Are we excited for Westworld to return for season 3 or no?
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Yes. When?
>HBO hasn't yet disclosed an official release date for “Westworld” Season 3, but it's known that the third installment won't debut on the premium cabler until 2020.
Season 2 was dogshit, so no
what's the point of making everybody a robot?
>okay all these things are programmed robots operating on a script with limited variations
>okay now care about these characters
>also we’re going to make fun of how these robots are constantly jabbering at each other
great show
1st season was average, 2nd was dogshit so not really
season 1 was dogshit so people who watched s2 deserved to suffer
>ROBOTS ARE PEOPLE TOO. btw every character you thought was a human is now a robot. didnt we fool you?
those two tech guys that went with the five head super genious robot to shogun world wasn't
S2 lows were lowest but the highs were higher than S1. I liked how they expanded the background and ideas. It was sometimes a little dumb but it had some stellar episodes and great ideas. I honestly don't get the hate. S3 looks great.
Elon fucked her. Amazing
It's a commentary on NPCs. Libtards operate on a similarly limited script.
The only good episode was the Indian one the rest were garbage and most people quit watching it
I'm giving S3 a shot only for Jesse Pinkman but I will be downloading it for free
>Molten Core
she has boobs
There were no highs in season 2. It was all the robots doing robot things according to programming. Then every “human” character scene was either worthless or obviously setting up some “twist.”
It’s funny how this word only exists because of the term “conservitard” but doesn’t actually roll off the tongue the same way.
>Tessa Thompson
No thanks
t. butthurt NPC.
and btw, libtard came first
It's literally Abrams or Linfelof tier mystery riddled bullshit. Didn't they even rewrite part of season 2 because some redditor figured out their plan? Bunch of hacks
I didn't know they made a 2nd season. How was it?
Watched two episodes of S2 and dropped, anyone wanna spoil me of any interesting shit that happened?
Girl Robot Strong
No son, it didn’t. Conservitard goes back to the bush administration.
It’s also funny to see people who claim mindless adherence to traditional values/practices call others “npc,” without the slightest hint of irony.
Irl she's not a bot, she's a thot
Special ops team with futuristic gear got wiped out by robots programmed for wild west shootouts
Fucking kill yourself cuck. Redditor basedniggers like you don't belong here.
No one belongs here, my dimwitted friend.
Shes a ((), of course shed say some bs like that
this, if you are excited for s3 after watching the dumpster fire that was s2, seek help
I would do nothing but smell robot cunt, all day.
Fuck no.
Ep 4 is the background on the Man in Black and explains/confirms what the park is for, actually pretty goog
Ep 8 is the story of the leader of the killer Indian tribe over the whole time the park has been open as he slowly starts to question his reality, also actually pretty good.
Every other episode is complete dogshit.
she has 0 semite DNA
Her mother is a convert and evan describes herself as one. Sorry, get yourself another waifu
Just because you didn’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s bad.
He’s just a robot. If he questions his reality, it’s because he was programmed to do so.
This is also the type of show where if anything is ever stated plainly, it’s a lie.
Westworld? More like BREASTworld
I dont think the writers understand their own show user
show started sucking after season 1, and that Evan tranny broad killed it when she screamed MUH PATRIARCHY because no one would greenlight her shitty movie project
I liked season 1, but I stopped watching mid season 2, that was a mess. I won't bother with season 3.
Just because you can string a few words together doesn’t mean they’re meaningful.
>every character is flatter than the default eq setting
God I want to fuck muskfu so much AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
It seems like they don’t understand why they have to keep making it. All they wanted to do was young William’s adventure in the park but HBO said NO
Angela has nice boobs
And hbo made them add all the silly twists to keep the show in the same OMG moments a la GoT?
the season 3 trailers look good so maybe I will watch it
I get the impression you’re implying that isn’t exactly what happened.
So the writers and the channel being hacks makes the show good? And im not sure a young william story fully done would be particularly better with the writing chops the team has shown, or even a better concept really
No, the show went full retard in the Season 1 finale.
literally looks like sid from ice age
What are you even blathering about.
season 1 was shit enough for me to never touch season 2. did the show get better?
I don't think it's possible to say which came first, but you idiots always think your side came up with the corresponding insult first.
Neither rolls off the tongue, and you both sound like fucking idiots when you say stupid-ass shit like this.
Im saying the show lucked out being alright in s1, the team subsequently, either through interference or incompetence, has fumbled the show so heavily that its fucked it for s3 onwards. Additionally the idea that they wanted to tell another story, a better story, is laughable as they have, as mentioned, shown themselves to be hacks and that better story idea is weak in of itself (actually the whole premise is really flimsy but hey ho). In conclusion, the show has always pretty much been running on fumes from writing to casting (although some of better talent delivered top notch performances blinding viewers) to directing and only now have those shortcomings become fully visible.
Sorry if you’re a bit thick
Season 2 got so much worse
Women really need to shut the fuck up about what men should be. They will never be men. They do not have what it takes to raise a boy into a man without another man there to fill in the blanks.
So much of what is wrong with our society is wrong because single mothers are shit when it comes to raising men.
Riddle of the sphinx is the best ep in the series.
S2 was uneven but good. Fuck the old good new bad crowd.
No it got way worse
Her face is meting under the makeup
S2 haters are brainlets. Notice how they don't present any valid criticism. They're just frustrated because they didn't get it.
elon musk got to fuck that
Dam, Titulah sure lives up to her name
I liked both seasons, though I think the first was a little better, as the backdrop of a functioning park makes for a more interesting setting for stories.
I'm excited for season three, mostly just to see where the post-credits MIB scene goes.
Id like to melt her makeup
Shame shes got no nudes :(
Almost like we want to forget about it and not spend all day debating some shit we don't care about anymore. I watched the first half and none of the scenes had any significance, how about that for a start?
not even worth it
that's how bad s2 is
Retarded moron, i can only imagine what piece of shit your balls could put on this world thanks to your superior manly idiocy, fucking cunt.