
Emma :)

>Current games:
Nadal vs.Alcaraz
Rublev vs. Tsitsipas
FAA vs. Zverev

>WTA final tomorrow:
Jabeur vs. Pegula

>Upcoming tournaments
Masters Rome: May 8 - May 15


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I bet she's watching, playing with her pussy and thinking about Alcaraz's BSBC

kys disgusting simpnigger i really hope you bleed

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4th for Nadal to retire after this match

Federer did it (2010 Tour Finals).

emma cuckitini-saka

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Imagine you got on a plane and she was sat next to you haha and she gets up to pee and you're in the aisle seat and asleep so she tries to climb over you but some turbulence means she falls on top of you and laughs lmao would be weird and funny that
anyway, tennis

>anyway, tennis
kys and bleed

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Based modric going to the match, bet he is an alcachad

Cope. Charlie runs on cocoa

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Just tuned in did I miss anything?

imagine getting to take her to tennis classes after school

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wtf is pasta with cocoa? Like spaghetti with nutella?

No doubt about it

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The grog has done some moging to the capybara,with a lovely dejada. Doesn't looks very well for baldal, but he is strong mind.

simpniggers ill run you off to /s/ or wherever, hope you die of cancer

I have no fucking clue kek. Figured it was some Iberian treat

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Don't think I've ever seen Nadal crouch on a body return like that kek

queen of /tennis/, based osaka

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its ogre

Why didn't they give that honour to an actual Japanese person?

Hotter and more successful than the Gypsy

roidalsisters ......

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She is Japanese, cope and seethe Alfonso you obsessed moron!`

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i hate to say it but at this point i'd rather getting spammed to death with osaka threads than this dumb whore

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It's true, we're all Osakamissiles here. Love her so much.

Emma is a bad athlete

Didn't grow up in Japan = not Japanese. Simple.

What a dejada. How is called in english?

Imagine being Nadal in that match and having to be all like "damn, Alcaraz, your fuckin' quickness and finesse, all centered and balanced and never missing dropshots. I would totally have your backhand, both my clay form and the none clay me." when all he really wants to do is insert another 16 needles in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Nadal and not only sit on your base line while Carlos Alcaraz flaunts his superior athleticism in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing your receding hairline, and just sit there, shot after shot, set after set, while he perfected that forehand. Not only having to tolerate his monstrous fucking forehand but his superior sportsmanship as everyone on the court tells him he's THE FUTURE GOAT and DAMN, A ZOOMER PLAYS LIKE THAT*?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch his backhand contort the ball into reaching areas of the court you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been injecting nothing but a healthy diet of roids and TRT and later HGH for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the mud huts in Spain. You've never even seen anything this fucking talented before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on his forehead as he strikes the ball in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in his GOAT Status "AlcaCHAD (for that is what he calls himself)". And then the umpire calls for another let service, and you know you could kill every single person one the court before the slams security could put you down, but you take your second serve, because you're fucking Nadal. You're not going to lose your future Lyon Open win for this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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bet on Nadal's injury. I think its the ankle again

We just call them unsportsmanlike cheapshots

holy fucking based

Oh Rafa

is this a passing of the torch bros?


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How is Charlie's serve so unreturnable

Utterly based from the C.Alculator, time to snooze now but great skills on display so far. Enjoy the rest of the matches m80s


Bros how much cocoa creme pasta do I need to eat to become like Alcaraz

>the C.Alculator

Yeah, was checking Slams and Masters, Meddy's 2020 WTF was quite recent so I immediately remembered it


Novak is watching this and thinks
>How can I beat this machine tomorrow?

Are you still watching, you little Faggot?

The time of the capybara is over, the rise of the Crog is over us...

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Definitely not. The only truly annoying thing about Emma is her fans. Osaka herself is unbearable.

Charlie's forehand was avg 130 prior to that last game.

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I kneel...

She literally can't speak japanese lmao

Please refrain from thinking negative thoughts about Naomi Osaka.

Googling that shit only returns chocolate pasta. Maybe he said it wrongly or TL is bad but I can't believe an athlete would shit with cocoa or even remote amount of sugar before a match

43% 1st serve points won, grim

I've heard unconfirmed reports that Naomi Osaka sucks.

im here to confirm them for you, its true

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Rafasmash bros...

Why do you always capitalize the F in faggot?

More like Naomi Osucka amirite

>Nadal bottling an overhead
It's actually over what the fuck

>that rafasmash
yeah he's shook

To make himself immediately discernible

Wew nadal seems out of gas. He didn't get enough cola cao or what.

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Djoko taking notes after that smash.

Now that's a shitty dropper

Don't forget even Charlie can slump. He redlined for nearly a full set against Tsitsipas then dropped his level badly giving away a handful of games.

>le forehand into the net man