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Other urls found in this thread:


That’s hemp extract not weed retard


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these people have mental problems

what a fall from grace jesus christ

Cope harder druggie

Are American conservatives so dumb they don't know the difference?

Oh no no no no

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need a deepfake with alison's face on betty's body

Dropped. Fuck drugs.

I don’t use it. Hemp isn’t weed.

fine ass bitches to be desu

Anything that can remotely be considered weed makes them seethe even though they don't know why, they just choose to do so because their boomer parents say so. But they sure love drinking bottoms up and smoking cigarettes, the lobbyists say its cool so of course theyll consume it, the sheep that they are.

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>Dropped. Fuck drugs.

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unlike the innocent marijuana lobby, which has no financial motive or involvement in influencing drug policy whatsoever. right pothead?

>tfw no weeds anymore
>too lazy and hungover to get some
i hate this shit

cbd != weed

cbd isn't weed

They seethe because you smell like a bag of diarrhea stricken cats set on fire.

here come the deluded weed cucks, like clockwork
>b-but it's not addictive!
fucking degenerates

i dont have or use instagram. are poorly written ads like this common?

Why are people allowed to push this snake oil shit to sucectible retards

Ban this instagram advertising shit and cut out thots main source of income

dat wall

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>consuming a relatively safe molecule is BAD because the gubment says so
imagine being this cucked

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CBD doesn't actually get you stoned it's used for like arthritis lmao

Alison Schermerhorn (real name) is a proto-catlady barreling towards 40 with no children while promoting abortion. The fact that she's promoting the latest pop medical fad of "dude weed extracts lmao" is about as boring and predictable as taking a stand against global warming or "separating families" by the Trump administration.

In a few years she'll be pumping her lips full of ass fat and getting garish plastic surgeries in an effort to regain her youth which she squandered being "free" and starring in Jewish television shows instead of having a healthy family and relationships.

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>hemp extract
Literally not weed.

i don't think you really understand what cbd is. the element of marijuana that gets you high is thc. cdb does not contain thc.
>Cannabidiol is not scheduled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances or any other UN drug treaty. In 2018, the World Health Organization recommended that CBD remain unscheduled.[56]
i'm sure you're just baiting though so whatever

no it's bad because it turns you into an obnoxious druggie. just like consuming alcohol turns you into an obnoxious drunk. "what the gubment says" has nothing to do with it

Haggard roastie. Yikes

Of course, all are in it for that. Marijuana lobbyists seek profits like any other and a policy change long overdue. A drug is a drug, but a drug that statistically is safer than even alcohol has no place within the schedule 1 tier drugs next to heroin that literally kills people from withdrawals

Im sure you love to drink beer and smoke cigarettes like a good ol american boy, kys you hypocrite

absolutely mogged

cringe @ weedcucks

>only argument is a logical fallacy
Good job.
Weed is no more or less addictive than gambling, video games, chocolate, or social media.

>they just choose to do so because their boomer parents say so
Ironic considering how much the boomers consumed in the 60s.

>CBD does not appear to have any psychotropic ("high") effects such as those caused by ∆9-THC in marijuana, but may have anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic effects.[10] As the legal landscape and understanding about the differences in medical cannabinoids unfolds, experts are working to distinguish "medical marijuana" (with varying degrees of psychotropic effects and deficits in executive function) – from "medical CBD therapies” which would commonly present as having a reduced or non-psychoactive side-effect profile.[10][53]
can you people not google or are you intentionally obtuse

>marijuana lobby
That's probably the stupidest thing I've read today.

Boomers are the epitome of wanting their cake and eating it too, they dont want anyone else to enjoy what they did if it will affect the care, work and income they get from the youngsters

>i have no self control and can't do things in moderation
that is your problem, stop projecting

Fine, but CBD is just an anti-inflammatory...

