There is LITERALLY no way Kong is going to win

There is LITERALLY no way Kong is going to win

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Other urls found in this thread:

They'll pussy out and make it a draw again.

>big monkey
>giant radioactive abomination
yeah im going with the big g on this one

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Can't wait for nu-Kong to get his nigger face bashed in by based lizard

I want to fuck Mothra so bad, bros, I want to get her pregnant with my seed

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Finally, someone who doesn't post humanoid garbage.


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Legendary Pictures is an American company. The Godzilla and Kong are American versions. You small dicked chinks will cry when Kong wins.

>nu-kong falling in love with Hag Larson
nah, Based Chadzilla will destroy him

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Prepare to be eletrocuted bitch

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Attached: King Kong vs Godzilla.webm (1280x544, 2.93M)

Kong could literally blind Gojira with his poo-poo then go in and snap his neck with his hands.
Scale-boy is going down.

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King won the first time in 1962, he will win again.

It'd be pretty rad if they basically just did Godzilla vs. Monster Zero again but with King Kong instead of Rodan.

>Trying to make a fucking monster fight about race
Why is /pol/ so fucking cancerous?

because they are 25yo virgins without girlfriend friends or love

>taking funposting about big dumb monsters this seriously

In a "real" fight there is almost no way Godzilla could lose. But they will probably make Kong win because he's the underdog. Shouldn't Godzilla tower over Kong anyway?

Everything has to be a racially themed console wars style argument and if you disagree you're gay and reddit. Welcome to Yea Forums

This is how I reckon it'll go.
The premise of the film is Godzilla heads to Skull Island to make sure Kong bows to him. On his way there, he fucks up some american city or levels Indonesia or some shit. Humans realise that maybe Godzilla isn't always that great. They start work on some kind of counter-measure, Mechagodzilla (this is sequel bait). Kong is busy fighting Skullcrawlers coming from the Hollow Earth. But there's also a Mothra egg on Skull Island for some reason or other. Godzilla arrives at Skull Island looking for a fight, Kong is defending that little village from Skullcrawlers and also threatening Mothra's egg without knowing. Godzilla throws a shitfit and they fight. Godzilla gains the upper hand, but temporarily stops fighting when they get close to Mothras egg. Kong beats him up and chucks him into the Hollow Earth. Then Godzilla fights giant skullcrawlers, Kong see's this and realises they can be allies. They team up, Mothra is born again and possibly forgives Kong or something. Kong makes it clear he won't leave the island, Godzilla trusts him to keep the Skullcrawlers contained. Done.

Except he didn't.

Kong maxed Dex, his speed is superior. Also due being 2 size categories smaller he has +2 to hit and +2 to AC.

>shoves long hard wood into Godzilly's mouth
What did Toho mean by this?

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The real winner is me. Because I can l do wedg then both in one motion. I’m just that powerful.

Kong has thumbs, GZ having nuclear powered blasts just can't compete with being able to grasp objects

It’s called a screenplay.
The studios can make whatever the fuck they want happen

Godzilla literally has opposite thumbs.

Fuck you. I'm twenty-five and I'm married with my wife. She usually rubs my penis when I feel like it, and I wash her off afterwards when she gets sticky. It usually helps when I watch porn.
Pic related is my wife.

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that's all, Batman would never NEVER beat superman

What's a king to a god?

>He married a male hand
Kinda queer user.

and I'm Joaquin Phoenix, kiddo

Kong will win, and the Asians and gooks will seethe once again.

based Dougherty has confirmed it will end with a definitive winner,

It'll be in 3 rounds.
First one Godzilla kicks Kong's ass
In the second they fight in Skull Island so Kong whoops Goji.
In the last one Kong is possessed by Ghidora's lightning and Gojira kicks his ass so hard he comes back to consciousness.
Then Kong and Godzilla fight Ghidorah, Mohtra, Rodan and some of the other monsters join in.
In the end Kong bends the knee to the Big G and Skull Island becomes Monster Island.

le screencap le this

>Pic related is my wife.
The absolute STATE of hikikomoris and NEETs.

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>There's literally no way Batman can beat Superman
Kong will win because he's the underdog no matter how nonsensical it is

I want to be her slave

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Kong will "the smart one", human ingenuity, weapon-making, all that caveman shit
it's Batman vs Superman all over again

what a shitty movie.

