This better not be Boba the Fett

I fucking grew up with this character and if Disney butchers him I'm gonna rape Kathleen Kennedy in the fucking anal cavity.

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It's a black woman. You know it is.

You grew up with some random background character that only had like 2 lines and died in one of the most pathetic ways possible?

Kathleen Kennedy saved Star Wars. Prove me wrong.

Thats a chick

Saved it from what?

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It's non-gender. Once they take off their helmet the movie will be over. It's going to be a story about us, the viewers, and will be safe to self-insert for the mouth breathers.

It's Filoni. Everything will be fine.

He's a completely original character named Coldsteel the Hedgehog.

Attached: boba.png (374x213, 99K)

It's not Bobba Fett.

We might never know his identity. Jon Favreu and Dave Filoni are making this their pet project and because of MCU Kathleen's crow hands can't force touch whatever John is involved in. They want to go with a space western vibe and they have already said that he's never going to reveal his face like Dredd.

Both of them are Mandolrian nerds and Favreau even voiced Pre Viszla in the Clone Wars. Yes it could still get fucked up but I'm willing to give it a chance.

bro, calm down it's just a movie !!!

By taking her hands off it and giving it to guys who know what the fuck to do with the franchise she was drowning in its own juices? You're right.

How the fuck can you grow up with a background character?

EU kiddies in denial that EU is no longer canon.

It should turn out to be a robot


They already said it isn't dumb fuck

>butchers him
He had like 5 lines

If it's Fett, why would he scrub all of his insignia? Why would he remove all of the modding he did to his armor? Also, wouldn't he be in his mid-60s by now?

yeah, and that wasn't Khan in Into Darkness

He's also one of the most iconic characters in the entire franchise.


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Literally check IMDB you retarded incel faggot.

You know it's just going to be a straight up replacement for Fett, right? A carbon copy but also a Disney "original."

There's a comic were some dude pretended to be Boba while he was in MIA in the Sarlacc he then came back and killed the dude after thanking him for keeping his legend alive wouldn't be surprised if they copied that storyline

Based retard

It's Pedro Pascal under the helmet

>it's a black woman. You know it is.

Attached: you.png (621x702, 56K)

Why tho? He looks cool but that’s all he had going for him in the original trilogy. He had next to no lines and died in the most pathetic way possible

get woke, brainlet

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It’s not. Favreau confirmed it’s not. He’s just some Hispanic dude from GOT.

You really are dumb, the actor behind the helmet is pedro pascal who last I checked was not black or female.

Wow. It’s almost as if you could just watch this video and put these retarded speculations to rest. Keep in mind this happened 4 fucking months ago.

He's right, though. They've been doing this in every fucking movie and they aren't going to stop until there aren't any white men in hollywood other than villains.

He'll be killed for mansplaining in the first episode, and replaced.

>relying on voice
>forgetting what they did with Enfy's Nest
Shaky logic given past experience.