With everyone streaming TV shows and movies on their laptops and cellphones, more and more people are wearing headphones to enjoy their media.


If you MUST watch whatever it is you're streaming on a mobile device, watch it at HOME and on SPEAKERS.

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Other urls found in this thread: SOUNDGEAR.html

>That selfie face
This guy was gonna kill himself anyway

Just turn a fan or something on in the background to drown out the ringing. Who kills themselves because of tinnitus?

I've always had tinnitus as far as I remember and I thought that shit was normal. Like at night whenever there is almost perfect silence I've always heard a ringing. Just ignore it, you'll get used to it and it won't impair listening to music or anything it more or less disappear when there is noise/music etc.

White noise and brown noise can help too. Just put your fingers in your ears and listen to the sound of your body, if it's really serious.

It makes sleeping incredibly difficult.

Have sex.

I have this shit since I was a toddler. What a fag

Present your anus.

Jokes on you I've had tinnitus since young age

I got mild tinnitus from going to concerts. Wasn't worth. Have to sleep with white noise forever. I could see why you'd neck yourself if it was really bad. But headphones? Just turn them down lol.

Retards blasting loud music in public should kill themselves

Imagine being so weak that you literally fucking kill yourself because of a bit of ringing in the ears. Meanwhile there are people with chronic diseases or horrific things such as full body paralysis who are still making the most of life and don't commit suicide. Fucking faggot.

tinnitus is literally the least of my problems. what a pathetic baby


amazing that there are people that go around with this expression. like their dad died i guess and they just got raised on tumblr and hang out with fat girls i guess and this demeanour rubs off

lol this. the schizophrenia demons telling me to kill my siblings heavily drowns out the tinnitus. listen the asmr to sleep and constantly have classic music radio on.

Present your anus.

The problem isn't headphones, it's cranking the volume to fuck my shit up levels. Also, modern YouTube 'comedy' and it's obnoxious use of distorted noises and screamers. I basically never browse YouTube with headphones now.

if mine was that bad i would be like phew now i have something to do in life, i'll figure out how to cure this

Just don't listen to them too loud.
People are absolutely retarded when it comes to the volume knob, you will lose hearing if you turn headphones too high.


I use all my headphones on the lowest settings and even then it still feels pretty loud. Does everyone else have horrible hearing?

You realize there are levels to tinnitus? Some people hear mild ringing once in a while. Some people hear quiet ringing when it's quiet. And some people hear loud ass fucking ringing 24/7 that can't be drowned out.

Correlation isn't causation.

More likely he had a CSF leak he wasn't aware of.

Moron Basedboy afraid of the doc.

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Where was he working?

That's not horrible hearing. That's good hearing. That means it's sensitive.

This is not tinnitus from what you're describing, this 'ringing' is normal and is caused by the increased blood flow near the timpano.

Or here's a better idea

have sex

the problem is nobody explains this in a suitable way so it's so easy for kids and young people to be like huh? nah, my ears didn't hurt after listening to maxx vol
you have to explain that each time you listen does like 0.01% damage which over like 5 years adds up to 20% or whatever so yes it seems fine until you're 30 and you get tini-tits

Don't imagine you have some insufferable ear malfunctions.

you have bad blood pressure

did you stand at the front or something?

uhhh wat da fuk is it then

you don't need the music to drown out every other noise

Maybe don't listen to music at max volume like a retard.

too high or low?

>used headphones my entire life
>still haven't got any hearing problems


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Its not about the headphones. Obviously you're gonna get hearing damage if you listen to music on too loud.

I have zero desire to have sex. Your feminine passive aggressive attempts on my psyche have no effect. Learn to cook before it's too late.

I had it since childhood, drove me up the wall at nights or in quiet places. Nowadays I can generally ignore it, maybe it got better, maybe my brain learned to cope with it. My hearing is super sensitive though, had to quit a warehouse job because the sound of falling pallets is like a fucking explosion to me

He just told you, retard

>IT programmer
I think it is called "computermachine programmer"

noise inceling headphones

here you go bros

sensitive hearing is a sign of 'tism. I'm the same way though, can't stand the sound of toilet seats being dropped onto the rim. Sends me into a bloodlust rage

high blood pressure causes ringing

What a bitch. I've been dealing with it for years. It drives me nuts sometimes but never considered suicide over it.

