Did they do their own stunts?
Did they do their own stunts?
How did they fuck without lube?
rumour has it that that experience is what traumatized Ledger and made him turn to drugs.
*return to drugs
He struggled for years and the joker broke him, not the mountain
>are they fighting now?
Literally never saw it and you're a faggot if you did
What are you afraid you'll be turned on or something?
op is fag
They might catch the gay
I’m sad that it just gets laughed off as ‘the gay cowboy movie’ because it’s actually pretty good. There is literally more straight sex in it than gay sex, plus you see Anne Hathaway’s tits. There is ONE gay sex scene and it’s all implied, all you do is see Heath Ledger spit on his hand. By today’s standards it’s rated G.
>plus you see Anne Hathaway’s tits
More gross than the gay sex
There’s your answer evidently
Imagine not seeing objectively good movies just because they upset your delicate feefees.
go dilate, you gigantic faggot.
Tbf it was really dark in that scene and she was on top so gravity and no lighting were in her favor
> not wanting to see guys banging each other’s shit pipes and getting nostalgic about it
I hate general faggotry too but this was a good movie.
Friendly remember, the gaypill is the true redpilled, white man should stop of feel afraid of dating and loving other white males, we doesn't need women, it's part of ancient European story. "Incels" bros should just accept it and got another warm man to cuddle at night.
And now I can't stop picturing it switching to Star Trek style obvious stunt double for the buttfucking scenes. Thanks for that laugh.
Absolutely based.
they were pretty far away from a bathroom, you think they used an enema beforehand?
When you watch a dude fuck a girl in porn you see one more dick than is in this movie. This movie has no visible gay sex. Guess you’re a fag.
Gay kissing is arguably gayer than gay sex
>I'd fuck a guy in the ass but kiss him?
>I'm not a faggot
Prison nigger detected.
They added two more ‘implied’ scenes in the extended cut, but it was just kissing and jake gyllenhaal staring longingly into heath ledger’s eyes, they still didn’t have the balls to show anything
You're not white, are you?
It's fitting that Gyllenhall is the bigger fag in this movie. Perfect casting. He's also a fucking sexual predator that takes advantage of a drunk Ledger and then stalks him for over 20 years. It's fitting that he dies after getting his head bashed in for being a massive faggot
Spit, it's nature's lube
You realize these people are a huge fucking disgusting joke in the gay community, right?
>straight sex is 50% gay sex
Nice screenshot of your desktop
Cope more, ugly ass.
>watched a shit ton of lesbian romantic dramas
>even shitty straight-to-dvd ones completely devoid of nudity
>lots of Dreya Weber
>still can’t watch the critically acclaimed gay cowboys
I wish i wasn’t such an insecure faggot
>shit ton of lesbian romantic dramas
Hit me with some recommendations.
I think it's the name of the movie, sounds pretty gay too so it's like subjecting yourself to faggot porn
canned bean juice
Yeah we know. You're the one that posted it.
Gay kissing is still repulsive to any straight guy and Damon & Jake are faggots for life just for being in this movie
You only have to be afraid of being turned on by faggots if you are a faggot faggot. Zyklon B yourself nigger
>He's also a fucking sexual predator that takes advantage of a drunk Ledger and then stalks him for over 20 years
While holding the secret over his head to ensure some kind of compliance. Showing up at his fucking house to essentially threaten him with his wife finding out.
>being this butthurt over a bunch of people agreeing on the truth
lol faggot kill yourself
God I wish this board had flags so I could see whatever third world hovel you live in.
*hits Airplane Mode two more times to reply to his epic post*
Haha agreed bro! Fuck gays #clownworld
Imagine seething so hard you start getting paranoid about samefagging
*ledger idk why I mistook him for damon
You sound mad about that.
I’m sure you’ve seen more gay stuff in other films than this one. The only reason it was such a big deal was because it came out before hollywood got off on normalizing the gay agenda.
It’s a genuinely great film. I almost guarantee you’ll be like ‘really? That’s what people were making a big deal about?’ In regards to the gay thing
I don't care about hierarchies among plebs. All fags are fags.
You’re not wrong.
