Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?

Attached: yellow bastard 1566519762894.png (228x260, 71K)

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he looks like that guy from sin city

This is your face after years of addiction to hardcore pornography. Fucker looks like nosferatu.

the yellow bastard?

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you bastard

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I sense..... darkness within this place.

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I wonder if he’s actually gay,
and hates women,
So he watches Blacked Raw to see the large throbbing black cocks, and the female porn stars in obvious discomfort.

this is your hairline if you keep fapping

male pattern hair loss is genetic. if you go bald early you were going to go bald anyway

>you were going to go bald anyway
yeah at like 60 when you already have a wife and kids

Blows (hehe) my mind people have no shame and go to public porn events.

lol no more like in your 30s


is there any truth to your grandfathers’ genetics determine if you go bald early?

what do you even do there?
get autographs from whores?

hereditary prediction of balding is extremely complicated and is much deeper than whether your dad and grandpappy are balding or not
there are like 300 genes that you inherit that can affect if you'll bald or not, it's not just one like most people think

post the whole pic

>this nigga projecting harder than shoshanna

Attached: Inglourious-Basterds-1.gif (500x206, 497K)

>projecting this hard

The nba commissioner

Well, Nick Stahl played the Yellow Bastard in Sin City, so I guess Nick Stahl.

He has HIV lipoatrophy.

Attached: HIV.gif (450x338, 18K)

>this is the kind of people who are into blacked and browse Yea Forums

Not really. My grandpa died at 80 with a full head of silver hair and here I am combing shit over at 27

Lana Rhoades

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>I've never slept with a white boy
>Only Spanish
I don't understand

she's american she's not aware that Spain is a part of Europe

Spics, the fucking south america monkeys.

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> two most overrated porn stars of our time
How can people unironically fap to Abella's ugly mug?

>middle eastern
Does this mean I have hope, bros?

They pay for the privilege to get autographs too. The idea of it in general in very sleazy, can't imagine how anyone can justify paying for a literal whore's autograph.

john malkovich

Attached: john-malkovich-conde-nast-traveller-5march15-rex_2.jpg (1620x1080, 119K)

While taking photos with them where they let you grope them.

that would be noho hank

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They fap to close ups of her ass, user.

Me on the right

whose mother is that in between them?

Your's'es lol

Unironically a deadringer for an old heroin dealer who'd have me do home repairs and mechanic work in exchange for dope despite me having absolutely no skills or experience in those trades

>porn whore who's way passed her prime is selective
how pathetic

it's in the works

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Good Caiaphas, the council waits for you

Like you

Who will play link related in the inevitable biopic?

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where's the full pic? I used to spam it but I deleted it because idk why

>only Spanish, middle eastern...
kind of redundant dumb slut

Literally me

Me in the middle

Her face looks like Brendan Schaub.

Imagine being the cuck married to this woman. How do you live with yourself? I Every guy aged 18-49 has seen your wife take cocks in every hole and lick assholes for money. My guess is he gets off on the idea and it doesn't bother him at all.

About what? Fapping? Oh no god forbid people find out I'm doing the same thing as every non-impotent male on the planet!

>everyone watches jew porn all day just like me!

Men who take over these broads just use them for as personal sex toys and eventually dump them


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I am the same. I post on /pol/ all day, am white but only find dark women attractive.

mfw this thread

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Porn is literally cucking yourself. Your brain is fucked, you'll understand after a few more years of deathgripping to trap torture porn

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Is this what cumbrains look like irl?

Is there any more proof about the toll being CUMBRAINED has on you physically?

Yeah porn addiction fucks people up

>it being important that you see the man and that he looks like you want
>having a preference for the man looking different from you
>having a preference that the man fucks someone while trying to convince you that his seed is superior to yours and that you should give your women to him and suck his penis to prep him before he fucks your wife and daughter
No obivously cuckolds aren't GAY, that would be weird if they were gay just because they focus on the man when they masturbate.

yeah being a cuck is the gayest thing imaginable, fucking a dude is significantly less homosexual

Unironically agree.

Imagine the smell

yo does anyone have more pics from conventions like these? I want to cringe/laugh
I just remember seeing pics posted here of Asian guys and this dude at a Blacked event

My grandmothers grandfather had the same head shape as me and was also bald.

You literally have to worship men to be a cuck its the definition of faggotry


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>stop making fun of me for my blacked porn collection, soiboy!