Literally Berserk ripoff


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It's a crime to humanize Mothra in such a way. She's good enough as she is.

Don't make an annoying dead meme even deader.

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>humanoid bullshit
thanks, no, I'm a Monster Gal man, shitty human women are disgusting

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Kong slamming down on the dirt at the beginning will never not make me laugh

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You're the one taking it seriously incel.

This is like the Naked Gun of Godzilla movies.

she looks very feminine like in KOTM

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How good will that do when an atomic bomb was detonated on Godzillas face and he was unaffected?
Also when Godzilla goes burning mode how ill Kong ( A mass of fucking fur) even survive being anywhere close to Godzilla?

>When all the islanders were just Japs in brown face

which meme?

what an asshole. i'm glad he's dead.

It was meant to be a satire. Honda cared more about the meaning behind his monster movies not about them as simply monsters. Tsuburaya probably had lower budget due to expensive rights to use Kong but he was known to use less realistic effects on purpose at times if they seemed more fun to him.

Based Stan Lee spreading redpills to the normies

>implying Ghidorah isn't coming back as mechaghidorah and the movie is them fighting until mechaghidorah turns up then they double team him.
Kongs getting buffed as fuck anyway, since he doesn't even match up on the height scale yet so they might as well go full retard with it.

White incels from the suburbs with no social or life experience. That's why there's so many reposts on Yea Forums. White incels have too much time with nothing to do

Skull Island is the same island from Enter the Dragon
King Kong mastered all martial arts from observation

>How good will that do when an atomic bomb was detonated on Godzillas face and he was unaffected?
monsters > weapons, come on

>Also when Godzilla goes burning mode how ill Kong ( A mass of fucking fur) even survive being anywhere close to Godzilla?
Lightning mode Kong

>monkey vs lizard thread
>starts sperging about race relations

What if Godzilla slips on a giant banana peel?

Not directed by Nolan. It won't happen.

Me too man, me too

A couple videos. KotM really jumpstarted the fandom. Not enough for me to go back to Toho Kingdom but still.

Gidorahs lightning didnt defeat Godzilla. Kong doesnt have lightning, and even if he did it wont be as powerful as Gidorah's.
Kong is shit tier like the background monsters , like the Mammoth, and others in KOTM.

>KotM really jumpstarted the fandom.
Not really, it just gave a reason to talk about Godzilla again along with a couple newer people coming into the fandom spicing up discussion about the older films

I just finished KoTM, it was my first Godzilla movie (feel free to call me a pleb or whatever). Am I wrong in saying it was pretty fucking bad? It barely seemed focused on the monsters, and didn't seem focused on the humans either. If the entire movie could be summed up in one scene it's when Godzilla and Ghidorah are fighting in the city and the airship drops down from above off-screen and blocks them out of the shot.

>muh underdog
Godzilla got his fucking ass kicked in the last two movies, meanwhile Kong just beat the shit out of the skullcrawlers and other monsters with minimal help from humans.

Godzilla's the only underdog here, brainlets

what if it's bigger lightning

I watched King of the monsters yesterday. How did more people not go see it. It was entertaining as fuck compared to like every capeshit movie that comes out every month.

Pleb filtered

Cast king kong

they buffed kong up last time.

More than G'14 and Shin which is weird when you consider box office results although KotM is doing great on home release just like the Criterion collection. More people than ever ask about the series. I like looking for kaiju art and and there's never been more quality art but on the other a lot of it resembles typical fandom stuff which suggests that the series is in the process of becoming more mainstream

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>You will never fully submit to Mothra and become a source of pleasure to be used
Why do you have to do this to me user

That's because it's the first american Godzills to feature the other monsters, making them more accessable to mainstream audiences.

Christopher Lee

Mighty foot.

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imagine getting stepped on by that haha

Kong in Skull Island was a youngin. They're obviously gonna scale him up and make him just as strong if not physically stronger (gorilla types are much stronger than lizard type creatures). Even if Kong doesn't have anime powers, his raw punches would rock Goji's insides and cause internal bleeding.

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What you're forgetting is that Godzilla also has literally every other monster following his orders

>this is your big hero

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Will he make a return?

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Except he did, Kong was the last one standing when the film ended.

