Yea Forums racists BTFO
>random niggers says something on twitter: thread #90506073
Every single boxer and MMA fighter would destroy him today
Based.... fucking.... SCHIZO!... leftist
Blowing.... out.... Blumpft supports for.... their racism...
This is theoretical, we'll never know if Brad Pitt would beat Bruce Lee.
Just like how you'd think a jacked black guy would be able to beat up a small producer, but instead he just let him grope his cock in front of his wife lol
Lol the small prenis gook boi COPE is amazing.
Yeah, but none of them will ever have the same impact he did.
Forced memers BTFO! How will they ever recover? Summer is coming to an end and they need to go back to school soon.
if it isnt idris elba I dont care
OMG yaaaaas nig slaaaaaay
Wh*toids btfo
Why do they always have to make it a race thing
why would a listen to a dick sucking hoodrat chickenhead cockhungry bitch who's already been passed around by every jewish slavetrader in Los Angeles?
>using the subject field
Reminder blacks can't fight.
Be aggressive and overpower them, hit hard and don't stop until them and their sucker punching friends are lying in a pool of their own blood
terry crews was raped by a pack of big burly white men on a steaming summer night in 1992 while his wife watched
he's like the nigger gwyneth paltrow. he's basically seven limes, that is how disconnected he is with reality. either he didn't see the movie and is just going with the majority opinion like a woman, or he did see it and is a complete retard and missed the context of the scene and thought it was real, or was smoking pot like a hypocrite so he missed where it was a fictional scenario.
See isn't racial insults fun?
Do black peoples not know Bruce Lee wasn’t a martial arts master? He was a choreographer.
Get a load of this virgin
How does that mean fucking anything
There is no way in Hell Terry Crews tweeted this.
He's another anti-white leftist shill for the establishment, who gives a shit about what he says
Daily reminder that even the most fun loving, seemingly friendly spade will attack whitey the first opportunity that's available
>white guy makes scene about white guy beating up asian guy
I dunno, why do white guys always make it about race?
Why do niggers always need assurance that they're important and strong? Lol!
be seein you boy
bruce lee happened to be asian. they couldn't have brad pitt fight a chuck norris look alike because chuck norris is still alive
Holy shit! Big strong blAkpipo man got cucked by white dudes while hid wife watched!!!
Nigger bois REKT to the core.
No wonder Terry Crews comes off as such a softie faggot.
It means they'll never be him.
Brainlets and thin-frame-glasses white boys won't understand.
>reeeee white people should always be the subject of abuse they can never be seen positively
lmao @ ur lyfe
I don't know what's worse. The shitty forced meme or all the dumbasses virtue signalling over it. I remember when a movie was just a fucking movie and nothing more.
If you put Terry Crews and Kevin Nash in one room, who gets raped?
Is this guy seriously trying to act like a tough guy when he literally got raped?
based 50 and Russell Simmons
Kek he actually fucking was too, holy shit.
No dude he was totally a badass and not a fucking chump. He kicked Chuck Norris's ass in a movie and Chuck respects his fighting ability. It has nothing to do with Bruce giving Chuck an acting career. You haven't seen a Bruce Lee fight? Dude he was a street fighter bro! He is too badass for gloves like Kimbo Slice. These actors are also certified badasses: Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and all thr action heroes I watched on TV. In fact, my superhero actor are also badasses. Robert Downey Jr. is really super smart and badass. Have you read a Bruce Lee quote? All the proof I need.
All of these Hollywood insiders missing the point of demonstrating The Heavy affect to the audience so they’d now DiCaprio wasn’t just being a paranoid drama queen.
It was a flashback, not a daydream.
The only thing forced is calling it a forced meme. People getting upset about a tarankino film is funny and people posting the threads are just trying to have a laugh. Anything else is retarded.
Once upon a time...in HOLLYWOOD...
...crack smoking niggas dreamed of having a successful civilzation....
....so they asked Jews to write it for them, pay for it, and film it, like it actually happened....!
....But Wakanda.....we love you and know you iz real---- WAKANDA FOREVER
That reminds me. John Wayne learned to be a badass from Wyatt Earp directly.
I wish someone could’ve caught that Motherfucker on film. Now that’s a white man who could beat Bruce Lee’s ass.
