The Spahn Ranch part was great. You could tell that Cliff flipped a switch as soon as he heard that the hippies were staying there, and the fact that went in there with no fear to make sure they weren’t taking advantage of a guy that didn’t even remember him is fantastic. Really reinforces the fairy tale protector role that he and Rick have.
The Spahn Ranch part was great...
Stop pretending to like this movie
I havent seen it yet but I'm sure I'll like it. I like all QT movies except Hateful 8 I can't really get into that one at all, maybe just not now, everything else was pretty fine.
Fuck hippies and fuck chinks
>haven’t seen it
>I know I’ll like it
i thought the movie was crazy good but i have a slight bone to pick with it
the entire movie focuses on cliff booth and rick dalton and thats completely fine they are both very interesting and fun characters. but if QT was going to focus on them then why even bother having the manson family play a role in the movie? they didnt really do much in the entire movie except for the ending where they try to kill cliff instead of sharon tate
The whole scene taking a left turn where you think the guy's dead but he's just sleeping and doesn't even give a shit about Cliff is amazing. The way the tension builds and builds and builds and then disappears like a fart. So good.
He wanted to debunk their mythic status but instead portray them as the absolute brainlet junkies they were.
Go to 32:00. QT talks a bit about why Tate has prominent presence in the film despite lacking "plot" relevance.
Not only that. It foreshadowed the ending and was the build to that whole sequence. It was great.
Cliff is the Lancelot to Rick's King Arthur.
Sharon's gonna be the Guenevere they both rail
>they are both very interesting and fun characters
I don't think they do enough to create chemistry between them. It doesn't work as a buddy movie. I mean they both agree that Cliff should fuck off the moment Leo can't pay him anymore, not exactly best friends those guys.
interesting, i guess after he explained it it does make a bit more sense.
pretty neat. overall one of the best QT movies for me
i guess i can relate but the movie is still insanely entertaining
I think it's his best by far.
there really isn't a ton of chemistry between them. they're buddies but they're also professionals. rick is a self-absorbed actor, cliff is a badass. they're all each other has, but they know what this is.
Yeah, the Spahn Ranch was amazing. Too bad it went downhill from there.
i enjoyed this movie very much. its great. i know it doesnt have shooting and all the flashy images you 2 second attention span kids need but who gives a fuck about you.
great movie
super comfy
>Its a great movie, because I was told to enjoy it by group think social media "culture"
Neck yourself zoomie.
Stop being such an obnoxious tool. It's unwarranted and unneeded. You fucking dork.
I really hope it's get an extended release, there's a lot of scenes that would tie together much smoother if it did, otherwise, it's just several great scenes oddly cut into a film, and not even in a clever fashion like Pulp Fiction.
none told me anything.I dont read reviews i create my own opinion. i dont even watch trailers bc they spoiler everything. Also im 31, so i could be your father kiddo. Now go fetch me that sugar free monster faggot.
>the entire movie focuses on cliff booth and rick dalton
Sharon Tate gets almost as much screen time despite having almost no lines. And being pointless and basically being a cardboard cutout. She might represent innocence or whatever, but she still takes up nearly a third of the movie doing nothing but watching a film and holding her pregnancy bulge.
Her inclusion was literally only there to subvert audience expectations. But, like another famous subverter, there's no substance.
>great movie
>super comfy
Unironically kys
She doesn’t have the same amount of screen time. At best she’s on screen for like 15 minutes.
last time kiddo else you're sleeping outside.
literally what
faggot show for faggot zoomers like yourself. if it wasnt for bazinga spam i wouldnt even know what you're refering to
>YIFY torrents????
i see you know your stuff
Objectively incorrect
The movie is a forced meme.
Yeah but it's a buddy movie. If it's not a buddy movie, it's a movie about two dudes doing random shit for 2 hours and then brutally killing a bunch of liberals.
>b-but muh real life references
Not relevant to the quality of the film
is PTA a huge stoner? He sounds like one