4th quarter about to start soon. Time for a new thread

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76ERS GETTING THE REF BALL TONIGHT, tell me the NBA isn’t rigged

litreally who can stop them?

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Fuck embiitch


The Miami Heat

Adam Silverstein

its over


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Is Sonic one of the OG fast food chains? I really want to fucking try it.

>sub in
>chimp out
the fuck's with this milton dude

It’s ass

Just get a drink during happy hour
Burgers are whatever

You need to stop eating food

i love bulgarians and hate british people :)

>Lowry falls to the ground reaching for the ball
>called for foul because he touched the ball

PJ Tuckker feels like that guy 76ers fans can hate

I'm literally starving right now.

Emma Raducanu belongs to Based Jimmy

keep that shit in the other thread

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Good you fucking fat ass

This Tucker nog needs to calm down and pour some water on his head

pj don't fuck with zoomies

this is a watching basketball on the nba playoffs day thread. I will not be participating in non ball discussions

>A 76er gets T'd
>Thybulle is fuming

What does tucker do besides start shit and run up and down the floor

Honestly we joke around a lot here, and that’s ok. But shut the fuck up about Fauci and vaccines, that’s not a joke, get your fucking shot.

pj is so old



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Stop trying to force this meme. Really.

Sounds like a good idea leaf bro

sir the fuck down pj

Tucker is going to be that guy that the 76ers fans latch onto


4th quarter Heat gonna win another game.

Keep your pedo posts on Yea Forums

You are literally a fat bitch LOL

Refs bailed out the cheat

why is jj "no rings" reddick pretending hes an expert on playoff basketball?

I'm a Kyle Lowry shill, but I feel like he's literally doing nothing. At least this game. What happened to this Nunn kid?

lmao the PJ SUCKS

Tucker is gotten to

Is Niang a dawg?

Can someone redpill me on the current narrative?

What is the DAWG status of either of these teams. I'm not really seeing much from except for Maxey atm


Embiid is not MVP caliber

Cheat are starting to hack it up

I will literally go PJ Tucker on yo ass, git. I don't play around. Watch yo mouth.

things are getting spicy

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pj is dawg of heat and maxey and embiid are for sixers

Heat finna dab on 7 6 fr fr no cap on god bruh

no, but tucker is

Philly fans cheering for faggot silverstein ball, go fuck yourselfs

>Embiid hasn't been able to do much conditioning since his injury
Why do they think you lose your cardio conditioning in 6 days


>What happened to this Nunn kid?

hes with the Lakers now

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every single heat player except butler is a fraud. bam is a manlet center that can't do shit against embitch

Who are the bad guys in this series?

but you do tho

Kek this is Yea Forums but go ahead and eat yourself to death you no self control fat piece of shit

Focused™ Harden

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The usual, the players. The refs are /ourguys/.

narrative is:
>embiid is a bit of a shell of himself due to no basketball work for 6 days, concussion, thumb, mask
>but the heat look shook with embiid on the floor, can't bully deandre anymore
>better shooting all around from the sixers at home and with embiid on the floor
>tucker combusting, thybulle of all people is somehow in his head

Nate Silver struck a deal with Chris Paul after the harden and Simmons shit to get him a ring to keep the uppity youths in control

hey guys im new here, i saw a post on reddit about this place and thought i'd check it out!

go sixers lol!


whichever team has fewer white boys, or has white boys that are not balling as hard as the other team's

Black Scrubs looks the same
White Scrubs looks like a grandpa

Hmm how could it be that bam “Destroyer of Deandre Jordan” “Punisher of Paul Reed” asbestos is getting clamped up and shat on?

>tucker combusting, thybulle of all people is somehow in his head
those aussies be gritty

so you're saying if I only lift chest once every 7 days I'll never set a new PR because I lose strength not exercising for 6 days

the refs

Herro and Robinson though? Bam is good too.

Aight lil nigga. Kep that same narrative energy when I get a green card and catch you in the streets. Sounds real good to me.