What is the best percentage then? I had it on 50% for many years, but now im thinking on reducing it even more.

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Thanks Mr. Internet Doctor. It's not like over the span of 15 years I went to countless doctors and wasted thousands of dollars scanning and testing every cell in my body in a futile attempt to find a cause. It was blood pressure all along, fuck!

>you have to explain that each time you listen does like 0.01%
It's more like 0.001%

Most bad cases of tinitus are triggered by a single event which does significant damage to the ears. Examples being an explosion or other short but extremely loud burst of sound, or a sustained, damaging sound over a prolonged period of time - such as an uncomfortably loud concert which is causing actual pain to the ears but the person feels compelled to stay and endure it (there's countless cases like this, people are weird).

Headphones are a very minor contributor relative to these harmful events.

>never had tinnitus
>read this thread
>suddenly annoying iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii in right ear
Fuck off

He must have maxed up the sound for years rrright ?
t. 2% on pc and 2-3 squares on iphone

if you havent irrecoverably damaged your hearing with headphones you need to get off Yea Forums

no he just said it's not ringing at night. so what is it

Nigga you contracted tinnitus
Nigga you gonna die now

I'm not on Yea Forums


Are people death? I never go above 15-20%. Unless I'm watching a movie that whispers, then I turn it up to 75% but I use the audiomixer so the explosions aren't 1000%.

Who /tinnitusplusvisualsnow/ here?

Are there no programs that can put a decibel cap on all your computer audio?

That isn't what he said. lrn2read

ofc u get tinnitus when you're wearing crap.

get a pair of these and you'll be set with godlike sound for the rest of your life

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>instead of cranking the volume higher
>he kills himself
wew lad


>not dt990 pro 250 ohm

I literally see stars sometimes.

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>work a shitty bar job
>don't use earmuffs for the first few months while dumping crate after crate of empty bottles into the bin
>still somehow don't have tinnitus

I'm on a 4-6 depending on the audio source.

Why would you? 770 is industry standard by professionals. You get the exact audio they intended since it's designed around those headphones. Only faggot ass clueless g4m3rzzzzZz gets 990

literally no u

Exactly. I don't have anything special. Just some mid level pair of Sennheisers plus a modest amplifier. I never listen to it too loud. No issues with my hearing whatsoever.

I got tinnitus, then it died down to irrelevant levels. Then I carried some screaming children on my back and it flared up a bit, but I also got this horrible sound sensitivity to the point that I could barely do the dishes, but then it died down as well and now I'm just a bit sensitive to loud sharp noises and heavy noise levels, and I don't know if I'm actually being damaged or if my pain response is just triggered at too low levels. Of course I don't feel like testing that theory, so I'm careful with sound now.

That's not what that phrase means.
I honestly believe you're retarded.

I always have my volume on 100%, if you go any lower you are a faggot and shouldn't have the ability to experience sound.

Headphones are fine. However, if you're wearing headphones and the entire room can hear what you're listening to, you've probably got the volume up too loud.

Classic retard

Tinnitus can both be loud noises (ringing), swooshing sounds or other strange auditory sounds with no source

I got swooshing sounds permanently embedded in my head, and it’s fucking tinnitus. My blood pressure is a steady 130/70

if you're so smart see if you can answer this: what is tinnitus

>randomly get tinnitus one day
>google possible causes
>earwax build up is mentioned
>get earwax cleaning kit
>big hunk of earwax comes out of ringing ear
>still have tinnitus almost 2 years later

le sigh
i recommend everyone get their ears cleaned tho

I did the same. Had a clump of earwax the size of my pinky in my right ear. Crazy shit

the real question is was it just tinnitus or was it hyperacousis? because the latter would legit drive anyone insane, I know a relative who got it in an industrial accident and it derailed his entire life, nearly 20 years later and no improvement and he's pretty close to necking himself desu

I've been using headphones daily for about about twenty years and don't have any hearing issues. I don't have speakers because I live in an apartment.

