It was pretty emotional and sad actually...

It was pretty emotional and sad actually, to think that someone so passionate and seemingly nice got murdered by some retarded hippies.

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Just came back from seeing this. I don't get it. What was the point of the movie? What was the point of those filming scenes with Dicaprio

Why wasn't there more of the manson family scenes.

very disappointed

they were Neo-Nazi hippies to be precise

It was very touching for me, that baby would be 50.

never trust liberals is the moral of the story

it was a parody and a nice what if story, what if some two washed up duded prevented an american tragedy that changed hollywood forever

you realise manson and his cult werent neonazis?
They were basically what happens when you take white liberals ideas and turn it up to 11.

they were the alt left you retard

I actually think it worked well as a slice of life film and didn't need more Manson stuff.

My issue with it really is that the latter part of the film leant too heavily on the historical divergence 'punchline', even though literally every single person watching this film who has seen a Tarantino will know that 'twist' is coming. It worked far better in Inglorious firstly because it wasn't a huge crutch for the story, and secondly it was completely unexpected and easily one of the most shocking moments in one of his films.

Didn't they want to start a race war so all the blacks would kill the whites and then they could rule over the blacks because as the last white people they would be the only ones smart enough to run civilization? Sounds pretty racist, but different than neo-nazis. Though Manson does have the swastika on his head.

Manson literally wanted a race war.

You’re the bad guys pol.

yes but it was based on extremist liberal thinking. Not nazism.

>Manson had been predicting racial war for some time before he used the term Helter Skelter.[3] His first use of the term was at a gathering of the Family on New Year's Eve 1968 at Myers Ranch near California's Death Valley.[3][4] The scenario had Manson as the war's ultimate beneficiary and its musical cause. He and the Family would create an album with songs whose messages would be as subtle as those he had heard in songs of the Beatles.[5][6] This would not merely foretell the conflict but would trigger it by instructing "the young love",[7] meaning white American youth, to join the Family, and it would draw the young, white female hippies out of San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury.[8][9][10]

>Black men would thus be deprived of the white women whom the political changes of the 1960s had made sexually available to them and would lash out in violent crimes against whites.[10][11] Frightened whites would retaliate with a murderous rampage, and militant blacks would exploit it to provoke a war of near-extermination between racist whites and non-racist whites over the treatment of blacks. Then the militant blacks would arise to finish off the few whites who survived; in fact, they would kill off all non-blacks.[12][13][14]

>In this holocaust, the members of the enlarged Family would have little to fear; they would wait out the war in a secret city that was underneath Death Valley which they would reach through a hole in the ground. They would be the only remaining whites upon the race war's conclusion, and they would emerge from underground to rule the blacks who, as the vision went, would be incapable of running the world. At that point, Manson "would scratch [the black man's] fuzzy head and kick him in the butt and tell him to go pick the cotton and go be a good nigger".
Manson sounds like a real jerk.

Manson and his followers were literally democrats. His beliefs were basically just democrat beliefs.

He based his entire theory on a beatles song merged with his wacko leftist hippie beliefs and drugs.


yes you retard?

>democrats are the REAL racists
i fucking hate you civnat kike lovers so much.

Same questions for me regarding filming scenes. Can anyone give a quick rundown?

and the democrats literally started one when they left the union centuries ago you dumb faggot

Democrats still do want a race war, they use every opportunity they can to divide people based on identity

>libs actually believe only nazis/pol is racist

Based based based

are you stupid or are you stupid?

you gotta admit that “black people can’t take care of themselves so we have to” is a core liberal principle in the US

No, they just realize black people are incapable of independent thought and unable to succeed. That’s why they to give them free stuff for votes. NOTHING RACIST ABOUT THAT /POL/!

If you research Manson and leftist terrorist groups like weather underground they loved the Mansons.
The Mansons murdered republicans and wrote pigs with their blood.

Mansons creepy cuckish beliefs are what every libshit thinks off the record.
They want a race war and rule over the dumb niggers on a plantation.

this was actually someone trying to interpret his beliefs

The Manson Family was a MKUltra experiment gone rogue.

Imagine fighting the civil race war as a non-racist white person, winning and then having the blacks come in and start murdering you.

For everyone saying Tate's inclusion in the film was unneccessary. Listen from the man himself from 30;00 onwards

If you're watching this for "da plot" or action you're way off.

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mansons words are so prophetic because its literally just politically incorrect farleft theory at the time.

Yeah and John Wayne Gacy was altright

What do you mean?

only thing i didn't like about this movie was that i had to piss really bad for half of it. this was the first tarantino film i've ever watched in the theaters so it was a trip. any analysis of this film is unnecessary and reddit tier.

>The number of women doubled in Wilson's house over the next few months, and they cost him approximately $100,000 by making themselves part of his household. This included a large medical bill for treatment of their gonorrhea and $21,000 for the destruction of his uninsured car which they borrowed.[19] Wilson would sing and talk with Manson, while the women were treated as servants to them both.[7]:250–253
jesus christ

>implying they’re the same ones

Stupid flyover state education. We should’ve never given you internet access.

>thinking about things is for reddit, here at Yea Forums we flaunt our opinions without any kind of rational thought whatsoever!
You fucks have hit a whole new level of reactionary

zoomer detected. It was a great slice of life movie, full of soul.

the Manson family was never the focus of this film

Nice revisionism

Women are scary

kys retard

>gets called out
>resorts to shitflinging

fuck off shit posting cuck

not an argument faggot

That's exactly what leftists want.

That "baby" isn't human

It was what the hippies back then wanted. The Mansons went around basically trying to provoke a racial war by killing blacks and whites and framing either for the crime.