recommend me some. also original Mad Max is best Max
Revenge Kinos
Other urls found in this thread:
The Punisher 2004
Man on fire
>A timid and mute seamstress goes insane after being attacked and raped twice in one day, in which she takes to the streets of New York City after dark and randomly shoots men with a .45 caliber pistol.
i guess twice wasn't enough
i think i saw these, but dont remember them really, will rewatch thanks
will check it out, thanks
looks interesting thanks
My favorite genre
Lady Vengeance
Once upon a time in the west
Nocturnal Animals
I saw the devil
Changing lanes
Double Jeopardy
The Italian Job
The Patriot
Old Death Wish
The Shooting
The Killer Elite
Completely agree the best Max is the original. Always perplexes me that other anons don't get this simple fact.
Rolling Thunder (American)
The Blade (Hong Kong/Chinese)
Eye of the tiger with Gayr Busey, nigga! Watch it!
Even though it's pretty much just a Death Wish clone, I was pleasantly surprised by Death Sentence.
Death Sentence and The Limey
Fucking this. Death sentence is underrated
nice, thanks a lot
Once upon a time in the west, Nocturnal Animals and The Italian Job are all awesome
Once upon a time in the west is one of my all time favorite soundtracks as well
will check out the others
it really is the best, i could go into it but what is the point, you either get it or you don't
thanks for the recommendations, will ad them to the list
Gary Busey? sounds interesting thanks
if three anons recommend in a row it must be kino, thanks
For A Few Dollars More.
The Final
peppermint was pretty alright
>Nocturnal Animals
Horrible revenge movie.
>Horrible revenge movie.
Does Sicario count?
Kill Bill
Billy Jack
Carrie (original)
Rolling Thunder (Tommy Lee Jones)
Dirty Harry
Streetfighter (Sonny Chiba)
Fist of Fury
i've seen it, i would say no because it isnt explicitly a revenge film
You're right.
Mediocre movie entirely.
Orca the Killer Whale
>user doubling down on horrible assessment to save face
based retard and confirmed mama's boy
Excellent taste, dear orca user.
Blue Ruin was pretty gud
Brother (1997)
this looks promising, thanks
Voroshilov Sharpshooter
The Pacific
Into the Furnace
the godfather
if you dont think Road Warrior is the best Mad Max film you are a dirty nigga
Mr. Vengeance
Old Boy
Lady Vengeance
Fury Road is objectively the better film between the two.
Mad Max 1 is its own thing.
The crow
You were never really there
Too old to die young
i agree MM1 is its own thing since its in the middle of the breakdown of society but holy shit kill yourself for preferring fury road over road warrior
Dead Man's Shoes, by quite a bit.
ill say it again
mad max 2 was a shit seven samurai with homosexuals and hair highlights.
literal 12 year olds, stick to your minions shows kiddos
Dead Man's Shoes
good one
The Revenant
Thriller: A Cruel Picture
I saw MM1 last out of all of them and was stunned by how different it was. I also saw Beyond Thunderdome first, so my experience with the series is completely retarded. I ended up enjoying all of them, though, for one reason or another.
Some Japanese guy accused Kyoani (a Japanese animation studio) of stealing his work. So he barricaded the doors, poured a bunch of gasoline around and torched the place. I think it's the biggest mass murder Japan has had, i think 30+ people died but i'm not sure.
thats pretty crazy
>I saw MM1 last out of all of them and was stunned by how different it was. I also saw Beyond Thunderdome first
Are you me?
good thread, guys. made myself a private letterboxd list of all these titles so I can catch the ones I haven't seen already
I'll throw an obvious one in there
Bone Tomahawk
>Changing lanes
I don't think you understood that movie very well...
A great prediction of what would happen when you strip away everything that makes a man part of society.
He tries, rightfully, to tear that society down.
which Prototype?
which Italian Job?
which The Blade? the Tsui Hark one?
really? the war miniseries?
or do you mean The Pacific Connection?
And the one where he's a rapist ghost
>the scene where the sheriff is getting whipped
scary when i was a kid
It's got some spooky supernatural undertones
for sure. good movie, watched it a lot with my family along with other Eastwood westerns.
Pretty shit lists on here. Try
One-Armed Swordsman (anti-revenge film but still one of the best)
Walking Tall (1973)
I'd second Mad Max, one of my all time favorites
Lethal Weapon 2 becomes a revenge flick, the first film is a bit better but not applicable
First Blood
Avengers: Endgame
the final 10 minutes of Carrie doesn't suddenly make it a revenge film retard
>I think it's the biggest mass murder Japan has had, i think 30+ people died but i'm not sure
nigga what
>Bone Tomahawk
>wild west Hills have eyes
Imagine being this retarded