>t. never invited to the fun parties

i love all the weedcucks who think they're thumbing their nose at the backwards government agenda and fighting the good fight against bog pharma. you've all fallen prey to drug lobbyists and you don't even see it lmao
>but muh cancer sure!
sure thing weedcucks, enjoy those ghost written research papers whilst dropping half your income into your not at all addictive pastime

*smashes bong over head*
*grabs lighter*
*lights a joint*
*pours gasoline all over glasscucks cuckshed*
*flips roach into gas*
*forget to step outside the gas cos I'm high af rn*

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>CBD does not appear to have any psychotropic ("high") effects such as those caused by ∆9-THC in marijuana

Ah okay so it's just placebo/snake oil.

t. "I can quit anytime I want"


>i'm not addicted! i just turn into an irritable asshole desperate for my fix when i don't have it!
>t. tourist

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I grow my own. Checkmate.

>legal weed lowers prices
>it has many more legitimate medical uses than the dubious "cancer cure" claim
>you're literally sober and can't spell simple words
I may be high, but at least I'm not retarded.

>obnoxious druggie
>obnoxious drunk
I'm both :)

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cbd isn't weed.
see: and

90% of it is ads

hitting the wall at 3000mph over a pit of fire

Yep, it's snake oil. You'd be better off buying shit from Jones or Rogan

>projecting this hard
Gonna need my sunglasses to cut down this glare, yikes.

its true. I don't do it more than I do anything else that is legal yet bad for your body, e.g. going to an all you can eat restaurant, pulling an all nighter with caffeine, etc


I'm literally high all day everyday and nobody can notice. to me smoking weed is like having a coffee or a tea.

most people indeed do not have those things
projecting what? my disdain for drug addicts?

nobody denies cigs and beer are addictive and they sure as shit don't claim they are good for you, you fucking faggot


it's not weed lmao it's an ad making her get $$$ for a simple picture and copy paste text

cbd isn't a drug

>shitting on glass
There's something to be said for actual utility, but a nice simple bong owns the shit out of paper rolls any day.

No, they notice.

i'm talking about marijuana

Glass is cumbersome. When is the last time you went for a hike with a bong?

>when I do nude scenes they are so empowering

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> paying top dollar for weed that has had the THC removed
What a joke.

t. glasscuck

>I-I just do drugs in moderation I swear! It's not so bad I totally don't get addicted you guys!
>Just do it occasionally bro it's totally harmless. I could quit tomorrow no problem, or maybe the day after but I could totally do it

What do you think is more addictive, posting on Yea Forums or marijuana?


The biggest drivers of individual accomplishment, and by extension the success of western civilization, is personal motivation. Weed is so invidious because it makes you passive and apathetic because it's so "good" at removing all anxiety and sense of motivation from your life.

You can scream until you're blue in the face about how it's harmless, nonaddictive, that you can "quit anytime you want", etc. but the reality is that 90% of marijuana evangelists are layabout, do-nothing loser types which has precisely been enabled by their constant consumption of marijuana.

When you realize that a certain amount of anxiety and tension is good for you because it's your brain trying to get you to fucking do something, you'll realize how harmful marijuana is to personal accomplishment and well-being.

If you smoke pot you need to completely cut that shit out of your life and never look back.

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tits are still pretty nice actually

the thing about weed is I'm addicted to the way it makes me think. I like the way it shows me a full 3d model of my subconscious. I've tried a lot of other drugs and most just bore me to tears. I like things that change my perception. and there's nothing I've found that comes close to replicating that


Certainley empowered my dick

>not understanding the point of CBD
The idea is to get the medicinal effects without getting high.

>projecting what?
>implying addiction like you know what you're talking about
>calling tourist with your made-for-/r/Yea Forums """reaction image""" while ignoring getting totally quad-mogged
It's OK to admit you got BTFO son, we're all stoners here, we can't hold a grudge anyway.

Is this why jews hate us?

she's empowering the fuck out of my dick right now lmao

t. weak willed beta

Just like nobody can tell that I'm a virgin haha.

