Hello I am a subhuman species
Hello I am a subhuman species
You might be, Haaland a cute tho
hello op
If Europoors, third worlders in South American favelas and pajeets didn't watch this sport, it'd be completely dead.
he's a nog they genetically engineered to be ayran
>be british
>life life
>build cathedral
>see ship with head of a dragon
>see this
get killed brit
>If most of the world didn't watch this sport it would be dead
great observation there Galileo
britain took over the entire world but never dared to fuck with the nordics. and never has. Hitler tried and failed. no one outside of sweden can ever take iceland,norway,denmar,sweden or finland. not possible. we have a different mindset.
>but we took india and the bahamas
yeah big whoop
Most of the world are pieces of shit that should be nuked. There are billions of pajeets and chinamen in the world, just think about that.
is it true swedes peel bananas for norges these days
So this is the Scandinavian equivalent of Murcians
no it is not true. norway has money and sweden has brainpower so all the oilrigs are built by swedes and all of norway's infrastructure is built by swede. true story. norwegians are kind but they are a bit slow.
if you happen upon a bridge up in the fjords of norway there is a good chance I was a part of building it. we just finished one a couple miles outside aalesund. beautiful landscape. pic search it.
Soccer is played every where including in your cunt, it can survive without those regions. If millions of Americans stopped watching handegg it would be dead entirely
>eats pipas and loses
shut it spaniard
why mutts so obsessed over football? nobody give shit about your handegg or apehoop yet every thread about football. there is a mutt seething about.
gibs back constantinople
>Turkroach calling Americans mutts
Oh, the irony.
What's up with this swede?
Did his wife get blacked or something
i know many turks who are whiter than most mutts
hey thanks for the kurds you fucking shit
yeah my experience with german roaches is that they like hitler and germans don't. so that is good atleast.
turks are considered white in your shithole
Well, you live in a Turkish proxy state so it makes sense.
my ancestor ;)
western turks are white though. only the mountain turks are full blown arabs
and africans, and east asians, and indonesians... so that makes up about give or take 6 billion people in the world, meanwhile give it 20 years for all the race-mixed obese faggots to die of heart attack and apehoop/niggercollide are both dead
>now a swarthy Greekoid is joining in on the mutt shaming
I'm happy for you qatari, being gay is illegal, alcohol is somewhat illegal. don't become america qatar. just don't. vikings were once keepers of your throne during the ottoman times so you have some viking genes.
Don't you have some refugee canoes to grant citizenship to your dying country?
no i mean it. some turks could be from northern europe. they are way whiter than the stain spreading in the states
Roach rape baby kek
Unfortunately alcohol is not illegal, you just have to buy it from a special shop/hotel and it's expensive. The world cup will fuck this country up because Euros can't live without muh drinks.
You have never been to America, yet I have been to Berlin. There are roaches on every corner trying to sell you kebabs and saying "TAXI TAXI"
you know you are pathetic when greeks defend the turks. shows what ugly goblins americans are
that's a shame. oh it will. all the african "fans" will drop their passports and asylum search. be ready for that.
i saw enough of your goblin people to know that white people are a minority in the US already
You're lucky the Brits were too pussy to handle business in Europe, or Adolf would've already gassed your subhuman roach ass.
Ah admitting you've never been anywhere. Keep posting on Yea Forums you sexless poorfag.
Goebbels really knew that the average G*rmoid was retarded enough to believe the propaganda. Back to /pol/ for you, subhuman.
I'm not racist but if you know anything about Qatari immigration laws, you'll know this has zero chances of happening. You need to be sponsored to even enter the country, either by a Qatari (not expat) or an employer. Euros would love to have these laws lmao but I think they're a bit much.
i am a croat and you can tongue my anus, mutt. many muslims here work hard while the ngubus in your country don't work and are violent beasts. i would rather live in a 99% muslim country than with violent big lipped niggers that are allowed guns
You will never be White. Explains why you like futbol.
>Roach rape baby kek
Pulisic is not white?
I'm 0% Negroid blood, unlike you cockroach. Hope your meme folder helps you cope at night that you will always be a subhuman from a shithole country :)
Under Benjamin Franklin's edicts, no.
>Bin Yamin
Literal Arab
Arabs are the only based semites.
Gabrielle a cute
she's mid
Thanks bro
i am white while you aren't. it's that simple. also
>no healthcare
get shreked
I'm rich, I have private healthcare. Get fucked immigrant scum.
> Hitler tried and failed
yeah but they have changed, look into fifa conditions. you will get overrun.
he tried norway and failed.
no non nordic country has ever taken over a nordic country in all of history. russia was founded by vikings so they don't count.
Denmark took over Norway
and i bet i am way happier than you. i saw women play with their hair while i walked by while you probably are a virgin. only guys who have to pay for sex brag about their money
We took over Denmark and Norway just fine. And you pretend Viking sat on your ass the whole war.
My body count is over 30, all white women.
i am arguing with a child. looks like i am the loser
yes denmark is a nordic country. all swedes danes, norwegians and icelandics can understand eachother. same base language