Humans can get used to everything, even a bit of ringing in their ears.
Fucking Kevin Shield has tinnitus since the 90's and he's still making music

doesn't basically everyone have tinnitus these days

maybe for the first two days then you fall asleep no matter what

Its probably not tinnitus unless he had some serious mental issues and propensity for killing himself. Like user said, might have been something more serious, can’t trust the media

>My blood pressure is a steady 130/70

Retards maybe. My friends once dragged me to a club where the music was so loud that I couldn't hear a word they were saying. I left after 15 minutes and my ears were fucking ringing all night. The next day they were confused about why I left and said that they all stayed until it closed. I can't imagine what sort of damage that shit does to their ears. And it's a weekly ritual for some of them.

Take Magnesium. Tinnitus is a symptom of overactive Calcium channels, which Magnesium antagonizes.

This. Also, most tinnitus goes away on it's own overtime.
Source: Am doctor, you fucking faggots

Jesus what. At least where I live, high blood pressure starts at 140/80, and that is really piss weak. You start seeing some damage from continuous high blood pressure after maaaany years

>once dragged me to a club where the music was so loud that I couldn't hear a word they were saying.
lmao it genuinely reads like a 'time traveller from the 19th century' story

Classic doctor-who-has-tunnel-vision poster

Bullshit there are multiple causes of Tinnitus.

>have cochlear neuropathy
>studies show it's degenerative
>will probably go near deaf eventually and get tinnitus

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Implants can’t save you?

>the hearing was told

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I remember this one time I had a cold, and almost lost all hearing in one ear. Apparently there's a "eustachian tube" that connects your sinuses and your ears, and mine got infected.
Exactly same sensation as getting water in your ear, expect you can't get it out no matter what you do.
Luckily it went away after I took some antibiotics but I was scared I'd be deaf for life.

HIS FACE IS THE SAME FACE as the last three mass shooters
This fucking expression is the sign of some very bad shit happening inside a very weak worm man

>at home watching movie
>volume is at 6 or 7 at most 8
>friends come over to watch movie
>ask me to turn it up to 20+
honestly the most irritating thing

Only the strong survive
Only the wise excel

This. Fuck niggers like that. Hearing is the sense that regenerates the least.

was probably a nonce

This except my parents turn the TV volume up to 40 when they come over

>listened to lots of metal with maxed volume as a teen
>did mandatory military service and had to deal with loud ass explosions MG live fire exercises etc with shitty earplugs
>clubbed a lot
>worked with incredibly loud power tools at a warehouse for a few months
>bass player in band, stand next to the drummer as he hammers his kit autistically
>still no tinnitus
Maybe hearing loud noises all the time actually trains your ears to get used to it


If you had to spend 1hr+ trips on the bus to the city twice a day every day for years you'd understand why you need it.

its like it was mentioned up thread. you're going to be fucked *later*

Even though I'd always listened to loud music and nothing happened to me for years. One day, my dick randomly fell off.
So there are some consequences to it.

I haven't looked into it, yet.
Basically, my hearing goes to shit in noisy environments, and that goes double for foreign language, yet my audiometry is on point. This is caused by deterioration of spiral ganglion neurons. If cochlear implants bypass it, then it could help.

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What a fag, you can get it fixed easily. At 28 you should have no problems financially or otherwise to do so.

>tfw have air or something stuck in my right ear that kind of makes it sound like water but it disappears when i massage and push my fingers around the ear

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Fuck you I'm gonna keep listening to my music at 85dbs with headphones

>you can get it fixed easily
A simple google search would prove you wrong. There is no "fix" for tinnitus.

same thing happened to me
>particularly severe cold
>one ear inflammed
>lost hearing
>like doctor said don't be a faggot it goes away with time
>4 months without hearing
>totally depressed
>one day ear just pop
>hearing restored
worst part were the auditive hallucinations, like a baroque canon that never ends
also hearing in that ear isn't the same as before but is ok

>have songs looping in my head constantly
Get on my level

31yo boomer, been using headphones all my life and the tinnitus started one year ago for me. It's mild for now but yeah, headphones will fuck you up. I know zoomers won't listen until it's too late.

any $100 Speakers > $10,000 headphones.
prove me wrong, you cant.

NEVER lower volume digitally, you're sacrificing bit depth and resolution by doing that. Always adjust by analogue.

what's worst
earphones/earbuds or headphones?