No, we don't see the end of the fight or even if it continued underwater. And because Godzilla is, unlike Kong, an aquatic creature this makes it more confusing to those who treat this movie more seriously than the director himself.

Literally no one is excited about this movie, is this an actual shill thread?

I am

>Literally no one is excited about this movie
i am, bro.

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>not liking monster fightan movies
fucking pleb

This, it was basically a draw

Dont mind me just being actual monsterkino

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Well it was announced as a draw by Tanaka. The words of the man who created Godzilla can't be ignored but it's unknown if that was the original intention. Historians found no information coming from Honda or his widow. I think it's safe to call it a draw or no contest. One popular kaiju artist behind some of the popular IDW issues made a short comic about it and he basically just drew Godzilla and Kong swimming in opposite directions.



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>gorilla types are much stronger than lizard type creatures

Yeah bro gorillas are way stronger than dinosaurs haha fucking cumbrain


What's the idea that she would even want that? Godzilla seems more likely, benevolent but makes others know their place. In older days he had allies and friends now that he's a literal king and means business you could consider other monsters his slaves.

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2 size categories smaller also means Godzilla could literally swallow him whole and G. has a huge + to grapple due to the size difference. Try getting out of that with just teeth, Kong.

And if he fucks Mothra it's consensual.

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Kong will kick his ass

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lol no

It was already confirmed by Sakurai that Godzilla wins.


We all do, but dreams don't usually come true

>98 bigger than 54

By 10 meters if memory serves. It was the official statistics even in the early days of Godzilla websites.

I’m American and love Godzilla more than Kong
Quit being a faggot

Only Godzilla isn't dumb at all. He's extremely intelligent. He can fucking blow himself up at will and incinerate anything around him. Even if Kong were more smarter, he can't do anything against that kind of power.

People think it's like real life gorilla and real life lizard but even the filmmakers may officially give the ape the intelligence to make him stand out. In reality Godzilla just doesn't need to make weapons he's got all he needs naturally be it radioactive breath or his tail. He's got thumbs so it's not like he would be helpless without it.

Oh, no Godzilla just introduced primae noctis.

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Kong will win due to Godzilla licensing fees and the fact they've made double the amount of Godzilla movies as they have Kong movies

He's also like 1/20th the weight.

Mechagodzilla confirmed. Get hype

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>man-made organic kaiju

Some say Mecha-King Ghidorah because of the head, some say Destroyah because he's the designated final boss villain, some say Biollante because of genetic experiments and because Dougherty possibly teased it and some say Mechagodzilla because of it. That's already majority of the heisei roster and in the end we may not see any of that.

>implying lefty Ghidorah isn't coming back as a good guy to save Godzilla and Kong from Biollante

American cope
Godzilla is more popular and iconic than Kong, they won't just throw him out.

If the thread dies it dies but not before I post this. Now it can die.

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can you post the funny ghidorah moments?

What did Ghidorah do that was so funny?

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Mostly his heads disagreeing with each other.

Kong will win because they already built a ride for him at universal studios.

It's gonna be a tie again and they're going to team up to fight something bigger

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>when the little kids started smoking cigarettes
It was a different time

can someone post the treacherous rhodan drawing.

Kong will ambush Godzilla and get the upper hand at first, and bury him in the environment and then assume hes killed him walk off.
Then later on Godzilla will revive and get Pissed. He'll use his laser to destroy the environment around him to flat dust and then beat Kong in round 2 in an open-ground battle.
Then the big bad Mechagodzilla shows up to try to capture both and they team up on him. However, Ghidora takes over the robot and bursts out as an uncontrollable mecha-gidora and initially overwhelms the two.
Then they finally beat it with a slingshot maneuver of Godzilla flinging Kong holding a giant pylon and then powering him up with an energy blast and then hes launches into mecha-gidora and reduces it to pieces. Some of which escapes baiting out its return in a sequel.

obviously, really interested in WHAT the bigger badder monster is. I doubt its gonna be Destroyah yet - maybe another movie down, after they pepper in a couple oxygen destroyer mentions. They dropped it in KOTM but i'd want a bigger buildup if thats the plan.

>survives millions of volts, numerous nuclear bombs to the fact
>fights monsters that weigh thousands of tons
>eats missiles, bullets, bombs and even chemical weapons for breakfast
>Kong gets fucking hurt by the blades of a helicopter and some napalm
Okay brainlet. Kong struggled against a skullcrawler which would be vermin compared to Godzilla

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He can be shown as a force of good, evil or simply indifferent but he needs a character.

