What will the next halloween movie be about?

what will the next halloween movie be about?

Attached: MM.jpg (1086x966, 110K)

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Face...... Off

He comes home.... again.

is this a maskpost?

give me that babysitter murderer fade f.a.m

don't you just hate halloween?

Thats a wax figure

Different types of MASKS thread?

Attached: IfOnlyUKnewHowMaskThingsReallyAre.png (354x672, 417K)

Wrong movie again, OP...

Attached: Zoolander.png (992x720, 1.72M)

Different types of Masks thread.

Attached: 81Cgym5jGkL._UX679_.jpg (679x662, 38K)

bog thread actually

there's no way this is real. he has the hairline and face of a 90's barbie doll.

>what will the next halloween movie be about?


He's lost it.


>fuck up your face with boxing and permanently ruin it with shitty plastic surgery
>get back in the limelight
>ruin it even more with even more surgery

>Did you ever think that maybe there's more to Life than being really really really ridiculously bogpilled?

Attached: 1529437433018.jpg (1030x599, 210K)

No, that's Mickey Rourke.

They're like real life Muppets... someone needs to animate these pics in a Muppet style.

why would you do that?

basado. viva el comandante.