Most tinnitus is actually a neck injury or TMJ

There are plenty of ways to make it better.

I have one of this, whadaya think? SOUNDGEAR.html

It's quantity not quality you sperg.

That is not the same as fixing it, i.e. curing it.

nigga that's Mushishi

If there's a way to make it better then it's not a good enough reason to kill yourself.

I've tried pricier option, always came back to these $10 babies, the only one I can wear all day without feeling any strain

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have been using some cheap skullcandy and man they're so good

How do I deal with this? It's so annoying


No he looks beautiful and handsome. I wish he was my boyfriend.

now I have become death

>t. 25 year old
It hits out of the blue and suddenly you're not so cocky.
I thought I'd never have wrist/hand problems from being at the computer all day. But now at 29 I'm in constant pain.

usually around 3-5 when im wearing headphones

25-30 when im listening through speakres

how the fuck do you do that with headphones you jackass

I got 2-4 on speakers and 40 on headphones

Don't listen to loud things and use hearing protection when something does hurt your ears.

I wear headphones all day at work. Use loud industrial equipment for hours a day and use headphones to listen to music at home am I going to get tinnitus and die?

>Are people death?
I wish I was

16 or below just how I like my women.

what's your diet like?

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too much jacking?

nice genetics retard, been blasting on max since i was a kid, tested hearing last year it's 10/10. just kys if you can't handle music lmaoooooooooooooooooo

what a bitch

I only use headphones for when I want to appreciate music, not in just "hearing" music but actually listening to it, and I only do it in quiet ambients so I don't think there's an issue

I rarely eat garbage, I doubt my diet is the problem
I used to have chronic otitis as a kid, and been to a couple of loud concerts, though never even had short term tinnitus of threshold shifts after them
I gotta go to an audiologist, a regular ENT said as much too, I guess there is still a possibility of being something wrong with my brain, and we have to rule that out

You have a brain - just fucking lower it.

>a month after wearing new headphones
I've been blasting music through my headphones since I was a kid. I'm 20 now and don't have a hint of ringing. Is this something that will come with age or is it genetic lottery?
honestly seems like that queer offed himself just because he was an incel. He's got the look.

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I don't have tinnitus yet, but I can hear even the smallest of capacitors whining. I have to switch off almost everything to fall asleep.

>chronic otitis as a kid
there it is. the first signs that you've always had an underlying, untreated issue. good luck, user.

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oh fuck I am wearing headphones right now

always hated headphones
memes aside the only reazon you would defend them is because you're cucked in some way due to your living arrangement or something
its like consolefags really
its all they have so its gotta be the best thing around !!!
get your own house already you failures

Stop listening to it full blast you stupid fucking faggot

happens to me too, but only if my ear is pointed at the angle. i have one of these in my bedroom, and i have to turn it off every night because when i lie one my right side i can hear the annoying whine/buzz after a while. had to turn off my alarm clock too for the same reason.

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I have tinnitus, a permanently broken jaw, shattered knee cap held together with Achmedinajad brand screws from Samarkand and a rod through my leg as well as 6 1/2 missing teeth that required bone grafts and posts.
And Im lucky, medical tech was able to more or less fix me up. Even 50 years ago I wouldnt of walked after my injuries.
Fucking soft handed faggots

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>medical tech was able to more or less fix me up
>wouldnt of
they should have tried harder

can’t fix the brain

>Correlation isn't causation.

Strong correlation equal causation 99% of the time kys nigger

I usually forget about it (or the songs stop, I don't know) when I'm really into something (playing vidya, for example), but the hardest is when you're trying to read. I guess you just have to get used to it. I think it's worse than tinnitus in a way, although it's not literally physical noise you're hearing (in that case you'd be having schizophrenia or something), it's "in your head".

I just bought a new pair of headphones, do I return them?

I just have a bluetooth speaker ziptied to my headboard that plays a loop of crickets chirping and some rainstorm sounds.
Works pretty well. Could be a problem if you aren't single I guess, though I think most people would enjoy it, tinnitus or not.

Also using headphones aren't the problem, the problem is turning your headphones up too loud. My tinnitus came from using power tools though.

I wear headphones through entirety of my 10 hours workshift, for more than two decades and then sometimes for another two hours in fitness and then during gaming, not even a dip in hearing quality.

