
old one: News:
Yoel won
Charles is still champ until the fight starts
Brazil btfo
Loopy is gonna beat MuscleHue

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Other urls found in this thread:


What a madman

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>4 threads in one day
It’s all he’s got bros…

First for the future of MMA

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You can only cum in one UFC female's hair, who do you pick?

Tony is champ now

When does the incel race posting start

I know you guys aren't going to believe me but I kept thinking all week about Oliveira missing weight. I'm not saying I predicted it but I did think about it happening a couple times this week because I knew he missed weight before. I hope I didn't make this happen to Charles because I do like him.

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twitter.com/arielhelwani/status/1522674756532805633?t=loNt7p1pHEv8JWXPugz37A&s=19 holy based

Bobby beat Izzy


>Charles is still champ until the fight starts

WTF, why not strip him of the title now

Colby Covington

>ufc 274
>a lot of fighters with .5 above the weight
>fighters complaining about how scuffed it was
kek you fuckers literally stole the belt from chales

>he thinks its only 4 threads

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we’re never going to recover from this are we barrybros

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Yole Romero is white.

>Try to preemptively duck Islam
>Miss weight and lose your belt the next day
Glover knew Shartles was a heartlet all along.

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Turkish rapebaby is already seething

lel based kike

So if he pulls out like a muslim fighter he stays champ?

PFL in 8 bings

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>fatwa declared

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If you're Dana's boy you get to cheat. No surprises there. Charles doesn't draw dimes and was never Dana's friend so he doesn't get to cheat.

Cormier was 5lbs over and they let him just cheat.




> i can't stop burning money
> I will post proofs
> pls

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Think about judging being murdered in the cage and Charles dancing over his corpse

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>Charles misses weight
>everyone seethes at Khabib
truly the GOAT

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Cazzie go through fight night weigh ins literally everyone but champ weighs in at 0.5

>Paint it Black
Kek. Bader finna know he gonna get BLACKED.

the ufc is racist now?

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based jew

>84 inch reach
What the actual fuck

>the jew is so into stirring shit he actually stirs it for righteous reason

>10" reach advantage

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>only ONE other fighter missed weight
>Oliveira missed weight FOUR (4) times before, once by 10 whole pounds
>somehow this is grounds for a conspiracy
Why can't you guys just admit that he's a weight bully? He's literally massive for the division.

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He will most likely grow up to be a rich do nothing faggot. Many such cases

Fuck phone posting

based Ariel now if he apologizes to Big Brown maybe I can support him

Charles made weight before and someone reset the fighter scale in the hotel and it was calibrated wrong by like .5-2 pounds, ariane carnelossia said the scale was .5 off and she was half a pound heavier making weight than she was when she took her weight before In the hotel, norma dumont said the same but scale was off by 2 pounds idk but this kinda seems a weight-gate to me

That's 7 feet long. Jesus.

tony said the ufc is rasis


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i really liked the yoel fight it was memes and we got a heem

I hope Charles steamrolls Garth tomorrow so Garth will seethe for all eternity.

>ses flag
>fucking finland
tongue my anus, faggot. go look it up what is going on. this shit was fucked from the beginning.

how the fuck oliveira couldn't cut half a pound in one hour?

20/30 fighters came over the weight limit but but charles is the only one punished because title fights have no 1lb leeway
I am laffin

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Ryan "Garth" Bader

namajunas winning and olives gaethje not going the distance are some safe bets.

Kailin Curran

Except multiple fighters have commented about the weight being off TONIGHT and not any other Fight Night retard

Broken clock.


Yeah? well we adopt your children after selectively breeding your race to turn them into super athletes. Who’s the cuck now? kek

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>crotch sniffing less than 1 minute in at hw

retired years ago yet still in /heem/'s head

definition of rent free. don't know how they don't get bored

>kayla harrison getting a main event again and paid a lot just to beat another can
how does Ali do it?

Charles is ducking Khamzat

>if you let people have an extra pound at weigh ins, they'll take advantage of it
Yeah, no shit? Every fighter knew the weight they were supposed to hit and Charles failed.

