>american army
>wearing IDF outfits
what did the jews mean by this?
>american army
>wearing IDF outfits
what did the jews mean by this?
>using fucking magpul furniture
they're not army
They weren't military
>american army
two sides of the same coin
They aren't even IDF fatigues. OP is just fucking obsessed with Jews.
I think they wanted them to look like Ghostbusters
America is the IDF
that movie sux
thy are closer to IDF fatigues than they are army. they are just brown instead of dull green or w/e
yes they were. did you even see it?
no they weren't. did you even see it?
the one of the very left works for the military and Natalies character was married to a soldier. did you watch it?
>works for the military
>Natalies character was married to a soldier
>in the US Army
watch the movie next time
One is a nurse or cleans dead people off the streets.
>leave a base and go on a mission
>Have military radio and supplies
>Durr they not military
Damn this board got really retarded
>No tactical Chef Boyardee hat
Ah yes an all-female strike force. You know what else this movie needs? A white girl getting blacked.
You can do literally all of those things yourself, user. Still doesn't mean you're in the military
>You know what else this movie needs? A white girl getting blacked.
Uh, user..
>bitches have guns and military boots
yea let me just go requisition an m16
das ryte mmhmmm
>>american army
>>wearing IDF outfits
checks out
well it's quite simple let me explain it to you
the film, like other hollywood films, is produced and probably directed as well by a jew. these jews have a lot of jew connections to the casting people and the people who arrange attire and they have their jew contacts too
so naturally they gravitate to buying israeli things from jews becasue that's how jews operate
Canonically they're the absolute bottom of the barrel dregs
They're only sending them in because they ran out of good people to send because they all died
The master!
why cant i be a tactical anime girl
Go back in your bunker /k/
american army is literally the first line of Israel Defense (and Offense) Forces