Fuck off with your shit genetics.

I have tinnitus AND perfect hearing.
I still hear everything but it's like there's also a CRT television next to me 24/7.


>Some people hear quiet ringing when it's quiet
Thats what that is?

Fuck I have had that my whole life I was always curious what the fuck it was.

You are likely not a retard who put the volume too loud because you’re an obnoxious cunt who wants everybody in the vicinity to know how hardcore and edgy they are for not listening to a popular genre of music, or some kind of autist who gets angry that they can hear a modicum of background noise or people chatting, when they are listening to music

I have tinnitus and I don't give a fuck. Infact I am listening to music rather loudly on my headphones right now.

t. gonna kill myself when I become deaf or blind

I have the ringing and I feel like the swoosh would be much easier to sleep to.

I have two 120W monoblocks. I never break 2-4

op here
well said I did get a concussion or 3? during that incident so

>fucking 50
Yeah, this would be the actual reason for someone getting tinnitus. Not headphones.

I guess the old rip headphones users meme was right lmao

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Fucking my hearing right now with volume over 50% like a mad lad

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reminds me of watching porn 10 years ago while still living at home.

>It makes sleeping incredibly difficult.
Got used to it, was bit maddening at first since the quieter it was the more i focused on the sound the more it annoyed me, the more i couldnt sleep and i lied staring at the black walls or with eyes closed for hours before i went to sleep and wake u tired.
Nowdays i just drop like a rock and wake up next day.
You can get used to anything.

I have the exact set of headphones. With my e10k amp, I never increase the volume past 1 out of 10. And I don't have the high gain setting toggled. How could people listen to anything higher?!

It's called an amp/dac and they're extremely portable nowadays. I even have one for my phone.

>asmr faggot larps as internet tough guy

>>a white dude being weak

but who was the weakest?

>mfw earbuds don't stay in my ear

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I've had it since I was a child. I hate it but not going to kill myself over it. In fact why would anyone ever kill themselves instead of redirecting your anger outwards instead?

Not the guy you're responding to but you're retarded

Somewhat related problem for me. When I am in same bed as a woman I literally cannot sleep. Even after having sex I just stay awake all night.

>implying every ASMR vid is of the disgusting thot variety

I like to add an extra factor in cases like mine. 1hr third world bus trip.

What if it's been your neighbors CRT TV all along? I can hear those things buzz thru walls.

Why wont they just cure tinnitus? Is it not profitable enough for (((them)))

Bought an earlier version years ago. The sound was smooth, but the cord got fucked after like two weeks of home use. Might have been a factory fault though

why the fuck did I laugh at this

That's how I got mine. It wasn't a bad infection or anything, just had a throbbing ear that felt like it was going to explode, then a couple of days later I hear a pop while I'm eating, then just a static sound in my right ear. Went and got some kind of drip medicine for my ear, but the static sound didn't go away. I've gone to an ENT doctor, had tests and he just says it's one of those things happens unfortunately. At first it was bad, but now I'm used to it unless I have a cold.

How did the Tinnitus kill him can someone explain?!

over ten years of tinnitus here lads ask me anything, got mine from Power tools and loud music, mine (ringing) is so loud I struggle to here people chatting when im in a room full of people, noisy environments are a no go for me.

Just think of all the zoomers and their airpods. These kids wear them like fashion accessories and never take them out.

i get this every 3 colds or so. i've never been prescribed anything, just told to wait it out.

it fucking sucks ass

It didn't kill him, he killed himself because he couldn't bear it

c-can i still use them for running/lifting?

This is not a bad response, but you only have to say "dilate" in response to "have sex" posters

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If you have your volume so loud where you can't hear any background noise, it's too loud. I can sometimes hear people's music on the train from across the car

Have kids beats have sex

Welcome, hope you don't become hyper aware of it.

too much time around extremely poor "jokes"

>Number of Shark Attacks strongly correlates with Ice Cream Sales
>"Eating ice cream causes shark attacks!"

>Drownings in pools correlate with the number of Jim Carry films released in that year
>Ace Ventura is causing people to drown

These are two random examples off the top of my head, I could post hundreds that expose the "99%" statistic you pulled out of your ass.