Why the fuck is everyone freaking out over this? Anyone can get beaten up
Bruce Lee was a expert in traditional instructional karate you retarded piece of shit white faggot.
Based fake twitter post poster.
based fiddy
get into a fight you pussified bitch lmao
Who cares. That gives you a good advantage but doesn't make you invincible to getting punched in the head
The martial art that little kids learn before they're old enough to learn to fight for real? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
>expert in traditional instructional karate
>expert in a not serious fighting style
lmao, woah, maybe he could even beat Chuck Norris or Steven Segal with that?
Okay. Is that what happened in the movie?
why the fuck is everyone obsessed with that scene? Did no one watch the end of the movie?
Of course they would mma has evolved since then
Why is it okay for niggers to say racist thing while it's big no for other races?
t. Confused asian
I cannot fathom how one man can be so based
Any man who isn't the size of a child, would absolutely dominate any chink on the planet
>evolved since then
AKA actual martial arts debunked karate
pretty sure bruce lee wouldn't care.
Because theyre great great grandaddy's where opressed and everyone in america just ignores the fact that asians had it 10x worse.
Gookie mad lmao.
heh fuck insectoid chinks
>pot smoking WHITE boys
why is it ok for him to single out people based on their race? Imagine the backlash if some white actor said the same thing about "black boys".
Except Bruce Lee would have gotten his ass kicked all the time if he fought in real life.
this guy is just trying to get press. Imagine having to post shit like a girl on twitter to get people to metnion you / stay reliant.
Brad Pitt could probably beat him too though. I mean Lee was a huge manlet.
Why do you immediately attach a scene to the race of their characters and not about the individual characters themselves? This is why lefties will always be racist but never even realize it.
Their race had nothing to do with what happened
>Every single boxer and MMA fighter would destroy him today
You are so wrong it's comical. You haven't even heard what the top MMA fighters have to say on the subject. Educate yourself, then come back and apologize.
Him and other retards like him only care about Lee's race. If Lee was a white man, this would've still caused a controversy, but Yea Forums wouldn't be so unanimous on it, because they would've been honest.
That being said, everyone taking a Quentin Tarantino movie this seriously is cringe worthy.
Bruce Lee was all for mixed martial arts, was constantly cross training and inspired a fuckload of ufc fighters today. He wasn't some dumbass wing chun guy he essentially denounced that shit
>chinese """"""martial arts"""""""
>That being said, everyone taking a Quentin Tarantino movie this seriously is cringe worthy.
>tfw you read all about fiddy destroying fake ass rapers
>when poor ass JA RULE get demolished hard
Is this the nigger that plays a tough guy but let some old kike play with his dick and dindu nuffin about it besides go to the press to whine about how he was a victim of sexual harassment? Kek what a fag.
makes me wish i was there
Lmao Bruce Lee was just an actor, stop pretending he was an unstoppable God
MMA is Asian though
>Lmao Bruce Lee was just an actor,
Such ignorance..impressive.
Why are you arguing seriously on Yea Forums. Just post more memes back or type "seething"
Wite incels really do grasp at the smallest "wins" in life
>tfw he's taller than me
You mean being an actor? You don't really think those pansies are really tough right? I mean, they were theatre fags in high school...
Bruce Lee was a show off gimmicky faggot who would get fucked by any MMA fighter
Insecurity, they hate us cause they ain't us.
it was clearly a daydream you idiot
Only in AmeriKKKa....
Terry Crews is a famous actor and former Washington Redskin
i genuinely didnt know he played pro football, i guess his career speaks for itself and doesnt need be presented as a former football player.
He was a mostly special teams player and didn't play too long in the league
Based Brad knows how to get big black boys angry. Remember the time he fucked Mike Tyson’s wife?
Why is it so unbelievable Bruce Lee could get his ass kicked? He was only like 5'3" 130 .lbs
Jean Claude Van Damme got his ass kicked IRL in his prime by a dude way bigger than him because JVD is a midget too
Chuck Zito?
This user gets it
The movie will be remembered for years to come. This tweet will be forgotten tomorrow.
These people are way too upset over a movie fight between a fictional character and an actor who’s been dead for 40 years.
Mark Kermode said the scene was unforgivable.
How can one man be so based?
Mark Kermode thinks the Bechdel test is a real mark of quality.