>t. r*ddit tourist

haha, yea

No it actually have benefits like pain alleviation and helps with anxiety.

>Glass is cumbersome
It can be, which is why I brought up utility, but not all glassware is 4 foot bongs and I'd still rather have a sack and a reasonable pipe than dick with rolling papers in any scenario.
Compelling argument.

there is no such thing as "western civilization"

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that's what placebo means, dumbass.

stay mad junkie

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Just because you are doing your best to destroy it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, American.

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>that's not weed
>you're an addict
>i'm not an addict
you're all stupid

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so why don't you move to a nonwhite country?

I fundamentally disagree with this on the grounds that I was a lazy layabout without the weed anyway. I know people who are stoned all day and 100x more productive than me while sober.
the cliche of the lazy stoner has come about because the people most likely to smoke weed in the first place are lazy people who like not doing much.

>anxiety and motivation are the same thing
I'd love to read your dissertation.

I resent that.

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tell me about the common link between Estonia and Portugal you fucking NPC retards

Go outside, have sex


Nigga you wish you've wasted as much of your life here as I have. Do you even know Tom Green's phone number?

Their hatred towards muslims.

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> common link between Estonia and Portugal
Both invaded by the Moors?
I dunno wtf are you on about?

When did you start smoking?

Is this for real?

ok so are the Philippines "Western Civilization"? how about Nigeria?

>you're all stupid
>you're stupid
>you're all stupid
>you're stupid
Nope, just you.



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What a lame retard you are.

Why are you so angry?

Also, it's christianity + white population.

Theres an 'o' in both names

Yes, retard. It's CBD, not weed. And since this old hag is getting tossed around I'm sure her body aches. So CBD relieves the tension.

european genes. european language. european history

go to africa. they're waiting for you

CBD is the biggest scam. There is no solid evidence the shit does even close to what they claim it does. Why it hasn’t been FDA approved for anything

so is Russia part of "Western Civilization"?

>i only do it in moderation!

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Are you retarded? Placebo means the pill has ZERO affect on physiology. It’s just suppose to trick you into thinking it’s helping something. Usually in the form of sugar pills used for psychological therapy. Moron.

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What happened to her fucking face? Did she take the call?

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weed is like oxygen for niggers

Yes. This is what the world has come to. Actors getting paid to advertise stuff and the madmen are actually doing it.

european russia is, yeah

Bosniaks have European genes, European language, and European history. is Bosnia western?


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you are a fucking retard. if you give someone a sugar pill and tell them it will help their pain or anxiety it actually will help their pain or anxiety. that is the same principle with CBD; it doesn't have any observable pharmacological action.

then that is an absolutely retarded concept. Bosnia has nothing in common with Ireland

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Yes, there are lots of connections between Russia and Europe. It''s fair to say that Russia wouldn't be what it is today without western influence.

>something that lowers inhibition is good
Fucking retard

>weed goes corporate
>immediately gets shilled to hell and back by the same people and companies that would have said it was evil 5 years ago

I didn’t enjoy weed before and I enjoy it even less that it’s just another corporate turd.

Yes, there is.

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then why not just say "white people"? Russians don't have any connection with Basque people, it's a completely arbitrary concept

bosnia is european. ireland is european. that's what they have in common

have you booked your flight to nigeria yet?

I prefer pipes since they are easier to transport but a nice bong is always fun.

this might be hard for a monolingual mutt to comprehend but Bulgaria and South Africa are not part of the same "civilization"

so why not say "European civilization" instead of "western civilization"?

what's the difference? you hate both

cbd still isn't weed

Weed is factually addictive in the same way alcohol or cigarettes are. It’s less addictive than them but it’s still addictive. Pick up a pharmaceutical journal.