Audiology technician here. It's surprising how many young people have tinnitus and do bad on hearing tests. Especially black people. Guess all that driving around and blasting music is catching up to them.

>the hearing was told

I have this too and I'm so sick of it. It's really starting to send me over the edge.

no you wouldn't, cool fantasy though

I'd probably kill myself if my tinnitus went away.

No it doesn't. It's cringey

it's a symptom of OCD

For you

People use it to drown out noise, not just as background noise. People aren't comfortable with it being background level noise directly in your ear. If you are multitasking you shouldn't have the volume be beyond a low volume setting

I'd rather see than hear.

I'd rather seed than feed

Same. I even adjust my breathing to the rhythm of the song and sometimes compliment the tune with feint clicking noises with my teeth.


Nearly every meme on this board is stupid as fuck. 100% of the newer ones are.

>if you're so smart see if you can answer this: what is tinnitus
Permanent damage to the sensitive cilia that line the inside of the ear. They're responsible for feeling sound vibrations and sending the signal to the brain, but too much loud noise can cause the cilia to break and permanently stay "on"; the ringing sound is the broken cilia constantly signaling the brain that noise is happening.

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>spending 15 years and thousands of dollars over high blood pressure
>being this american

>get floaters in your eye
now what

I fell asleep during nightwatch next to a road where trucks and jeeps were crossing constantly, if you're tired and got used to blocking out noises you hear then you can fall asleep no matter what

can someone explain to me how people remember thousands of movie quotes, song lyrics , memes, celebrity names, band names, album names, song names, book names, authors, plots, tv series, specific episodes, character relations

i think i may be retarded

i used to have the same problem. i moved in with one gf in the past and ended up sleeping in a different room. i can sleep with my wife but i have to wear a sleep mask, never need one if im not with her

nothing of value was lost

was being an insomniac part of your plan?

t. seething tranny

First world problems

honestly if someone has a problem with this they should go and do military service for a year or two, when you're expected to tolerate gunfire, explosives and tank cannons without getting disoriented while being able to hear footsteps in a forest during the rain then some ringing in your ear will start seeming like a very banal problem

I used to live right across from a train station. It's harder since they don't come at regular intervals (unlike an airport or busy road) and the horn blares are loud but I got used to it.

It happens when you lie down in a way where you clamp on the veins near your inner ear and then release this clamp, the bloodflow causes vibrations which sound like temporary 'ringing'.

Beyers are too heavy to wear them the whole day, you need something light for every day use, I think AKGs are still selling K240's?

Also DT-770 have troublesome phasing issues in the low and mid end, wouldn't recommend them, DT-880 would be a much better choice.

they have literally nothing else to fill their head with. either that or you really don't care about those things, or you're actually retarded.

but also remember that the internet + information overload + your own insecurities takes up a lot of bandwidth in your brain. negative thoughts and useless junk can block your ability to form memories. always remember to relax and absorb life as it happens. don't be aloof and allow yourself to be distracted by fears and anxiety

ear ringing is also a regular noise though right? so it's easier to ignore than horn blares and stuff, I've learned a long time ago to be able to consciously block out sounds



its called the "power of memory" it was first used by robin hood to help feed the poor, see the movie with russ crowe to find out more.

I hear my neighbours wathing Turkish soap operas at three o'clock in the morning, tinnitus, wich I have it after a concert, is not as bad as them.

Oh boi. There's no industry standard for professionals when it comes to how things sound on headphones. The only 'industry standard' there is is that you usually use closed cans for recording and that's it. You mix stuff on monitors or, if on headphones, use non-distorting headphones calibrated to be used with Sonarworks, and 770's are SUPER distorted for everything below 600Hz.

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This happened to me too user. My ears generally hurt too. I think most people use ear buds when going to clubs.

you.. you may be retarded.

How would someone with full body paralysis kill themselves?

Do you know how many veterans have tinnitus? They don't just go around killing themse....oh wait.

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same. tinnitus since birth.
although i imagine it's harder to deal with if you were tinnitus-less your entire life then suddenly get it

will power

I want to lower my volume too, but Windows insists on fucking throttling volume on other applications when I open a new audio source, does any body know how to stop this shit from happening? It's infurating.