God fifty is so fucking based
>whole movie is a fan fiction about epicly pwning people
literally what does it matter
Is it because he gave hope to a 90 pound weakling like you?
fofty pls
Some people take the progressive stack very seriously.
What happened in the movie is unironically what would’ve happened in real life because the fictional Bruce Lee used a flying kick as his attack. This is something that Lee was vehemently opposed to IRL because he rightfully thought it was a flashy, awkward move with little to no chance of success in an actual street fight. He purposely based his fighting style around using kicking as little as possible, and even then limited it to quick shin shots only when absolutely nesecarry.
Lee knee that in a real fight a flying kick would get your ass grappled and tossed into the nearest hard object, which is exactly what happened in the movie.
This is a smart move by Tarantino because he showed the only way Pitt would realistically be able to win the fight, and added an in-universe justification for why Lee performed the move by having someone tell him Pitt killed his wife and got away with it immediately before the match, leading to him wanting to dominate and humiliate Pitt as much as possible by attacking him with a flashy move that basically told all of the real fighters “I don’t respect you enough to use a real fighting move, so I’m going to beat your ass with a fake move.”
His main fault was forgetting to be humble and take every fight seriously in that five seconds between him finding out Pitt is a murderer and his first attack. Leading to him acting out of anger and underestimating his opponent. This is a basic trope of martial art films.
It speaks to Lee’s strength how quickly he was able to bounce back from the blow and come at him full force, though. Unfortunately, their fight was broken up by the Producers before an actual winner could be declared, and the Wife’s overreaction to Lee “hurting Bruce.” to get him banned from set like she wanted all along is what makes it seem like Lee came off the loser.
>90 pound weakling
Good one. lol
Bruce Lee's ghost can probably win in MMA.
not against anyone that isn't a midget
you mean crazed harpies on twitter whose biggest aspiration in life is to be a nigger
isn't /pol/ whining about blacked even though this is true there as well?
Holy fuck. You make a non-White person look bad in a fictional movie and everyone loses their minds.
If they had him kick chuck norris’ ass nobody would have been bitching. Non-Whites are insecure as fuck
How the fuck did that dough bellied budha looking motherfucker think that was going to go? He was going to disrupt his opponents chi and stun him into submission?
Whites are the least racist people so they don’t have millions of white people on Twitter to defend racist shit like blacks do. Blacks close ranks quick.
t. user who literally has no idea what the top MMA champions have to say on Bruce Lee being an effective fighter in MMA.
In an MMA fight with rules where one particular fighting style (BJJ) can adapt to them perfectly and win almost every time.
ill just leave this here
He also got tainted by an old jew. He's pathetic.
Gene Lebell fought the first MMA match in the US and he fucking destroyed Bruce Lee.
Have you ever trained MMA or do you just fantasize while watching brain damaged retards on JRE?
>white person commits a crime
>most white people unite in agreement that he should be locked away
>black person commits a crime
>black people protest in the streets over "racist police"
Tells you everything, doesn't it? They're the ones invested in race tribalism.
This fucking guy I love it.
If there were such tournaments in the 70s he would've held his own,
Keep ignoring facts, fool.
[citation needed]
If he was fighting other midgets yes, he would have held his own.
Jesus, you people are idiots.
^Chief General Homosexuals of Faglandia.
Keep on not knowing anything. Good job.
Dude, even martial arts went through modernization. He wouldn't even know what to do in the day and age. You seem like a fatty that watches Bruce lee inspirational videos but hasn't done a single martial art in their life.
Gotta be trolling. Yeah, YOU are the troll. Lee's expertise has been confirmed time and again. He was amazing, though not a professional fighter, he was a real martial artist who knew many disciplines. Go tell Chuck Norris that Lee was a fraud, see what he says. I dare you.
always a choreographer, never a cult leader
>You seem like a fatty that watches Bruce lee inspirational videos but hasn't done a single martial art in their life.
Just one. You can have fun and guess which one. :D
I used this tip and I kicked the shit out of Mike Tyson in his prime.
Post more fiddy
is there any footage of Burce Lee fighting for real ?