Damn that bitch aged like 15 years in 3. White women really do age like shit goddam

It's not weed. It's made from a hemp plant that if you smoke it, it's like smoking tobacco. They even sell cigarettes that are hemp. Looks like just weed. Doesn't get you high. So stop saying it's weed because it makes you look uneducated in the matter therefore you shouldn't even talk.

because they mean the same thing retard. do you think european civilisation started in china?

Even better, the amount of CBD in virtually all those over the counter 'medical' CBD products is so low as to be negligible. It's basically snake oil that has been diluted homeopathy style to be so weak that there isn't enough active ingredient to justify the effect they claim it has, which it doesn't have anyway.

>no observable effects
So you clearly haven’t read any studies done, have you bud?

I don't hate either. I'm whiter than you. I just strongly dislike this arbitrary concept of "western civilization" that modern neo-nazis have appropriated

they don't mean anything you fucking idiot. being on the same continent doesn't imply anything because continents are completely arbitrary geographic constructs

You mean jewish


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>CBD does not appear to have any psychotropic ("high") effects such as those caused by ∆9-THC in marijuana, but may have anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic effects.[10] As the legal landscape and understanding about the differences in medical cannabinoids unfolds, experts are working to distinguish "medical marijuana" (with varying degrees of psychotropic effects and deficits in executive function) – from "medical CBD therapies” which would commonly present as having a reduced or non-psychoactive side-effect profile.[10][53]
>Cannabidiol is not scheduled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances or any other UN drug treaty. In 2018, the World Health Organization recommended that CBD remain unscheduled.[56]

I have a medical card so it ain't a crime for me Quinton. What now faggot?

>Weed is factually addictive in the same way alcohol or cigarettes are.
Same way perhaps but in no way shape or form remotely to the same extent. Fact.

Fuck off you kvetching D&C kike.

Instagram is a marketing platform.

>t. armchair sociologist
oh sorry, I mean
>t. retard who thinks an hour of googling is just as valid a source as five years in college
I don't even do weed, but jesus fuck you're retarded


>this arbitrary concept of "western civilization" that modern neo-nazis have appropriated
opinion discarded
>they don't mean anything you fucking idiot.
it means european civilisation didn't start in the traditional east/orient. that's why it's called WESTERN civilisation. are you retarded?
>continents are completely arbitrary geographic constructs
so when are you moving to africa?

>then why not just say "white people"?
That's a term made up by blacks to generalise everybody with fair skin. Are east Asians like Japanese or Koreans "white people" too since they have fair skin also? What's your beef with Europe and Europeans?

Why it hasn’t been approved to do anything by the FDA.

Only reason why weed was prescribed was basically so cancer patients could get baked out of their mind

literally no arguments found.

I don't have any beef with Europe or Europeans; I'm one of the very few European people ITT. I just hate nazis and Americans

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>What's your beef with Europe and Europeans?
"too white" / "not diverse" / "racist" / "white supremacy" / etc

Its also an ant-emetic and it gives you the munchies which helps when you have trouble eating.

Not an argument.

seethe antiwhite retard

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I have but thanks for demonstrating before everyone that you're a gullible dumbass who will buy whatever corporations package and sell you.

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I doubt that you are European because then you would learn in school about antic Greeks and Romans that laid the foundations for the very Western culture that you are denying existence of.

I wasn't responding to an argument. You were just screeching "mutt" like the kike you are.

You think CBD been around and studied for less than a decade?

It hasn’t been approved because there is no evidence it does anything. Every study which says it does there are others that say it’s no more effective than a placebo

how did ancient Greeks and Romans lay the foundations for the culture of Hungarians or Finnish people?

CBD isn't marijuana. I will admit that every random Joe wants to claim CBD heals this and that while really there haven't been enough studies to confirm this. However that does not mean that CBD has is entirely placebo. I got diagnosed with epilepsy last year and let me tell you it fucking sucks. While not the first line of defense against seizures, CBD has shown some promising results in preventing and reducing seizures in more serious epilepsy cases. More research definitely needs to be done about CBD.

