust - 18.5 Billion >Nal Hutta - 7 Billion >Naboo - 4.5 Billion >Corellia - 3 Billion >Alderaan - 2 Billion >Ryloth - 1.5 Billion >Chandrila - 1 Billion >Kamino - 1 Billion >Utapau - 95 Million >Kashyyyk - 56 Million >Forest Moon of Endor - 30 Million >Jedha - 11 Million >Cato Nemoida - 8.5 Million >Bespin - 6 Million >Mandalore - 4 Million >Takodana - Less than 1 Million >Tatooine - 200 Thousand >Jakku - Less than 25 Thousand >Mustafar - 20 Thousand >Kessel - 11 Thousand >Dathomir - A few hundred to a few thousand
How can the team behind KotOR come up with all that content. And Disney shits out replicas and slightly altered versions of existing worlds and vehicles? Does their creative department have 0 artistic freedom?
Hudson Morales
There are highly developed core worlds like kuat (?) and corellia, we just never see them