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how do you remember the meaning of words? is that what you're asking?

> He thinks the average tinnitus sufferer hasn't tried everything from vitamins to eliminating sodium intake, fasting, no suger, losing 50 lbs, therapy, transcranial magnetic stimulation, Tinnitus retraining therapy, meditation, Cannabis oil, dozens of different medicines, brain scans, etc...
Thanks. If I had known that it's just my blood pressure I would've never quit university because of it.

I hope you get tinnitus too.

install gentoo

Use an external audio interface with a knob which you can set up however you want it to be.

>my hearing is already ruined
>can't hear much over 13.5 kHz, almost deaf at 14 kHz
>occasional tinnitus
t. 37 year old

How people can be suicidal?
I’m 22, almost blind without thick glasses, my spine was fucked since the birth and I have an ugly hump, my kidneys almost don’t function, my doctor said 90% I won’t make it past 60.
Sure I’m not living Hollywood happy life, but I’m still happy on my own. I just do what I can with this life.
How stupid you need to be to kill yourself?

If it got bad enough for me to consider suicide I would just try to find a doc that will do some procedure to make me deaf. Being deaf is not optimal at all, being dead even less so. I prefer the quiet life anyway

It's kinda true though.

It's not healthy for your hearing to constantly wear headphones. But with consoles being noisy as fuck like jet turbines, people choose to wear headphones. It's also super convenient because you can hook up any shitty iphone buds to your PS4 or Xbox controller.

For me it's the loneliness
Humans are meant to be social creatures, we weren't mean to live alone

calm down friends
97% of people have some degree of tinnitus

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>blocks your tinnitus

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Sounds like you're mostly not responsible for your problems. People hate themselves for failing to live up to their own standards.

earwax blocks your tinnitus or cleaning your earwax ?


Yeah, it's just not profitable. A ton of people actually have it, and it can be pretty miserable for a lot, but most just soldier through it and don't complain too much, so theres no real urgency to do anything about. I have tinnitus myself. It's not terrible, I just need a fan going to sleep at night, but I'd love to be rid of it. I can't even imagine what total silence sounds like at this point.

that all has afflicted you since birth so you've accepted it for what it is and lived your whole life accommodating them. If a 20+ year old suddenly gets tinnitus or any other permanent thing it's going to be very hard for him to accept that this is just his life now, so he takes what he thinks is the easy way out and kills himself.

Does a simple software settings tweak really require a significant financial investment in additional hardware? I remember having a previous installation of W7 that didn't do this, but I'm worried it might be my Realtek Audio Manager causing this.

loneliness can broken down to specific aspects of social interaction

I found I can't be with people longterm because I prefer my distance and I feel like their life problems are becoming mine as well, which I don't like even if I know fully well that's an integral part of a healthy relationship. I just can't do it, though.

So I stick to one night stands and hookers instead.

I have tinnitus from having the AC in the same room as me, I don't have trouble sleeping.
>sure does hurt to hear a constant white noise

That's why I always have a fan on in my room

Its all in your head, its nothing compared to physical disability, if you really wanted you would change that, or you can become rich and ppl will hangout with you anyway, the only real problems are ones that can’t be solved with money, remember it kids

Not all health problems are equal. There's certainly the market demand for a cure, it's just a complex thing biologically to tackle since you're talking about basically your brain's sensory capabilities malfunctioning, or otherwise regrowing very specialized cells in the exact place they need to be

tittinusis the 5g network frying yer brain mind control shit

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>listen to vinyl records at fuck my shit up volume w/ headphones + tube amp
>still flinch for first few minutes of every concert/very loud sounds
I don’t get it. I’ve always had mild tinnitus anyways. Noise floors exist in all mediums and are inherent to the human experience.

I just bought a cheap usb dac and that fixed any windows 10 volume issues for me. My problem was that the volume would not adjust and was constantly stuck at 100 even when it said it was 2.

>Laughs in /k/

Thank God I'm not a music fag. I see people in public listening to stuff at retarded levels.

Nah dude, my vision started to blur in 7th grade and my kidneys stopped working at 20y old, when I was at the hospital there were ppl that were pretty much dead, when both your kidneys stop working and you don’t have a donor you die, and these people were more optimistic than people I see daily here

I don't remember celebrity names because I don't give a shit about them. I don't remember lyrics either even if I listened to a song a hundred times because I don't sing it or recite it.