>all these insecure incels itt
This was a good mooby desu
you missed out on a good movie
He rushes over as fast as he can when he hears about his divorce and then goes to Mexico to get fucked when he gets rejected. This movie perfectly shows how degenerate the homos actually are
>I don't care about hierarchies among plebs. All fags are fags
lol this amount of mental gymnastics
It's one of the most anti-homo movies you've ever seen. He spits on his dick and sodomizs the one dude. Later he knocks this dude out and there are titties exposed.
>Literally never saw it and you're a faggot if you did
Wrong. There are many gay people who find this disgusting and awful, sure. But they aren’t the ones who claim to be part of some “community”. The “community” actively covers for faggots like that.
fucking tranny faggot. go dialate. fuckin your bro then going home to Anne Hataway's tities is more straight than your liberal faggortry. ZOOMER
Nah that pic should probably be an underage Hispanic twerp. That's half of the posts on this board.
>that pic
What the fuck
Even now it’s iffy if Heath’s character was actually truly gay. If Jake hadn’t pursued him it’s hard to believe he would have had those tendencies.
Are you really gonna make that assertion based on a sourceless picture of forum posts?
It's about two straight bros falling to love. Faggots and Dialators of Yea Forums are SEETHING with jealousy.
That's why every board needs flags.
Nice try, kike jew faggot.
Why does Yea Forums attract these sort of people more than any other board?
>two straight bros
pic related
alt right is an hispanic movement and there's nothign the crackers of Yea Forums can do about it. Im sorry your boomer parents fucked everything up
Good thing I’ve never seen it then. Faggots don’t deserve my time nor attention. I will never watch that gay ass movie.
you probably shouldn’t, we don’t need anyone suiciding themselves over getting triggered by their closeted raging homosexuality
>projecting your faggotry onto straightanons
What’re you, fucking gay? Don’t answer that I already know.
Can we actually discuss the fucking movie? Ugh
You ok big guy?
He certainly doesn't sound like it.
So do you think jack actually got beaten to death in the end or was it what ennis’ imagination after his dad showed him that body when he was a kid? Apparently ang lee never told anyone exactly how the ending was gonna go when they shot it. When Anne Hathaway was shooting the scenes of her character telling ennis that jack died in a car accident he said he hadn’t made up his mind and shot it several times telling her to play it two ways. One where jack actually did die in an accident and the other where she was lying to ennis about the accident. In the final cut they used bits from both takes to add a little ambiguity.
Samefag, how embarrassing lol
You ok man?
No, faggot, we will not.
Yeah you’re totally not also posting from your computer, you complete fucking faggot.
>deliberately avoiding even a whiff of homosexuality
>goes out of way to call others faggots
Hey user, it's 2019. You don't have to overcompensate anymore. Just admit you think about sucking dick.
>do you think jack actually got beaten to death in the end
Yes, his wife seemed like she was covering up his real details and that she really wasn't broken up about it.
What rats nest of a country do you live in where you still have to be in the closet?
This is literally a man in bed with a woman, though.
Based HBO was secretly promoting hetero sex this whole time.
Your screenshots ain’t convincing me at all, faggot. Keep projecting your gayness, I’m enjoying your hissy fit
Didn’t you know you’re gay if enjoy jerking yourself off? Your giving a guy a handjob!
I’m not the other poster but the fact that you thing you’re so right that someone else is samefagging because two people couldn’t possibly disagree with you is kinda sad. You do realize you’re the one in the gay cowboy thread, right?
Touching my dick is gay, that’s why I have someone else do it for me
They're relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss them relentlessly.
>being so insecure you never jerk off
It took you 96 posts, you're slacking man
That’s interesting, i didnt know that. The ambiguity was genuine i thought. i read it as he was actually beat to death and lied to ennis. In that scene it seemed like she suspected he was gay all along and her suspicions were confirmed, like that’s what was going through her head as she was lying
Heath looks like a guy who I fell in love with irl. It fucked up my whole life for five years. Take my advice and never fall in love with anyone, even if you're straight, which I understand is even harder because there are candidates walking around literally everywhere. Just don't do it and you'll be infinitely better off. Just my word of advice.
Well then
Finally a faggot that makes sense.
Dude it's a movie about gays for straights.
American Me is a movie about gays for straights. This is... not
I evidently missed a lot of stuff in american me
tl;dr lol get fucked, faggot
No faggot makes sense
>No faggot makes sense