Still the greatest sequel ever made, it's unironically better than the first
Still the greatest sequel ever made, it's unironically better than the first
Take it to
Did you mean to post Empire Strikes Back?
As in Star Wars, episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back.
T2 is both a superior movie in every way and a superior sequel.
Posting in retard thread
>unironically better than the first
i disagree. T1 is better than T2 and Alien 3 is better than Aliens
>takes an intelligent, deadly, terrifying monster from the first movie and turns them into dumb drones that can easily be killed
That guy is right, Terminator 2 is the greatest sequel ever made.
Aliens is a great movie in itself but it deviates too much from the original (going from suspense-horror to action-horror).
I wish they would take it a step further and make a straight up action movie based around the colonial marines fightan aliums. But I know in this day and age they would probably fuck up the costume design and toss in sjw shit for no reason.
The first surprised civilians, second had the military fighting them.
>and toss in sjw shit for no reason.
I can bet you that if the movie came out today, /pol/ would be seething at the character of Vasquez and call her an "SJW-planted Mary Sue"
likely, but I doubt it. She was very well-written despite not having too much screen time, never does anything beyond her reach and also had an ebin death. But basically everyone in Aliens had flaws -- hell, even Hicks had his chimping out/cool-losing moments.
I actually agree about Alien 3.
Highly underrated film due to poor initial reviews
>it's unironically better than the first
>She was very well-written despite not having too much screen time
like /pol/ cares about that, every time they see a woman in a non-traditional role they sperg out
I watched Alien 3's Special Edition a while ago after an user recommended it in a thread and it's jarring how it actually becomes watchable compared to the vomit-inducing theatrical cut, which is something one would use as a torture device.
jeanette even used body paint/oilsto make her skin tone darker for the film, it's in the extras, comoare that to her in t2 where she's much fairer
It's shit and makes no sense
The only good scene is the face Ripley makes when the queen breaks the truce and sends a facehugger after them.
>It's shit and makes no sense
>no u
This is your brain on estrogen
Aliens is so overrated.
Scott and Cameron wanted to work together to make Alien 5, but Fox, seeing the success and popularity of Freddy vs Jason, wanted to walk down the same path. Cameron and Scott thought that was a stupid idea and kept pushing for Alien 5. Fox said no, they want AvP. Scott and Cameron said no to that. The rest is history.
>>no u
>This is your brain on estrogen
>Aliens is so overrated.
Lol this is one of the most Reddit films of all time retard
Absolutely this.
Literally not true. Reddit hates Aliens like their life depends on it. They're mad that based Cameron took a shitty le slowburn flick into a legitimate kino