Also I use marijuana in small amounts fairly frequently and won't deny that while much much less so negative than alcohol or tobacco, people can still become addicted to marijuana. Can /pol/ please go complain about DUDE WEED on your containment board. Hollywood actors using marijuana and hemp products, what a big fucking surprise.

please go to africa


wow its fucking nothing

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They are Republics and Democracies, are they not?

When was the last time ANY PLANt was approved by the FDA for use as a treatment?

I wonder where you'll be in a few years

probably here.

Clearly you have read them yes, you’ve certainly demonstrated this by saying the complete opposite of what the studies say.

Betty Gilpin is BUILT, son.. Good God her body is ridiculous.

What made you so obnoxious?

my unrelenting basedness. it makes druggies seethe and cry

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>all crimes are equivalent
what kind of fucking turbo retard thinks this

no arguments huh?

it's very much a reach to say that Finland is a democracy because Rome founded their culture. Rome was an autocratic empire for the majority of it's lifespan

The man who invented the internet modem did so while listening to Wu-Tang's 36 Chambers and smoking dude weed lmao

Brie is a dried up titlet.

sort of like shitposting for you

You cannot get high on CBD oil, dumbfuck.

i can't believe a girl with so much tiddie also has so much ass. it's usually a trade-off. and fit as fuck too.

i don't argue with "nazi"-obsessed antiwhite cultists. africa awaits you

FDA looks into anything that’s being widely used and into the validity of the claims. They’ve made companies retract claims that certain products


>it makes everyone tell me I'm stupid
yeah you sure showed them

that's what I thought. try reading a book sometime instead of name-calling. btw if you hair or eyes are dark coloured I am whiter than you

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keep crying druggie

and a murder suicide in a grocery outlet awaits you

>try reading one of my favourite antiwhite propaganda pieces you NAZI!
seethe cultist

Did you not read what I said? The connections are more numerous than just ethnic affiliations.

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>I was never invited to anything fun because I'm an insufferable cunt and to amend this I doubled down on being an insufferable cunt
you're the only one crying here

>FDA looks into anything that’s being widely used and into the validity of the claims. They’ve made companies retract claims that certain products
Now I'm seething.
You're being utterly deceptive.
The FDA investigates false claims.
A claim can only be proven by spending BILLIONS in drug approval.
That someone has to PAY for.
On a plant.
That you can grow.... in your garden.

your own image shows that some West Asian groups are closer to some European groups than other European groups

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what ia PC

>all books are antiwhite propaganda
I don't think I've ever seen anyone strawman this hard

we don't have many of them in the west. yet another difference between western civilisation and the nonwhites you adore (but whom you will not join)

>Calling yourself based
Awwwww it’s like the Down syndrome kid in high school that thinks he’s cool cause the normal people are nice to him

If anything is a reach then it's to deny existence of very old and still living thing.
Western Culture rules while barbarian drools.

>I was never invited to anything fun
there it is again
not all. just the ones you let do your thinking for you

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I’d also like to add that not only are none of the claims outside helping seizure patients been proven, CBD is not even regulated. FDA found when studying the oil that most of it contain very little of the active ingredient and often THC was not removed.

Only reason you’re seeing all this CBD shit is so weed companies can sell the shit in states where weed is illegal

>we don't have many of them in the west. yet another difference between western civilisation and the nonwhites you adore (but whom you will not join)

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>not knowing what CBD is
This shit works better for getting me to sleep fast than melatonin ever did, just take a gummy a little bit before you want to sleep and you'll be tired in minutes.

