Watch porn

>watch porn
>first 20 minutes are the mandatory "blowjob" section that nobody enjoys

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for some reason it's unappealing and boring

unless it's a shemale that's being sucked on

i'm sure the actor enjoyed it

>this video was uploaded to

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>PoV porn

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I like the ones where the girl dirty talks while sucking.

Blowjobs are my favorite part about porn

Maybe he did but how would I know? I’ve never had sex

I only like blowjobs if the girl is getting sloppy with it


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I can never seem to find any videos of this

>anal scene
>guy opens up asshole

Attached: download.jpg (146x142, 4K)

>incest porn
>3rd person operating the camera

>watch porn
>immediately goes to intercourse without any buildup
Highly sensual lesbian porn>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

>he pulls his dick 9/10ths out then splurges inside the woman
>just to get that creampie effect
If you're not going balls deep for a creampie, then you're a literal fag.

>it's a webcam recording of a video

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Which part of a naked man's throbbing member being shoved into every hole possible is it that you find enjoyable

Same. I rarely watch anything but the bj.

that's because you're an incel.

>you like getting your dick sucked fucker?
>you dirty boy
>uh ye
the dudes always either dont say anything or talk like retards

I don’t find porn enjoyable period. I prefer things that aren’t “meant” to be porn, but are still sexually gratifying. It’s like the difference between a posed and unposed photograph.


if you ever received a blowjob you wouldn't think that

>girl getting railed
>guy starts talking moaning

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>you like getting your dick sucked fucker?
>porn ends
Is this kino?

kys cumbrains

based and pornpilled

>watching amateur porn of loving couple
>getting ready to fap
>tfw no gf vibe hits me from watching loving couple
>close porn tab and sit alone sad

Damn I was waiting all week for this fap and now Im depressed

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>I prefer things that aren’t “meant” to be porn, but are still sexually gratifying.
Another Dan Schneider fan huh?

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I actually think it's because I've gotten older. When I was a young man I was into anal and more graphic material. Now that I'm in my late 30s, I just want to see BJs. Even when I'm watching traps, I don't want to see her dick, just watch her go down on some POV cock.

very true
too much blowjobs, too little cunilingus

>close up blowjob
>it's the darth vader guy getting his dick sucked again
How does he fucking do it?

>try to find amateur or homemade porn
>maybe find one genuine amateur vid in a sea of shit

Is this overacted show shit really what people fap to?

>anal scene
>guy spits in the girl's asshole before going in

Is this something people do?

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>kys cumbrains

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>open porn thread
>find no porn webms

>you like your cock getting feed, seeder?

Not necessarily underage stuff

It already kills my boner if any of them are talking

soft cocks are so hot bros. I love bj centric pornos where a bitch starts suckin on a soft pingus. God dang bros it so erotic. Soft uncut cock. A wiggly worm. That suck that pulls and tugs. Stretching that soft boy out. Soft to erect. So hot bros. I hate pornos where the cock reveal has an erect dick hell nah bro you was chillin hard with no boxers under your jeans? Fuck that my nigga. It's like pornos where girls remove their sexy panties way too fast. Keep the panties on longer. Specially if its them cute cotton panties. Im tuggin on my dick rn bros. Its soft. Gonna get chubby. Gonna get hard. Gonna banana my shit up bros. Im so fuckin banana. My cock curves up, so aesthetic. I go up to the movies. I be watchin some shit like crawl. Jackin to the bikini booties in the beginnin. Then lookin for a sexy head in the crowd. I love my curly hair bitches. Edge and come up and skeet on that bitches neck. Whisper "OOOOOHHHH FUCK MOMMA" and dang bros Im fuckin spurtin my nasty ass green ropes on this bitches hairy neck. I run out of there. Tuck my dick back in my panties. Go into the side exit of the amc and shit on the pavement. One of you niggas finna step in my dookie after your movie. Shits so fuckin donkey bros on God I need help

Whoa dude we gotta follow the rules man this isn't anarchy!

>png with wall of text
>1.54 mb

Yeah not getting me this time, faggot.

>not tonguing her ass for a good 5 minutes before sticking it in

Mad gay desu

I only watch femdom JOI

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I wished threads like this stayed up

It's for luck

>interview with actress after the video

Who the fuck cares? WHO the FUCK cares?

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>tfw chasing the dragon with emotionally resonant amateur porn
>tfw scrambling to mute the video or close the tab before I realize what I fapped to

woodman casting is the shit when you're looking for genuine women reactions.

For me, it's Gianna Michaels

that's the hottest part

It's for lube, user. Rectums aren't generally greased well enough for a dick to go in and not cause pain.

I never understood sex: it's so fucking unhygienic and disgusting

>its a hitting, slapping, spitting, choking, prolapse, fisting, degrading, video
gross. why dont they make porn where two people make love, instead of this disgusting degenerate shit

I like to watch that shit after I cum. I dont know why its just relaxing

I think it might be for legal reasons, at least for hardcore BDSM porn. So they can proof that nobody was hurt and everything's golly darn fine or something, lest some "concerned citizen" calls the cops on the production crew I imagine.

I just can do it to real amateur porn
I dont want any actresses
Just normal people who film that shit on occasion
Thanks for the tip anyways

Stop it. Seek help.

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for me its chicks playing solo with their tits
if you have dick in your porn your are a gay

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>blow load
>suddenly start thinking about funny stuff and start laughing
It can't be me only.

>movie about teens
>mandatory first kiss scene

Attached: gay soyboy.webm (654x485, 2.08M)

Just go chaturbate and look at their couples section

I just skip to the anal. you?

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spit don't lube shit though. It's just for scenery. Use actual lube if you don't wanna traumatize your gf

I always laugh like mad when i come lol

Fuck off, go burn a church somewhere else you dubs-stealing heathen.

porn should be illegal
the state should execute all fornicators and adulterers