Betrayed her people for a dollar

betrayed her people for a dollar

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don't blame her she was tricked by the jews


White girl be stupid


She began her life of whoredom when she left country music

>her people

user, I'm pretty sure she likes the rich jews who got her to where she is more than random white people she doesn't even know

It's delicious to see /pol/ racists crying over this white bitch. She was never pure.

How much is that in pieces of silver

>random white people
That made her rich

Quick rundown?

In exchange for entertainment.

>if any race shows any signs of soldarity
>whites do

those nashville paula deen genes are kicking in

she was a jewish made tween hollywood icon not george jones

>has a white boyfriend
>makes out with a nigger in her music video


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She's always been a dumb thot. People on here fell for the meme and never actually listened to an interview with her or even her song lyrics.

this is the sort if thing katy perry did and she actually said on tv thats why she cant hold a boyfriend. Dumb bitch.

>makes out

They don't even kiss. You guys are super sensitive when it comes to the veneration of your "aryan reichfu".

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Wow. She really goes out on too many dates.

The issue is when you do this for any other race it gets shutdown

Friendly Reminder: Taylor Swift turns 30 in 2019 which means she hits the wall and will get fat like her fat mom. She is grasping to fame before it leaves forever

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She didn't betray her fanbase, she merely expanded it. Smart business decision. Also, this topic belongs in Yea Forums

Lol white people on this board

dailystormer dot name/kid-rock-calls-out-fat-cocksucking-whore-taylor-swift-as-a-democrat-shill/

I don't think people comprehend that to a lot of men coalburner = untouchable.

Yea Forums is a dead board. It has less ppm than /r9k/ or /toy/

Kid Rock is dare I say based

Based Kid Rock

Attached: kidrock.jpg (532x278, 24K)

Consider my expectations subverted

ive always wondered why cowboy americans dont just make their own movie industry

whypepo amirite xD

Why is that?

because niggers STINK and I hate em'


Fucking Robert Rock was using black people for street cred and getting molested for record deals way before Taylor so he’s just seething

Same reason men tend to dislike whores in general. Yes, beta cuck virgins and female feminists will orbit whoever they can find, as long as it's female, but healthy men tend to stay away from promiscuous women because it implies a deep character flaw for a relationship, that is emotional instability, immaturity, unfaithfulness and low social intelligence. Simply put: Not suited for bearing offspring.

OP thinks that Tay in some alternative universe would fuck him because he is "white"

She finally came out as "Fuck Trump" so some people are upset

When I said that other races couldn't be racist?

That is one hell of a bitter title

A recurring theme for white people

Not to mention he doesn't even use the words "whore" or "dicksucking" but that's Daily Stormer for you.

well its not any different from pravda

The wall is at 20

She is a jew