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Actually I form opinions of people on a case by case basis because I'm not a fucking lunatic, but keep pushing that agenda in all aspects of your life and alienating literally everyone, you're already on the fast track to being a mass shooter

concession accepted

I'm sorry but having republican governments is not a "culture" or a "civilization". they are found in every part of world. almost all countries are republics

Exactly. Thanks for noticing, you're really smart user.
More importantly what is a B.

seethe more antiwhite cultist

>posting the same image over and over as if it proves your point

Crazy how easy is to sell shit to other women, they will believe she really used that shit

so if it's not an ethnic connection (meaning language and culture) and it's not a genetic connection then there is literally no factual basis for a common civilization shared by Bosniak and Icelandic people

>thought this thread was about that pathetic sellout
>it's actually just burgers doing their typical binary "THIS BAD, THIS GOOD" shit yet again

The fact that you've encountered this feedback so much that you had to make a damage control meme image for it just proves my point

You're not european, mohammed

Thanks for signalling that you're outright retarded and delusional. Expect no further replies from me..

Did you always have trouble reading?

it proves you have r*ddit ideology and use their language

>lol western civilization isn't real xD
>*gets proven wrong*
>t-that doesn't count
Fuck off, kike. You're not fooling anyone.

no really i can't tell what that chart is measuring

calling anyone who challenges your worldview a cultist is exactly what a cultist what do. Americans have absolutely no self-awareness

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>the moron has caught himself in a loop
I think we're done here.


>y-you made that image!
no r*ddit
>t. antiwhite cultists

no arguments found. I accept your concessions. consider thinking critically in the future to avoid getting humiliated like this again

Lol they notice you dumbshit

Heroin withdrawal cannot kill you.

that's the first response i've made to you, i just think you're cringe lol

Attached: it's time to stop posting.jpg (446x357, 29K)

correct, the only withdrawals athat can kill you are alcohol and benzos



>posting a comic from a socialist cultist to prove this point

it's time to stop regurgitating antiwhite religious beliefs

why do jewish women age so badly?

Weed is Canada's plan for world domination. Canada will soon supplant America as the leader of NATO and the West because America will turn into a dustbowl due to global warming and shitkinization within 20 years Canada will dominate the Arctic and have most of the livable arable land and nuclear weapons but more importantly it will have a global weed monopoly Canadian weed corporations now have all the infustructure the supply chains and logisitcs to sell product across the world all western countries will legalize weed within 5-10 years at most and Canada willplay an important role in that process

big yikes. heroin is one of the least harmful drugs. you can take heroin every day for thirty years and then taper off with no lasting consequences. if you drink alcohol every day for 30 years your body will have incurred serious damage

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Justin please

Why are potheads so stupid that they think if they put a drop of it in their mouth it'll cure their disease? Is it the pot that makes them so stupid?

but what is being mesured on both axis



You claimed western civilization isn't real and got fucking BTFO with facts. Go cry in a corner, faggot.

Betty’s face looks so weird here, but some how she’s still mogging Brie. Oof.

>CBD does not appear to have any psychotropic ("high") effects such as those caused by ∆9-THC in marijuana, but may have anti-anxiety and anti-psychotic effects.[10] As the legal landscape and understanding about the differences in medical cannabinoids unfolds, experts are working to distinguish "medical marijuana" (with varying degrees of psychotropic effects and deficits in executive function) – from "medical CBD therapies” which would commonly present as having a reduced or non-psychoactive side-effect profile.[10][53]
>Cannabidiol is not scheduled under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances or any other UN drug treaty. In 2018, the World Health Organization recommended that CBD remain unscheduled.[56]

I dismissed each and every one of those "facts" with actual reasoning. perhaps that is why you are now seething?

CBD isn't pot
>being more of a brainlet than a fucking stoner

who is this old hag?

He is trolling. Maybe even agitator on hire.

I said it's more than ethnic affiliation and you concurred and said that some west Asian are more closely related to some European groups than they are to other European peoples. Hope that clears things uo for you.
Something to do with where certain genes are found on the human genome. I don't quite remember.

Attached: European_genetic_structure_(based_on_SNPs)_PC_analysis.png (1280x961, 643K)

Give me a high power placebo controlled study right now.