Not those shitty aikido tier demo he made but a real fight
didnt mike routinely get beat up in street fights during his prime
based and get the strap pilled
no proof bruce ever fought anybody for real or in competition
only because he broke his hand a bunch. You can't "box" on the streets.
teddy atlas says hes a little bitch that hides from bullies
>white guy makes scene
>Bruce lee was such a good fighter he could literally ignore the laws of physics
Any half decent middle weight boxer would've absolutely demolished him in an actual fight, not to mention an MMA fighter. I like Bruce Lee, but the idea that he was some unbeatable fighter is fucking ridiculous, to say the least.
Terry needs it because he literally got raped by a white dude lmao
China is Americas bitch
Asian men are pussies
>Terry Crews
>Future would beat past
WTF you're a fucking genius
dubs of truth
lots of midget chinamen in this thread claiming Bruce Lee is infallible in regards to martial arts.
Once upon a time in Holywood... pot smoking white boys dreamed of preventing horrific murders... so they wrote it, performed it and filmed it like it actually didnt happen...! But Charlie... we love you and know the truth - God bless your soul.
more like MMGAY
Once upon a time... in PARIS...
...pot smoking jew boys dreamed of
killing Hitler...
...so they wrote it, performed it and filmed
it like it actually happened...!
But Adolf...we love you and know the
truth-- God bless your soul.
>Any half decent middle weight boxer would've absolutely demolished him in an actual fight, not to mention an MMA fighter.
^Prime delusion. Dude, don't leave your home, ever. It's for your own safety.
wow imagine being butt hurt over a fake movie
I'm a chubby Yea Forums loser and even I probably could have fucked Bruce Lee up
there's one rule to this world: big beats little. nothing else matters
good the guy is a complete out of touch pretenious twat
Terry Crews gets raped by Jews
>Bruce Lee, an actor who didn't fight was a great fighter! Trust me!
Bruce Lee never won a fight, not one. His myth is all Hollywood.
uhhh actually
>Lee Jun-fan, known professionally as Bruce Lee, was a Hong Kong-American actor, director, martial artist, martial arts instructor, and philosopher.
do these idiots even watch movies
do people still care about Bruce Lee?
He died 50 years ago and only made shitty movies. Who still watches a Bruce Lee film in 2019?
Digits do not lie
Loudly chuckled, holy shit. What a madman
We already know you're ignorant, we don't need more proof.
50 cent is the man
He is nothing but a worthless nigger who promotes violence. He will burn in Hell.
Bruce Lee was more a showman than an actual fighter; he'd get raped in the MMA.
>Acts smug about making a positive claim with no evidence
Stop embarrassing yourself, it's getting sad.
>he'd get raped in the MMA.
The MMA's top fighters disagree with you. Go educate yourself.
Maybe that tribalism would make little good for us too.
Shush, summer child. Your time is waning.
Only real thing you can do when everyone else has decided to play that way. Otherwise you just leave your self open.
I just looked it up and you're right. Bruce Lee couldn't be raped by any man because he was such a faggot he'd enjoy it.
fofty pls
have mercy
can you stop you fucking chink? Nobody is as deluded as you and you don't need to respond to everyone to showcase your retardatio.
>inb4 hurr durr ignorant!
ITT: autists who can't be asked to listen to what the MMA's top fighters have to say on Bruce Lee.
Sad. Many such cases!
>not wanting to burn in hell with fine devil bitches
You need to educate yourself. He's more myth. Even prime Chuck Norris would kick Prime Lee's ass. As Norris actually fought. All of Lee's supposed wins are all hearsay or witness by people like his wife, or happened in high school, and so on.
Lee studied various martial arts, but there is absolutely zero evidence to suggest that he'd be good in a fight, as he rarely fought, and like I said the fights he did do are all tales of legend.
He'd get fucking destroyed in the MMA.
Well bruce lee was an actor too and his skills, speed, strength, etc probably not real neither
Your words are a dishonor to yourself and all your ancestors.
It's ok, Bruce, I know what you were.
I don't understand why they are making a big deal out of this at all.
Hell is nothing but pain; women only exist on Earth, and angels are all men. Look it up.
he's an inspiration due to his philosophies, but nothing else. They don't take from his technique or anything else, just his doctrine. Go read up some more on the people you fetishize you stupid gook.
What strength?