Lmfao Embiid has zero dawg, he plays like a fat flopping white boy

Is just putting Embiid to run around enough to shook the Heat out of the playoffs? They're playing like shit compared to the other day

Both teams are the bad guys, its like when you watch messi play ronaldo

you're not gonna see me in fucking bulgaria you mongrel LOL


he's giving his best okay?

This feels like a heat win still

you askin for a foul buddy ?

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I'll see you in Chicago. I know your hood kid. I'll catch your ass.

he could barely look at a phone 24 hours ago

>he thinks Herro and Robinson are good

That's not cardio


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refs REALLY want a game 5

i wish this big nigga would come back to the h

retardanon is retarded

>your heart's not a muscle
you dumb

heat done i think (for this game)

are you somehow implying after that 3rd quarter that the heat aren't getting ticky tack calls too
they were int he bonus with like 10 mins left

We need Deandre Jordan on the court

If the 76ers can survive the BBall Paul minutes, maybel

gonna need to see some more quirked up white boi energy from miami if theyre gonna win this game

RJ is surprisingly not bad as a color commentator. He's actually breddy gud

It's a different kind of muscle

Heatsisters, I just got home. What's going on?

This meme where you guys diss actual good players for no reason at all is getting kind of annoying. Real talk.

heat are just struggling hard to score this game

its about to be big boy summer and harden is taking his talents to the Denver Nuggets

better than a colored commentator, am i rite?

>74 finals appearance in a row

How do they do it? Who refchads here? Do you think that they will make it in this year's finals?

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It’s an organ with muscles


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Maxey and Butler hauling the weight of their respective teams

even if reed commits a foul it still feels like a better defensive possession than when DJ was on the floor for a stop
jordan just DRAINS the energy from this team somehow

get this fuckin bum outta here

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absolutely going to make, not a doubt in my mind

Maxey and Green literlaly can't miss.

I always confuse Maxey and Mann...

>wait, wasn't he in the Clippers?


love seeing manlets being able to hoop

someone shine a laser in Maxey's eye

so is my penis

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The heat are the most fraud team in the playoffs lmao

Pic rel, them waiting for deandre Jordan to check back in

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whoah mama there goes that MAXEY

sixers have such better fans than the heat



That's a bad man!

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Bros what do I order on ubereats?

did maxey just dirk it?

It's over

Is America the worst thing thats ever happend in the history of humanity?



the heat have fans?

defense wins championships. heat offense doesnt normally look this bad. they are less fraudulent than the bucks

somethin good

Jimmy needs more help

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>embiid doesn't even get touched
>flops his body
>foul called
what the fuck


jimmy can't win with these niggas man


by that logic the tongue is a nuscle too

Miami hermanos, it's el over

Yea Forums is so fucking mad right now. Motherfucking Embiid

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people say how great the organization is yet they never get free agents worth a fuck lmao

He's a #2 and always will be

Fuck these foul merchants

That's the issue with 1 star teams

it literally is lmao
>american education

Literally what foul...

Like? I'm torn between Popeyes, McDonalds, and Wendys

Pei wei

but it is tho

he's a huge pussy with bones made of glass

they're not gonna be good again until they draft another wade


Don’t bite the hand that feeds

that's not what happened at all you fucking moron
he got bumped by a defender who was still moving, it's a foul
dummies like you who don't know the rules of basketball then don't say a peep, not a whisper when the other team gets a similar call, it's just so fun and easy for you to bitch and complain about harden and embiid

His foot was literally down before he got the shot off?


those are all shit lmao

He will still be down 2-1 and lose the series. Embiid will never make the ECF

Weird, he's a big guy.

i literally havent checked the box score at all and only watching since halftime but im guess embiid has shot double digit free throws

The baconator is the best fast food sandwich


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Big guys and injuries are a dynamic duo. That being said, Embiid hasn't had a serious injury in fucking years, man.

I bet you jerk off to Kyle Lowry you homo

Embiid in 6

>Jesus commercial

Wendy’s is disgusting. Last time I ate it I got food poisoning


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Philly fans celebrating blatant ref balling

what are the highest rated restaurants in your area ? go for one of those

please stop fouling my favorite player

haram. ill pray for you