> mfw it's a viable plan

>western civilisation doesn't exist!
>yes it does retard
>... uuuuh no it doesn't! i hate america! NAZIS!!!

You're right, it's even less effective than pot to the point of homeopathy. Jeez potheads really are stupid.

Ok I'm tired of this dueling.
The West in all incarnations look to the Greeks, specifically to Plato.
Furthermore from the Renaissance, classical Greece is viewed as the spiritual ancestor.

Bro I love the dystopian corporate future bro god bless capitalism

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how does that not disprove the entire concept? the image you posted undermined the entire argument you were trying to make and I think you were too low-IQ to notice that and are now hoping I won't call you out for it.

no, it doesn't. even the retards ITT claiming it does can't agree on a definition.

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formerly cute

Better than living in a dystopian communist hellhole.

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>how does that not disprove the entire concept?
Because as I said already, it's more than ethnic affiliation.

"greece" doesn't exist! it's just a construct! it's all arbitrary bro!

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CBD cures cancer.

My dog needs anti-inflammatory meds for arthritis but the shit the vet gave me was making him sick. Switched to CBD and he’s fine. He hates the oil though

>being anti-weed is soi even ironically now

CBD causes cancer

>mfw my shit always smells like weed
What did my body mean by this? I dont even smoke


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so western civilization is just people who "look to" the Greeks? does that include the muslim scholars who translated their works in the first place? what about modern day brown middle eastern people who follow Greek Orthodoxy?

you keep saying that but you won't say what else it is. it's not linguistic and it's not cultural. I don't know what other possible basis for a "civilization" there is

being a moralizing fag is soi

why are people on this board so stupid?

Kys bootlicker go blow the manager of your wagecuck job

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>I don't know what other possible basis for a "civilization" there is
how about genes you fucking moron. stop posting. no one is swayed by your nonsense


Here you mongoloid.

Get rekt commie scum.

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Because it's one of the popular boards you dumbfuck nigger brain

>being THIS retarded

your own picture showed that some west asian people cluster closer to Europeans than different Europeans so it can't be genetics either since no one considers West Asians to be part of "western culture".

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youve made it obvious you are coping hard as fuck from all this typing lol




>so western civilization is just people who "look to" the Greeks?
Essentially yes:
Catholic Church
Age of Reason
Higher Criticism

>what about modern day brown middle eastern people who follow Greek Orthodoxy?

But what if Brown people adopt Western thought?
Presto: They're westerners
You too can do it if you try.

You're welcome user I didnt mean be so hard on you boo. Forgive me?


It helps with:

>Mental Health

all in all you're just another brick in the wall

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I mean, it isn't. I don't smoke weed I just think it's silly to be proudly misinformed to suit an agenda.

there is a Greek language and a Greek culture with identifiable characteristics. there is no equivalent identifiable shared characteristics of any kind of "west"

>what is the eastern mediterranean
>who are the phoenicians and carthaginians
>what is christianity

> hehe I don't smoke weed I just happened to read a lot of online shit about CBD and i fucking love reading about science and I'm deeply conccerened about it

fuck off to whatever shithole you crawled out of

>t's not linguistic and it's not cultural
It's both, it's all. It's the indo-European language group, it's Christianity and it's their ethnic affiliations. That's how we can differantiate between human civilization as a whole and western civilization.


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was whatever happened to her face ever explained?

Finns, Basques, and Hungarians don't speak an Indo-European language brainlet.

she's 36 years old

I’m convinced Amerimutts legitimately can’t think anything through logically and rely on memes and binary explanations when faced with any complexity in life. The ones ITT think the only reason I’ve made this post (or any post contradicting their simplistic worldview) is because I’m a seething anti white paid shill whose trying to destroy their lives or some paranoid shit

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Seek help, dude. You are extremely too emotionally unstable. Not even joking. The fuck is the matter with you?

shapeshifting organ got sick

I'm not even him

>wtf stop researching and understanding things, why can't you be misinformed and retarded like me
ok reddit