Khabib is a such a a shitbag. I NEVER cheered for him.
Fuck dirty mudslimes like him.

Different standard for championship fights, this ain’t your shitty local promotion.

khabib is a fatfuck. oliveira will still look like a bloated LW 10 years from now instead of HW khabib.

thats because he fought at 145 b

Bader is going to wrestlefuck the shit of Kongo


Just took a massive poo and came back just in time for the start, it's gonna be a good day

nobody is ducking cumrat. when nate chokes him he will go to bkfc

None. I have a lovely Asian wife and I am loyal to her.

Idk I'm getting strong Pat vibes tonight bros some bullshit late stoppage

That was totally clean lol

my point is that it's way more than normal because of the scale

after tomorrow, khabib won't even be a divisional goat

Low blow is deserved after that blatant fence grab.

Honestly I think Oliveira knew he was off weight before he came out, maybe both times

He wouldn't come out last minute if he thought he was on weight

"Why yes I want to see intergender MMA fights how could you tell?"

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Why won't Nemkov or Anderson go up? Da fucks wrong with them?

Let’s play a game. Guess this fighter

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UFC is irrelevant. THIS FIGHT decides the real heavyweight champ.

I hope your grandfather that fought spits on your grave

you sure?

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Another great main event bravo bellator you'll overtake ufc one of these days

do something about it


Absolutely kino troll job

James Vick?


glorifying the military is major cringe

Thats it, i didnt want to do this but im calling off the ufc, its done, forget it, go home

wait what? I just woke up lol wtf is going on?? AHAHAAHA

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his grandfather fought for israel


His grandfather probably fucked Japanese women in Japan during the war.

Definitely not a WMMA fighter

stop laughing

The scale was not off. Period. End of story.

charles oliveria missed weight by .5 pound

now THIS is mma

>never lost a round
But he did

holy shit, shut the fuck up man

>Kongo cheats twice in 2 minutes




Cope Chang. Asian women love white cock and you can’t compete

Fuck Dana

>Oliveira misses weight
>everyone makes excuses for him and comes up with this ridiculous conspiracy
>Khabib makes champ weight despite having the mumps and a broken toe
>everyone is so furious that they make up some conspiracy claiming he actually DID miss weight
What is with this cognitive dissonance?

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Conor won a round

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Are you a scale scientist?

Alright I’m switching to PFL enjoy this shit show lads

They're both dead, b. Plus they probably banged a few nip women overseas. I'm sure they'd understand.

kek why does all the good shit happen when I'm asleep

We arent friends because i currently have your flag, stop talking to me

At least Kongo cares enough to cheat, it means he isn't giving up

THE Eldar Eldarov?!?


Black cocks are even bigger bro. They're upgrading.

1-0 kongo

You're the protogonist

i'm aware we are not friends, i'm telling you to shut the fuck up, your posts are embarrassing

Only DC and Khabib are allowed to miss weight ok

This is the unironic cope from a dirty muslim, grim

What a terrible fight

This has already been disproven many times

You have no argument though.

>outstruck on inside by guy with 84 inch reach

Fuck Bader

What were your expectations in a wrestler vs a nobody?

why is it that these two other kiwi flags only show up for numbered events? fake ones.

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Why do whites fight like this?

>pushed to death in a subway
Yeah for sure b

PFL is live

>his plan is literally to wrestlefuck him for 5 rounds

Ryan Bader deserves every single boo he gets. I hope his children are bullied in school for how much of a boring can their father is

le booo

What's the secret to beating Adesanya's patented spam leg kick technique and why can't anyone figure it out?

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Fuck you

If you meditate hard enough on the scale you can lose a pound or two. Olives has no excuse

whittaker was robbed

Is it time for Dana to do the right thing and ban these cheating Brazilians from competing in the ufc?

y'cheik kongo b

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Maybe because he's only crotchsniffing him?

wow who knew Bader-Kongo 2 would be a shitter

He just got knocked out by Corey Anderson cut him some slack.

>be charles
>go to party outlet store
>buy helium tank
>push helium into anus
>make championship weight
Why hasn't anyone tried this yet?