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Have this user.

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somebody post the drawing with the "please be patient I have autism" cap

Gigan, Mechagodzilla, maybe Mecha-Ghidorah. We've already established Aliens, and Gigan is pound for pound, at least, tougher than Ghidorah, if overall not as strong. Same goes for Mechagodzilla.


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Don't worry I have saved pretty much everything. The biggest problem is finding it in my folder.

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They are making mecha ghidorah that they will both fight to beat

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Is this sped up? It's way faster than I renember


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I'm not the brainlet, you're the brainlet, bud. You wanna scrap you fucking goof?


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When's the Rodan movie?

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But Mecha-Ghidorah was a good guy, and there's only one organic head left that is likely dead. I do hope if MKG is back it'll be piloted by another top tier qt

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Rodan is a cool guy.

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I wish we could have a legendary solo Rodan movie

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remember that it can grow back heads


Watching Rodan emerge from the volcano in the very first KotM trailer was unreal enough for me. Very emotional.

This is fucking KINO

You can't go wrong with Rodan.

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I know. It meant so much to me to see that. I like how the new theme still somehow sounds like the original. And hearing Mothra's song was magical.

Pretty sure he was dead, even good ol' Mikey said the significant was the bugs on the dead head, not the head it's self.

>we have figured out a way to have him grow back some of his body with our mecha upgrades

This series uses so many anime tropes. Mechagodzilla II is also my favorite Heisei movie.

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I rewatched several Showa, Heisei and Millennium movies before KotM was released and I always found it funny how Millennium's humans suddenly went full anime tropes. Like that one cool edgy guy in Tokyo SOS who catches a fly with his bare hand.

>the american navy crew is a bunch of retards with southern accents

The evolution aspect of destroyah is easy, practically a ridley scott alien that keeps getting bigger, but that design is gonna be tough

Ghidorah vs Destoroya: Who the fuck wins?

Nah this backstabbing spic aint getting shit.

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Where's that Shin Godzilla breath and back beam webm at?

god(zilla) bless u

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Another thing I noticed in Kong was the skeletons of his parents weren't much bigger than he was. We saw that in the movie, weren't they supposed to be adults? I don't think it's gonna be an issue of Kong just getting older, it's gonna have to be something more than that to make him bigger. Probably the extra radiation in the atmosphere since all the Kaiju are running things now

can't wait for the cool moves they gonna pull with the inevitable team up

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I think it was supposed to be some other but it's hard to tell because "treacherous Rodan" means simply "Rodan".

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>Godzilla is more popular and iconic than Kong
not in America
and these movies are American

Well Destoroyah's oxygen destroyer attacks wouldn't do shit, but he's also the most durable Kaiju ever, and tanked a bunch of Burning Godzilla's spiral rays much better than Mechagodzilla or Spacegodzilla did

Godzilla is so frustrating for me because there's a lot of kino moments trapped in these movies and eras, they're fun but I wish they where perfect like the original and 2014

Logically Godzilla should win. Even if Kong's size scales up he's still going to be like a 10th the weight. Even if he's physically stronger and smarter than Godzilla, Godzilla has range and durability way above Kong, and it's not like he's a primitive animal in this version, he can problem solve.

If they make good circumstances that make sense for Kong to win (Most likely tools coupled with outside help, another Titan or humans using weapons able to distract or hurt Godzilla), then I'd be more understanding. In other words, the only way I'd accept Kong winning would be if they make it unfair on Godzilla.

Dude I am. As long as Godzilla wins, I'm 100% on board. Godzilla started this franchise and has held it up for Legendary, so he should win

Even in America, Godzilla is more popular. Trying to say otherwise is pure cope

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He is. At least among people who care about these movies and as the movies progress this gets more noticeable as less curious normies watch them. Kong may still be more recognizable among general population but it's not a huge margin. Perhaps it's still a valuable information to the studio but if we talk specifically about popularity it's not even close.

Yes its shit. Watch the old ones.