> bro I don't actually consume this product but this product is actually so good that everyone should consume this product and not criticize it

>being so career justed you have to shill literally who products on Instagram to make ends meet

>calling out other people as stupid cultists
>generalizing an entire country

God you’re dumb

But they do share ethnic affiliations with other Europeans who do and they practice Christianity.
A German who is mute does not cease to be German.

denying the existence of western (european, aka white) civilisation makes you an antiwhite shill, yes. continue seething about "america" and consider moving to africa

Try spending time around in public with potheads that toke up every 20 minutes now that it's legal here, they're insufferable shits and smell like ass.
T. Leaf.

Why not just move here? I'd gladly trade places.

so are Turkish Christians western?

>gets btfo
>doubles down and acts smug about
Actual autist detected.

I never said you couldn't criticize cbd, or marijuana in general. cbd is snake oil as far as I'm concerned, and I don't care for weed at all. You said cbd was weed and it factually is not.

>Weed is so invidious because it makes you passive and apathetic because it's so "good" at removing all anxiety and sense of motivation from your life.
>You can scream until you're blue in the face about how it's harmless, nonaddictive, that you can "quit anytime you want", etc. but the reality is that 90% of marijuana evangelists are layabout, do-nothing loser types which has precisely been enabled by their constant consumption of marijuana.

Okay, faggot, listen up. I've been losing weight and getting fit, building towards home-employment and socializing/bumping elbows with the right people to catapult me into the big leagues -- and I owe all that to pot because I'm in chronic pain from having my leg BTFO by a pedestrian accident 7 years ago. Three months ago my dealer off and moved out of state, and it has absolutely TANKED my productivity and personal life progress. I am more of a lazy piece of shit because life in constant pain is completely debilitating, and I have tremendous social anxiety from living a sedentary life. So don't tell me WEED LAMLOW is ruining lives, because it actually saved mine from total oblivion.

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more western than turkish muslims, yeah

I doubt she's barely making ends meet. She's probably just greedy and realistic enough to know that she'll never have A-list career so fuck it.

no that was the other guy who said that


Hemp is weed, retard, it literally says it contains cbd, where do you think it comes from ? Fucking moron


but they aren't European and numerous people ITT have told me that western = european. I have gotten so many conflicted answers that the whole concept seems malleable to one's individual feelings

Is their society westernized?
To a certain extent.
But are they committed freedom, equality, a secular state that can override religion?
Bit fuzzy there.

fuck off liberal

I agree with this poster. Just do whatever the fuck you wanna do, and be responsible for your own damn life. There is no "right" answer.
The Vormir scene wasn't even shot. They just did a test screening.


Different user, I thought Canada was super restrictive when it came to smoking, don't the same rules apply to weed?

>to catapult me into the big leagues
Big leagues being?

so you not only completely misrepresented what i said but did it to defend someone else. then when i told you you were being a retard you admitted to it?

what about places that don't have equality, freedom, or secularism (USA for example) but are white and mostly Christian? another person was telling me that being western is about genetics and religion and other people are telling me it's about a progression of thought historically that non-white, non-Christian people can assimilate to

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>I thought Canada was super restrictive when it came to smoking, don't the same rules apply to weed?
Nope, you can't smoke at all near public and private institutions, except where otherwise posted. And you can smoke on the sidewalk/street.
So you have potheads just smoking weed wherever people can smoke tobacco. Which includes dingy little smoke booths right outside school and restaurants, and just in the sidewalk.

My last year of uni just rank of weed going in and out of class.

Getting published

Westernization is a growth process.
First people believe in superstition.
Then reason as a way of thought is re-discovered.
Then people rebel against the superstition.
Then people grapple with a world without superstition and remold it through reason.
That's where whitey's at.
Where's you?

>not free

Yes. If Turkey wasn't muslim instead being Christian and called the Byzantine Empire it'd be western.