Because /heem/ is one of the worst generals on Yea Forums. Has been for years

Does Ryan Bader even want to do any damage? This is Colby tier faggotry.

here's your goat bro

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height and arm reach

>getting wrestlefucked
>round starts
>immediately back up to the fence
beautiful work kongo

I knew Bader vs Kongo was going to be bad but still, when you see it...

Before the crotchsniffing while they were standing

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The secret is being born spider monkey arm and leg reach

Romero 1,2 and 5, arguably 4 too, Jan 50-45 clean, Rob 2,4 and 5, arguably 3 too

>all this hate on whites
>not one white fighter in sight

Still has that curious george monkey hairline.

he has 5 rounds this is just the beginning

this is clearly a bad stoppage. i mean. come on now. is 0:00 not the end of the round?

THE 50 year old Demian Maia?

knuck is on later bros, just under 2 bongs

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Why do some white cucks just not understand how to throw a strike that hurts someone? It's like they don't even want to hurt people.

well atleast pfl is on...
jesus christ

Thug Rose

Fucking lol. Was Ariel based after all?

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holy shit the bellator main event is literally dogshit kek

It's me, I'm the white fighter


51 year old Maia took Usman's back.

Anyone have a pfl stream?

Cope. Let me guess there’s some big conspiracy to keep the black guy as champ to oppress the poor white man!

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So why are you here? Oh because you're obsessed? Oh okay are you going to leave now? Oh you're not? Oh cool you're just going to complain and be a fake one? Awesome.

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this is the truth, he has 3 losses imo

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Fasted schaubs hit different

>women’s 155


the newly retarded colby covington

I love Costa so much bros

pic related

I’m at the hotel right now where this is and I’m getting fucked up right now before heading over to the convention center where the fights are

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Dana is behind this, that's why he wasn't at the press conference, he was hiding and conspiring behind the scenes. Strip Olives knowing Gaycheese will lose, so can make Islam vs Conor for the belt. Screen cap this

Don't Fear Me

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Hey guys Chad here who blew off the slut to watch heems with the boys ama.

Here's yours

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>khabib missed weight
>oliveira missed weight
garthbros these cutbabbies keep weightbullying us... it's not fair

>cheats by grabbing the glove
>cheats by missing weight
>taps to strikes
>gives up because Cub Swanson punched him too hard
Completely soulless fighter.

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>Have to choose between HW wrestlefucking or PFL WMMA
Why can’t I like a different sport

Khabib choked out GayCheese after legkick spamming

Who gives a fuck, tony is the real main event

>Romero white
>Rob is half maori
>the fully white guy is the one who beat him clean
yes (((Zuffa))) is pushing their shit and they're not even sublte about it

ryan bader has such a boring cage stalling style

Another 500 of those knees to the thigh and it might leave a mark!

fear the consequences

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Shout HEEEEEEM or you’re a fake one

No, with this logic Justin would have weight inn at 154.5 lbs. Nothing wrong with the scale. Charles did not make it. End of story. Move on.

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Sorry senpai but if you blew her she's a he

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Reug Reug has already solved the leg kick meta

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is Yoel not black enough? what a dumb post

see pic related

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Yes now ur getting it

france will ban mma again

It's spectacular

God they’re both so bad

THE washed up retired buck who lost twice and got KOd by a YouTuber?!?!

Name a more unlikeable fighter than Gaethje. No not even Colby

they should call me Soldier of Cod because I go mental for fish n chips

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Kongo up 2-0 by doing more damage.

>Showtime stream dies before the main event

What are the chances of Dana blacklisting him from the conference?

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I will, hopefully no one doxes me

Gaethje is based.

is kongo retarded?

aw yee

Ryan Bader


It's Justin's word versus like 3 "BRAZILLIANS" anyone could be lying

Geajeet is based

ariel hasnt been to a presser since he left espn i think


the HOOHrone poodley?

>PFL WMMA is more entertaining than Bellator HW championship
Bellator needs to go bankrupt already so One can buy them up and make a hard move into the US

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>beats Whittaker
>beats Costa
>beats and exposed Adesanya
>makes Bellator watchable somehow
>all at the age of 100
How does he do it?

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