The only useless shit I remember are quotes from The Simpsons even though I stopped watching it since I was 16. And that's because they're written so well and have such great delivery. I've watched each episode maybe a dozen times each on TV and they were all so memorable, I don't even actively try to remember it but I still do.

just get drunk user

Doesn't it depend on a lot of stuff. As most people have said, there's a bid difference between speakers and headphones, but most speakers have their own volume nob, and the same goes for some headphones, so it really depends.

Has anyone tried for temporary relief, putting the palms of your hands on your ears and then crossing your index fingers and middle fingers on the back of your head and keep thwomping them? It gets rid of the ringing sound for a bit

Buy something like Focusrite Scarlett Solo or Audient iD4, you just install drivers, no tweaking further required.

What a fag.I have had tinnitus since I was 17.I'm 27 now.I just fall asleep with music on.

Take care of your hearing, faggot.

I got tinnitus after using in-ear headphones.
It went away after a couple of weeks but now I'm scared shitless of those things.

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I sleep with an ipod at full volume every night.

Enya, baby.

i always thought 'clean your room' should be in there somewhere, but it might be a little too much of a throwback by now.

of course

Imagine if millions of people who go to concerts and soldiers/gun nuts who shoot all the time suddenly killed themselves

I appreciate the input, I'll look into it.
I'm just astounded this is what's required to get Windows to stop automatically throttling my audio.
I guess I might be spending more time on Ubuntu from now on if this is the only solution.
For the record, this is what I'm talking about.

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all dose poieple
all dose hamboigahs

Keep your palms firmly pressed against your ears and let your crossed index finger and middle finger flick onto the back of your head. It takes a few times to be able to get rid of the ringing

i have popping in my ears as well as tinnitus, it's fine

so then turn your fucking music down faggot?

I got these massdrop sennheiser knockoffs as a gift. They're pretty alright, I think, but I am no audiophile and the price was right.

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he can't hear you, he has tinnitus

i mean, it ain't great, but it's still within range

>one time
>had the same 2 second drum fill from a song stuck on repeat
>over and over

what kind of shit faggot ass music do you think nuked his ears?

I hope this faggot committed suicide because gucci gang ran a train on his tympanic membrane.

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>tfw 31
>Can only hear 12kHz in one ear and deaf to anything higher

>look up the article that picture is from
Hooooly shit I hope that's satire

I'm not doing this. I know my hearing is fucking bad. My dad wrecked my ears when I was younger. In high school, one of the lights in the ceiling was making high pitched noises and everybody in class except me and the teacher (who was like 50+) could hear it. We had to go without a row of lights for a few days and students had to point out the faulty light to a technician to be replaced.

I'm terrified at what I can't hear.

tinnitus just means you fully absorbed the music

it's real, all of it

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>15 minutes
>all night
Try going to a concert and seeing how long it lasts. I know boomers who still see metal bands and bring their walking canes with them. They would be calling you a pussy.

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I hear my tinnitus at night and when I take a shit. Used to be really bad sometimes that I'd hear it during conversations. Think my brains has somewhat adjusted to the sound after so many years.

What a pussy

I got it when I was a little kid, can pretty much tune it out now and hear everything else fairly well

Everyone has tinnitus.

One time I saw Converge and it sounded like lazer beams shooting in my head the rest of the night. Then it turned in to "normal" tinnitus the next day. And that was with ear plugs.

Sometimes i wonder if its even safe for me to drive with visual snow

>Are people death?

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I have it in left ear pretty bad from blastin music with the homies. Shit sux, but you get used to it. I ain't gonna kill myself for something retarded like that.

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I have a friend of mine that got tinnitus as an adult. It's the main topic when he's around unfortunately. I realized a few months back that I've had tinnitus since I was an infant due to my dad (being a roadie) put me underneath his lighting mix table during concerts. It's not that bad if you don't make it your life goal to whine about it.


Smoke weed before sleep, empty your nuts, get drunk, put some background sound and you gonna sleep tight and don't forget to pipi.

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i got tinnitus after one night of wearing these

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