That pussy did body weight exercises and weighed 60kg
It's amazing how people can't grasp that this isn't real and tells a completely fictional story in Hollywood. I mean, they defeat the Manson family before they committed those murders, but Brad Pitt beating up Bruce Lee apparently too far fetch. It's like these people have no idea that Tarantino is a fan of 70's exploitation movies or something.
>Even prime Chuck Norris would kick Prime Lee's ass
Wow you're just an idiot. They were friends, dumbass and guess who trained who? That's right, Norris learned from Lee.
In cases such as this, the truth is ALWAYS somewhere in the middle. He was far from a God, and he would get the absolute shit knocked out of him in today's MMA scene, but he was hardly just an actor.
No amount of "doing it for the meme" or racism will ever change this objective truth.
Not a gook, but I'm done with you. You are an utter failure as a human being and will not achieve your earthly mission. Not this time.
Yeah okay.
Once more. Norris was not a trained FIGHTER, he fucking fought in tournaments and the like. Lee never did. Except for the few times people supposedly saw him kick the ass of 12 armed people, or beat up a dragon and other bullshit mythology surrounding the guy.
Lee was a showman, there is no evidence to suggest that he would actually do well in a fight. Norris on the other hand had taken shots to the head and won, Lee... no clue. The dude has little actual experience. The experience he does have, once more hearsay.
the jig is up Bruce Ree was a fraud
>Once more. Norris was not a trained FIGHTER
lol look at this backtracking
Not only a trained*
I'm not a gook either. I actually doubt more than 3 or 4 gooks have ever participated in these threads. It's the denial of objective truth that pisses me off. Just for the sake of a meme that will trigger X ethnicity.
ching chong faggot
Hey racists, i got you lunch
Based white man teaching the yellow bug how to kung fu
Bruce Ree may have been, but Bruce Lee was the real deal. Want a fraud? George Dilman; Frank Dux; et al are what you're after.
It's hot, disco inferno
Let's go you're now rocking wit' a pro
I corrected my post faggot, I forgot the 'only'. So, sorry princess, no backtracking just a typo.
Learn about Bruce Lee, then make a thread tomorrow and apologize for being a massive faggot. Good day.
>earthly mission
This guy better not cheesing it
What's there to learn about? There is no evidence to suggest that he'd be good in a fight. It's all fucking hearsay. I can say my friend can throw fireballs and get hundreds of other people to say the same thing; that doesn't mean it's true.
one time a guy karate kicked me. it hurt but i beat the shit out of him, it was like he didn't know what to do after the first move.
>i i made a mistake!
As usual.
ching chong gook
Apologize for what? You should be apologizing for your dishonesty, and this is just one of so many examples. He was an actor who could perform fight scenes well, and managed to do some impressive stuff with his physicality. He wasn't a top tier IRL fighter, and he wasn't remotely invincible. That is the objective truth.
Anything beyond this is just a meme. Like the guy in OP's pic being "anti-white" is just a meme. A meme that's sole purpose is to trigger people.
Imagine if someone wrote
>Once upon a time....in NAZI-OCCUPIED FRANCE...
>...pot smoking white boys dreamed of kicking Hitler's ass...
>...so they wrote it, performed it and filmed it like it actually happened...!
>But Adolf... we love you and know the truth-- God bless your soul.
Bruce Lee was a little bitch
Keep ignoring the friendship between Norris and Lee, gaylord. Buh bye now.
P.S. I'm actually pro-Lee as well.
Says the guy who can't refute any of my claims other than the bullshit "educate yourself." Show me evidence to suggest that Lee was a good fighter. That he knows various martial arts isn't it.
Irrelevant. My friends talk me up too. Norris is a pretty humble guy. You know what else he is, an actual trained fighter. Unlike Lee, who was trained, but was no fighter.
You have offended my family and you have offended the family of the Shaolin Te-
>gets thrown into car door
I just saw for the first time what people meant by "he defeated chuck norris" and it's literally just a scene in a movie lmao wtf
it's the most cornball fight shit ever
>he thinks it's about race
Don't you get it? The sole scheme is taking a sensitive subject and making light of it. It could be that X person's kid died, and everyone's mourning. Literally 0 difference. It's a meme.
I bet. Because being a millionaire is just so sad.
why is based fiddy so much better than kanye west that cum slurping cuck?
