i miss those niggas like you wouldnt believe
I miss those niggas like you wouldnt believe
They really aren't that funny.
your life must be so great missing some old rich unfunny britbongs
>limousine challenge
top fucking kino
/r/wuuoouuoosh devil get retard fuck off
The BBC is shit & I hope they're still seething from loosing their biggest showrunners.
clarkson is sometimes pretty funny
to be fair its the editors who are actually funny and provide all the comedic timing
good riddance
boomers who don't use metric have no place in England
they probably voted leave
Richard Porter was the real talent behind the show not these shit heels.
for me it's the ferrari 599 review
they all voted remain
except hammond
yeah but he has brain damage
Anyone ever notice how Richard and May had very little chemistry and interaction when Clarkson wasn't there?
that's probably due to scripts not being written by clarkson. they're fine when it's impromptu
One of the things I loved about prime TG is that they always filmed on that runway in the freezing cold all throughout the year, made it feel more real and relatable.
I'm still enjoying The Grand Tour even if it is a shadow of prime Top Gear.
I got really put off by the first few episodes of Season 1 and lost interest. But Season 3 was legit great, really good one to go out on.
They're filming a 4th season as we speak.
Yeah but they're dropping the format and just going for specials from here on out
which will work better as long as they can keep the cheezy scripted stuff at bay
Post best
State of you, talking about something completely unrelated to brextit, but you bring it up like the seething boomer you are, we are gonna have a full red. white and blue brexit. and its gonna be glorious
On the other note I miss old TG as well and the new show on amazon is not the same
the way he laughs at the end, I swear it makes me chuckle every time
Apparently middle guy is a huge asshole
Then why don't you watch their show?
For me, it's the E Type 50th Anniversary film