>More popular than Godzilla
Not in a million fucking years
There was a book I read that was about Godzilla's cultural impact called Godzilla on my mind

There was a study done to measure how many people knew certain icons

They would show things like a superheroes symbol and asked people who it represented, for Godzilla they used a silhouette

Godzilla got similar results to Superman

Hence why the Millennium series is my least favorite. It's fucking awful except G2000

>not in America
Godzilla has a star in the walk of fame
Kong doesn't

He's more popular since at least late 00s some time after Jackson's Kong and right as the original Godzilla movies were finally being released in the US. There's no comparison between Godzilla and Kong among monster movies or sci fi fans. Maybe among Americans who don't really care either way (that's changing too). They'd be statistically more willing to go to a Kong movie but if they're not really into it I'm not sure if this is what we're talking about.

Godzilla has regeneration powers. He also survived a nuke. Kong was going to die from napalm.

Only niggers like that stupid monkey

Kong was a hit, the last Godzilla was a flop
guess who wins

If this is correct I can see a actual fight

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Show me Kong's star in the Walk of Fame.
Also explain why your super duper famous loved by everyone Kong only beat 2014 by a little bit and it was all because of China?

Go back to 9GAG

Why do I have to do this and not someone who think Kongs is bigger?

Why are Kong fans such faggots? Do you watch blacked videos too?

They're fat mutts desperately trying to delude themselves into thinking their irrelevant monkey is more famous than one of the most iconic characters of all time

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I don't mind it because there's so few of them they're like a curiosity. Aside from a youtuber or two. I suspect AVGN might prefer Kong, one bigger Godzilla youtuber said he's rooting for Kong but he's a passive aggressive asshole (like many Godzilla youtubers/ twitter users) so maybe it's just some banter.

Silence lizardnigger

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Holy based

Silence literal nigger

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>Godzilla requires a gigantic nerf and Kong needs to be made like 400% bigger just to give him a fighting chance.

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godzilla likes to watch

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Godzilla is only attracted to moth goddesses

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Kong will win in America and Godzilla will win in Japan. And both nations will have to buy the other language to see the different exclusive last 30ish minutes the other one got.

I mean I'm ok with this ship even though back in my days I swear no one was even thinking about it but not gonna lie if she returns in the next movie and has a reuinion scene with Godzilla that includes nuzzling I won't be complaining.

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>Even when Kong's size is bumped up 100x, he's still shorter than Godzilla
Konglets lmao

But who will win in Europe?

I wonder if it's from that press conference that resembled a wrestling promo kind of like years later for Freddy vs Jason. I think the guy between Kong and Tsuburaya wears the clothing of the sumo ref.

>though back in my days I swear no one was even thinking about it
In my expierence, it's been popular for years


What about this one? The movies gets released later in the year BUT the outcome is determined by the outcome of the American presidential election? Would that make the difference? It could flip a few states.

That asian girl in KotM feels like she hasn't aged since I last I saw her fucking a decade ago or some shit

That’s Gorosaurus. Godzilla would bite off shitty monkey’s hand if he tried that on the King of the Monsters

Saw her for the first time in KOTM, couldn't belive she was in her 40's


>and cause internal bleeding
doesn't nugodzilla have a thermonuclear circulatory system? kong is going to get cancer just by being near him

Scully is so fucking attractive.

Anyone have the image with Godzilla holding a tree while Kong on the empire state building is saying "come one man, that was thirty years ago"

He also has a AoE attack filled with radiation that burns off anything caught in it

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>getting mad about brad pittu meme
tienemen square whinnie the pooh

>not too big
Stop bullying.

The real question is to know if Kong will capture Milly Bobby Brown and go to the top of the empire state building


Trailer when

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Milly is gonna get BLACKED
But then the pilots kill him before he has the chance so he dies a virgin for the tenth time

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It's the same Godzilla that could canonically talk coherent reasonable sentences in monsterspeak and who learned about handshakes and salutes?

Probably when the Joker premieres

Not to forget that he literally talked in english in Godzilla vs Gigan

Ghidrah The Three Headed Monster is the best Showa film, prove me wrong

King Kong Escapes is absolute kino!

lol no

Astro Monster is better

It's like a weekend morning children's movie similar to 60s Batman.

Godzilla 1954 is still a part of Showa. Also Mothra vs. Godzilla but Ghidorah can be third I'm ok with this. Then Mechagodzilla movies.

Kong is the underdog but will lose.

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If Kong wins we riot.

>hating based Kong

I honestly don't care who wins I just want kino