The whole world learns early on that their action stars are faggots prancing for a camera in a heavily controled set.
Meanwhile you're still in the mindset of a 8 year old boy
Why the fuck is Bruce Lee in a film about Charles Manson.
he used to teach coreography moves to Sharon Tate for a while (and Polanski hired him once), but Brad Pitt's character is in set for green hornet
>Tarantino movie: white people saying the N-Word
>"this is fine"
>Also a Tarantino movie: asian guy gets beat up by a white guy
Isn't terry crews the guy who got assraped by jews?
Last I heard your mother wasn't a man and her name wasn't Terry
It was NASH
>traditional instructional karate
He trained wing chun as a boy before moving to the US
He was not a fighter
Stop it
>trained FIGHTER
In point sparring tournaments without full contact. He stopped competing before kickboxing became a thing. Chuck Norris is awesome, but you should keep it in perspective.
A fucking god
Lmaoing @ this gay board defending Norris. He was actor like the rest.
because they are the entire planet's victims and nothing is ever their fault
it's call the racism of low expectations
Most tournaments at the time weren't full contact, the martial art's tournaments in the Olympics today best resemble what competitions were like back then. Lee, never even had that experience.
I'm not saying prime Norris would stand a chance against today's UFC, but prime Norris would still kick the shit out of prime Lee, and Lee would get utterly raped in UFC.
based, i couldn't believe terry made such a big fuss about his pee pee getting touched, what a pussy
Norris was great for his time, as was Lee. People just don't realize how much the martial arts scene in America has changed since then. Norris also has never stopped training. He went on to get a BJJ black belt from the Machados as an old man.
I just don't think it's so clear-cut. Lee had a lot of experience doing full-contact sparring and trained harder than most American martial artists back then, barring some of the top guys like Chuck Norris or Joe Lewis. Norris was amazing for the time though and I'd give him the advantage, but I don't think the difference between them was that huge.
Macho dancing?
Yeah like most of Yea Forums doesn't do that too.
Do you want some fag grabbing your dick? Although this is Yea Forums, so I guess the answer can go either way.
Black-on-black violence
why can't things just be fun anymore
Onnce upon a time in hollywood
Pot smoking white boys dreamed of Sharron Tate not being brutally murdered while 9 months preganant
So they wrote it performed it and filmed it like it actually happened...!
But Sharron.... We love you and know the truth. You were brutally murdered while carrying a baby... God bless your soul
We don't pretend we are anything but what we are, a bunch of racist neets shitposting on the internet because we have nothing better to do.
when did bruce lee become a christ like figure?
Because they're basically every other races retarded little brother. Insults and hits you and your friends all the time but acts the victim while mum and dad yell at you when you give the little faggot a taste of his own medicine
I don't know, /pol/ seems to think that just because they are white they are superior and would not get thrown into oven if hitler was still alive.
No I don't, but it's happened, and it was no big deal. Ugly chicks have also grabbed my junk, I survived, no trauma. Terry is just being a big faggot.
I would say that is a lot them but i think is more of american black problem?
after seeing the HWNDU stream i'm convinced most of /pol/ are non whites larping as white nationalists
speak for yourself
Yeah, he tried to #metoo Hollywood (((white boys))) and no one cared because he's a ripped dude. No Vaseline.
To nogs, everything is about race. They'll bitch 'white boy' this and 'white boy' that. Then they'll chimp out like the animals they are if you so much as say 'black boy' in front of them.
You do have point.
this guy is clearly fucking loony
look at his family ffs
no. they got so triggered after this scene they immediately walked out to blog about it
But that is literally what /pol/ is. Nothing but complaining about blacks and jews.
Based Fiddy
Which one? Terry or 50cent?
I mean... You do kinda have to admit that a 55 year old stuntman kicking prime Lee's ass is beyond a power trip, it really is disrespectful to his memory.
If they had done the same scene with Mohammed Ali, there would have been a massive shitstorm.
user, if you come here more than ones a week you have something wrong with your brain.
>If they had done the same scene with Mohammed Ali
Yeah, after 20+ years of blacks and jews talking shit about whites while declaring that whites aren't allowed to remotely criticize either.
I would never have talked the way I talk now, ten years ago. It wasn't until social media highlighted both how goddamned racist black people really are AND how the jews give them a pass for it while cracking down like the hand of God on white folks for even minor things.
