When and why exactly did he become an insane christfag schizo?

When and why exactly did he become an insane christfag schizo?
He used to be a funny jew.

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what bridges did he burn this week?

what has he done that's crazy? i used to like him when he was on crowder, but all i've heard lately is how he's gone fucking bananas. any examples?

He started making money and enjoying it. My guess is he got trolled too much on Twitter for being a straight white male and it broke his brain.

This might just be the picture, but Jesus Christ his eyes are horrifying.

>4 replies (excluding OP)
>4 posters

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rub rub

>My guess is he got trolled too much on Twitter for being a straight white male

Yes that's exactly that

He definition wasn't spewing out an agenda in a cringy way

-Is a devout Christian
-Even though his beliefs are evolving constantly in the redpilled direction, he's not afraid to openly state and defend them at any given time.
-Is a father and has a family, respects traditional values and honesty.
-Is actually funny and can do a decent standup routine without needing to read his jokes off a sheet of paper.
-Doesn't beg for money.
-Values his friends.

-Godless nihilist.
-Anal fetishist, obsessed with gay lifestyle humor and probably a full on bisexual
-Doesn't do interviews that aren't softball wankfests, interacts with his fans in the most opaque ways possible with meaningless twitter jabber (he probably secretly hates his fanbase)
-Abuses his eceleb status to buttfuck his teen fangirls instead of getting into a stable, child-bearing relationship.
-Lost his comedic luster years ago (probably because he fried his brain with steroid injection abuse), hides behind whats left of his comedy to the point that you wonder if he actually believes anything at all.
-Acts like a complete kike, where he literally pretended to be poor for fan sympathy/donations even though he's crypto-rich.
-Alienates people that get close to him and only keeps company with sycophants.

I think I know who I side with now. Owen today is funnier than Sam has ever been, especially since Sam got BTFO by a spic:

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every other week he gets in a feud with one of his youtube buddies: Rogan, Crowder, Jones, some kid in his moms basement, etc... Also he memed himself into the whole flat earth/moon landing conspiracies and bans just about anyone that questions him. He's still pretty entertaining and I listen to him from time to time but a bit much

he fell for the memes

yeah thats how posting works

why hasn't anybody trolled him into feuding with jesus christ? that would be the most epic owen kino of all time

Youtube the Joey Diaz podcast appearance where Joey gives him super strong edibles.

He was never the same. It triggered his schizophrenia/BPD to the point where he moved to the woods and started rambling about how gay and short Joe Rogan is.

Benjamin its time to take your pills.


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you just KNOW.....

god i wish i was sam
bless him

>bans just about anyone that questions him
its ridicolous
he used to be a free speech guy now all he does is talk about satan jesues and his kid

He was never funny

he always said to turn on him if he became a nigger so turn on him pussy

Revenge of the cis, you guys are fat chatty patty losers jealous that OB can provide a family off Youtube.

His jokes weren't all that great, but he's pretty funny off the cuff. I do believe he has some kind of mental illness now though. It's a shame. He's turned on every friend he has pretty much.

havnt watched him in a couple months, anything interesting go down, how's he doing?

he turned on his dad but i only saw a clip of it, apparently his old man butt fucks men or something

try to watch his livestreams on youtube, you will be surprised

>its ridicolous
It's one of the funniest parts of his stream.

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the whole crowder thing was nutty too
from my understanding he said he was fired but then crowder said he wasn't, he just never returned any phone calls so they figured he dipped on them, and then he says he didn't want to talk because he was sad or something?
I'm sure there's more to it but I think thats the basics of it


crowder raped gay jared though

He really has those crazy eyes.

Yes. He also says that Crowder owed Sven Computer a lot of money and didn't want to pay him, so he fired him, and Not Gay Jared took Sven's side and left. I don't know how true that is, but NDAs would make it impossible for them to comment in any case.

He also said that Crowder didn't have Gavin's back after he was fired from BlazeTV, but Gavin said that Crowder and Glenn were both trying to get him on their shows the next day, and he seems pretty cool with both of them. But I think Owen might've turned on Gavin too now since Gavin's producer Ryan made fun of Owen a few times.

Crowder sold out all his friends for the Glen Beck Neo-con Israel machine.

okay yeah I remember stuff about that too, and when he talked about that sven or jared, or both of them, tweeted out like a bear emoji which was assumed to be in support of owen




yeah i used to watch those but youtube stopped recommending them and i kinda forgot about him for a while. last thing i heard he was beefing with nick fuentes, and that was just cause anons on here were talking about it a while back

Glenn Beck gets way too much shit. Of the more mainstream conservatives, he's done a lot to make them more anti-war. That has to count for a lot. He also had Gavin's back after his company fired him, when he had nothing to gain from it.

He went a little silly when Trump was running, he's back to normal now.

what is this incel shit

Is she shooped?

no she smol

is she still alive? why did i think she was dead

>benjamin pre racist alt-righter
>fucks famous white actresses
>benjamin racit alt-righter
>married to an ugly asian woman

embarissing. but the stereotypes are accurate.

You're thinking of Brittany Murphy

you make racist alt-righter sound like a bad thing

he's never feuded with EMJ
Rogan and Crowder are faggots
and the Nickernation revolt was a great arc
his streams are irl kino especially the one where he revelaed his father was a faggot, pure kino

look at his eyes, he saw too much

oh, yeah you're right. haven't seen christina ricci in a while though

something definitely happened

Last thing I saw she was in was an Amazon show where she plays Zelda Fitzgerald.

>the one where he revelaed his father was a faggot, pure kino
that was amazing

The stream where he revealed his father was indeed kino, but its really taken a dip in quality. What happened is Owen's grown extremely paranoid, banning people left and right, creating an echochamber. There's no different perspective, no one to argue with, nothing to talk about. It's boring.

he's having Roosh on on monday it'll be a fun watch, right now its gotten a little repetitive i'll give you that I just hope once the comfy winter night streams by the fire come back quality picks up again

It's the same reason why DiPaolo never made it big in stand-up and Cumia's post-O&A show failed miserably. Being outspoken about this shit makes get's you black-listed in this (((day and age))), whether you name 'them' or not.

He's inevitably gonna fucking turn on EMJ, he's just a "wise old man" archetype to project his daddy issues onto just like Peterson was.

The people he bans don't actually provide any arguments, it's just the same old ad homs.

*looks at thread*
yeah, i'm thinkin you're all banned

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How much weed have you smoked tonight, sir?

go convince him that jesus is a sandnigger kike and he's been tricked by a foreign desert jew religion. this would be his opus magnum.