The 'have sex' meme is real

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So he's a closet fag and she got tired of being his beard?

>tired of being his beard

wtf happened to western men bros?

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>So he's a closet fag and she got tired of being his beard?
Maybe or this cunt was caught cheating on him and she made up a story to make him look bad. My bf doesn't like sex, that's why I'm fucking niggers on his back, I'm not a bad girl

Leftism and feminism

>Neil was very open about the fact that there was no passion between them — that they didn’t have sex.
>He said they spent all their evenings together lounging on the sofa in comfy onesies, watching Disney films like The Lion King and The Little Mermaid.

God kevin smith is pathetic.

We found out jacking off to porn was more pleasurable and easier than having to maintain a relationship and waste your money and time on a bipolar fuck hole that will give you nothing but headaches and stress.m in the long run.

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Isn’t this the guy who said his daughter wants to dress up as thot mode Harley Quinn and he was proud?

No user, things are always exactly as the "victim" says

Nice cope, incel "man'

>get offered birthday sex
>watch capeshit instead

jfc man

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Best closet Strictly couple is pic related.

Although, iirc, Tess being a closet dyke is kind of well known.

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>Isn’t this the guy who said his daughter wants to dress up as thot mode Harley Quinn and he was proud?
At least it wasn't his son, unlike that fucked up schreiber

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She was caught cheating on him you moron, but the guy comes off as a fag though

Beard is slang for when a gay man marries a woman to hide the fact that he's gay.

Why is there so many dykes and fags in the netertainment business? Almost all the MCU girls are closet dykes

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>Have sex
>It doesn't magically fix everything

What do now?

>can only have sex with your wife as a birthday present
>watch capeshit instead of having sex
the absolute state of american "men"

>capeshit being more enjoyable than sex with Western woman

Yeah, I can see that.

I'm not sure. With the gay men it goes back to the old theatre thing, I guess. British TV is full of dykes too, though. Pic related.

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Why would he need to "request" sex from his wife as a birthday present in the first place? Come on, man. And I can't imagine tweeting to thousands of people about how I forgot to fuck my wife. The miniscule amount of privacy that these social media junkies afford themselves is incredible

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That's probably why Hollywood loves british actors. is there some sort of gay mafia in UK? I mean these days movies aren't like theatre play, there's nothing feminine in it, it's mostly action driven.

Kevin is a walking embarrassment, I wonder why no comedian picked on him to ridicule all his tweets. It's probably because he was tied to Weinstein so I assume he is protected.

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Post the one where his son is fellating a scooter

Lesbians are just straight women who had lots of bad experiences with men until they decided to declare themselves off-limits. Nobody will have more bad experiences with men than women in entertainment

I definitely think there's some amount of "Lesbian Mafia" at the BBC.

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Um sweetie his wife still pwns his dick and asshole after 10+ years together. He said so himself.

Tessa Thompson is so ugly she reminds me of those beaver animals from ice age

>wormin think they can have anything by offering sex
>they don't
>"REEEEEEEEE what happened to men???"


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>is there some sort of gay mafia in UK
Yeah it is called the Labor.

it's bullshit anyway, just a fiction he thought up while sitting on the couch that might get him some attention. i find the sex bit believable, but there is no way this soi boi didn't drag his wife to see this shit opening night or opening week after he'd seen it twice on opening night

>Lesbians are just straight women who had lots of bad experiences with men until they decided to declare themselves off-limits.

There's maybe something to that, but you do very occasionally get it the other way around. I used to work with a girl who said she was a lesbian until she met her husband.

I do also know a handful of lesbians who have never been with men at all.

>Small loli lesbian supervisor with the comb over haircut
>She works out and has a nice butt
>She constantly flirts with me (because I’m the only male employee that is nice to her) despite her having a gf
>She told me when she used to be a EMT it was the first and only time she has ever seen a male naked body
>She has literally never been with a man
What do I do bros?

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Its the same girl he's been with for years. I hope you realize that sex with the same person just becomes doing the same fucking shit all over again, it stops becoming fun after a months, maybe even less. Now, if he chose Endgame over a new girl or a threesome, then i would also react in abject horror, but him doing something he finds enjoyable instead of trying to kill himself by cardioing his fuckfaced big eared wife seems like an ok choice to me.

I would definitely keep flirting with her. Sounds like she's a bicurious lesbian to me.

Tbh, unless that sex is with a 10/10 whore, avengers is better

>what happened to progressive men
Nothing. Its 60 years they're a joke.

>t.closet fag

>there is no way this soi boi didn't drag his wife to see this shit opening night or opening week after he'd seen it twice on opening night
Kek, good point

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she thinks you're a gay

the guy is a cuck. His wife was flirting and kissing her dance partner behind the scenes and the husband allowed it

>Nobody will have more bad experiences with men than women in entertainment
You're thinking only men are producers. There are female producer who require sex from men and women to give roles. SSo it's totally possible these female producers only hire dykes who are willing to lick their crotch

Find love, get better at it, have kids

>My wife
Can she even be considered to be your wife if you don't fuck?

She must be into freaky shit, or maybe dykes like this type.

You're doing it wrong then. I've been with the same woman for 10 years and we always have great sex.

Convert her, user

You don't get many black or mixed race dykes, so the ones that there are will get attention.

You mean she didn't even watch porn or a sex scnee in a film?

Most girls who watch porn watch lesbian porn.

This. Anyone who's actually seen an episode of Strictly can tell he's a raging bender.

I heard straight women also like to watch gay porn

Yeah, odds are you havent fucked alot of women then.
I've been with a fair few, but am in a long term relationship now and i know what she's about to do before she does it.
I'm not saying its bad, but i'm saying it predictable and boring.. So its bad, in a way, but not in the exact way. It depends on my mood i guess.
I wont put that all on her ofcourse, i find myself doing the same shit too, and it annoys me that i go on auto-pilot.
I actually fake moan alot during sex, just so she thinks i'm enjoying it. I just enjoy making sex-puns about anal sex and trying to embarrass her in public.

what does sex feel like bros?

>you share a board with people who aren't saving themselves for marriage

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are these two goblins britistanies?

For me lads? It's Aljaz and Jannette

I had my girl watch Knotty. Then i regretted it because the Boxer fucks harder and faster than me. Now i catch her staring at dogs, even though she's highly allergic.

Tess Daly and Claudia Winkelman. So yes

Warm and moist. But its also smells and sounds, so you wont really getting the same experience from microwaving a vagina mold to the correct temperature.


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He has become full soi

Anyone else here /Corbyn/?

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Let's leave

Even if she's bi, if she's an SJW type she'll accuse you of rape even if it's consensual, talk to her about that stuff to make sure before you go for it

state-sponsored slag gfs when lads

With /christ/ on infinite chan gone with the whole site, where do we go???

t. bobby sands

Kill yourself underage


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I want off this wild ride

I wonder if that shit was what marriages work better? For the dude atleast, the woman had to lose her virginity to a virgin, that had to be rough and painful.
But still, they shared it and just had to improve together. Now people meet up and are level capped in terms of sexuality to the point that they come in with their own habits and hang-ups.

He named her Harley Quinn. Why wouldn't her dressing up as the thot version make him proud? He intended to fuck her in that cosplay since the moment she was born.