At this point, I don't blame Pol at all. Black people want to live by special rules, where they can be as shitty as they want but still be protected from other people's shittiness. And for some reason or another, the Jews who run the media and the tech companies want to give that to them. So fuck 'em both. One rule for all. Either we all go PC, or we all act like shitheads.
Too close to blogposting, but not too far from my thoughts. Good for me? Good for thee.
i stopped browsing imageboards frequently because i'm not underage anymore. You should do the same.
Fifty you hot
I'm tired of niggers
Why did that scene piss off so many people? It's just Tarantino standard black humor.
user, i know that but even if some random black dudes on social media talk shit about whites doesn't mean i drop my black friends.
Are these old american cars so shitty that a lightweight Chinese can damage them so easily by getting thrown into it?
Serious question, looks like Bruce Lee is tougher than the fucking car.
I probably should.
Reminder that Terry Crews was molested by a small white boi
Niggers are racist
>doesn't mean i drop my black friends
Why would you? I don't have many, but there are plenty of based blacks and tolerable jews, but on the whole both their cultures are pure victim mentality and it gets exhausting. That doesn't mean every single person of said group thinks the same way, that's just retard thinking.
We all are racist more or less.
Agreed, but who knows these days? I feel like it'd be a lot harder to have a black best friend these days than it was for me as a kid and in college, and I blame all sides.
Would "chicken, you so crazy" be considered racist these days?
Raped just as bad as china raping Africa lol. Is there a more of a failed race than niggers
Not according to ai
So not a lot? Because i would not say touching guys dick really counts as rape.
Dude, didn't AI end up being more racist than actual people? To the point they stopped giving them crime statistics and such.
>can't be asked
its can't be arsed you retard
All boomers inherited a completely open market with no real competition or precedent for their gimmicks and all Bruce Lee did with that incredible advantage was make a few shitty kung fu movies and marry an ugly white woman.
Jackie Chan entered a far more saturated market and wound up becoming a sensation based on his talent and likability, not because he was the only chink martial artist on the scene like Lee.
Lee pioneered nothing. He was just one of the millions of blessed boomers who grew up in a completely open frontier.
dunno lol
>Reminder blacks can't fight.
Based blackanon.
Everything nowadays.
This type of faggot think one inch punch is real
he was a petite giant
Who the fuck is mark commode
To be fair, Quentin Tarantino literally wants to be black, so he makes everything race based. The rage of a 3 inch mushroom dicklet is immense.
It obviously differs person to person, but the lanklets with skinny jeans raised in a suburb think they can fight because of their skin tone. So they end up getting rekted by some chubby good old boy, black or white.
the vehicle is cg and excessively damaged as a visual hyperbole used to express how powerful the guy throwing him was
does kermode still obsess over jackie brown every time tarantino is mentioned?
Why did Teddy pull a gun on him instead of just whipping his ass then?
Fiddy respects his grandma, so shut your fuckin mouth, bitch.
I don't have anything against blacks, but Django seemed like him groveling in the hope that you would forgive him for the "dead nigger storage" scene.
I'll shut Fiddy's grandma's big stupid black mouth with my ballsack.
>famous actor
>Known for: Idiocracy, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2, The Expendables, The Expendables 3
High quality post, too bad nobody will reply to it.
Also fuck Tarantino. He's a race-war baiting kike.
Bruce Lee hated karate, because he was biggoted towards the Japanese. He did wing chun for most of his life and later tried ro incorporate elements of western martial arts intonhis style. Either way its not particularly relevant, because both karate and wing chun are bullshit.
T. Karate black belt
He's black
Tarantino is a jew. He is a master manipulator who gets to sell tickets to his movies by making people racewar against each other on the internet.
Agreed good post m8
Bas Rutten, who's surely way more experienced than you, incorporated Kyokushin elements in his style.
Lyoto Machida actually fucking did Tsuki and karate feints in MMA matches, for real, came from Shotokan among other techniques.
If you're serious about it and an intelligent person you can make karate work, of course a random skinnyfat retard frequenting a mcdojo 3 times a week for 30 minutes is not going to be a fighter.
Yeah for sure. Did people react badly to dead nigger storage? I don't remember seeing anything.