Why was Roma not celebrated as a cultural milestone for latinos the way that Do the Right Thing and Black Panther were...

Why was Roma not celebrated as a cultural milestone for latinos the way that Do the Right Thing and Black Panther were for African-Americans, or Crazy Rich Asians for Asian-Americans?

Attached: Roma_theatrical_poster.png (260x380, 117K)

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Can't you see how well it is rated? It even has over 100k votes on IMDB. Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes.

This is the kind of picture they use for an anti-Hispanic thread on /pol/ along with terminator.fandom.com/wiki/Mexican_boy

Attached: MV5BMTk0NzUxOTczN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjM5MTIxNjM@._V1_.jpg (1151x978, 353K)

Those boys are hot.

A mix of related things:

>Latinos don't clamour for Hollywood representation as much as Black Americans
>Many are decently assimilated into the US industry and some Latin countries have pretty decent film outputs in their own right (namely Mexico and Argentina)
>Mexicans aren't so blindly desperate to see other Mexicans on screen that they'll fawn over every aspect of Roma (compare the media and Black Twitter re. Black Panther)

Only white cucks care about Cuarón

>Crazy Rich Asians
>cultural milestone

A year from now no one will remember that movie. Pic related. Do the Right Thing however touches on issues perpetually relevant. Forever, the real life police strangling death of Eric Garner in 2014 mirrored that of Radio Raheem twenty-five years after the movie's release.

Attached: p29868_v_v8_aa[1].jpg (960x1440, 323K)

gay boring black and white movie no one wants to see that shit
t. chicano

Because it’s gay as fuck

This, beat me to it. Also, I hate that fucking guy who impregnated the maid then told her to fuck off.