Why isn't this series more discussed here?
Peep Show
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because watching it makes me feel lonely
Because Yea Forums likes to discuss bad shows
hits too close to home
Don’t know what it is.
because mitchell and webb is better
it needs an american remake first
>Jeremy continually gets with 10/10 women
Completely ruins my imersion
Absolute dogshit
Because we all got bored of talking about it 10 years ago
To be honest he is always a side fuck buddy and get them when they are in their worst moment.
You mean like the Simsons, Friends, Seinfeld or every other series older than 10 years old?
We might as well just forbit any content that isn't capeshit, Star Wars or the latest Netflix show.
It's the go to show for normie not-like-all-the-other girls that think they like dark comedy
Check the catalogue user, that is all Yea Forums talks about
How realistic is it that an ugly autist like Mark can get laid at least 1 or 2 times a year? Is it because everyone is ugly in Britain so they all just screw each other?
>Is it because everyone is ugly in Britain so they all just screw each other?
If you think that Doby, Sophie, and that shoe seller are ugly, then yers, but they are all gorgeous actually
Sophie is OK, Doby I have always believed Mark (and jeremy) only liked her for her personality, do bongs really think that's a 10/10?
It did for a while until they got girlfriends and I couldn't relate to it that much. Still great